Mystery: Good Witch

Chapter 463 Tracy’s death?

Chapter 463 Tracy’s death?

"When Daniz and I went to the rebel private port, we got a piece of information. Elaine, a red-haired woman who was being sought by Vice Admiral Disease, the Church of Storms, and the Intis Embassy, ​​appeared near Bayam. Because I wanted to know the whereabouts of Lieutenant General Disease’s batch of death documents, Daniz and I found her through divination.”

Klein, who was still pretending to be Elaine, said as he moved Tracy, who was still asleep under the table with a frown and a bone-deep wound on her right shoulder that had stopped bleeding, into the back lounge and laid her flat on the carpet.

"After asking Tracy why she was looking for her, I came up with this plan. I used the 'faceless man' to pretend to be her and asked Daniz to send me to the rebel private port and sell me to 'Vice Admiral Disease' On the one hand, they can get a reward of 1500 pounds, which can be used as material funds, and on the other hand, they can also use this to get involved with the 'Black Death'."

"So it turns out that the 'Elaine' who was sitting on the boat and brought by the 'Smooth Talker' Misor King was you? But I used Elaine's blood for divination and positioning. You..."

Angel, who looked and dressed exactly like Tracy lying on the ground, asked, his eyes suddenly widened as he thought of something.

"That's right, using the method you once taught me to resist the curse, I took a few drops of Ms. Elaine's blood and made a 'doll' out of a paper dummy to guide all divination and positioning for her. Put it on me, this way I can avoid being spotted by Tracy, but I didn’t expect..."

Klein chuckled.

Unexpectedly, I was fooled first... Angel's face was a little gloomy.

Seeing that she looked strange, Klein quickly changed the topic:

"What about you? Why did you come to the Black Death, fight with Tracy, put on her clothes, and sit in the captain's cabin like her?"

Looking at Angel, who had unbuttoned his shirt to his chest in order to cover up the wound on his shoulder, he turned his head somewhat deliberately and looked away, but then secretly looked back.

"Ahem, I originally wanted to see if Elaine had returned to the embassy safely, but the divination revealed that you were caught by the 'Smooth Talker', so I followed you all the way here. When I saw you being taken down by the maid to change clothes, I wanted to first Deal with Tracy, try to channel or dream to find clues about the Witch Cult's human trafficking, and Ince Zangwill..."

Angel quickly told Klein the details of the battle, which made him frown and gently touch Angel's shoulder.

"Is the wound okay?"

"It's almost healed. With the 'Rose Necklace' here, even Tracy's disease has almost no effect on me."

Patting the "rose necklace" under his chest, Angel pretended to be relaxed and answered.

The fact that this battle can be solved so easily against the "Painful" Witch Tracy of the same sequence is closely related to the difference in quantity and quality of the magical items between the two of them.

Angel used "hypocrisy" to become Elaine and get close to Tracy, dispelling the opponent's wariness. He also used the "Knight Bracelet" and the "Good Luck" revolver to crack the opponent's diamond bracelet used to defend against attacks. Finally, with the "Rose Necklace", Angel "'s recovery ability replaced injuries with injuries, seriously injuring Tracy, and then used the "Secret Holy Emblem" to counteract the effect of dreams, and used the "Sleep" spell to end the battle.

During this fight, which lasted just tens of seconds, the "Judge" prohibition imposed by the "Shepherd" ability to herd animals prevented the sound of the fight from coming out of the captain's room from beginning to end, preventing Angel from being beaten by the entire ship of Extraordinaries. Bad ending.

Of course, her own combat experience also played an important role. Whether it was the ability duel between witches or the melee combat that assassins are good at, she was not inferior to Tracy of the same sequence, and even more so with "Lady Despair" Pannati. In that one-sided battle, Yan learned how to "lock on nearby mirrors in advance", preventing other witches from using mirror substitutes, and successfully forced out Tracy's last life-saving wand.

Feeling a little proud, Angel helped Klein lay Tracy down and put it in place. He looked at him with a blank expression as he took out a small iron box from the flower knot tied at the back of the skirt's belt, unlocked the seal, and picked it up. A dark and deep gem emerged.

"This is the extraordinary characteristic of 'Nightmare'. Just like..., it can be easily exploited to invade other people's dreams."

The eyes of the two people looking at each other were a little dim. After a moment, Angel nodded:

"I'll help you guard it. The time should be sufficient. If someone else comes, I will continue to use this body to deal with it."

She deliberately used Tracy's tone of voice.

A moment later, Klein sat on the chair next to the bed, his green eyes closed tightly, and he entered Tracy's dream with "Nightmare" in hand.

Looking at Elaine's face that had lost all guard and completely relaxed, Angel felt a little strange. When she saw this poor lady who escaped from the pirates on the "Blue Mountain Rose", there was always a kind of expression on her face. The expression of panic and vigilance was the same even when he fell asleep on the sofa in the living room. Only at this moment, after falling asleep, Klein could make this face look so natural.

Stop it, this is fake Elaine, it’s Klein!

She shouted inwardly, but couldn't help but get closer and observe carefully.

Well, it’s consistent with the appearance I created with the “faceless man” just now. I stayed with her on the passenger ship for three days. How did Klein imitate it so accurately? Moreover, there are no flaws in his behavior and demeanor. I didn't see any problems at all just now. Could it be that he, he is more suitable to play a woman than me... These thoughts popped up in Angel's mind uncontrollably.

However, this may be the ability of the "Faceless Man" itself, which cannot be replaced by some magical item. Moreover, compared to when he just left Backlund, it was almost impossible to substitute himself into "Gehrman Sparrow". He is out of control and can now play the role of the opposite sex without any grudges. This is an improvement...

Thinking happily, Angel continued to get closer. Looking at this face that was not even remotely similar to Klein, he had the idea of ​​mischief, stretched out his finger, and poked at the other person. Suddenly, the green eyes under the red bangs opened. After a brief focus, the pupils locked onto Angel's face, then widened suddenly and stepped back. Elaine's face turned red.

Angel was also startled, took a step back, and the two parties distanced themselves.

"I just want to study the techniques of the 'Faceless Man'..."

She explained hesitantly and quickly changed the topic:

"Did you see Tracy in your dream? Why is your face so red?"

Compared to Angel, it was Klein who was more embarrassed. His eyes moved repeatedly between Tracy lying on the ground and "Tracy" standing in front of him. After a moment, he spoke:

"She was having a nightmare... dreaming that she was captured by the promoted Elaine, doing some, ahem, strange things in this lounge..."

Strange thing?

After being stunned for a moment, Angel remembered the strange and unspeakable props in the closet next to him, and he knew in his heart that "Lieutenant General Disease" Tracy must have done a lot of evil in daily life, and was backlashed by the victim in the nightmare... Moreover, when Klein used "Nightmare" to enter Tracy's dream, he looked like Elaine. Could it be that he was in the dream...

No, it must have been another Elaine!

It's a pity that Elaine only has Sequence 7 now. If there are no special circumstances, I'm afraid she will never be able to make Tracy's nightmare come true... Wait, I remember that Sequence 4 of the "Hunter" path will force the promoted person to become Male, wouldn't that be...

Angel shook his head, shook off all kinds of strange thoughts, and continued to ask:

"What did Tracy say?"

After "Nightmare" invades the dreamland, the other party will usually tell everything they know as if talking to an old friend. This is also the unique advantage of "Nighthawks" that distinguishes it from other churches.

"The first is the batch of 'Death Documents' obtained by Qilingos. After Tracy snatched them, they were quickly handed over to the Witch Cult. She usually doesn't like to read, so she has not read the contents of the documents."

After turning to the main topic, Klein's crimson face quickly returned to normal. He stood up from the bed, walked to the other side of the lounge, and looked at the few classic fairy tales of the Russell period and the current Rude on the bookshelf next to the desk. Well, the popular romance novel, the face is a bit weird.

"If it's in the hands of the Witch Sect, it will be difficult to get it back..."

Angel murmured, sighing for Mr. Azik's elusive memory.

"There will always be a way in the future," Klein turned around and comforted. "In addition, there is the matter of human trafficking by the Witch Sect. The civilians they obtained through fraud, abduction, and kidnapping in Loen and other countries were transported to the U.S. via several sea routes. In different places, Tracy was only responsible for a small part of it. She transported three ships of slaves in a year and handed it over to others near the Rhoside Islands. She was not deeply involved... This is very strange. A Sequence 5 Beyonder and a pirate General, you are hardly involved in the affairs of the Witch Sect?"

"Finally, there are other clues. The person who contacted her and transported the three ships of slaves was a pirate named Connors Victor, nicknamed 'Crazy Captain'. He was not strong, but he had connections with many human traffickers and slaves in Loen. The businessmen are all cooperating. I suspect that he is the real transit point for human trafficking in the Witch Sect, but his whereabouts are so mysterious that even Tracy can't find him except at the agreed transaction time. He occasionally sells some beautiful girls To Bayam's 'Red Theater', the only clue is a contact named 'Finger'."

"Crazy Captain", "Finger", and "Red Theater"... Angel silently wrote down these terms and nodded.

"Now, what to do with her?"

Looking at Tracy, who was still asleep and her long, straight eyebrows were knitted together, Angel asked softly.

Although there is multiple evidence that Tracy, who was originally called "Disease Girl" and has now become "Lieutenant General of Disease", is not as evil as imagined, but the things that "normal pirates" should do are robbery, kidnapping, and human trafficking. I've done a lot, and although it's not like being cut into pieces, at least it's worth cutting off the head, taking away the characteristics, and exchanging the bounty.

"If you leave her behind, she will definitely suffer crazy revenge afterwards. We, Elaine, Daniz, and even Bayam's resistance are all on her target list... Let's deal with it here."

Holding Elaine's face, Klein hesitated for a moment, his eyes turned cold, and he looked at Tracy at his feet.

"Here I go, I have a secret holy symbol, and I have already developed a grudge against the 'Witch Sect'."

Seeing that he was about to fire "air bullets" when he stretched his fingers forward, Angel spoke to stop him, and he took out the "Good Luck" pistol. He didn't even bother to open the hammer to increase the power, and directly aimed at the head covered with black curly hair and pulled the trigger. trigger.

(End of this chapter)

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