Mystery: Good Witch

Chapter 41 Preparing a Diary

Chapter 41 Preparing a Diary
After making up his mind, Angel felt that his mood, which had been gloomy all morning, relaxed, and even the slovenly staff member on the public carriage looked more pleasing to the eye. Of course, if he could not charge the fare, he would be more pleasing to the eye.

"Narcissus Street." She announced the destination, handed over 3 copper pennies to the staff in charge of charging, got into the carriage and found a corner to sit down.

She was traveling in a trackless stagecoach, drawn by two horses, which could seat about twenty people including the roof of the carriage.

It was almost noon at this time, and although the flow of people was not as great as in the evening, Zotland Street, as one of the busiest streets in Tingen City, still had many people who got off work at noon and needed to take a carriage back home.After Angel got on the car, three passengers entered the car one after another, and those who arrived afterward had to sit on the roof.When the carriage moved slowly, there were already no empty seats in the carriage.

The advantage of the carriage being fully loaded is that it will not stop when there are passengers on the road to greet it until someone gets off the carriage. A red cloth was hung by the door by the staff, which means that it cannot be alighted.

There are also disadvantages. In the crowded carriage, the passengers folded their shoulders and swayed as the carriage drove through the curves. Coupled with the high temperature in the hot summer, there was a strange smell in the carriage.

The harsh environment even made Angel start to think about the feasibility of going out in a hired horse-drawn carriage, but after a little calculation of the price, the idea was dispelled. The kilometer price of a two-wheeled hired horse-drawn carriage was four times that of a public horse-drawn carriage. Even going back and forth between Zouteland Street and Daffodil Street once a day would cost more than 10 soli a week. After becoming a full-fledged member of the Nighthawks, the weekly salary could rise to 6 pounds, but such transportation costs would be too much for her to bear.

Think of it as taking a bus, squeeze as little as possible...

Angel moved to the corner, closer to the window, to breathe fresh air. She cast her eyes on the opposite seat, where there was also a passenger who was squeezed and showed a helpless expression. He had a pleasing round face and seemed to be just an adult. Feeling Angel's gaze, the round-faced boy looked up, showing a shy smile, and then the passenger who turned towards him squeezed out the smile.

Fortunately, the roof of the stagecoach is too low to sell standing tickets, otherwise it might be twice as crowded... Angel cursed.

It wasn't until a few passengers got off the train on Iron Cross Street that the atmosphere in the carriage became a little more relaxed.The round-faced man also got off the car at Iron Cross Street. Angel looked at his back and felt a little familiar.

Where have you seen this person?
Angel recalled the experiences of these days, but found no useful memories.

Watching the round-faced man board another public carriage from the window and leave in the direction of the dock area, she looked back and didn't think about it.


After a quick lunch at the Silver Crown Restaurant on Narcissus Street, Angel returned home, and when she took off her windbreaker and hung it on the hanger at the door, she found that her underwear had been soaked with sweat.

"Those gentlemen who laughed at the Nighthawks before wanted demeanor over temperature, and wore formal clothes on a hot day..." Angel laughed at himself, "It turns out that it's the same when you go out by yourself..."

In order to conceal her face derived from the "witch" potion, and her figure that made Rosanne and her peers jealous, Angel is now wrapped in a windbreaker when going out, and even wears a hood in crowded places.

Although the latitude of Tingen City is not low, it is July now, and the sun after noon can also make people breathless. Angel's way of dealing with this is to try to go out as little as possible.

When she came to the bathroom, she took off her clothes and threw them into the clothes basket. She coiled her long, silky blond hair and took a cold shower.

After living with this body for nearly two weeks, Angel is no longer like at the beginning. She has to close her eyes and grope after taking a bath. Looking at the perfect female body in the half-length mirror, the initial shyness has disappeared. This made her lament the great adaptability of human beings.

But bathing, her favorite leisure activity in her previous life, is still not available. It is one thing to stand and take a shower for 10 minutes, but it is another thing to lie in the bathtub for half an hour.

Averting her gaze from under her neck, she dried her body with a bath towel, changed into a light indoor skirt, and came to the desk in the study.

Before starting the tarot session in the afternoon, Angel still had to do one more important thing - to forge Emperor Roselle's diary.

It is not accurate to say that it is forged, because the contents of the diary are all true, but she plans to "expand" part of it, turning the three-page diary into four pages.

This is not to change the content of the diary. People who know nothing about Chinese cannot do this kind of difficult behavior.

This batch of diaries seen from Old Neil should have come from different copyists. The font size of the three pages of the diary is not the same. There are two pages with wider intervals and larger font size, and the other page has beautiful fonts, and the text density is far higher than the former.

Of course, in the eyes of the uninformed, these mysterious "Roselle symbols" may even mean specific content in different sizes, just like in mysticism, the effect of a palm-sized holy emblem is stronger than that of a nail-sized one.

But after realizing that this was only a kind of writing in the hometown of the traveler, Emperor Roselle, Angel knew that the size of the writing only depended on the skill of the first batch of copyists, and the owner of the diary would definitely not use different font sizes to record his feelings.

This gives her room to "fake".

She was going to re-transcribe the three pages of Roselle's diary that she remembered in her mind on paper, and rewrite the one with higher information density in the text size of the other two pages, so that the content of one more diary could be squeezed out.

Mr. "The Fool" only said that each person had to submit two pages of diaries, and did not specify the number of words or lines. This is why Angel dared to do so. After all, the diaries that are handed down to the world are basically copies that have been copied and rubbed repeatedly.

Maybe the Hanged Man and Justice got less content than me... Angel thought so, soothing his phantom pained conscience.

Picking up a pencil, she reproduced the horizontal and vertical square characters in her memory one by one on the white paper. After adjusting the size of the text several times, she successfully turned the three pages of the diary in Old Neil's hands into four pages. Although the last page was only about three quarters of the content, it could barely be called a page.

If it weren't for being an Extraordinary with a memory far superior to that of ordinary people, I really wouldn't be able to memorize so many unfamiliar words...

Looking at the crooked Chinese characters under his hand, Angel sighed.

Since she didn't know these words, she almost "drawn" these four pages.

After checking it again and confirming that it was no different from the words in her memory, she breathed a sigh of relief and put down the pencil.

In this way, the task assigned by "The Fool" was completed, and it was overfulfilled. He requested two pages of diary, but I have four pages!
Of course, Angel is not going to hand in all of them at once. She plans to see the completion of the other two before deciding whether to hand in part or all. After all, the chance to find the diary is rare, and it is the best choice to keep a page or two for the next exchange of knowledge.

As the hands of the pocket watch hanging on the bookshelf pointed to three o'clock in the afternoon, a familiar crimson light gushed out from Angel's side.

The crimson faded, the smoke rose, and Angel appeared in the meeting place of the Tarot Club in an instant just like the previous two times.

The relative positions of several people have not changed. Miss Justice is still on her left, and Mr. Hanged Man is sitting opposite. On the long table on the right, the initiator of the meeting, Mr. Fool, is shrouded in thicker gray fog than before, making it almost impossible to see his figure.

His strength has increased again...or is it restored?

Angel speculated.

Unknowingly, she has already used the title of god to refer to "The Fool".

As usual, Miss Justice was the first to greet everyone. Everyone, including the Fool, replied politely. In a friendly atmosphere, the third "Tarot Club" began.

"Congratulations, Miss Justice, you have become a Extraordinary."

The Fool first congratulated Justice, and He seemed to have a way to see whether the other party was a Extraordinary.

Angel looked at Justice on the left in surprise.

She just got the "spectator" potion formula from the Hanged Man last week, right?It only took seven days to collect all the materials, successfully create the potion, and become a "spectator"?

You must know that the main ingredients of all potions are truly extraordinary ingredients, which are not only expensive, but also hardly appear in the ordinary trading market. The Orthodox Church may reserve some for member promotion. If ordinary people obtain these ingredients, they will either use them as soon as possible, or sell them for gold pounds, and rarely keep precious ingredients in their hands.

Thinking that justice easily helped the Hanged Man find the extraordinary material he needed, 100 milliliters of "ghost shark blood", Angel realized that he had underestimated this ignorant girl.

She resisted the urge to turn on her spirit vision to observe Miss Justice.

Even if she is not in this gray fog space, only the overflowing power when she just took the potion can be observed by the spirit vision. Besides, turning on the spirit vision at will is a taboo for Extraordinary people, especially if there is a mysterious existence like "The Fool" around her.

"Thank you, Mister Fool, and Mr. Hanged Man, the potion formula you provided is accurate."

"It's faster than I thought." The Hanged Man commented calmly, "Sure enough, ordinary materials are no problem for you."

"A friend helped me a lot." Miss Justice replied modestly.

Is this friend you're talking about called Jin Pound?
"Miss Empress, thank you for your suggestion last week. The method of setting up an office officer examination to screen out long-serving office officials has been recognized by many members of the parliament. Although with the efficiency of the Royal Government, these plans are likely to become policies in half a year."

After thanking "The Fool" and the Hanged Man respectively, Zheng Zheng turned to Angel again, nodded slightly and said with joy in his words.

What, the approval of the congressman, the government's policy?
Weren't we in the key administration last week?Isn't that your college assignment?
Angel's eyes widened and he forgot to answer for a moment.

At this time, there was a light knocking sound on the long table, and several people turned their heads at the same time to see that Mister Fool was withdrawing his right hand that was knocking on the edge of the long table.

"Ladies and gentlemen, have you found Russell's diary?"

(End of this chapter)

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