Mystery: Good Witch

Chapter 449 The Consequences of Failure in Promotion

Chapter 449 The Consequences of Failure in Promotion

kill him……

This is indeed the only way to deal with the loss of control. Angel "traveled" to Cole Granger, who failed to advance and died, and woke up in a basement full of blood, and even contained extraordinary characteristics; The polluted old Neil died in a human form thanks to the efforts of the senior deacon "Sword of the Goddess"; he also advanced to "Pain" in the great smog, and when he was on the verge of losing control after calming down the disaster, he asked the angel lady of the church to kill him I am not unfamiliar with this situation.

Whether they were contaminated by some hidden existence, or lost control due to failed promotion, they died on the spot, or turned into crazy and vicious existences. According to the church's internal information, the only way to deal with them is to End their miserable lives.

But is there really no other way?

"In the past six months, I have been in this collapsed mine, unable to leave, unable to die. The incomplete and out-of-control demigod body gave me long-term vitality, and the crazy part of my body invaded driven by instinct. I have more dreams, trying to 'live' in this constant dream."

Pierce's voice continued to come from the squirming mass of flesh.

"Invading dreams? You mean, the residents of the town above?"

Angel noticed the key point in the other person's words and asked rhetorically.

Could it be that the tourists who are unwilling to leave and are accumulating in the port town of Pala Island, and the residents who seem to have been living half a year ago, are all affected by this out-of-control senior deacon?

"Not all, the plantations in the distance, other villages and towns on the island have not been affected, but yes, in the port town above the mine, I have already weaved a huge dream, which will gradually It makes them unable to distinguish between reality and dreams, and makes them always think that they lived on a certain day half a year ago. They gradually lose the drive to change the status quo and become ignorant people who can only repeat themselves.

"Originally, this dream would end after I was successfully promoted. Unfortunately, I am unable to end everything now. Most of the dream belongs to another me, the crazy me. He thinks that he has been 'promoted' to the Night Watch, but is just trapped. In this rotting body, he wants to use more people, including tourists who come to the island and accidentally enter the dream world, and are influenced by him, to weave a nightmare that covers the entire island, becoming a real 'nightmare', and leaving here ."

Can such an attempt really succeed... But it doesn't seem too far-fetched to think that the demigod "Lady of Despair" Panatia can create a huge smog that affects hundreds of thousands of people and a huge nightmare that connects the entire island. …

Only then did Angel understand why all kinds of strange phenomena were happening on the island, the notice board at the door of the bar that had not been updated for a long time, the waiter's reply that there was nothing unusual, and the tourists who stayed here for up to half a year...

"But the punishers seem to have been here and dealt with the mine incident, and did not discover the nightmare he caused. Moreover, there have been no relevant rumors on Pala Island for half a year, until someone 'disappeared' recently..."

"The Punishers...their highest level is Sequence 7, and they are too easy to deal with. The other one I used a little 'excuse' in my dream to easily get rid of them, making the Church of Storms think it was a simple gas leak, and besides, there was no Inflicting real casualties, the Storm Disciples quickly closed the case and left Pala Island.”

There was a hint of disappointment in Pierce's tone.

"If they had discovered the abnormality earlier, even if they had reported it and asked their saints to deal with me, they would not have waited for the problem to escalate to this point. Recently, the other me in the dream has become more and more crazy, even regardless of the possibility of being exposed His own existence has connected more and more people to the nightmare he weaves. Although I don’t know whether his whimsical attempt will succeed, it will undoubtedly cause great harm to the residents of the entire Pala Island."

It seems that the senior deacon is very dissatisfied with the penal agents who hastily concluded the case...

"So, you became anxious and wanted to find someone who could end your life, and by the way, you also took care of Pierce in the dream before he completely left the body?"

Angel frowned and thought for a moment, then asked. She suddenly remembered the Leiden group who started "mining gold" a week ago, and added:

"Could it be that Leiden was influenced by you and tried to dig through the mine and expose you so that he could attract the attention of the official Beyonders again?"

"Oh, I have been making this kind of effort, but the leader of the 'dream' is another me. In reality, I only have the extraordinary ability of the 'gatekeeper'. But after being polluted during promotion, ordinary spiritual bodies cannot I can't get close to this place, and I can hardly influence anything outside the mine... Until recently, he who worked hard to corrode dreams relaxed his vigilance towards me, allowing me to control some of the newcomers' dreams, so I approached Layton. Let them dig up copper in their dreams and mistake it for some kind of gold..."

Then they dug copper mines for a whole week, thinking they had made a fortune... The corners of Angel's mouth twitched, feeling a little sad for Leiden and his group of "gold miners."

Not noticing Angel's slander, Pierce continued to narrate in a low voice:

"Yesterday, a person who was not affected by the 'Nightmare' entered the mine. I thought that the Holy Church finally noticed this place and sent a saint to check. Unexpectedly... you turned out to be a witch. Sorry, I am not a witch. Discrimination on the medicine path, I’m just curious about how you joined the Nighthawks.”

"This is more complicated. Around the same time as your promotion failed, I joined the Nighthawks team in Tingen City..." Angel didn't want to elaborate on his past and said casually, "But you can actually Are the extraordinary people who recognize the path of the witch because they have met people from the 'Witch Sect' before?"

"I rarely interact with this secretive sect, but a few months ago, a strange, extraordinary creature that could move quickly through the spiritual world broke into Pala Island and was pulled into a dream by another me, almost becoming him. As part of the plan, I also shared the strange dream of this creature, and met many young women of your sequence... Haha, they all seem to be 'pain' witches."

Traveling quickly through the spiritual world, I also saw the "Pain" Witch... Couldn't she be the "Gazeer" I'm looking for? Angel reacted immediately and asked:

"Where is it now?"

"This extraordinary creature was too alert and quickly got rid of the dream on its own and left the island through the spirit world. But in the dream, I saw the place where they lived. It was an island to the west of Zhongcheng Island and southwest of Hakata Port, because I can't determine the specific location of the chaotic spiritual world, but there is a stranded pirate ship there, which should not be difficult to identify. If you want to see the scene in its dream, I can show it to you through dreaming, but it's a pity that the one in your hand The Holy Emblem will isolate the influence of dreams..."

Southwest of Hakata Port, there is an island where a pirate ship ran aground... Angel carefully wrote down this information, nodded after a moment, and continued:

"Then how can I get you out of your current pain? Since you know that I am Sequence 5, you should understand that I have no means of killing the demigod's body."

If Angel was still Sequence 6 and had not faced the "Lady of Despair" directly, she might still think that the gap between two Sequences could be made up through magical items and tactics, but the closer she got to the dividing line between mid-sequence and high-sequence, she would The more I understand what the title "demigod" actually means.

"Alternatively, I can return to Zhongcheng Island as soon as possible and ask for help from the church via telegram, asking them to send other senior deacons to help you as soon as possible."

For example, Lord "Sword of the Goddess" Sesima, he fought head-on with Lanreus who accepted the divine surrender... Angel added in his heart.

"No, it may be too late. I can feel that the 'plan' of the other me has come to an end. Although I think this method of immortality in dreams is unlikely to succeed, I cannot take this risk," Pierce said in an angry voice. The answer was quick and urgent, "And the body is still in my hands now. In a few days, it won't be certain. I will let go of all defenses. You use the black flames and the magical items in your hands to attack me with all your strength. You will definitely be able to …”

Before he finished speaking, the white feathers mixed with yellow oil suddenly grew outward and became more obvious. Angel's heart beat violently, and her spirituality reminded her of the huge danger that was about to occur here. She did not hesitate. , spiritually locked onto the magic mirror she had left in advance, her body scattered shimmering fragments on the ground like a broken mirror, with a few filthy feathers falling from them.

The next moment, she reappeared next to a broken dressing mirror above the mine. She first looked at herself and found nothing strange, and then carefully stepped to the pit. She did not dare to look directly down, but spoke loudly. road:

"Mr. Senior Deacon, what happened just now?"

Her tone was calm, as if the dangerous omen that suddenly broke out just now was just an illusion, but in fact, the good luck revolver in her right hand was aimed downwards, and she took out the "disaster" charm in her left hand, and she was ready for all battles.

"Just now...the other me was trying to control my body, merging dreams, reality and spirit into one, completely annihilating my existence..."

Pierce's voice was a little high so that it could be heard by Angel above the cave.

"It's too late to ask for help from the church. I suppressed him temporarily. You immediately use all means to eliminate this body. Otherwise, when he completely gets rid of the shackles of the body and enters the huge nightmare of Para Island, I am afraid there will be more to solve. Me."

"It seems like this is the only way to go, but given the previous situation, do you mind if I use the 'Sleeping Charm' to make you lose your resistance first, and then come back to you?"

Angel's voice was hesitant. She looked over and found that she was directly above the "piece of meat".

"This is better. I will let go of my resistance. You can throw the spell on me. About three spells will take effect, but you have to do it quickly, otherwise he may use this to control my body."

Down in the cave, Pierce's answer was filled with relief and relief.

Holding the revolver in one hand, Angel used the other hand to find several charms made of silver flakes. He held one with his fingertips and recited softly:

"Dark night."

Injecting a little spirituality into the spell, she threw out the silver piece and listened to the slight explosion sound of the spell falling straight to the bottom of the cave. A calming wave came from below.

"Dark night."

The second spell was activated, and two waves of sleep-inducing waves were transmitted, making Angel, who was far away from the bottom of the cave, somewhat drowsy. Pierce's voice and the subtle sound of the flesh squirming below had completely disappeared.

She picked up the third talisman, and her spiritual energy suddenly poured into it until more than half of it was consumed.


The ancient Hermes language that was completely different from before sounded, and the "Disaster Spell" in her hand left her fingertips and fell downwards.

(End of this chapter)

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