Mystery: Good Witch

Chapter 479: The Tarot Club "helps" each other

Chapter 479: The Tarot Club "helps" each other

"Mr. Fool, and ladies and gentlemen, good afternoon~"

Perhaps because she was living quite comfortably in the family castle in her hometown, "Justice" Audrey's tone was particularly brisk today.

But "The Hanged Man" Alger has no time to appreciate it. He is now caught between the "Queen" and the "World" and feels like a clown.

Due to being driven away by the fleet of "Vice Admiral Dusk", the "Blue Avenger", which was supposed to arrive at Hakata Port for repairs and supplies on Monday morning, left its original route and is still drifting on the sea, thus occupying the Tarot Club's foothold. Fully a third of the members had to party aboard the ghost ship.

As early as this morning, Angel secretly found Alger "The Hanged Man" and asked him to find a way to distract Gehrman Sparrow so that he would not disturb her during the Tarot session.

Through this request, Alger confirmed that the "Queen" still didn't know the identity of "The World", and at the same time, he couldn't help but feel confused.

Don’t you two have a very good relationship? When I asked whether we should separate rooms or live together, both of us had obvious hesitations. During the trip, they stayed together every day. They were studying ancient Fussac script and the history of the Quaternary Age. Why didn't the "Queen" do it yet? Do you know that Hermann is "the world"?

But thinking that the harvest he had gained from his adventure on the primitive island was still in Angel's hands and had not yet been distributed, Alger had no choice but to agree, found two sailors, and "encountered" Herman, who was going to Angel's room to give her tutoring lessons, and invited him He went to the lounge to play cards.

Sure enough, "The World" Herman, who also didn't want to reveal his identity, readily agreed, and as the tarot meeting was approaching, he found an excuse to leave the card table, got into the simple bathroom on the ship, locked the door, and there was no movement. .

Oh, I hope that the day he discovers his true identity, he won’t reveal me who helped him. Moreover, when I gave the task to the sailors to take away Gehrman, they looked at me very strangely. I am really not that kind of person... Alger glanced at the "Queen" sitting directly opposite, and secretly smiled bitterly. .

When the first three people on the long table were exchanging glances inadvertently, Cattleya the Hermit, who was sitting furthest apart from The World, was also observing the others because she had recently joined the Tarot Society.

After focusing your vision for a long time, this ability can see through the gray fog to a certain extent and observe the auras of other members.

She thought about it and looked at the other members carefully, looking at them one by one using the "Peeping Eyes" that could not be closed by themselves after reaching the "Peer" sequence 5 "Astrology Master" and could see through most secrets.

But when her eyes carefully bypassed Mr. Fool and landed on the Queen, she found that there was far more mysterious gray fog surrounding her than the other members, almost second only to the Fool who organized the party.

Except for Mr. Fool and the suspected Sequence 5 "Queen" who can murder the Bishop of the Church of Storms, there seems to be no special attention... Most of the other members are members of a certain church or secret organization or small circle, and their status is not high, but They are all young and promising. Perhaps this is the standard for "The Fool" to attract people. Their worth is not high for the time being, but is it worth investing?

Next time, I will definitely find a chance to confess to him next time...

"Moon," Emlyn said first, puffing out his chest without concealment, making his already superior height even more conspicuous.

After attending the last tarot party and guessing the identity of Miss "Queen", she tried several transactions and exchanges of information to find out the general level of the party.

Glancing absently at the diary that appeared in front of him, Klein used the cover of gray fog to secretly look at Angel on his left. Although he knew that the other person would not notice, he still looked away guiltily.

Of course, she didn't dare to stare at Mr. Fool who was above her so carefully. Not to mention whether this would constitute a crime of disrespect, just speaking of the danger, it was not something she, a Sequence 5, could bear.

Angel, who was being watched by him, was also absent-minded. She used the help of "The Hanged Man" to distract Klein and prevent him from being immersed in a guilty mood after she froze in place and pushed the door in during the Tarot session. among.

Find an opportunity to confess to her... Of course, it's not about "The Fool", but about "The World"... He first manipulated the puppet "The World" sitting directly opposite and asked him to move a little to avoid being caught. Treat it as a corpse, and then start reading the diary.

She wanted to take a closer look, but the look from Mr. Fool made her heart tighten and she lowered her head in a hurry.

Last week, Mr. "Moon" was just promoted to "Professor of Potions." If this is the norm in the Tarot Club, it means that members are promoted to a higher rank almost every week. Even if their ranks are not high, promotion is relatively easy. This is too fast...

"Mr. Fool, this time I found two pages of Emperor Russell's diary. I think that as a 'Baron', I will soon be able to obtain more resources within the vampire clan, which of course also includes more diaries. .”

Spirituality escapes uncontrollably. Does this mean that Mr. "Sun" has recently been promoted? It seems that after receiving the materials I provided, he has become a "Sun Priest".

Klein could guess that the sailors and card games that suddenly appeared were prepared for him by "The Hanged Man", and they must have been entrusted by Angel. Although this gave him an excuse to stay alone in the bathroom, he still There was a strong feeling of shame.

The more she thought about it, the more surprised she became. Cattleya looked at the members one by one and was pleased to find that except for Taiyang, no other member showed their status after promotion.

Others can't seem to see this state. Only the "Eye of Secrets" can observe abnormalities. Is she also related to this mysterious place? No, these gray mist didn't seem to be getting close to her, but were... vigilant, defensive?

The gray mist beside the table seemed to sense his thoughts and moved more "eccentrically" around Angel, making it unknowingly difficult for her to see clearly the details of other people's movements, especially "The Fool's".

It's a pity that I don't need other people's investment, and I don't want to invest in other people... Well, except for Mr. Fool, after she replies to my letter, it seems that I can test this being's attitude towards Emperor Russell... Here Before, limit contact and don't expose yourself.

"You guys start."

Following Mr. Fool’s instructions, the long bronze table suddenly became lively.

"Everyone, I have been promoted to 'Sun Priest'. Thank you for your help." "Sun" Derrick spoke first, and solemnly expressed his gratitude to several people who provided formulas and materials.

"As a result, I gained access to more books and materials in Silver City, and obtained the method that Mr. World needed to clear away the mental pollution within the extraordinary characteristics."

Wait, wait, you said it so directly... Klein's expression was dull. He first glanced at Angel and found that she didn't react at all. Then he breathed a sigh of relief and manipulated "The World" to ask:

"Send it to me immediately via note."

He deliberately showed a hint of eagerness, paving the way for "The World" to become a real living person, Klein Moretti.

"I also want to join the transaction, what do I need in exchange?"

Angel asked immediately.

She knew that Klein possessed extraordinary characteristics that were contaminated by a reckless "Secret Puppet Master". If she could find a method other than "Angel's Full Strike", she might be able to help him solve his problems and be promoted as soon as possible.

"No, I will make this public as a thank you for everyone's help."

Taiyang's sincere answer made many people present hang their heads in shame, including Klein, who was prepared to keep the information exclusive.

Soon, everyone got the parchment that Derrick had manifested.

"Use items that can steal extraordinary abilities to steal the pollution, and configure the extraordinary characteristics into potions before it returns. The pollution will have no home... This method is very clever. The Nighthawks team in Tingen City has one A sealed object that can steal abilities, the 'Vessel Thief', but if Klein and I appear there, we will be considered to be fake corpses..."

Angel looked at the plan provided by the sun and thought to himself.

"Another plan is to use a magical item in Silver City to crush the extraordinary properties, and then let it slowly gather... Isn't this the 'angel's full blow' that Mr. Azik said? This shows that the magical item has The status of an angel is probably at the level of a '0' level sealed object. Ha, the only such sealed object I know of is '0-08'. Looking for it is courting death..."

Klein was also analyzing the information, and then he and Angel sighed together.

None of them are solutions that can be used now...

"Actually, there is another way." Looking at the parchment in his hand, the "Hermit" suddenly said, "The 'Darkless One' of the 'Sun' path can directly purify the mental pollution of extraordinary characteristics."

"The One without Darkness" is Mr. Sun's Path Sequence 4. But when he is promoted to Demigod, I'm afraid I won't need this plan... Klein looked at Cattleya curiously and was surprised that she was so generous. Provide information.

Could it be that she felt that the other members of the Tarot Club were not of a high level and did not intend to cover up and observe carefully? I really look forward to her reaction after knowing Angel’s identity and knowing the end of Lieutenant General Disease’s flagship...

"Thank you for the information, Ms. Hermit."

He manipulated "The World" to answer in a low voice, then chuckled and continued:

"In addition, Vice Admiral Disease's flagship Black Death sank near Bayam ten days ago. I want to know the details."

The Black Death, that's not... The Hanged Man subconsciously looked at Angel, then glanced at the "world", and suddenly realized.

"The World" has a close relationship with the "Queen", and it is impossible not to know the inside information. He is trying to scare the new member "The Hermit" who has changed his attitude!

Oh, since last week, I feel that she lacks the necessary respect for the Tarot Club and Mr. Fool. Even if the generous Mr. Fool doesn't take action, it is necessary to let her know that our strength is no less than that of a pirate. General...

Thinking that he had formed a three-person alliance and had begun to stand with the "Queen" and "The World", he immediately said:

"I know some rumors. Tracy's 'Black Death' was completely blown to pieces that night. Hundreds of crew members, the most elite men, fell into the water with herself, and fled in a hurry under the pursuit of the military and the Church of Storms. Half of the sailors and more than five Extraordinary men were captured or killed on the spot. 'Vice Admiral Disease' should be unable to compete with other pirate generals in the short term."

The flagship that Tracy personally commanded was blown to pieces...the same fate as Vice Admiral Disease's other battleship "Citybreaker"? Could it be that Angelica Sage, Miss "Queen" did it too?

Cattleya, who was also a pirate general, couldn't sit still. She secretly looked at the "Queen" and found that the latter was calm and composed, not at all proud of this achievement.

Justice, Moon, Magician and others were also attracted by her somewhat shocked gaze and looked at Angel.

Realizing that she had become the center of attention at the venue, Angel came back from her thoughts. She smiled lightly and said:

"The crystal feathers of the Blue Shadow Falcon, the fruit of the psychedelic wind chime tree, and some kind of giant spider's compound eyes that can turn into flame spears. Does anyone want to buy them?"


Except for Klein, who silently closed his eyes behind the gray fog, everyone looked dull.

(End of this chapter)

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