Mystery: Good Witch

Chapter 439 Siren's Stab

Chapter 439 Siren's Stab

As the whistle sounded, there was a brief panic in the restaurant. Passengers stopped their knives and forks and looked around with confusion on their faces.

It was normal for them not to think of pirates immediately. Unlike the pursuit of fast and cheap cargo routes, passenger ships usually choose safe sea areas that have been cleaned by the Navy and the Church of Storms. As long as they do not deviate from the course, they rarely encounter unsightly encounters. pirate plunder.

Unfortunately, this "City Breaker" seemed to have another purpose. It spread its sails against the wind and turned its sails sideways, diagonally cutting the direction of the Blue Mountain Rose at an extremely high speed. According to the current speed, it would take at most half an hour. Can block the front of this passenger ship.

In contrast, the Blue Mountain Rose was traveling completely against the wind. As a new steamship, it could only reach less than three-quarters of the 16-knot speed it could run. The steering would go deep into an area with unknown sea conditions. At this moment, it was in a dilemma.

The "city breaker" chose to appear at this time, which must have gone through the most detailed calculations and careful consideration.

——The above analysis comes from Ms. Elaine, who is proficient in navigation. Angel knows nothing about it.

As the whistle gradually subsided, a burly man came to the restaurant with several gun-wielding sailors. He introduced himself as the second officer of the ship, announced the pirate attack to everyone, and asked everyone to return to their cabins. , lock the door and wait quietly.

He did not propose that armed passengers join the sailors' queue to resist, and no passengers took the initiative to do so. Since Nast, the King of the Five Seas, formulated the "industry rules", most pirates only rob property and do not hurt anyone. , hiding in the cabin will only result in most of the valuable belongings being robbed, leaving only one life, but dying in the resistance will be a wasted death.

Angel and Elaine followed the crowd back to the cabin without saying a word, came to the suite, and locked the door to the living room.

Looking through the porthole at the "City Breaker" that was nearly twice as big as before, Angel glanced at Elaine, who looked a little pale next to him, and asked:

"Do you think they just grabbed a passing passenger ship, or did they have a clear goal and come to find you?"

"I don't know. In the past, I was caught back several times before I could escape far."

The latter shook his head, his tone a little uncertain.

"Then judging from the worst-case scenario, how far is the range of their naval guns? Will they fire at the farthest distance?"

Angel narrowed his eyes and stared closely at the city breaker, and found that its side muzzles had all been opened, and cast iron cannons were pushed out one after another. There were a total of 40 cannons on one side, which was worthy of a battleship under the command of a pirate general.

"The worst case scenario... wouldn't it be that I was captured by them? How could they fire cannons and sink the ship?"

Elaine asked rhetorically.

"The worst-case scenario is of course that your love rival takes advantage of this 'failed robbery' and sends you and the entire ship to the bottom of the sea." Angel chuckled and teased, "Could it be that 'Vice Admiral Disease' is in her team?" No suitors within?"

"Love rival? The captain of the 'City Breaker' is Lucky William. He is not liked by the captain... No, no, there is no love rival!"

After subconsciously retorting, Elaine reacted and her face turned red again.

"Hmph, don't you know very well which captains are under Tracy's command? You didn't want to tell me before because you were afraid that I would be disadvantageous to her?" Angel snorted coldly and looked Elaine up and down, "By the way, you are carrying Is it something Tracy gave you? She may very well use it to track your location."

"I'm a 'hunter'. How could I not take anti-tracking measures? I didn't bring any jewelry. I also threw that red skirt out of the cabin last night."

retorted the red-haired woman.

"But they still tracked you... Maybe there are other methods, such as divination. But it wasn't Tracy who came here, maybe it was just a coincidence... You said, I will hang you out of the porthole so that their lookout hands can see , will you be afraid of getting closer because of this?"

"They will only be more excited to capture this ship. The captain who captured me last time was rewarded by Tracy with a full thousand pounds. William has Sequence 7, and he will not let go of this opportunity."

Elaine also had a grimace on her face and squeezed to the window to look at the "city breaker" who was getting closer and closer. After a moment, she gritted her teeth as if she had made up her mind.

"You ask the captain for a small boat, let me take it and stay where I am, and then you go quickly. If William catches me, I will be busy telling Tracy that I will not chase this boat anymore. Otherwise, wait until Black Death "The Blue Mountain Rose" and other ships surrounded me, and even if I were handed over, the Blue Mountain Rose would not be able to survive."

This is a good idea... Just like using "Vice Admiral Iceberg" behind "Fire" Daniz to scare away the Red Skull Pirates, throwing Elaine where she is may be able to stop the City Breaker. This is also A form of "battle avoidance doll"... If it were me two weeks ago, I would probably choose this method, but now...

Angel chuckled lightly and pushed the porthole outward, letting the sea breeze that passed quickly due to the headwind flow into the living room, making Elaine's long skirt rustle.

"Oh, it's a good thing I lent you my skirt. I'm wearing this set of clothes that is convenient for movement. Otherwise, I would have to change clothes before moving." As he said this, Angel pulled the rose necklace out of his shirt and let the ruby ​​glow. The faint blue light switched to the soul of "Wind Blessed One", "Wait here, if I haven't come back in half an hour, you can go find the captain yourself and do as you just said."

As she spoke, she activated "Ocean Affinity", and pieces of beautiful phantom scales grew on the skin of her face, hands and feet, and fish gills appeared on her cheeks, making her speak in an awkward tone.

" don't want to take the initiative to attack the 'City Breaker', right?"

Seeing the changes in Angel, how could Elaine not understand what was going to happen next?

"This is not an attack, it's just... a withdrawal of money. By the way, how much is the reward for that lucky William?" Taking off the frenzy ring, revealing the face of "Angelica" worth 6000 pounds, Angel said in a tone of voice He asked calmly, as if he was asking what was for dinner today.

"He has boasted that he has 2800 pounds, but I have never seen a wanted order..."

Elaine replied subconsciously, and then, looking at the beautiful and charming Angel in front of her, who looked a bit like the legendary siren, she disappeared and disappeared.

A moment later, a "plop" sound came from the sea below the porthole.


After jumping into the sea, Angel quickly grasped the direction with the help of "Ocean Affinity" and used his hands and feet to swim towards the location of the "City Breaker".

This is the second time she has swam in the sea in the form of a "Siren" wearing magic scales. The last time was near the White Agate in Bansi Port. Due to exhaustion of physical strength and spirituality, she did not test this ability for a long time. She was full of energy and rushed forward like an arrow through the water. The icy water seemed to be separated by invisible force, allowing her to move forward with almost no resistance. The speed was far faster than the ship, reaching more than three times that of the Blue Mountain Rose sailing at full speed.

In terms of speed, it was about 50 knots. It was almost like flying underwater... Angel looked at the deep sea bottom below and felt the cold water passing by. The Blue Mountain Rose behind him quickly moved away. In front of him was the Blue Mountain Rose. The bottom of the completely black Citybreaker is getting bigger and bigger.

In less than five minutes, Angel swam near the pirate ship. In order to avoid being discovered by the pirates on the deck, she continued to swim deeper, then circled the bottom of the ship and turned to sail in the same direction as the city breaker. Only then did she gradually Returning to the water, he jumped up using the speed of the upward thrust, pressed against the side of the ship, and inserted the dagger turned into a knight's bracelet into the wooden bulkhead tightly, fixing himself on it.

The noisy conversations of the pirates could be heard on the deck overhead, as well as the increasingly high-pitched shouts as the target approached. No one seemed to notice that there was an extra intruder on the ship.

Angel looked around, found the nearest porthole, used his dagger to nimbly climb nearby, reached out to open the window, and got in.

Behind the window is a small room, with six hammocks hanging in a mess, wooden barrels and wooden boxes scattered on the ground as tables and chairs, and a few short candles have long been extinguished.

"Everyone... should be on the deck and ready to engage in battle."

She thought about it, removed the phantom scales on her body, returned to her human appearance, gently opened the door, and looked into the corridor outside.

It's also deserted here.

Even if most people are on deck, a fully staffed ship should still have a lot of backup personnel...unless they set sail in a hurry and don't even have enough sailors. This possibility is not low. Perhaps "Vice Admiral Disease" learned of Elaine's whereabouts from some channel and notified the nearest ship to intercept, so it seemed to be in a hurry.

Angel pushed open the doors of several rooms and found that no one was there. He simply used his "disease" ability to quickly spread the invisible germs to all cabins and the deck above.

"It's a pirate ship anyway, so there's no need to worry about hurting innocent people..."

She held the "Good Luck" revolver in one hand and her other hand was free, ready to summon the knight bracelet at any time, and walked slowly towards the stairs leading upward.

Going up layer by layer, until the two sides of the layer below the deck were transparent and filled with cast-iron cannons, Angel saw the pirates on the ship.

Some of them were lying on the aisle, some were holding cannonballs, kneeling on the ground and breathing heavily, and some were lying on the muzzle of the cannon, with their heads facing outside, trying to take a few breaths of fresh air.

But without exception, these pirates were all seriously ill, their limbs were weak, their eyes were straight, and they were about to fall into coma.

This is the reason why Angel controlled the intensity of the "disease". Otherwise, in the two minutes since she came up from below, these ordinary pirates who were not extraordinary people in the cabin would have already had their hearts stopped and died of the disease, just like... heavy fog. Those poor people in the haze.

Looking at the eyes staring at him, showing panic, fear or hatred, Angel felt a surge of complicated emotions in his heart.

This was the first time she had used "disease" to kill enemies on a large scale. This somewhat miserable scene had already made her feel uncomfortable. She could not imagine what kind of mentality "Lady Desperate" Panatia had in order to be able to do so without any problems. He has no scruples in unleashing a large-scale poisonous mist that can kill more than 100,000 people.

However, this method is really helpful for acting. I can already feel the magic medicine in my body being digested quickly... She pursed her lips, put aside this terrible thought, stepped on the wooden stairs, pushed open the partition, and came On deck.

Because of the baffles, the "disease" below did not reach the deck immediately. The pirates who were shouting and crowded on the side of the ship, looking at the Blue Mountain Rose not far away, only had some stuffy noses and fever, but did not have any symptoms. The first thing he realized was that he was sick and about to collapse.

Only "Lucky William", the captain of the City Breaker who was standing on the bridge and looking at the target with a monocular, turned his head as if he had some realization, and his somewhat cloudy eyes met Angel's. sight.

The next second, his expression changed drastically, he threw away the telescope and shouted:


The sharp shouts dispersed the somewhat jubilant atmosphere on the deck. Dozens of pirates first looked at their captain, and then followed his gaze to Angel. They were stunned for a moment as they looked at this beautiful woman who suddenly appeared on the deck. .

(End of this chapter)

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