Mystery: Good Witch

Chapter 459 The aggregation of extraordinary characteristics?

Chapter 459 The aggregation of extraordinary characteristics?

After another day's trek, the three returned to Bayam, the "City of Generosity" on Blue Mountain Island on Thursday.

After receiving a lot of caring news and taking away some of the Death documents collected by "Lieutenant General Iceberg", Angel and Klein were very satisfied with the journey of the past few days, except Daniz who said goodbye reluctantly. He joined his gloating friends on the "Golden Dream" and became Edwina's "liaison ambassador to Bayam".

Of course, as the fourth boatswain and the "arsonist" of Sequence 7, he did not just stay in the luxurious suite of the "Azure Wind" and monitor the radio, waiting for his captain to contact him through seance rituals and dreams.

Before leaving the "Golden Dream", Edwina hired Angel and Klein as intermediaries to help her provide a batch of aid to the resistance forces who were fighting Loen's colonial behavior in the Rhoside Islands and the suppression of the Church of Storms, and Dani We must also play an important role in this.

These rebels were mainly local residents. Some asked the colonial government for locals to manage local affairs, and some wanted to expel all outsiders from the islands. Their demands were different, but their methods were equally fierce.

Most of them are believers of "Poseidon" Kavitua, and they cooperate with adventurers and pirates who want money rather than life. They even have the official support of Intis and Fusac, and from time to time there are "Eternal Blazing Sun" and "God of War" "The church's missionaries secretly came across the sea to help them fight against the expansion of the Church of Storms.

Ten days ago, when "Poseidon" rolled up a tsunami and tried to attack Bayam, the resistance army cooperated with Poseidon's fanatic believers to launch offensives everywhere. Although Kavitua's decline was faster than everyone expected, they met head-on. Although it suffered heavy losses due to the joint attack of the Loen Navy and the Church of Storms, it is still the largest unofficial force in the Rhoside Islands, and even the pirate generals do not dare to provoke it easily.

So when "Lieutenant General Iceberg" provided them with assistance, was it a timely help, a secret show of goodwill, or...

...In order to show goodwill to the forces behind Klein and me that can control the power of "Poseidon" and easily kill "Vice Admiral Hurricane"? After all, "Poseidon" believers are now also believers of "The Fool" in a sense...

Angel leaned on the single sofa next to the balcony, looking out the window at the gradually darkening weather and thinking.

After returning to Byam yesterday, Daniz has been busy contacting the resistance, determining the time for assistance, and arranging for the private port to receive supplies. She and Klein took turns accompanying this man, who has a bounty of 6000 pounds on his head, without disguise. The big pirate who doesn't dare to go out is dressed up to prevent him from being recognized and captured to receive the reward.

In the past two days, she also saw countless resistance fighters hidden in the dense jungle of Blue Mountain Island and under the cliffs of the bay. Most of them were not even Extraordinary and did not even have any education. But the Loen colonists , investors and businessmen. In order to eliminate primitive beliefs, the Church of Storms, which spreads the power of gods, used increasingly ruthless methods to drive them together, forming a force that cannot be ignored.

In the escalating confrontation between the two sides, the resistance forces also began to disregard the lives of the locals and adopted drastic methods of exchanging injuries for injuries and blood for blood. They were even conducting primitive and bloody sacrifices... Fortunately, now the "Fool" After the husband took over, he promulgated the new "Ten Commandments", prohibiting the followers of "Poseidon" from killing innocent people and using human sacrifices as human sacrifices... Angel thought happily.

"I would have liked them even more if that believer named Ralph hadn't used sweet talk to get me to donate 100 pounds to a charity fund that helps local children..."

She felt heartbroken when she thought of the gold pounds she had lost when she and Daniz went to meet the rebels in the deep mountains and forests yesterday.

Mr. Fool has never taken so much money from me!

She stabbed it with a knife in hatred, scrapping an almost completed "Sleep" charm. Crimson electric light circulated on the surface of the silver piece, and the power gained through prayer immediately dissipated without a trace.

This evening, it was Klein's turn to accompany Daniz out. She was in the "Azure Wind" hotel replenishing the various charms that had been consumed recently. She made both "Sleep" and "Dreamland" which were used more frequently. He bought several of them, and if he couldn't use them all, he could give them to Klein and Daniz, but Angel was still hesitant about whether to continue making "disaster" spells.

This kind of spell that does not require praying to gods to obtain power but has huge destructive power is almost impossible to exist in occultism. Moreover, the talisman is also closely related to herself, and can only be made by her own hands, using her own unprocessed blood, or even used by herself.

She once tried to let Klein try to use a "disaster", but soon found that others could not infuse spirituality at all, and there was no response even if the activation spell was recited.

There is no doubt that this is the specialness that belongs to me... Angel looked at the only "disaster" in his hand, filled with a trace of spirituality, and watched the dark red like rust and the dark with a destructive aura flowing between the runes. It seems as if it will erupt in the next second, bringing irreversible disaster to everything that comes into contact with it.

"I have never seen such power even in the 'Lady of Despair' Panatia... This is definitely not the extraordinary ability of the 'Witch' path. Of course, they do not have the specialness of my resurrection after death... Could it be , my two resurrections from the dead in Tingen and Backlund, the mysterious runes in Bansi Port, and the power of 'disaster' all originated from the same power?"

Angel murmured, suddenly remembering what Edwina had said on the "Golden Dream" about the "attraction" that attracted pirate generals and pirate kings to the vicinity of Bayam.

Is there some kind of attraction to her uniqueness?

"Emperor Russell once said that everything that separates must come together, and everything that comes together must separate." Before returning to Bayam, the cold voice of "Lieutenant General Iceberg" echoed in Angel's ears again.

“Crush the contaminated properties and let them come together on their own.”

Azik's reminder also appeared in her memory.

A thunder suddenly sounded in Angel's mind.

"Will the extraordinary characteristics of the 'witch' in my body attract other extraordinary people who are also on the path of the witch?"

After confirming such an idea, she immediately found other evidence.

Starting from Mrs. Sharon, Extraordinaries of the witch path have appeared around me one after another, the assassin named Randy, Tris and Mitis who have not yet become witches, then the witch sect of Backlund, and even now , Tracy also came near Bayam... Angel counted the "witches" who appeared next to her one by one, and was surprised to find that one hand was not enough.

Of course, low-sequence, or even mid-sequence, shouldn’t have such a strong mutual attraction, otherwise the Extraordinaries of the twenty-two paths would have gathered together long ago... But maybe my specialness will produce more than just extraordinary characteristics. The "aggregation" ability is much greater, so that countless "witches" have appeared beside me without even realizing it... Angel increasingly feels that he has mastered the truth.

By the way, there is also "Hunter"!

She clearly remembered that when the evil spirit trapped in the underground ruins of Backlund promised her a reward in order to gain freedom, he said that the "Witch" could jump to the "Hunter" path in Sequence 4. This may mean that There is a certain similarity between the two paths, so that Dominic, Daniz, and even Elaine who escaped from Tracy all appeared next to her.

"Is this why I saw the 'Witch Card' representing the witch and the 'Red Priest Card' representing the hunter at the same time in the abandoned city after my death?

“They are adjacent and even closely connected pathways!”

After coming to this conclusion, Angel stood up from the table excitedly, walked to the balcony, and looked out the window at the sea shrouded in dusk. He wanted to find someone to share this joy, but he remembered that Klein was not around, and he Regretfully returned to the living room.

She no longer had the intention to continue making spells, so she put away the tools, separated the three "Sleep", the three "Dreams" and the only "Disaster" for easy access at any time, and then continued to walk back and forth in the living room.

"This should be close to the truth, but I haven't yet determined what my 'specialness' is. Maybe I can ask Mr. Fool for consultation. Well, of course this has to be paid, such as more Russell diaries... ...But I already owed this promise when I deposited the Tainted Night Holy Emblem last time, and I couldn't find a new page of the diary!

"I should buy some from Ms. Edwina on the Golden Dream. She must have collected a lot, but I was totally focused on watching Daniz's joke about copying the Death God's documents. It's all because of this hunter. I scolded you with a provocative expression...but I can still find another hunter, a hunter from Intis!"

She suddenly froze.

Elaine Soren, a descendant of the nobles from Intis, was a red-haired lady who recently escaped after being kidnapped by Tracy. Her family was active in the political arena of Intis in the Fourth Age. They even played an important role in the assassination of Emperor Russell. Did they collect the emperor's notes?

Thinking a little excitedly, Angel took out the personal magic mirror, placed it next to his desk, and recited:

"Mirror Mirror tells me where Elaine Soren is now."

The mirror turned dark, and then a trace of smoke appeared, finally reflecting her longing face.

Failed? Angel raised his eyebrows in surprise, remembering that he still had the bottle of Elaine's blood preserved in ice, and found it again, using it as a medium to perform the same divination again.

This time her divination broke through the interference. A red-haired Elaine dressed as a man soon appeared in the mirror, with her hands tied behind her back. She was sitting on a small boat with an unhappy face, and several rough-dressed sailors around her were struggling. He paddled the boat away from the pier, casting his lustful gaze at this beautiful lady from time to time.

This...Elaine was caught again? Is she really a Sequence 7 Beyonder?

Looking at the picture in the mirror, Angel fell into deep thought for a moment.

(End of this chapter)

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