Mystery: Good Witch

Chapter 475 Tarot Club Expedition

Chapter 475 Tarot Club Expedition

"We are all under the watchful eye of Mr. Fool. Different from those temporary adventure groups, we possess the most precious trait - trust," said Alger, the "Hanged Man" who picked up the lantern again and led the way. Pointing to the black forest ahead where even the moonlight cannot penetrate, he said, "Going through this forest is the ruins. After this exploration, the location of this island must be no longer a secret to you. Therefore, I request that the location of this island be included in this tour." I will participate in the first three explorations inside, and I will take one-third of the loot."

He didn't stop, but turned his head and looked at Angel.

Look what I did... I guessed that my "Rose Necklace" herded the "Wind Blessed One", and probably had the ability to navigate in the sea, and had memorized the route here? Indeed, my necklace was handed over to the craftsmen for production by him, and he also knew that Bishop "Wind Blessed" died in my hands...

Angel thought, nodded and replied:

"It's a very reasonable request. If the spoils cannot be divided equally, they can be converted into gold pounds, but I have to give priority."


Alger was obviously relieved and readily agreed.

This is purely a transaction based on strength and information advantages. Angel and Klein stand on one side and have an absolute advantage in force. They must have the final say in dividing the spoils. And Alger has information about the location of the ruins. If he does not take the initiative to lead the way, everyone will Nothing gained.

Although Klein was limited by the negative effects of "Creep Hunger" and did not show strong combat effectiveness for the time being, Alger took the initiative to give him one-third, which was considered a show of goodwill to Angel, the strongest member of the team.

After discussing the distribution plan, the three of them walked much faster. Under the leadership of Alger, they entered the dark forest and walked among the tall, thick trees with dense leaves. Angel squinted his eyes and used dark vision to penetrate. The trees looked around, alert to possible dangers.

...Maybe all the living corpses will wake up and rush towards us, specifically towards Klein's bronze whistle... Angel also thought of the same thing. She glanced at the open space in front of her and suggested:

No, how could there be danger here? The place where the bell came from must be the safest and warmest home... Angel gradually lowered his guard and turned to the right.

It sounds like there was an unpleasant memory between Alger and "Vice Admiral Hurricane". I hope he won't have a stress reaction and affect his subsequent exploration... Angel saw that the other party had gotten much better after the conversation, so he didn't continue to ask questions.

"There is an open space in front, where many human and animal corpses are piled up, as well as curly baboons. They look scary, a bit like the kind of living corpses that are dead but not stiff, but they can no longer move and are very safe. Haha , I’m worried that you will have an overreaction, so I’ll explain it in advance.”

Suddenly, there was a faint "ding-dong-dang" sound coming from the right side of the team, which seemed to be the crisp sound of some kind of rattle or wind chime.

He must be wondering whether we chose to take a detour because we were afraid of dead bodies, or whether it was because of the side effects of some magical item. Let him guess... Angel cursed and followed the "think tank" of the Tarot Society. Avoid the vast open space and continue walking forward.

Living corpse...

"Your judgment is correct. There is probably a powerful extraordinary creature in that open space, otherwise there would not be so many corpses piled up."

How could he say this after walking so far... Angel looked at him curiously and found that Alger seemed a little nervous. Although the hand holding the lantern was still steady, there were some beads of sweat on his forehead.

The Hanged Man at the front of the queue suddenly said.

"I'm just a little...sentimental. The last time I came here, it was at the request of Qilingos. This time I returned to my old place, but my companions were replaced by you."

"For safety's sake, let's take a detour."

Klein's expression was a little stiff. This time he came to the primitive island. In order to make it easier to call for help, he did not leave Azik's copper whistle in the gray fog space, but carried it with him. If he passed through that "very safe" open space , maybe...

she asked worriedly.

Alger frowned, hesitated for a moment, nodded in agreement, and led the team back a short distance, back into the dense woods, and detoured to the right.

Under the faint light of the lanterns and the occasional crimson moonlight overhead from between the leaves to the ground, the three of them soon arrived at a slightly empty place with sparse trees.

Alger slowed down, turned around and said:

Who is ringing the wind chimes?

She wanted to get into the woods and look in the direction of the sound, but she was worried that she would be in danger.

He smiled with what he thought was humorous and continued to take a few steps forward. When he looked back, he found that the other two had not followed.

"are you OK?"

This voice reminded Angel of his childhood memories that had gradually faded away after time travel, as if he had returned to the port city where he lived as a child, back to the peaceful life before the world began to change and all kinds of mysterious and strange creatures did not appear. .

Wait, no...that's not what I thought!

Having had the experience of being controlled by strange emotions when she was promoted in the flames, Angel reacted immediately. At this moment, because of the distance, the sound of wind chimes stopped, allowing her to barely control herself. Recover from a state of disarming numbness.

Beside her, Alger, who was holding a lamp, and Klein, who was holding a top hat, were walking forward slowly with expressions on their faces as if they were looking for something beautiful. Alger, the lowest ranked person, actually had red eyes. About to shed tears.

Angel's left and right hands stretched forward at the same time, pressed one person's shoulder with one hand, and dragged them back.

The disturbance from outsiders got them out of that weird state. Klein's eyes quickly returned to clarity. Alger was a little slower, but soon showed a thoughtful expression.

"Those are psychedelic wind chime trees," he murmured after a moment, speaking faster and faster, "Sailors have seen them on some islands deep in the sea. As long as they are confused by the hypnotic ringtones, they will take the initiative. Get close, lose your guard, and get preyed upon."

"Its fruit is very precious, but we were not prepared and it was difficult to get close."

"What about waking each other up like we just did?"

Angel asked rhetorically, and she immediately remembered the method the Nighthawks used to deal with the sealed artifact "2-049" during the mission to hunt down Riel Bieber in Tingen City.

"The premise is that the order in which we are hypnotized is staggered. The closer we are to it, the stronger the effect of the ringtone, and there will not even be a gap. When we are hypnotized at the same time, there will be no way to wake each other up."

Alger explained, regret evident on his face.

The fruits of the psychedelic wind chime tree are not cheap!

"There is another way," Klein, who had been silent, frowned slightly, looked at Angel, and said in a calm tone, "You make him sick so that he is coughing constantly but not falling down. This should suppress the effect of the ringtone. ." ah?

Mr. Hanged Man is a companion. Klein, have you been playing the role of a crazy adventurer beside Daniz for too long, and you are getting a little too into it... Angel subconsciously wanted to refute, but after thinking about it, this plan turned out to be very feasible. Alger, who was seriously ill, could not concentrate at all, so he would not fall into the hypnosis of the wind chime tree. Even if he was accidentally hypnotized, he would wake up in pain and wake up others.

After the battle, the "Rose Necklace" allowed the sick Alger to recover quickly without affecting subsequent explorations.

Being stared at closely by the two men, "The Hanged Man" quickly understood the current situation. It might be time for him to contribute to the one-third of the loot...


"Cough, cough, cough..."

With his lungs wheezing like a bellows, Alger leaned against a thick tree with difficulty, coughed a few times, and then continued walking forward.

As a preferential treatment for the sick patient, his lantern has been transferred to Klein's hands. He only needs to slowly walk empty-handed towards the position where the wind chimes are heard. Once the companion behind him is hypnotized by the bells and passes his position, he You need to take the initiative to wake it up.

After two tests at a distance, the three of them confirmed that this method was feasible, and then they started to act with confidence.


Another ringing sound came, a little closer than before. Even with extreme vigilance, the three of them still had an urge to quickly get closer to the location of the ringing sound, and they could barely suppress it.

"It should be, cough, not far away..."

I feel like my lungs are going to be coughed out. Is this the magic potion sequence of "Vice Admiral Disease" Tracy? No wonder a whole ship of pirates besieged her at the same time and couldn't do anything to her... Alger thought about it, but the high fever made his mind confused and he quickly gave up thinking.

The three of them continued to take a few cautious steps forward, and among the thick black trees, they saw the maker of wind chimes, the Psychedelic Wind Chime Tree.

There was an open space around it. The tree trunks were brown and green, and the bark was split into long and thin cracks, perpendicular to the bark texture. The interior was deep and dark, as if it were eyes without pupils.

Wind chime-like objects hung on the branches stretching above the trunk, swaying in the wind, making a crisp tinkling sound. Above the thick branch in the center, a translucent fruit hung.


As soon as they emerged from the woods, a burst of superimposed bells came. The three people who were still wary in front immediately became excited and walked straight towards the wind chime tree.

"Cough, cough, cough..."

Alger, who was last in the group due to mobility issues, coughed a few times and woke up from his sweet dream of finding his unmasked parents. He quickly grabbed his hypnotized companions beside him and woke them up.

"Phew, it's our turn next."

Angel rubbed his eyes that were almost crying with the back of his hand, and was about to attack before he was awakened by an outsider and before he entered the hypnotic state again.

At this moment, there was a rustling sound from the opposite side of the clearing, and the little pig that the Hanged Man used to lure the Blue Shadow Falcon emerged from the woods.

Under the gaze of the three people, the little pig coated with spices had a dull expression on its face. It climbed towards the psychedelic wind chime tree with strange steps, and followed the melodious and brisk sound of the bells to the bottom of the tree canopy.


The branches with "wind chimes" stopped dancing and spread rapidly downwards, surrounding the body of the piglet that had lost resistance and no longer running away. It penetrated into the delicate nostrils, eyes, ears and mouth, and began to vibrate like a straw. .

The bait piglet, which had just escaped from the claws of the ferocious Blue Shadow Falcon, died under the "sucking" of the wind chime tree.

Taking this opportunity, the "Rose Necklace" on Angel's chest lit up with a blue light, switching to the soul of the "Wind Blessed One".

"Wind Mastery"!

A series of thin and sharp wind blades formed in her palms, flying towards the wind chime tree with a whistling sound, cutting off the branches that greedily sucked the juice of the prey, and the "wind chimes" rolled to the ground.


The remaining branches danced like crazy, making continuous ringing sounds, trying to hypnotize the enemy in front of them.

At this moment, Klein quickly took out a half-hand-sized silver piece from his windbreaker pocket with his right hand. It was engraved with complex incantations and symbols that symbolized the night.

This is an "enlarged version" of the sleeping spell he made inspired by Angel's use of three spells on Tracy.


Infused with spirituality, he flicked his wrist and threw "Shen Mian" out with skillful force. The silver piece quickly spanned the distance between the three of them and the wind chime tree like a flying knife, and pierced the hard bark of the tree, almost completely immersed in it.


A much louder explosion than usual came, and a soothing wave swept across the forest clearing. All the branches of the psychedelic wind chime tree stopped swinging meekly and slowly hung down.

With a "pop" sound, Klein snapped his fingers, and a bunch of dry leaves under the trunk shot out bright yellow flames.

The flames suddenly spread, Angel's strong body jumped out of it, and the bone sword in his left hand plunged into the pupilless "eyes" on the bark of the tree with black flames.


Every "eye" and every branch was ignited with a black cursed flame, as if it had just woken up from a dream. The low-hanging branches of the wind chime tree swayed like a struggle, emitting several shapeless bells.

Then it fell completely silent.

(End of this chapter)

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