Mystery: Good Witch

Chapter 441 Angry Lieutenant General

Chapter 441 Angry Lieutenant General

Looking at the sea that was like a boiling soup pot for a while, Angel silently dove into the water, avoiding the horrified looks of the surviving pirates who looked like they were seeing a siren.

She originally thought that the talisman made with a few drops of the blood of her Sequence 5 Extraordinary would be at most like the "Sleep" and "Dream" talismans, which could have a certain effect on enemies within a radius of several meters, even if it was called "Disaster" , maybe it just gives people a headache?

Unexpectedly, a pirate ship that was tens of meters long, filled with hundreds of pirates and sailors, and equipped with multiple cast-iron cannons, was instantly wiped out by such a small piece of iron, as if it had never existed on the sea.

Its power is no less than the most powerful spell Angel has ever seen, "Sun Flame". The latter played a huge role in dealing with Megoos in Tingen City. Under Klein's continuous use, it almost burned to death the descendant of the evil god. The mother body, and the "light-breaking ray" made from this material penetrated all the enemies present in one fell swoop. If there were one or two more talismans at that time, I am afraid that Ince Zangwill could only continue to hide behind the scenes. Think of a way and never dare to show up easily.

Although "Disaster" is not as condensed and concentrated as the lethality of "Kage Flame", it can release all the lethality evenly onto the huge ship, and actually destroyed the entire ship without killing any pirates. "City Breaker"...if the target is a mid-sequence or even a high-sequence Beyonder, can the same effect be achieved?

The only problem is probably how to make the talisman hit the target directly. High-sequence extraordinary people are not as obvious targets as battleships. No one is stupid enough to personally catch the talisman thrown by the enemy, and those who can be easily hit do not need the talisman. Can also deal with...

Thinking about it, Angel spit out a string of bubbles in the water, swam quickly with her limbs, and left the sea as fast as she came. In front of her, the "Blue Mountain Rose" was slowly dragging a line of black smoke away.


Returning to his suite through the porthole, Angel shook off the seawater from his body, only to find Elaine sitting on the sofa, staring at him blankly.

"You... 'City Breaker'... what happened just now?"

She watched the entire battle on the Citybreaker from the porthole with the excellent eyesight of the "Hunter", and saw Angel easily deal with "Lucky William" and his men.

This is not something surprising. This witch is a Sequence 5 Beyonder like Tracy. It is not difficult to deal with a ship of pirates and Sequence 7 William. But after the other party jumped into the sea, the entire "City Breaker" was like The internal explosives were detonated and exploded into almost invisible pieces, which was beyond Elaine's imagination.

The strangest thing is that the pirates on the ship don't seem to have suffered any similar injuries. Just now when Angel returns to the suite, in the distant sea, the surviving pirates are still helping each other to bundle the empty wooden boxes and barrels. Together, they made a simple pontoon boat and rowed farther and farther using their hands as oars.

This kind of ability has never been seen by Elaine, who has been with Tracy for several months, and she believes that the other party has not concealed similar power, otherwise the "Lieutenant General of Disease" would have been the "Queen of Disease" alongside the Four Kings. .

"It's just a simple charm."

Angel replied with a chuckle, turning away his face, the smile on his lips was a little stiff.

The spell is indeed simple, but she doesn't know what power it is at all, or even which god's power is borrowed from. A few drops of her own blood can cause such damage, which is comparable to the blood of a god...

Strong power must have stronger negative effects, and magic potions and magical items are no different. She is safe and sound now, maybe she just doesn't know where the side effects are reflected.

Before you figure out the true meaning of "disaster", you must use it with caution...

With such thoughts in mind, Angel dragged a long trail of water back to the bedroom and started to change clothes, leaving the red-haired lady with a blank look on her face.

"A simple charm?"

she repeated in a murmur.


The Blue Mountain Rose, whose boiler was burning hot, ran away in a hurry. When the struggling pirates were no longer visible on the water antenna, the whistle sounded again, and the long whine announced the end of the alert.

Angel, who had put on a comfortable dress, put on the frenzy ring, and returned to the deck with Elaine. Together with the passengers who ran out of the room, they looked at the back of the ship. The afternoon sun was fierce, and there were only sparkling waves on the sea. , only the faint island in the distance was left, and no following ship was seen.

Most of the passengers began to whisper and discuss what had just happened. They were all hiding in the cabin. From the portholes in some rooms, they could see the "city breaker" suddenly disappearing into the distance, but it was obviously impossible to tell what happened with the eyesight of ordinary people. What happened can only be pieced together by not-so-correct explanations while talking to each other.

"...Maybe they are just passing by. This is a safe route. There are warships patrolling at any time. Most pirates don't dare to plunder here..."

"If you ask me, they can't catch up with this steamship at all. The newspaper said that the future will be the era of steam power!"

But Angel still discovered that in a corner of the deck, the second mate, who had come to the restaurant to inform everyone to go back to their cabins, was talking to a tall, thin man wearing a boat-shaped hat.

"...It can be seen clearly that the woman with light blond hair easily brought down almost all the pirates and burned their captain to death..."

"Can you recognize who it is?"

"The captain who failed to jump ship is a bit like 'Lucky William', the vicious pirate who committed many major crimes and had a bounty of 2800 pounds. But he was caught a few months ago, so why is he here again?"

"I'm asking about that woman."

"Yes, Captain, I looked through the wanted posters on the ship. The only one who matched the appearance was the murderer wanted by the Church of Storms, the one with 6000 pounds. But why did she..."

The two chatted and walked farther and farther away. Angel withdrew his gaze and looked at the calm sea. Elaine next to her was not as calm as the sea. She also heard the conversation between the second mate and the captain. When she heard words such as "murderer" and "6000 pounds", she secretly moved her eyes to her side and became More and more scary for women.

She was already glad that she decisively gave up resistance last night, otherwise she might have become another blood debt on this witch's wanted list...


Long after the smoke plume of the Blue Mountain Rose disappeared from the water antenna, a huge black ship slowly arrived. A white flag with a skull painted on the top of its mast was flying. The skull was also dark, with blue flames burning in its eye sockets.

"Black Death", the flagship of "Vice Admiral Disease" Tracy.

The distressed pirates struggling in the sea shouted loudly, and some even raised their muskets that had not yet been filled with water and fired into the air to attract the attention of the ships.

After a while, several small boats were lowered from the side of the Black Death. They picked up the pirates one by one and returned to the ship.

Waiting for these survivors of the "City Breaker" was a woman wearing a dark red coat and beige slim-fitting trousers. Her long black hair was tied behind her head and wrapped in a white headscarf. Her white shirt was slightly exposed under the coat. She has an attractive figure and her blue eyes are looking into the distance with a hazy look that makes people fall into them.

She was holding a wet red dress in her hand, which was exactly the same one that Elaine had thrown out of the cabin after changing into it.

It was a skirt she gave to Elaine that best matched her bright red hair. Every time she took it off Elaine with her own hands, the red-haired lady always had a blush on her face, as if she was attracted by the red color of the skirt. Stained through the skin.

She could already feel Elaine's attitude of refusing to welcome him. Maybe in another month or even two weeks, she would be able to completely capture the other person's heart and turn her into her own from the outside to the inside.


However, she found this long skirt under the guidance of divination, and picked it up on the sea like picking up discarded garbage.

She threw away her skirt, what to wear?

Tracy's first reaction was not anger, but concern.

Seeing that the pirates on the City Breaker had been rescued, she snorted coldly and walked towards these frightened subordinates.

Before, these pirates, who were respectful on the surface but actually always cast their lustful eyes on their key parts, would have looked over with blushing faces, but now they were like frightened quails, sitting on their knees one by one, trembling. Incessantly.

"What happened? Where is my 'Citybreaker'? Where is that dwarf William?"

After repeated questioning, Tracy finally learned about the battle that took place an hour ago.

In other words, massacre.

"All sick, like my enemies?

"'Button' had his neck cut off with a knife?

“That idiot William was tied to the rudder and burned to death?

"What did she say? Elaine is hers!?"

Unable to bear it anymore, Tracy kicked the surviving pirate in front of her. She took a deep breath, suppressed the unknown anger in her heart, gritted her teeth and continued to ask:

"What about the boat? Did she kick you one by one into the sea and sail the boat away alone?"

"No, she...she directly blew the entire ship into pieces. Those planks are the last traces of the 'City Breaker'..."

A pirate who even lost his pants in a panic replied in a low voice and handed over a piece of rotten deck fragment. Tracy silently took it. With a little force on her hand, the board broke into two pieces again in her palm.


After a long time, Tracy asked with a gloomy expression.

Without waiting for an answer, she shook off the crumbs on her hands and turned back towards her cabin.

As a "pain" witch, she quickly understood from the oral accounts of the surviving pirates that most of the extraordinary abilities used by the women who attacked the "city breaker" came from the same potions as her own, such as sharp long swords and rapid underwater attacks. Movements can all be explained by magical items, except for the ability to blow up an entire battleship in one blow without harming other pirates...

The demigod-level black flames she had seen were unable to achieve such an effect. Even the meteorites and hurricanes that she had summoned could easily destroy ships, but they could not leave the pirates inside unharmed.

Who is it?

Thinking that she had inexplicably been a whole day late to discover Elaine's escape, and that her divination had been repeatedly frustrated, Tracy held the red dress in her hand tightly, her face as cold as frost.

(End of this chapter)

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