Mystery: Good Witch

Chapter 416 The Wanted "Queen"

Chapter 416 The Wanted "Queen"

"You are a fool who does not belong to this era...

"Dear Mr. Fool, first of all, I would like to apologize to you. I have seen relevant information about Miss 'Queen' because of my work, but I swear I have never leaked this information. Today, I met a person in Bayam, Rhoside Islands. A young woman who bears a strong resemblance to the 'Queen', has she arrived here to perform some mission for you?

"If that's the case and she needs it, I can provide some help."


On Sour Lemon Street in the dock area, in the luxurious suite of the "Azure Wind" hotel, Klein came into the gray fog and heard the prayer of "The Hanged Man". He was a little confused about whether to laugh or cry.

"This stupid witch was recognized as soon as she arrived in Bayam... But this is also my fault. I told her not to use the 'Ring of Madness' as much as possible to avoid being discovered and Backlund's Irene Wo Sen is related, but in fact it is also somewhat selfish..."

Klein muttered, not thinking about how to reply to the Hanged Man yet, so he simply used his power as a superior to put the matter aside and talk about it later when he had time.

"If you reply too quickly, it will appear that 'The Fool' is not strong enough. Haha, you can leave it out overnight."


He tossed a coin and did a divination to confirm that the encounter between the two would not cause great harm to Angel.

Above the gray fog, he can eliminate most interference and perform the most accurate divination. Although it is difficult to break through the holy symbol given to Angel by the angel of the Church of the Night, he can still obtain accurate answers to some questions that do not directly point to her. answer.

Even so, he still transferred this prayer video to "Queen" Angel as a reminder to prevent her from wandering around Bayam and being recognized by more people.

After doing all this, Klein silently left the majestic palace and returned to the fairly large bathroom.

As one of the best hotels in the dock area, the suites of "Azure Wind" have independent master and servant rooms, a balcony facing the sea, a soft and comfortable rocking chair, and even a bathtub in the bathroom - the latter is why they chose this The main factor of the suite.

"Proper bathing is good for physical and mental health..."

Klein glanced at the bathtub, resisted the urge to put in the hot water and lay down in it, and returned to the living room. Looking at the gathering dark clouds and the increasing sea breeze outside the balcony, he sighed with some regret, regardless of Byam. How many delicious foods there are and how many scenic spots are worth visiting can only be discussed tomorrow.


The door was pushed open, Angel slipped in through the crack of the door lightly, closed the door smoothly, and hung her favorite hat with white feathers on the coat rack beside the door.

"Klein, come here." She saw Klein standing in the living room and sighed. She waved her hand to call him over and said in a low voice, "I have bad news. I seem to have been recognized by another follower of Mr. Fool."

Using the Faceless Man's ability to control expressions to hold back his laughter, Klein pretended to be serious and asked:

"what happened?"

"Mr. Fool conveyed a message to me. A member who had attended a meeting organized by him recognized me. It was probably on my way to the bar to inquire about the information..."

Angel informed Klein of today's itinerary one by one, and then continued with a frown:

"If so, then the dark blue-haired middle-aged man I saw in 'Sea and Fire' is very suspicious. His hair color is the same as the member I know, and I once guessed he was 'Storm' "Believers of 'may be able to see my information as a 'Nighthawk' from the church..."

"He thought I came to Bayam to carry out Mr. Fool's mission, but we are only here for vacation. Do you think I should answer him?"

I was able to find the traces of "The Hanged Man" in reverse immediately, much faster than I thought... Klein thought happily and continued to guide the other party's thoughts:

"Is the member you mentioned reliable? Can he really help you?"

"He is very knowledgeable, especially about various legends and the distribution of forces in the Five Seas. This may be related to his original identity." Angel thought for a moment and replied, "He is very reliable in big things, but a little bit in small things." He cares about gains and losses, but things have changed recently. I think he can provide a lot of help in our next activities in Bayam."

She has a very high opinion of "The Hanged Man", but her views are similar to mine, so maybe I can get in touch with him without revealing my identity... Klein pretended to think deeply, and nodded after a long time. :

"Then you should try to get in touch with him and find out about the local gathering of Beyonders in Bayam. Where are the clues about the mermaid? It's best to ask the pirates nearby who have relatively high bounties and are not very 'difficult'... …”

At the end of the sentence, Klein's eyes were a little bright. Although the two of them are not short of money now, with a combined total of about 4000 pounds, the material clues of the Sequence 5 "Secret Puppet Master" have not yet been found, which came from the Intis spy. Rosago's extraordinary characteristics were contaminated by the True Creator during the battle and were temporarily unable to be used. In order to be promoted in the future, he had to save at least 10000 pounds to be considered safe, so his desire for gold pounds could be said to be extremely strong.

Angel's eyes lit up when she heard the word bounty, and she said excitedly:

"When I was tracking Daniz today, I found my own wanted order. It was issued by the Church of Storms. How much do you think it is?" Seeing Klein raise his eyebrows with an interested expression, she continued, " 6000 pounds! Two whole 'Flame' Danitz!"

What's so exciting about this? No, I'm really envious... Klein pursed his lips and recalled the pirates active near the Rhoside Islands in his mind, planning how to quickly increase his "worth".

"The strangest thing is that they don't seem to have mentioned Bishop Miller's treachery in the wanted list. Could it be that he really had no choice but to join a cult and perform human sacrifices for the safety of Bansi Island?"

After a brief moment of excitement, Angel asked doubtfully.

"It's not surprising. Betrayal is an internal matter within the Church of Storms. They have their own corresponding procedures to deal with it. But if the matter is leaked and everyone knows that a bishop who believes in 'Storm' has become the leader of a cult, it will be a threat to them in Rhoside." The mission of the archipelago and its own reputation will have a great impact. Maybe this wanted order is just a routine matter, and there is no hope of catching you. "However, you'd better change your appearance in Bayam, lest you Being recognized, this time it was a believer of Mr. Fool, next time it might be a believer of Storm. "

Isn't he also a Storm believer this time... Angel curled his lips, took off the "faceless man" characteristics on his face, and restored his true appearance.

"Then you have to be careful. This extraordinary feature has quite a few side effects. Wearing it on your face for too long will make people crave blood and flesh. Of course, I found a solution..."

She said with a smile on her lips, successfully seeing some changes in Klein's expression.

"What's the solution?"

he asked cautiously.


Angel replied in a long tone.

Just eat me... Klein breathed a sigh of relief, walked to the door, and pulled the bell that led to the reception area on the first floor.

"It doesn't matter. There is room service here to satisfy your appetite at any time. After the rainstorm, we can go to a nearby restaurant to try Bayam's specialty grilled fish."

As if to annotate his words, with the "rumbling" of thunder outside the balcony, a downpour of rain fell on this "generous city".



Against the continuous thunder, Alger Wilson rushed forward quickly and returned to the largest church on the island, the "Church of the Waves" before the heavy rain fell.

This is an all-stone church with a classical style and two tall bell towers. It was built in the early days of the Loen Kingdom's colonization of the Rhoside Islands. It has gone through hundreds of years and still stands here.

Passing through the narrow passage behind the gate, he came to the main prayer room and met the local bishop waiting here.

It's Kyogory, why is he still here so late... Alger frowned slightly. He just came to perform evening prayers as usual and had no intention of meeting anyone else, but he couldn't help but say hello when he met.

"The storm is with you!"

He held his right fist to his left chest and said hello.

"The storm is with you!"

The gray-haired bishop responded in the same way, and then said immediately without waiting for him to leave:

"There are two things you need to do. First, there are some rumors in the city recently that the 'Vice Admiral Iceberg' who owns the 'Golden Dream' has obtained the key to death, which has made nearby pirates ready to move, and even came to Baia despite the ban. Mm, please trace the source of the rumor."

There are such rumors every year, such as "Ghost Empire", "Solomon's Legacy", "Death's Key", anyway, the last ones traced are some drunkards or guys who hope to defraud adventurers of an investment... Al Jie was a little disapproving, but still nodded seriously:

"Okay, Lord K2."

The bishop was very satisfied with the attitude of this subordinate who had always abided by the church's rules and even came to pray every night, even though he had been disguised as a pirate to perform tasks for the church for a long time. He continued:

"Secondly, a new wanted order has been issued. Please pay attention to your informants in Bayam and do not try to fight her. Everyone on your 'Blue Avenger' combined cannot defeat her. .”

He handed a wanted notice in his arms that was still smelling of ink to Alger. The latter took it and looked at it with the faint candlelight, and found that it was a rare wanted notice with only written descriptions.

"Angelica Sage, disappeared after killing the bishop and took away high-value items..."

As soon as he read the beginning, Alger was a little frightened. He knew that the person who could become a regional bishop was at least a Sequence 6 "Wind Blessed", and the Chogory in front of him was a Sequence 5 "Ocean Singer". He could After killing a Bishop of the Church of Storms, how could I dare to fight her?

"Yes, I will try to find clues about her and will never fight her head-on."

He replied smoothly, moving his gaze downwards and continuing to look at the second half of the wanted poster, which was a description of the wanted person's physical features in words when there was no portrait.

"Female from Loen, with medium light blond hair, purple eyes, about eighteen years old... There is a white feather on her hat?"

If he hadn't been a "Fool's Believer" in the church for several months, Alger would have been unable to hide his surprised expression at this time.

Angelica Sage, who killed the Bishop of the Church of Storms, is the "Queen" of the Tarot Society?

(End of this chapter)

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