Mystery: Good Witch

Chapter 457 Golden Dream

Chapter 457 Golden Dream

Daniz stood excitedly on the bow of the fishing boat, waving his arms to the giant ship in the distance. After a while, the "Golden Dream" put down a small boat, and four people paddled, quickly approaching the fishing boat.

"Hey, boss!"

shouted one of the sailors, his head wrapped in a triangle scarf and wearing a cardigan shirt and cropped trousers.

It seems that this is the subordinate of the "Fourth Boatswain".

Daniz couldn't bear it anymore and jumped directly from the fishing boat, landed firmly on the boat, cheered, and high-fived the sailors one by one, like a victorious warrior.

"they are?"

Another sailor asked hesitantly, his eyes falling on the fishing boat.

Only then did he remember that there were two "guests" behind him. Daniz coughed lightly and introduced:

"These are the captain's guests. Don't neglect them. Take them back with you."

Although his tone was gentle, he couldn't hide the happiness between the lines, and he had a sense of superiority as if he had become the master.

Looking at Daniz, whose tail seemed to be raised to the sky, Angel chuckled and jumped off the fishing boat.

In order to prevent people from recognizing him on the road as a wanted criminal worth 12000 pounds, Angel slightly disguised himself with "hypocrisy". He has black hair, brown eyes, and a round face. He is still beautiful, but only retains his original appearance. Behind her, Klein was still dressed as Hermann. He was looking at the "Golden Dream" emitting a wisp of steam in the distance, and seemed to be studying the structure of the pirate ship.

When everyone looked at him, the cold-looking, expressionless adventurer picked up the box and stepped onto the boat.

"Did you find anything in your research?"

As the four sailors paddled hard, Angel leaned over and asked softly.

"The ship is not big, not even as big as the 'Red Skull' we saw last time. There are not many cannons on both sides, but the main cannon arranged on the central axis is very special. The pattern on it is a bit like an enlarged version of a charm."

Squinting his eyes to observe this strange-looking pirate ship under the scorching sun, Klein commented in a low voice.

"That's called the Purification Cannon, and it's more powerful than the other forty cannons combined!" Daniz, whose ears had been pricked up, finally found the opportunity, came over and said loudly, "Six 'Priests of Light' will hold a prayer ceremony , after filling with spirituality, it can fire ten shots in a row, and every time it can sink a target of the same level as the 'Golden Dream'."

Is this the trump card that allows "Vice Admiral Iceberg" to become one of the seven pirate generals with a pirate ship?

Angel also squinted her eyes and looked at the "Golden Dream". As the boat gradually approached, she could clearly see the details of the powerful cannon with its barrel pointing upward. The complex symbols and patterns on the barrel were layered on top. , flowing with pure brilliance under the scorching sun.

Even if it takes three guns to kill a ship, it can still defeat one against four... But I don't know which one is stronger compared to my "disaster" charm... She thought, deliberately not answering Da, who had a show off expression on his face. Niz, soon found his face falling.


Klein on the side retracted his gaze and sneered.


With the help of the cable, the three boarded the upper deck of the Golden Dream and saw the busy sailors and Edwina Edwards standing silently next to the main gun.

Different from the beauty in skirt that Daniz saw in his dream, who looked more like a teacher, Edwina still had her long hair tied up at this time, but she had put on a more fashionable pair of trousers and knee-length trousers. Boots, a beige jacket buttoned up, and a command knife on his waist.

"Good afternoon, Mr. Hermann, and...Miss Angelica?"

She took the initiative to greet him.

"Hello, Madam Captain, I've put on a little disguise."

Angel responded, and out of the corner of his eye, he saw Daniz sneaking aside, greeting the sailors who were all looking here, and blocking the crowd, leaving space for the three of them to talk.

Of course, he would cast a vigilant gaze over him from time to time, and he was a little worried about the conflict between the crazy adventurer, the kind-faced and dark-hearted Lady Ten Thousand Pounds, and his captain.

"You just showed up near Bayam like this. Aren't you worried about the Church of Storms and the military's warships?"

After slowly walking to the other side of the main gun and avoiding the eyes of the sailors, Angel asked first.

"They protect the main waterways and the vicinity of important ports. Geragos is a small port. It doesn't even have a church. It is almost half a pirate station. Within this week, there have been Admiral of Blood, Lieutenant General of Disease, and even ' The fleet of Nast, the King of the Five Seas, passed by and it was very lively."

Looking at the endless sea in the distance, Edwina replied in a calm tone, consistent with the rumored cold attitude.

"What are they looking for around here?"

Klein interjected.

"There must be something that attracts them and me to come. This can be explained in occult terms as..."

Lieutenant General Bingshan paused mid-sentence, as if she didn't know how to describe it. She pulled a fishing net that was drying next to the main gun mount, hung up the two corners, and stretched out a fairly flat surface. Pens, potion bottles, ritual daggers and other objects in the pockets are scattered randomly on the net, giving them an irregular distribution.

Then, she took off the command knife from her belt and threw it into the middle of these small objects. The command knife, which weighed several kilograms even with the scabbard, immediately pressed the fishing net into a funnel shape, causing all the pens and daggers around it to roll toward it, and eventually they were crowded together.

It's like a massive celestial body distorting the surrounding space and time... Angel stopped his scientific ideas halfway through the thought and turned to thinking about the problem in mysticism.

If this "model" is shown, then all pirate generals and even pirate kings came to Bayam because of a new special event...

"Admiral Blood" came because the second officer was trapped and killed, "Vice Admiral Disease" was most likely looking for Elaine, and "Vice Admiral Iceberg" wanted to cooperate with us to deal with Admiral Blood... In addition to "Five Seas" "King" Nast, are the other three really because of me and Klein? "Very vivid teaching, but it has nothing to do with us."

Unlike the pensive Angel, Klein replied with a straight face.

"Just a simple guess."

Edwina didn't take it seriously and replied softly. Her tone had always had the power to calm people down, perhaps because she often gave tutoring lessons to the crew on the ship.

"What do you think of the 'Blood Admiral' going deep into the Sea of ​​Rage?"

After watching the other party take back his belongings and hang up the fishing net again, Angel continued to ask.

"He did not follow the regular shipping route. Perhaps he did not want to cross the Raging Sea to the Southern Continent. He was just looking for something on the periphery. I have some kind of information channel that can regularly know his location. If he returns to the Rhoside Islands, you guys Will know."

"Where's Lieutenant General Disease?"

"I think you should already know that she is a Sequence 5 'pain' witch, and the force behind it is the Witch Sect. She is not like ordinary pirates. She rarely robs passing merchant ships, and is not even bloodthirsty. She has her own ideas and Pursuit, but she will also work for the organization and transport the abducted people. She seems to have no other missions recently and has been wandering around Bayam, looking for something."

I'm afraid she's looking for her "lover"... Angel's mouth almost couldn't be stretched, so he nodded and quickly ended the topic.

After that, she and Klein asked a few more questions, such as the location of the "Mermaid" and the news about the "Gazeer". The conclusion they got was consistent with what Arrods said on the ticker, which also made Angel determined. The idea of ​​going with the Hanged Man's ship to look for the "Gazeer" at the end of the month. If we miss this clue, we may really have to wait for news from Silver City and Mr. "The Sun".

"So, Madam Captain, you invited us here not just to answer our questions, right?"

Seeing that he had almost asked what he wanted to know, Angel lowered his voice and asked.

"What I want to know is..." Edwina looked at the crew not far away who were chatting but paying attention to the crew here from time to time, and then took a few steps to the other side, "Who are you?"

Before Angel could open her mouth, she added:

"Angelica Sage, Gehrman Sparrow, from Backlund, came to the sea via Pulitzer Harbor last month, adventurers looking for high rewards... These identities are fairly well fabricated, but they are Not real enough.

"An adventurer who can kill the Bishop of the Church of Storms in Bansi Port, so that it is still blocked, and can easily deal with 'Iron' Maiviti and his men, is unlikely to be unknown and has only recently emerged."

It seems that she has investigated us in detail... She is a pirate general and has her own intelligence network in Backlund? No, maybe this is the efforts of the forces behind her...

Angel was thinking and was about to say a few perfunctory words when Klein beside him had already answered:

"Everyone has some little secrets. You just need to know that we will not cause harm to you...not yet."

"So, what about Kavitua? Before he died, you made sacrifices to him, and after his death, the 'Poseidon' is still responding to the devout believers."

Edwina asked.


Angel couldn't help but want to look at Klein beside him, but held back at the last moment.

Although she was a little confused, she could not expose any differences between herself and Klein in front of Vice Admiral Iceberg.

And she could guess that this should be the task of Mr. "The Fool". Combined with his response at the Tarot meeting, I am afraid that the "Fool" has really begun to exercise the power of the "Poseidon".

"Is it possible for me, you, and the power behind you to cooperate?"

Seeing that the two of them had cold faces and said nothing, Edwina was not discouraged, but continued to speak with expectation on her face.

"Isn't cooperation with us already in progress?" Angel interjected, alluding to the plan to hunt the 'Blood Admiral', "Also, his gloves are called 'Creeping Hunger'."

"Vice Admiral Iceberg" must have already known this from Daniz. After all, Klein demonstrated the power of this magical item when he rescued Donna's family in Bansi Port and when fighting "Steel". As a pirate, One of the generals, Edwina, must know the details of the death of "Vice Admiral Hurricane" and know that a high-sequence extraordinary person possesses "creeping hunger", which means...

To cooperate with the forces behind us, the Tarot Society, which has high-sequence powerhouses and the authority of "Poseidon", you alone are not qualified...

Mr. Azik, this is the price you pay for always forgetting to go and come back... Angel has no guilt at all for carrying out this extraordinary person who may even have the power of an angel to intimidate Edwina, not to mention that the other party is The favored one of "The Fool".

"I understand, let's maintain the status quo for now."

As expected, the smart Edwina understood everything immediately, nodded slightly, replied, then looked at the sky and pointed to the cabin behind her:

"I've got lunch ready for you."

"Thank you."

Angel said, walking in tandem with Klein, following the pirate general who regained his cold expression into the cabin. The eager crew members behind him crowded forward, hesitating whether to follow, especially Daniz. He unabashedly poked his head into the cabin door and looked at the three people walking towards the restaurant.

"The atmosphere on your ship is pretty good."

Hearing the movement behind him, Angel couldn't help but comment.

She thought "Vice Admiral Iceberg" would be proud, but she didn't expect that this cold-tempered lady would rarely twitch the corners of her mouth, looking a little...angry?

"I plan to let Daniz stay in Bayam and stay with you. As a liaison between the two parties, I hope you can provide certain protection."


There seemed to be a dull sound coming from behind.

(End of this chapter)

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