Mystery: Good Witch

Chapter 411 Game 8

Chapter 411 The Eighth Game

"Boom, boom, boom..."

The huge clock tower driven by steam made a dull sound in the distance. Angel counted silently. It was not until the 17th time that the "hourly chime" of the Steam Church stopped.

It is now five o'clock in the afternoon on Friday, Trier time. According to the time difference between the two places, there is about an hour left. It will be "three days" since she came from the cave on the top of the mountain next to Bansi Port to the catacombs.

She had packed everything, including all the magical items, weapons, and ammunition she carried, and had changed into the clothes she wore when she came to Trier three days ago. She was not going to take away the temporary clothes she bought in Trier. But in order to avoid being tracked, it was still thrown into the trash.

After finally "cleaning" the hotel suite with black flames, Angel took on the characteristics of the "faceless man", disguised himself as a female college student Laura, and left the hotel.

Taking a hired carriage, she went against the flow of people returning home from get off work and approached Purgatory Square in the center of the Observatory District, while paying attention to whether there was anyone following her.

Fortunately, she has done a good job in disguising herself in the past two days. She used the disguise methods of "Ring of Madness" and "Faceless Man" to wander around the observatory area without any danger, and she stayed in different hotels. So far, she has not been found. Discovered again by those trackers.

"In one hour, I can return to Bansi Port. It's impossible for the Trier people to travel thousands of miles and come across the five seas to want me, right?"

She thought happily, left the carriage, entered the ancient building supported by stone pillars in Purgatory Square, went down the stone steps, passed through the passage illuminated by dim gas lights, and came to the entrance of the catacombs.


"Ahead is the Empire of Death!"

In Angel's eyes, the Intis characters on the lintel were different from those three days ago. At that time, she was full of confusion and didn't know why she came to Trier. Now she was preparing to embark on the return journey, with only nostalgia for this foreign city in her heart.

Maybe in the future, she will try to vacation here with Klein in a normal way, carefully appreciate the architectural style that is different from Loen, and enjoy the best food in the northern continent.

Taking out a white candle from under her windbreaker, she lit it on someone else's candle. Following the group of college students who were obviously here to "test their courage", she stepped through the stone arch of the "Empire of Death" and entered the dark and vast space. Catacombs.

As everyone walked in different directions, the light of the other candles beside Angel gradually decreased, and soon only the dim candlelight in her hand was left, illuminating the surrounding area less than three meters wide, and further away was shrouded in deathly darkness. There seemed to be countless shadow monsters waiting to devour the unlucky ones whose candles were extinguished.

But in her dark vision, there are just ordinary corridors and tombs one after another in the distance. Until now, she does not know the specific method of devouring living people in the catacombs. She only knows that the methods are similar to those of the Angel Lady of the Church of the Night.

Thinking randomly in her mind, she quickly came to the second floor along the direction in her memory. It was wider and had many tombs. From time to time, she could meet several visitors who were together, and there were even a few that might have been "lost." A lone traveler with companions.

I don’t know what kind of mentality Trier’s official Extraordinary people have before they allow this underground tomb to devour visitors... Maybe it’s because a certain magical item is important but dangerous and can only be placed in the tomb as a last resort. For?

Angel's spirituality suddenly became alert. When she turned a right-angled corner, she glanced sideways. There seemed to be a dim candlelight following her slowly on the way.

Visitors who happen to be traveling together? College students looking to strike up a conversation? Or... is it Trier's official stalker?

Several possibilities ran through her mind.

But even if you are a stalker, it is unlikely that you will fight me in the catacombs. The rules here should be equally valid for extraordinary people. If a candle is accidentally extinguished, it means death... Although Angel is satisfied that he can survive here without using candles. She was confused, but she didn't think everyone could do this, otherwise the other party wouldn't need to light a candle to reveal his or her existence.

Thinking of this, she quickened her pace and began to move towards the entrance to the third floor of the catacombs at almost a running speed. As expected, the figure behind her also accelerated to follow, even without exposing her own movements.

After passing the "Entrance to the Old Ossuary" sign, walking down the wide stone staircase, and passing the stone pillars of the "Sacred Emblem of the Sun" and the "Sacred Triangle", Angel walked straight towards the mysterious passage that he came to Trier three days ago. , but at this time there are still about fifteen minutes before the time predicted by Mr. Fool. The black line at the top of the passage stretches continuously, and countless skeletons at the feet try to trip passers-by, proving that this is still an underground tomb.

Angel did not stop here, but kept moving forward at the original speed, pretending that this place was no different from other places. The same was true for the mysterious tracker behind him. The candle in his hand flickered as he ran, as if it were in the distance. firefly.

She originally planned to go around a few times, evading the pursuers behind her, and then wait for an opportunity to return. However, when she passed an intersection, she suddenly felt that there seemed to be a white figure in the narrow passage in front of her. She subconsciously thought it was another person. The stalker, with his limbs tense, was about to respond, but immediately found that the other party was just standing quietly without any movement.

She was a young woman with shawl black hair, slightly closed eyes, wearing a simple white robe, her bare feet were spotless, her face was more beautiful than any "witch" Angel had ever seen, and her holy temperament was even more... The tombs of bones vary widely.

"Witch? Witch sect?"

Angel immediately thought of "Lady Despair" Panatia, who maintained a similar temperament even in the haze of death, but if the two stood together, "Despair" would probably be slightly inferior.

The most important thing is that the woman in white robe did not light a candle!

Recalling how Pierre and his companions looked like they had seen a ghost when they saw her three days ago, Angel suddenly understood their reactions, because now she also felt like she had seen a ghost.

Looking towards the back, the pursuer was still walking towards this side unhurriedly.

Just as Angel was thinking about whether to talk to this "witch" or change the direction and leave here, the woman in white robe silently turned around and slowly left the intersection.

"She doesn't have any ill intentions? No, she seems to be guiding me to that direction? She can't really be a ghost..."

Angel hesitated for a moment, gritted his teeth and walked forward. The other party showed no malice, and there was no spiritual warning. She wanted to take a look.

The white figure moved very fast. Angel tried to speed up so as not to lose him. After walking through several tombs and forked roads, she came to a wide square similar to the entrance to the third floor. The surrounding ground was very clean and there were no traces of it. Any bones or moss, where the candle in her hand could not illuminate, stood a huge black marble pillar that penetrated the floor and ceiling.

Different from the stone pillars of the "Eternal Fierce Sun" and "God of Steam and Machinery" at the door that have been weathered by the long years, although this black stone pillar does not have any holy symbols or logos engraved on it, its surface is smooth, its edges and corners are complete, and its seams are clean. , as if it was built just yesterday.


There seemed to be a sigh in her ears, long and sad. "The purpose of your coming here is this 'Night Pillar'?"

When she tilted her head to look for the source of the sigh, a hoarse voice came from behind her.

The mysterious man who had been following him all the way finally appeared. He was holding a white candle and standing at the entrance of the square, carefully keeping a distance from Angel.


Angel slowly turned around and looked at the middle-aged man wearing a black woolen jacket, trousers of the same color, and a white vest.

"Christina Night Pillar, isn't your witch sect here for it?"

I always felt that I had been deeply misunderstood... Angel sighed secretly and followed his words and asked:

"What happens if I say yes?"

"Whether it is or not, you have to come with us today," the man said with a confident smile on his face, "'Marian Night Pillar' and 'Lius Night Pillar' are also guarded by our people, you'd better not act rashly ,otherwise……"

His hand that wasn't holding the candle moved slightly, and the candlelight in Angel's hand suddenly began to sway, and the dim light almost disappeared.

"... Entering the catacombs is the worst decision you have ever made. The substitute spell used by you witches cannot retain the light of the burning candle. If you don't want to disappear in the catacombs and be forgotten by everyone, you'd better be good."

It turns out that the official Beyonder in Trier does know the special characteristics of the catacombs... It seems that he thought that my coming to the catacombs was a sign of surrendering to a trap, so he took the initiative to show up?

Angel smiled secretly and took a step forward, instantly making the middle-aged man alert.

"If I don't behave, what are you going to do...?"

With a charming smile on her face, she reached out to the candlelight and extinguished the warm and safe light under the man's horrified gaze.

Did she commit suicide?

Such an idea immediately flashed through the man's mind. He held the candle tightly with one hand and threw out a few pieces of tinder paper with the other hand. Under his control, bright yellow flames expanded rapidly, scattered around, and illuminated most of the square.

But in front of him there was only the huge Christina Night Pillar, and the witch had disappeared.

Sure enough, she has disappeared... No, I still have memories of her!

As soon as he reacted, the spirituality in his mind issued a crazy warning, and a sharp bone blade was already across his neck, and a seductive voice came from behind him.

"Now, it's my question time."

Angel showed a smile of victory and slowly appeared from behind him.

"Going into the catacombs to track me is the worst decision you have ever made," she replied. "If you don't want to be forgotten by all your colleagues, just answer it obediently. Which organization are you from?"

The man whose neck was forced by the bone sword was silent for a moment. Just when Angel thought he was going to fight to the end, the other man finally spoke:

"...The Eighth Directorate, the Eighth Directorate of the Homeland Security Council."

Angel frowned and thought for a moment before finding the corresponding meaning of this word.

This is an intelligence agency for extraordinary people similar to the Loen military's "MI9".

"Why are you following me?"

she continued to ask.

"What reason does this need? The Witch Sect has entered Trier, and you have had contact with her. Do you want to replicate Backlund's smog in this city?"

The man's tone was cold, even a little angry.

Sure enough, it was that stupid witch Servilia... Just as Angel was about to continue asking, the man in front of her whose shoulder was pressed by the sword suddenly burst into bright yellow fire, and then the whole man exploded like a brilliant firework, in the distance. A piece of fire paper that was about to go out on the ground suddenly burst into flames, and a figure emerged from it. It was the member of the "Eighth Bureau" who had used "Flash of Flame".


Biting ice surged out from under Angel's feet, and the low temperature instantly swept across the entire square. All remaining tinder papers were immediately blown away, and the candle in the man's hand dimmed and was almost extinguished.

But he didn't panic, reached under his coat, took out a stick, and lit it all with a shake of his hand.

That was a bundle of ten white candles!

(End of this chapter)

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