Mystery: Good Witch

Chapter 43 Ritual Magic

Chapter 43 Ritual Magic
The three-party transaction was completed, and Miss Justice couldn't wait to ask the next question:
"Excuse me, what are the follow-up potions of 'Audience'? Where can I find clues to the formula?"

This is beyond the scope of my knowledge...

Angel shook her head secretly, and she looked at the Hanged Man who had provided the "audience" potion, expecting him to give an answer.

The Hanged Man did not disappoint her: "I can answer this question without any cost. After all, I let you go on the 'audience' path."

"The audience's follow-up potion Sequence 8 is 'Mind Reader', and Sequence 7 is 'Psychic Doctor'. You may have to find a way to get the specific formula from the 'Psychological Alchemist'. I just learned the name of the potion from one of their members."

"Can you introduce that member for me?" Justice asked eagerly.

"Unfortunately, he is already at the bottom of the sea near Sonia Island. I sank him with my own hands."

There was a moment of silence in the gray mist, Zheng Zheng opened his mouth, but didn't know what to say.

Psychological alchemists, mind readers, psychiatrists... Angel remembered these key words.

The names of potions on the spectator path are in the same line, and they are all related to psychology. Even the name of the Beyonder organization on the path is very close to the image of the potion.

On the other hand, if the "instigator" of Sequence 8 can be regarded as having something to do with "Assassin", they are all experts in causing tragedies and creating bloody cases, while the "Witch" of Sequence 7 seems too abrupt, and even can't find any connection with the pre-potion.

Of course, judging from Mrs. Sharon's behavior, most of the "witch" and subsequent sequences are not acting as good citizens.

While Angel was analyzing the Assassin Sequence Potion, the communication between Justice and The Hanged Man continued. The latter believed that the members of the Psychological Alchemist Society might gather in big cities and influence the behavior of the upper-class nobles of the kingdom through the ability of the "spectator" channel, but the more specific target was not known. Judging from his gloomy tone, the member of the Psychological Alchemist Society who was sunk should be a relatively tight-lipped guy.

Mr. Fool, who was silently observing the exchange, seemed to have no intention of adding, and Miss Justice could only give up asking after regretting.

"This is the last question."

Her tone suddenly became lighter, as if she was a little shy.

"If, I mean, if an ordinary animal, such as a dog, drank the potion of Sequence Nine, what would happen?"

Miss Justice, your thoughts are dangerous...

Angel looked at Justice in surprise. The other party must have raised this question with a purpose, such as planning to feed a certain dog the only "spectator" potion she knew.

Didn't expect Zhengyi to be so rich that she was going to use a potion worth hundreds of pounds for animal experiments, or was she going to let the animals swallow the potion, verify the authenticity of the formula before using it herself?This is reasonable, after all, rich people are willing to sacrifice their lives, and the character of Miss Justice should not use human beings for experiments...

The Hanged Man also sat up straight, and took a while to answer: "After taking the potion, you need to meditate to counteract the influence of the residual spirit. Ordinary animals can't do this. After taking the potion, there is a high probability that they will die on the spot or become out of control and become a monster. If it survives by luck, it should have a chance to become an extraordinary creature. Many wild extraordinary creatures are born from ordinary creatures accidentally swallowing extraordinary items or characteristics."

Miss Justice seemed to be relieved, and she replied briskly, "Thank you, Mr. Hanged Man, I have no other questions."

The Hanged Man also shook his head: "Me neither."

Angel wanted to agree, but suddenly remembered the human trafficking incident of the "Labor Mutual Aid Association" in Tingen City's dock area that he had just discussed with Dunn in the morning. After hesitating for a moment, he asked, "Have you heard of human trafficking in the Loen Kingdom... or about the slave trade?"

"Slave trade? The entire Northern Continent has banned the human trade." Miss Justice asked curiously, "If someone is found to be daring to carry out these illegal transactions, they should be able to report it directly to the police or the church, right?"

Sorry, we are the police and the church, and we are worrying now...

Angel wiped the sweat that didn't exist on his forehead, and looked at the Hanged Man, expecting what this "captain" who traveled to and from various seas would know.

"I've heard rumors in the Southern Continent that many aboriginal tribes have been plundered over the past few years. No one cared about their property, but all the people were kidnapped regardless of the old, the young, the sick, and the disabled." The Hanged Man replied, "But they didn't appear in the plantations and mining areas in various places. These places were the end of the slave trade line. On the contrary, many plantations reported slave escapes, and even slave riots occurred in some places. They disappeared collectively after killing the guards."

The Hanged Man’s answer made the human trade involving the Labor Mutual Aid Association more confusing. Originally, Angel thought that when the slave trade was banned in the Northern Continent, the targets of the slave trader’s trade should be those plantations and mines in the Southern Continent that still legally used slave labor. Unexpectedly, not only did they not buy them, but even the existing slaves were disappearing one after another.

In addition to the plundered aboriginal tribes in the Southern Continent, it seems that there is a buyer with a huge appetite to absorb these slaves, so that the strange phenomenon of "only exiting but not entering" of human population transactions has appeared on both continents.

Judging from this scale, the president of the "Labor Mutual Aid Association" is just a tentacle of this buyer. Even the organization behind him that sent "assassins" to recapture the ledger should only be a node in the middle. Even if they are caught and chopped off this tentacle, it will not be able to harm the entire trading network.

Leave this kind of complicated matter to the Evernight Goddess Church to worry about. The church has believers all over the kingdom, and every city has Nighthawks stationed there. It can also cooperate with the police, making it easier to investigate the case...

Angel thought to herself, she thanked the Hanged Man and signaled that she had no other questions.

The three of you looked at me, and I looked at you, as if they were waiting for the fool to announce the end of the meeting.

At this time, there were several knocking sounds on the edge of the long table, and the low tone of the fool: "Since everyone has finished communicating, I have something that needs your simple cooperation."

The "simple attempt" he made last time was to pull the three of them into the gray fog space at the same time. What will it be this time?
Angel looked at each other with a little nervousness. Although the Fool has not done any harm to these people since the three Tarot Clubs, and even provided them with a lot of convenience, his will is unpredictable. Who knows if this "simple cooperation" will make them do something that will endanger themselves?

"Don't worry, it's just a small matter. If you can succeed, if you are in an inappropriate situation every Monday afternoon, you can ask for leave in advance."

"This is exactly what we hoped for." Miss Justice also tensed up just now, looking at the Fool, and she didn't relax until now.

"What do we need to do?" The Hanged Man asked cautiously.

"It's very simple, you can try a ritual magic in your free time, it doesn't need to be very formal."

The Fool introduced a simple ritual magic to the three of them, surrounding the altar with four new sandalwood-scented candles, placing paella, white bread, Fenebaut noodles, and Dixie pies clockwise from the lower left corner, and then using a ritual dagger to create a spiritual wall...

"Excuse me..." Just as Zheng Zheng uttered his voice, she was cut off by herself.

"It's okay, Miss Justice, you can ask questions at any time if you don't understand something. As I said, this requires your cooperation." The Fool was not angry, but said kindly like a university lecturer.

"... May I ask how to create a spiritual wall?"

As if he didn't expect Justice to ask this question, the Fool was unusually silent.

The Hanged Man, as a half-mentor who guides justice to become an Extraordinary, explained in detail how to use a dagger or a ritual knife to guide her own spiritual power during meditation, create a spiritual wall, and use it to isolate the ritual environment and avoid interference from other forces.

Seeing Justice nodded to express his understanding, the Fool continued to talk about the ritual magic that required their cooperation.

After creating a sealed environment with the ritual dagger, it is necessary to use a mixture of moonflower, golden mint, deep sleep flower, golden hand orange and rock rose to extract essential oils and drop them on the candlelight, and then silently recite the mantra:

"A fool who does not belong to this era..."

"The mysterious ruler above the gray mist..."

"The king of yellow and black in charge of good luck..."

Listening to the ritual incantation that the Fool recited one sentence at a time for the convenience of several people's memory, Angel's eyes gradually widened, and a storm arose in his heart.

Although she is not a "Seer" or a similar sequence proficient in mysticism, after inheriting Cole Granger's memory, she is not completely ignorant of ritual magic, especially in the past week. She made "Storm Gathering" bullets every day, and used this three-segment description every day to pray to another existence, the Evernight Goddess, for her favor.

If this description can actually point to "The Fool", it means that his existence is almost equivalent to the seven gods including the goddess of the night!
"I beg your help."

"I pray for your favor."

"I beg you to let me have a good dream."

"Deep sleep flower, the herb belonging to the red moon, please pass on the power to my spell."

"Golden hands, the herb that belongs to the sun, please pass on the power to my mantra.


No matter what the hearts of the people at the table were, the Fool still recited all the mantras one by one in his low tone, and finally asked with a smile: "Everyone, do you remember clearly?"

"Ah..." Miss Justice exclaimed, "Yes, I have already remembered."

Angel and the Hanged Man also quickly made a statement. The Hanged Man even showed the parchment on which he recorded the incantation. From the perspective of several people, the image of the "Fool" at the head of the long table is completely different from a few minutes ago. No one dares to obey his request.

"Very well, no later than Wednesday this week, I hope you will complete this ceremony."

The Fool seemed very satisfied with everyone's attitude, nodded and continued to give instructions.

"Follow your will." The three answered in unison.

"Then, let's end today's party here."

The crimson light flashed again, and Angel returned to the study room, sitting on the chair in the original posture, and the transcribed Roselle's diary was still placed on the desk. If the hour hand on the pocket watch had not pointed to four o'clock in the afternoon, she would not even dare to believe what happened just now.

Why did I get involved with a god again?

Frightened, she hurriedly tore a blank piece of paper, and before the fresh memory faded, she immediately silently wrote down the ritual magic and incantations taught by the Fool just now.

The fool who does not belong to this era, the mysterious master above the gray mist, the yellow and black king who is in charge of good luck...

In a manor in Queens District of Backlund, in the ghost ship on the Sonia Sea, the same incantation also appeared in the pens of two other members of the Tarot Society.

(End of this chapter)

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