Mystery: Good Witch

Chapter 425: Journey of Memories

Chapter 425: Journey of Memories

"Mr. Azik!"

Angel exclaimed in surprise.

Although she had already seen Azik suddenly appear once, she was still ready to fight when something strange happened around her. She did not relax until she recognized the person in front of her.

Klein saw Azik take off his top hat smoothly, revealing neatly combed short black hair. He also smiled and said hello.

“I’m not used to coming to the warm and pleasant Bayam.”

Azik said with a slight smile, took off his tuxedo, hung his top hat on the coat rack, returned to the sofa and sat down.

Seeing the brightly colored and avant-garde vest under the opponent's tuxedo, Angel had a clear idea.

"Have you traveled to Intis during this time?"

"That's right, I just came back from Trier. Although it's the coldest season there, the citizens there are very welcoming and the local cuisine is much better than that of Loen. If I hadn't wanted to retrieve my memories, I would have wanted to go there. It was settled there.”

Azik took the coffee from Klein, took a sip and replied.

"Is it because of the letter we sent?"

Klein asked doubtfully.

"The content in the letter inspired me that searching for memories does not have to be limited to the Kingdom of Loen and the places I remembered," Azik nodded, put down the coffee cup, leaned forward, crossed his legs, and said seriously Said, "I went to Bansi Island, to Trier in Intis, and I remembered many things."

"That's really good news."

Angel was sincerely happy that this man, who may have lived for thousands of years but only had a few decades of memory, was able to find his memory.

"The same goes for you. I have studied the symbol in the letter, and there is no trace of it in my only memory. The attempt to restore the ritual in the cave on Bansi Island also failed. There are some things there that are not very similar to 'death'. The same, but similar force, or, one might say, the force that brings disaster, change.”

"Is it related to the changeable weather on Bansi Island?" Klein also took a sip of coffee and asked.

"Maybe that force is not pure destruction, but an extreme 'change', whether good or bad, has nothing to do with it."

Azik frowned, seeming to be stuck in some kind of memory.

"The same power also exists underground in Trier, especially the 'catacombs' that Angel mentioned. After discovering that the ritual could not be activated, I used the spirit world to travel directly to Trier. Oh, that prosperous city , the free city reminds me of some experiences in my previous life, but they are occasional visits during peacetime, not memories that I really need to retrieve.

"I tried to enter the 'catacombs', and spirituality told me that there was something terrifying underground that was devouring everything close to it. The two floors near the ground were relatively normal, but I didn't dare to enter the third floor."

Angel was very surprised to hear "dare not" from such a powerful being, but when he thought about it, it made sense. The other person might not be afraid of death, and might even be used to it, but now that he had the hope of retrieving his true memory, he He will definitely not accept his death in vain and become another ignorant "Azik".

"Strangely, the 'candle' requirement of the catacombs has no effect on me, including not lighting a candle myself and not being attacked, and still remembering certain tourists who disappeared before my eyes. I think this 'curse' 'It is part of the entire catacombs, the purpose is to stabilize a seal beneath it, and those tourists who were victimized were probably 'necessary sacrifices'.

"Of course, this inference is limited to my own approach. Perhaps it is the influence of the breath of death beneath the tomb that makes me different."

This is the same as my experience, but I am only Sequence 5, and the magician in the "Eighth Game" of Sequence 7 is very cautious. Obviously, mid-sequences are normally affected by the catacombs. Is this different from the magic potion? The path is related... Angel thought.

“Perhaps this is why the authorities in Trier do not restrict travelers from entering the tombs, that they are using these lives to perform some kind of sacrifice, like Bishop Müller of Bansyport tried to do, sacrificing a few to save the majority? "

Klein stroked his smooth chin and said slowly.

"Sacrifice... I personally saw a team of dozens of people, all young people, attending a trendy wedding held in a tomb. In the panic caused by the accident, half of the people, including the groom, were careless. I dropped and extinguished my own candles, and then they all disappeared in front of me, while the remaining half continued the wedding without the groom as if nothing had happened... They said they were rehearsing a play."

There was a hint of sadness in Azik's tone.

"Fortunately among the misfortunes, this allowed me to glimpse the truth of 'death'. The power of the tomb concealed their bodies, took away their souls, and sealed everyone's memories of them. This is by no means a magical item or 0 The things that super-sealed objects can do are likely to come from the power of divine authority.”

"Secret?" Angel repeated carefully.

"Yes, this reminds me of a lot of things, including the 'War of the Four Emperors' that I once experienced, and a certain catastrophe that I don't have much memory of afterwards." Azik nodded and continued, " In these memories, I have an impression of several names mentioned in the letter."

"'Marian' is the pope of the Church of the Night during the 'War of Four Emperors', an angel of the night path; 'Crimson' is a high-ranking witch of the Witch Sect, who also died in the Fourth Age as an angel who participated in the war. of Trier; 'Leius' is 'Death Archon', a title that reminds me a lot...I've even met him."

At this point, Azik's expression was a little painful. Angel quickly added hot coffee for him, stopped questioning, and let the poor man who had lost his past calm down.

"Thank you, I just fell into too many memories." Azik drank the coffee in one gulp regardless of the scalding heat, and took a slow breath of hot air. "With the help of these names, I pieced together some memories of that time. Chapter 1 There was a battle in Trier in the Fourth Age in which many angels and even gods participated in person. Countless strong men fell there and even caused the destruction of the entire city. The Trier built on it now feels strange to me. It has already It’s a completely different city.”

Listening to the narration of this "immortal" from thousands of years ago, Angel felt an inexplicable sense of astonishment in her heart. She could not understand the loneliness revealed in Mr. Azik's words, but if she thought about it, if she knew that there was someone buried underground in Backlund. In the cities he had stayed in in his previous life, such as London and New York, he might be like him, trapped in memories and unable to extricate himself.

"So, what about the 'Night Pillar' named after them?"

After a long time, Klein asked in a low voice.

"I didn't go down to the third floor, and I didn't see those black stone pillars, but I can guess that they were made using the remains of dead angels that no longer had extraordinary characteristics but still had the power of their lifetimes. The purpose was to hide the relics of that war. , to avoid its impact on New Trier above.”

"This is pretty much what we thought. No matter what happens to Crimson and...others, at least Marianne is the Pope of the Church of the Righteous God. His body cannot be used for evil purposes, even in the Church of Night. The same goes for Intis, who no longer preaches.”

Thinking that "Lius" was someone Mr. Azik knew, Angel quickly changed his story.

"Maybe, I will try to continue exploring the places and events in my memory and retrieve the memories of that era." Azik was noncommittal and changed the subject. "As for you, it's best not to continue the in-depth investigation, at least wait until Contact this power after becoming a demigod, otherwise it may lead to loss of control or even direct death."

Azik's tone was like a teacher telling students to be careful on the way home from school. Angel and Klein nodded repeatedly, indicating that the matter in Bansi Port was over.

Of course, Angel couldn't hide the deep disappointment on his face.

"However, the power contained in that mysterious rune seems to have some strange effect on Angel. If necessary, you can try to use the power of the rune, for example, to make a spell."

Seeing that Angel's mood was obviously depressed, Azik added with a smile.

"Like the "Sleep Charm" or the "Dream Charm"?"

Klein took out two silver charms from his pocket, handed them to Azik, and asked.

The latter took it, glanced at it and put it down.

"It's different from this. Based on the experience you described in your letter, I think the spell created through your blood can cause some kind of 'disaster' power. Of course, it cannot be compared with the power obtained by praying to the real gods, but The 'disaster' spell may be more effective than the 'death' spell at some times."

Thinking of the weird night in Bansi Port and the power that allowed him to travel thousands of miles to Trier, Angel nodded.

After briefly teaching how to make the talisman, Azik stood up from the sofa a little tiredly and walked towards the coat rack at the door.

Angel knew that such a high-sequence extraordinary person generally did not feel physically tired, but such a "memory journey" might put a lot of pressure on his spirit, so he did not continue to ask for answers to more doubts in his heart, but Watching him put on his tuxedo and top hat, he returned to himself.

"I will continue to travel to various places. While exploring, if I find any information related to this rune or the anomalies in Bansi Port and Trier, I will contact you in time. Of course, if you insist on continuing to explore and discover new You can also tell me through the messenger if you have any clues.”

He saluted like a gentleman from Loen, and without any other action, the surrounding environment once again fell into a state of bright colors.

"Finally, I wish you a happy new year."

As Azik's gentle voice came, the man who was running around in search of memories disappeared before the two of them.

(End of this chapter)

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