Mystery: Good Witch

Chapter 444 Heading to Para Island

Chapter 444 Heading to Para Island

Angel, who had just been joking about the soaring value of "Lee Yan" and lamenting the golden mountains on the sea, could no longer laugh at this moment.

She looked around and saw that no one cared about these pirate "illustrated books" that were valuable but even more dangerous. Then she slowly walked forward, tore off her wanted order and studied it carefully.

She found that except for the change in the amount, the rest of the description was the same as before.

"No one else knows about my hunting process of 'Steel'. Even if the punishment agents divine additional information, the timing of the bounty increase will not match Daniz's... The only possibility is that on the way to Zhongcheng Island The destruction of the 'City Breaker' was reported by the captain of the Blue Mountain Rose, and the Church of Storms judged that my danger level was even higher... Alas, an island connected to a submarine cable is too unfriendly to wanted people."

Thinking like this, Angel crumpled the wanted notice into a ball and threw it into the garbage pile nearby. He smoothed out the "flaming" wanted notice blown by the wind to make it more conspicuous.

"I hope you will exceed my reward soon, Mr. 6000 pounds..."

She murmured, carrying her suitcase, blending into the crowd and walking towards the short ferry she was going to take.

Pala Island is only about 40 nautical miles away from Zhongcheng Island, and the steam ferry takes three hours to travel. Therefore, this ship that can carry hundreds of people does not have guest rooms, only two large rooms for passengers to rest, and a wide deck below the deck. The cabin is a warehouse that supplies industrial products and raw materials that cannot be produced locally on Para Island.

Not long after Angel got on board, the ferry set sail with its whistle blowing. Most of the passengers were local residents who had been traveling on this route for a long time. They chatted on the deck or found a corner in the lounge to take a nap. Angel, a foreigner who came here for the first time, was a little at a loss.

She stood on the deck for a while and blew in the cold, salty sea breeze. She soon became bored and returned to the lounge. She sat down on a long chair and leaned against the porthole to look at the rain clouds and clouds in the distance. It was closer than what I saw at the pier just now, and the heavy rain seemed to be coming at any time.

You can't be so unlucky that you encounter bad weather right after you go to sea, right?

Angel touched the "good luck" revolver on his waist and suddenly felt guilty.

Fortunately, an unexpected guest distracted her attention.


Suddenly there was a somewhat illusory meow in her ears. Angel realized something and turned on his spiritual vision. He found that Ms. Wensa had appeared in the porthole next to her at some point, holding a small envelope in her mouth.

"Thank you."

She thanked her gently, reached out to take the letter, and touched the black cat's furry back, but the clever messenger easily dodged it. His blue eyes glanced at her with contempt, and then he slipped into the spirit world and left. .

I almost forgot, it's just a spiritual creature...

Angel retracted his arm in embarrassment, opened the envelope and looked at the letter, and found that it was indeed a reply from Klein.

“Sorry for delaying my reply for three days. I have been through a lot in Bayam these past few days, and I didn’t solve most of the problems until today.

"The locals hiding in the shadows of Bayam believe in the 'Poseidon' Kavitua, but the latter seems to have fallen into some kind of madness recently, trying to roll up hurricanes and tsunamis to hit this 'City of Generosity'. Fortunately, A demigod from the Church of Storms, 'Sea King' Yarne Coatman, easily suppressed this not-so-powerful 'Sea God'. The military also cooperated with the Punishers to search the city and started a melee with the resistance organization. We and Daniz were involved in this matter. By the way, Daniz said that his captain believed that the 'Sea King' had reached Sequence 3, which was an object that must not be messed with.

"In addition, during this incident, I contacted the blue-haired captain you met last time, Alger Wilson, and confirmed the identity of the believer with him. We may have limited cooperation in the future. Of course, he I don't know my relationship with you.

"Finally, there is something you may want to know. At an underground gathering of extraordinary people on Sunday, someone offered a reward of 1500 pounds to find a red-haired woman named Elaine who is related to the 'Lieutenant General of Disease' you described in your letter. The goals of the search are very similar.

"Looking forward to your return as soon as possible - Hermann."

At the bottom of the letter paper is the face of a black cat, making a weird smile, which is lifelike, somewhat like Ms. Windsor who just sent the letter.

Was he testing whether Wensa would peek at the letter... Angel suppressed his laughter, carefully folded the letter and put it away, and then thought about the content of the letter.

Angel had heard about the local resistance organization in Bayam during his exchanges with Alger the Hanged Man and Dominic the Intelligence Dealer, but he didn't pay much attention to it. He didn't expect that they actually believed in an almost crazy "Poseidon" and even wanted to To flood the entire city with a tsunami.

Judging from Klein's description in the letter, Bayam is likely to have been caught in the melee between the local garrison, the Church of Storms and the resistance organization at this time. It is unknown whether the war will spread from the "City of Bountiful" to the entire Rhoside Islands.

The resistance organization, which has been oppressed by the colonists for a long time and is filled with anger, the Church of Storms, which believes in fighting violence with violence, and the Loen military... The two sides are facing each other head-on. I am afraid that the war will not disappear in a day or two.

Sighing, Angel temporarily let go of his sympathy for the local residents of the Rhoside Islands and focused on matters related to himself.

Klein's contact with "The Hanged Man" Alger did not surprise Angel. The two are both believers of the Fool, and they even cooperated once when hunting "Steel" Maiviti, although she was the matchmaker. , but Klein already knew about such a Fool believer hiding in the Church of Storms. Although Alger didn’t know that there was another person behind Angel, he should be able to learn about the battle situation that day through the information inside the Punisher. It is not difficult to come up with the corresponding analysis.

"I hope Mr. Hanged Man will not reveal too much about the Tarot Society. This will only happen if Mr. Fool agrees..." She murmured.

Finally, there is Elaine. Tracy obviously did not successfully intercept the opponent on his way back to Bayam immediately after arriving at Zhongcheng Island, so currently the only way to capture Elaine is through an underground reward. As the owner of a 25000-pound reward, , she would never risk offering a reward through official channels, otherwise she might be targeted before Elaine.

"Fortunately, I gave her travel expenses at the time, otherwise she might have been stuck at sea by Tracy if she had been delayed for a few days at Zhongcheng Island."

After praising his little kindness, Angel turned his gaze to the sea outside the window again, and suddenly found that the sky outside had become dark without knowing it, with dark clouds covering it, and it was unpredictable, like a door to an unknown area.

The storm that was far away in the horizon just now has actually arrived above Angel, and the violent and changeable sea shows its fickleness.

In the blink of an eye, the pouring rain fell, mixed with bright lightning, like scars cutting through the dark sky. The originally calm sea around it had rolled up huge waves, constantly lapping the ferry, making the lounge It swayed from side to side erratically, and the lights inside flickered, adding to the sense of helplessness under the power of nature.

What a "good luck"... Angel cursed and looked towards the door of the lounge. The passengers who had been hanging out and chatting on the deck rushed in to take shelter from the rain. They each found their seats and sat down. They looked unhurried, as if they had been there all day. You can see similar scenes.

The few passengers who showed fear and clung to their fixed seats were all "novices" who came to the Raging Sea for the first time. Although Angel was a little panicked inside, he still kept a straight face and tried to integrate into the atmosphere of "veteran" middle.

The ferry continued to move forward in the wind and waves, skillfully avoiding the most dangerous positions, and soon sailed out of this apocalyptic scene. Bright sunshine suddenly appeared in the sky, and the waves gradually subsided.

Angel looked back and saw that the rain cloud seemed to be controlled by someone and moved quickly towards Zhongcheng Island. It was conceivable that the dock over there would soon be hit by the same storm.

"Hey, this is the Wild Sea, you'll get used to it."

An apparently local man next to her said to another passenger who was holding on to a protrusion on the wall to stabilize his body.


After such an episode, the ferry arrived at the pier of Pala Island according to the schedule without any other accidents. Angel followed a boatload of passengers off the ship and set foot on this small port town.

The buildings here are quite similar to the style of Balam in the Southern Continent. They follow the terrain and show a more natural curvature, rather than flattening the hills and laying out horizontal and vertical streets like Runen.

Of course, the carriages that travel here are still two-wheeled or four-wheeled carriages, not the "coffin carriages" in Bailang that originated from the worship of the God of Death. Angel has only seen the latter in books and has always hoped to see the real thing. Unfortunately, the North and South Mainland China has a completely different attitude towards death. If you carry a coffin onto the street or even let a living person lie in it, you will be regarded as a fool.

After hiring a carriage, she arrived at a remote hotel after going around and around. She thought the driver was trying to rip off guests, but after repeated confirmations, she was surprised to find that almost all the local hotels were full, and the driver was indeed It was out of kindness that he took her to the few places where there were still vacancies.

"Then you are quite nice..."

Still paying in disbelief, Angel entered this old-looking hotel and was immediately shocked by the noisy and crowded lobby on the first floor.

Could it be that this island has recently become a popular tourist attraction, hosting travelers far beyond its limits?

Although she felt strange in her mind, she still quickly came to the front desk, registered under a false name, and rented a single room.

Seeing that the waiter had placed the "fully booked" sign in a conspicuous position, Angel realized that the coachman was not lying. Maybe if he came a few minutes late, even the hotel would be fully booked.

"What happened here recently? Why are all the guest rooms fully booked?"

She took her number plate and keys and asked the waiter at the front desk.

"Recently? Except that the storms are becoming more frequent, nothing else has changed."

The young man wearing a red vest and with his head raised looked at Angel in surprise and replied.

"But if you want to ask about guest rooms, all hotels are similar. Starting half a year ago, everyone's business has gradually improved. You see, a family of four over there has been staying with us for four months. The brown-haired lady next to them lived there for three months.”

He pointed to the resting place in the corner of the hall and whispered.

"You will definitely stay here forever."

(End of this chapter)

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