Mystery: Good Witch

Chapter 413 Closed Loop

Chapter 413 Closed Loop

"So, you actually stayed in Trier, the capital of the Republic of Intis, for three days and just returned to Bansi tonight?"

After listening to Angel's long story, Klein looked calm and asked slowly.

His face had been gloomy since he came back from "Fire" Daniz's Room 312. It wasn't until he heard Angel's flawless experience that his tense limbs and expression relaxed slightly.

"Yes, I thought you had left Bansi and headed to Bayam. Is it because of the Church of Storms?"

Angel had already washed briefly, changed into a set of dry clothes, and sat down on the sofa in the living room, soothing his weak limbs. At first she thought it was caused by the repeated use of the "Knight Bracelet", but soon discovered that it was actually caused by the ritual of returning from Trier to Bansi, because as her spirituality slowly recovered, her power gradually returned to her body. .

"How do you prove you're 'Angel Granger'?"

Klein ignored her fatigue and insisted on asking.

"Okay," Angel said with force, "The one on your left hand is 'Creepy Hunger'. There is an amethyst pendulum on your wrist, which I gave to you in Tingen. There is also a 'Biotoxin Bottle' in your pocket. Well, the sun brooch is on me..."

As she spoke, she took out the "Sun Brooch" sealed in the bullet box by the wall of spirituality from her pocket - if she didn't do this, drought and thirst would have been tormenting her - and threw it back to Klein.

Then, she told the magical items she carried and how to obtain them. These were the secrets of the two of them, and no third person would know the full story.

It was only when Angel started to recall how the cracks on her citrine pendant occurred that Klein stopped her with some embarrassment.

"No need to continue, you are indeed 'you', but this is a bit strange..." He frowned, and touched his chin with his fingers, touching the non-existent beard, as if he had returned to the detective identity of Backlund. , "You are on the White Onyx now, but...well, do you know what day it is?"

"Of course it was Friday, December 12. I arrived in Trier from Bansi on Tuesday night and returned here three days later, this evening."

Angel felt a little funny, but still answered patiently.

"That's the problem," Klein's mouth twitched, forcing out a smile, "It's now December 12st, Tuesday at ten o'clock in the evening, about two hours have passed since you disappeared from the altar in the cave on the top of the mountain. "


Subconsciously thinking that the other party was joking, Angel jumped up from the sofa and quickly sat back down because of the soreness in his legs and feet.

"You mean, the three days in Trier were all my dreams? But I got to know the college students there, saw the extraordinary event of the disappearance of living people in the catacombs, ate a feast of Intis, and... …By the way, I also got five pages of Emperor Russell’s diary.”

She stood up again and returned to the bedroom. She quickly returned to the living room with a stack of manuscript paper that had not yet dried and showed it to Klein.

"These can't be my imagination, right? This is dedicated to Mr. Fool."

Klein's eyes quickly swept over the Emperor's diary, and then stopped at Angel's pursed lips.

"Of course I believe you," he suddenly smiled, not like the crazy adventurer who had been playing the role all day long, but like the Klein that Angel was familiar with, "So we have to find out more about the fact that you appeared here and special at the same time. The real reason for Lille.”

"At the same time...what do you mean?"

Angel frowned at first, then his eyes widened, and he said suddenly.

"Yes, when I sent you back to your room just now, I received a 'revelation' from Mr. Fool, and he conveyed your words." Klein cleared his throat and used the ability of the faceless man to imitate Angel's tone, " Dear Mr. Fool, I request you to convey the following words to your disciple, Klein Moretti. I am currently in Trier, the capital of Intis, due to the influence of unknown sacrificial rituals on Bansi Island... …”

He was kicked hard in the knee by Angel, interrupting his vivid imitation.

But then, Angel lost his mood for teasing and fell into deep thought.

"So, now there's me on the White Onyx, and there's me in Trier?"

She murmured, recalling her experience three days ago, and it was indeed around this time that she prayed to the Fool.

"Or there is such a possibility," Klein's thinking speed is worthy of his short-term detective status, "Tonight on the altar in the cave, you traveled thousands of kilometers and came to Terry for unknown reasons. After leaving there, I prayed to Mr. Fool and I received the message. Three days later, you returned to Bansi from Trier in the same way, but you did not appear in the cave on Friday night. Instead, I returned to tonight, to the cave where Donna, I, and the punishers had just left."

"By the way, how did you know you were going to return in three days?"

he asked doubtfully.

"It was Mr. Fool who gave me the revelation, and the final facts proved that his hint was accurate." Angel sincerely praised this mysterious existence.

Klein's expression became a little strange. After a moment of silence, he nodded and no longer pursued the issue.

"Then, there is only one last question left. What force caused you to go from Trier on Friday night to Bansi Port on Tuesday night?"

He seemed to be asking Angel, but also seemed to be talking to himself, as if he didn't expect Angel to give an answer.

The latter indeed did not think about this issue. Another question echoed repeatedly in her mind:

"If we can go back to the past through this power, then can we go back to Backlund half a month ago, or even Tingen City four months ago, and save those..."

Her voice gradually increased, becoming more and more excited as she spoke.

"It's unlikely." Klein immediately shook his head and poured cold water on her. "The reason why you can return from Trier on Friday to Banxi on Tuesday is because you have already been helped by this force. Even if you go to Trier, when you return to Bansi, more than half an hour has passed here."

"You didn't 'go back to the past', you just 'returned to the present' after three extra days. The most important thing is that these three days of 'retrospection' have consumed almost all of your spirituality and physical strength. I guess This is why Mr. Fool told you that the return time is three days later. If you stay in Trier for two more days, you may not be able to return.

"Of course, if you are spiritual enough and use this kind of 'backtracking', you may be able to stay in Trier for a long time, long enough to learn about something that happened in the 'future' through the news or even go there yourself to explore, and then go back to Bansi now has a disguised effect of 'prophecy and divination', but there is no way to change what has happened."

Angel was a little dizzy from his analysis, but he still understood the conclusion - this kind of power cannot change what has happened, and cannot save the 100,000 people in Backlund, or the captain who died in Tingen City.

She deflated like a popped balloon and collapsed on the sofa, her eyes a little dull.

Klein gave her a helpless look, stood up, and walked to the bathroom.

"I'll use divination to verify it."

He said and Angel nodded weakly, still recovering from his depressed mood.

After many times of "tacit cooperation" between the two, Angel already knew that Klein would avoid everyone during certain key divination and perform divination in private places, such as the bathroom, and she had never delved into the specifics of these powers. The situation leaves enough room for privacy for both parties.

Sighing at the other party's reasonableness, Klein closed the bathroom door tightly, walked four steps backwards to the gray mist space, and temporarily became Mr. Fool.

"The source of power that allowed Angel to travel through three days and return to the present."

He materialized a pen and paper, quickly wrote this sentence, and then entered the dream divination.

The divination did not fail as he expected, and vivid pictures soon appeared in the dream. He had never been to the smog-shrouded Bansi Port, but the vivid Trier, as well as the deep and strange continuous... Tomb chamber.

Immediately, the scene was interrupted, and he suddenly woke up from his dream. He found that the gray fog around the long bronze table was swirling and floating like a tornado, forming a thick dark cloud above the palace.

The originally stagnant gray mist was now fully activated, shaking, flowing, and even affecting the entire mysterious space, as if...

As if resisting foreign enemies!

Klein instantly recalled the similar changes that occurred in the gray fog space when he solved the parasitic "Amon" on Derrick the Sun. He knew that this divination might have provoked someone as powerful as this "blasphemer". strength.

He conveniently grabbed the "blasphemous card" on the long table, and was about to use its high level to induce the power of the gray fog to carry out an appropriate counterattack. But before he could take any further action, the dark clouds above his head stopped shaking, like melting Ice and snow fell on the palace, returning to the boundless gray fog around it, and then returned to stillness.

The "offensive" has stopped? Did he find that there was nothing he could do to me, or was his desire to attack not very strong, but just a subconscious counterattack, just like my divination of "Eternal Blazing Sun" and "True Creator"?

Klein thought about it, put down the "Black Emperor" card, looked around the gray fog space with some fear, and decided not to touch that mysterious power for the time being.

By the way... we also need to give "Angel of Trier" appropriate inspiration to complete this wonderful closed loop of time and space.

Countless science fiction movies he had watched in his previous life flashed through his mind, and he smiled nostalgically. His spirituality spread towards the "Queen"'s star, and he was surprised to find that the star was split into two, as if there were two "Queens" at the same time. Same.

He chose the one with a weaker connection and one that was obviously farther away.

"Three days later at the same time, return to the third floor of the catacombs, which leads to... Binsi."

He pretended to be mysterious, said in a deep tone, and threw this image into the star that was waiting for the response of "The Fool".

 Thanks to the leader of “YesXingren”_(:з」∠)_



(End of this chapter)

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