Mystery: Good Witch

Chapter 483 The Gazer and the Trap

Chapter 483 The Gazer and the Trap


Angel squeezed out a word, but didn't know how to continue.


Taking advantage of this opportunity, the black cat Wensa's body rolled violently, breaking away from the bite of the blond head with red eyes, and landed lightly on the altar table. He bared his teeth and looked up. A bunch of short black hairs were floating in the air, before landing. Just disappeared.

The headless messenger no longer attacked, but straightened up gracefully, floating in the air, holding four heads in both hands, with four pairs of eyes staring at the black cat, Angel, Klein, and the door.

This scene would have been more serious if one of the heads hadn't still had a few scratch marks on its face.

Alger, who had just arrived outside the door and stopped to knock on the door to ask, felt excited. He slowly lowered his outstretched hand, continued walking, walked through the door, and walked back to the deck from the other side of the corridor.

It's as if he just came to this floor to take a walk.

Don't ask what you shouldn't ask, don't look at what you shouldn't see... "The Hanged Man" felt like he was back to the state of attending the Tarot Club for the first time.

But isn’t this my ship?

"Ms. Renette Tinichole, on the island in front of this ship, we may encounter some dangers. I hope to call you to help later to deal with those creatures that travel through the spiritual world, okay?"

"'The Gazer'."

Angel agreed immediately without much hesitation.

That head quickly added a word, and then all the heads spoke again:

As soon as the thought came up, Angel felt several eyes on her face. She glanced out of the corner of her eyes and found that all the heads in Reinette's hands had been turned around, and the pairs of scarlet eyes were staring at her.

But Wensa's quotation was very cost-effective. While she was excited, she also had a glimmer of hope, hoping that Reinette would also feel the pressure of competition and take the initiative to lower the price.


After all, I summoned it with a spell, but I made an agreement with someone else's messenger in front of me to assist in the subsequent battle. It always felt like... in person.

Finally sent them out, otherwise I was worried that something strange would happen to my ship... He silently praised Mr. Fool and the Storm Lord in his heart, and then said loudly:

"It's dusk now. We can wait up to 24 hours. If I don't see you tomorrow night, I will choose to leave for the safety of my sailors and to save this ship that does not only belong to me.

Are you planning to break the contract now?

"I only want 1500 gold coins."

After a moment, her heads came back.

"Thanks, we'll get there in time."

It seems that there was a problem with the distribution. The last person didn't get the line. His lips were very pale, and his mouth seemed to be slightly open because of lack of blood. He was stunned on the spot.

Angel answered for him.

"Or, we can..." At this moment, Klein suddenly stepped forward and said softly, "Want both?"

"No problem, but I have to wait until the payment is completed because it will take some time to raise the gold coins."

Hearing his words, the headless messenger made Reinette's four heads look back and look in a certain direction at the same time.

"You want to..." "Deal with..." "Which one?"

Two thousand gold coins... Even if calculated based on the highest value Loen gold coins, it is only 2000 pounds... Of course, this is not to say that 2000 pounds is not high, but compared to the main material of the potion in Sequence 4, it is already very cheap. …

She didn't even need to wait for the other party to speak, the threat sounded in her mind, imitating the speaking style of the headless messenger, word for word.

Heaving a sigh of relief, Angel looked at the black cat Wensa who had been silent on the table. Seeing its blue eyes looking at him sadly, he suddenly felt guilty.

On the sea that was illuminated golden by the dusk sun, "The Hanged Man" Alger rowed his oars hard and sent Angel and Klein to the beach. Then he breathed a sigh of relief and looked back not far away. The parked "Blue Avenger".

In the room, the two messengers and the owners of the two messengers looked at each other and fell into a long and awkward silence.

After being stunned for a full second, Angel realized that Wensa was preparing to compete with Ms. Reinette Tinichole for this "contract."

In an instant, twelve eyes of different colors looked at him.

"But," "Need to..." "Pay..." "Two thousand gold coins."

That is the destination of the ghost ship's trip, the location of the unknown island.

Back on the deck, there was only one question left in his mind.

Finally, the headless messenger broke the silence. The four heads in her hand spoke one after another, trying to distribute the words evenly, as if they were performing a funny comedy.

Compared to the primitive island that the three of them explored at night last week, with no visible edge at all, this nameless island is pitifully small. The side facing the "Blue Avenger" is a beach and a jungle that is not very lush. , in the center there are two mountains about 300 meters high, one in the south and one in the north, with a long and narrow canyon in the middle.

"Summon..." "I..." "What..." "Something."

As soon as she forced out a smile and prepared to sincerely apologize, she heard Wensa open her mouth and meow, and then said:

After Angel nodded his thanks, he and Klein walked toward the woods in front of the beach. Behind them, Alger was struggling to leave the shoal in his boat.

This is basically a polite statement. If you have the opportunity to pray to the Fool, it means that the situation is not too bad, so waiting for a while is not a problem. If you really encounter a crisis where you cannot return to the "Blue Avenger", it will be very difficult. There may not even be a chance to ask for help.

"Of course, if you pray to Mr. Fool and ask him to convey it to me, asking to wait a little longer, I will consider it as appropriate."

At the very least, as a messenger who can travel through the spirit world, she can also track the escaped "Gazeer".


Upon hearing the answer, Reinette's four heads nodded at the same time, causing her hands holding her hair to shake a little.

But immediately, she felt a burst of joy in her heart. No matter how the battle turned out, at least Wensa could fight Tinichole in the spirit world. If her offer was relatively low, could it be...

Although it was only the first time he met the headless messenger Reinette Tinichole, Angel was deeply impressed by her method of dealing with the black cat Ms. Windsor she had contracted, and he was very interested in the role she could play. High expectations.

According to the information provided by Arrods, the "Gazeers" are wandering in the canyon between the peaks, and that will be the target of the two tonight.

Of course, Angel first took Klein to the east side of the island, which is where she saw a stranded ship in the dream of Pierce, the senior deacon of the Church of the Night on Pala Island.

When observing with a telescope in the distance, she did not find the ship, so she had a lingering worry in her heart—could this not be the island she was looking for?

But when the two of them came to the cliff on the east side just as the sun set in the west and night fell, and looked at the sea below, they immediately understood the fate of the ship.

In the waves that are constantly beating against the cliff below, floating wooden barrels, wooden boxes, various cables, glass bottles and other daily items are constantly rising and falling, looming between the waves and the rocks.

Further away, two broken masts were stuck in the rocks, swaying slowly under the wash of the sea water.

There are countless fragments of wooden boards among the rocks, which are gradually carried away by the turbulent currents in different directions.

The stranded ship had been shattered into pieces by some powerful attack.

Of course, Angel could tell at a glance that this was not the effect of the "disaster" spell. The ship hit by the force of the disaster would show obvious signs of decay, as if a thousand years had passed in an instant, but the various fragments underneath were very new. , as if it was a complete hull just a few days ago.

There are also many sharp fracture marks on the surrounding reefs, as if they were formed after being attacked by large-caliber artillery.

"No wonder I didn't see it in the telescope. It turned out to be broken into pieces like this..."

Angel was a little disappointed. If it was a complete stranded ship, there might be some valuable items left inside.

"Based on the time, the fleet of 'Vice Admiral Dusk' Bulatov Ivan happened to pass here two days ago. This ship may have been destroyed by them."

Klein judged, threw a coin, did a divination, and confirmed his idea.

"Or search first, then destroy, so we don't have to go there again..."

Angel said a little discouraged.

After fulfilling their wish, the two quickly returned to the jungle and walked towards the canyon between the two iconic peaks.

The jungle after dark was quite lively, completely different from the primitive island that Alger took them to. Unfortunately, the animals that appeared were all ordinary animals, mostly small herbivores, and there were no signs of extraordinary creatures.

But in fact, this is a common ecological group on isolated islands in the sea. Even in the Blue Mountain Island, the capital of the Rhoside Islands, where Bayam is located, it is rare to see traces of extraordinary creatures. Even if there are a few occasionally, they have been hunted and killed. All done.

The scene on the primitive island where the curly baboons of the southern continent, the hunting black spiders of Intis, and the blue-shadowed falcon of Sonia Island gather together is simply a miracle in the eyes of experienced extraordinary people, just like in adventure novels. A hodgepodge designed by the protagonist’s experience.

"Even the trees on that island are not of the type that the climate of the archipelago can breed. Instead, they are like the snake scale trees on the southern continent, and the species is quite single."

Following Angel, who was using dark vision to explore the way ahead, Klein analyzed the situation while holding up a lantern and looking around.

"But it's much more normal here. The towering palms and low shrubs... are very similar to the rainforest on Blue Mountain Island."

"So there's something weird about that island?"

Angel asked casually, looking forward warily. Although there are no extraordinary creatures here, there are more dangerous "starers". You must know that if you are stared at by them for too long, you will fall into various negative states. Once surrounded, If you stay, it will be difficult to escape.

"There is no need to doubt that with so many creatures from different regions and habits gathering together, there must be some kind of force at work. Maybe it's the magical item Alger mentioned, or maybe it's the command of "Hurricane Lieutenant General" Qilin Gus and the "Apostle of Desire" assassinated Duke Negan." Indeed, the purpose of the "Apostle of Desire" is a certain "blasphemous card" that allows him to be promoted to a high sequence, and Qilingos is also pursuing to complete the task The "magical items" that can be obtained later are most likely provided by the mysterious organization behind it that cannot even be mentioned, the "Twilight Hermits".

Wait, Mr. Fool also seems to have a "Black Emperor" card. Could it be that he is also somehow related to this organization?

And in the ruined city I arrived after my death, there were also two blasphemous cards, "Witch" and "Red Priest"...

Angel vaguely felt that there was some hidden connection between them, but he couldn't grasp the context.

The two of them analyzed each sentence one by one, and soon passed through the jungle and arrived at the entrance of the canyon between the peaks.

"This is……"

Pushing aside the branches of the bush in front of her, Angel stopped in her tracks. Behind her, Klein took a curious look and stood there.

This is an open space that has been deliberately cleared, and a temporary camp is set up in it.

Railings made of random shrubs and branches, collapsed and broken tents, iron pots full of rust, bonfires with ashes condensed into lumps, and simple stone stoves all showed that this place had been abandoned for a long time.

One person held a lamp and the other used dark vision. They quickly explored the small abandoned stronghold. In addition to finding some documents written in Fusac script that had been unrecognizable under the influence of time and rain, they also found Found nothing else useful.

"It looks like a shelter built by distressed sailors. It has complete facilities and there is plenty of fresh water, fruits and small animals nearby. There should be no shortage of survival supplies, but it has obviously been abandoned for many years, and... not even the bones have been found. .”

Angel concluded, holding a similarly badly rusted scimitar in his hand. This is a weapon that sailors and pirates love to use. It can cut and chop, and is easy to maintain.

"The sailors on the ship that was sunk by Vice Admiral Dusk?" Klein analyzed.

"Probably not. The fragments of that ship are very new. If it had experienced the same time as this camp, it had been stranded here for many years and lacked maintenance and repairs. It would have rotted away in the wind and rain."

Angel shook his head and denied Klein's speculation.

Fortunately, both of them were experts in divination. Klein found an open space to sit down and used the rusty scimitar he picked up to perform a dream divination and quickly got part of the answer.

“They are pirates who were stranded on the island five years ago because another ship lost its way and ran aground here. Because it is far from the normal route, they chose to live here after reaching a balance of...number of people. "

After waking up from the dream, Klein frowned as he explained the results of his divination. Judging from his face, this "balance of numbers" was obviously achieved through some violent means.

After all, a pirate ship has at least a hundred sailors, and this camp can only accommodate a small half of them at most.

"But after living here as a primitive for a month, they mysteriously disappeared again. My divination was disturbed to a certain extent and I was unable to know their whereabouts."

Maybe I can eliminate this kind of interference in the gray fog space, but I can't do it in front of Angel. Even if the excuse is convenient, it's not long before we get off the ship, and I really can't say it... Klein grabbed the scimitar, somewhat hesitate.

"That was probably done by the Gazers. They can easily kill ordinary sailors, and their anti-divination characteristics make it difficult for you to restore the scene."

Angel didn't notice his confusion, looked around the abandoned camp, and came to his own conclusion.

"The possibility is very high, so these 'Gazeers' have pure hatred and malice towards humans. We have to be careful."

Throwing away the rusty machete and standing up from the ground, Klein patted the dirt at the hem of his windbreaker and said.

Even if there is no malice, wouldn't I kill it to get the materials? Every step of advancement for Extraordinary people involves the corpses of countless extraordinary creatures... Angel quickly shook off such sentimental emotions, took out the "Good Luck" pistol and held it in his right hand, carefully leaving the camp and continuing to walk forward.

Regardless of whether the desolation of this camp was related to the Gazers, her goal has not changed.

When we entered the narrow valley, the moonlight above our heads had become clear. The crimson light shone on the tree crowns and filtered through the branches and leaves, giving the quiet valley a strange atmosphere.

The two took turns to turn on their spiritual vision and search for traces of the gazer, but at the bottom of the valley except for bushes, big trees, and pieces of gravel, there was no sign of any biological activity.

Swish, swish.

In the night, there was only the friction sound of their footsteps on gravel and soil, and the rustling sound of the leaves caused by the occasional breeze blowing from high in the sky.

After Klein, who was lagging behind, walked through a bush, a pale figure slowly rose under the flat stones he stepped on.

It was covered in a white robe made of an unknown substance, with its hands and feet curled up in it. Only its head was exposed, but on the top of its head, which had the same facial features as humans, there were thick tentacles where the hair grew.

At the top of each tentacle, an eye with no whites and only pupils opened. These eyeballs turned quickly and stared at Klein, who was at the back of the team and was unaware of the danger.

In an instant, Klein, who was being stared at, felt a cold touch on his back, followed by a feeling of weakness that spread throughout his body and stiffness in his limbs. He wanted to call for help, but it became difficult to breathe, and the vision in his eyes was rapidly weakening. Like an old TV set, it became dim from all sides to the middle. Even Angel was wiping the sweat from his forehead and patrolling carefully. The figure also gradually dimmed.

His "clown" intuition could sense the gaze of the "Gazeer" who emerged from the ground behind him, staring at him. It was far more than they expected before taking action, with more than ten eyes emitting gazes.

This will make it too late for him to call for help, and his whole body will collapse and he will die here!

The next second, Klein maintained his forward posture and fell to the ground stiffly. Under the gaze of more than a dozen eyes, he turned into a roughly cut, translucent but equally stiff paper figure.

At the same time, a healthy Klein walked out from behind the tree next to him, stretched out his palm, and snapped his fingers.

A bright yellow flame burst out from the side of the gazer wearing a white robe and a head full of tentacles. They licked the spirit world creature that failed to attack, but they were unable to cause any effective damage.

But this provided an excellent landing point for another extraordinary person. With a "bang", the flames merged and surged, and the figure of Angel, who was only ten meters away, emerged from it. She held the "Good Luck" revolver in her right hand. , he pulled the trigger without missing a beat, and the "Sun Brooch" on his chest flashed continuously, shooting all the bullets with "purification" power into the body of the white-robed figure.

And in the left hand that was held empty, a sharp bone blade appeared out of thin air, burning with blazing black flames, and went straight to chop off the tentacle with eyeballs on the head of the "Gazeer".

Before he even had time to look away from the paper man, the gazer was hit by the black flame blade and the purifying bullet. The thin and fragile figure instantly disintegrated, shattering like an illusion.

Mirror Stand, this extraordinary creature can actually use the extraordinary abilities of the "Witch"!

In another place far away from the two people, the pale figure of the "Gazeer" emerged from the void. One of its tentacles had a broken eyeball, which was the result of being struck as a substitute for the original body.

But there are still more than ten eyeballs left, which means that it is almost invincible in a short battle, unless all the "replacements" can be consumed by some means.


Without hesitation, Klein activated the "Creeping Hunger" that he had never dared to activate due to concerns about the side effects, and his left hand bloomed with brilliance like the sun.

"Holy light!"

A thick beam of light fell from the sky, covering the gazer who used the substitute to distance himself. Its pale face seemed to be blended with a layer of golden color, and all the tentacles and eyeballs were tightly closed, squirming to avoid the dazzling light.

Angel's eyes were also locked on the gazer bathed in the light. She summoned invisible threads, pulled the surrounding trees, and ejected her like a projectile. She approached the opponent again at a speed that almost pulled out the afterimage. The tip of the sword The bone sword with black flames pierced the body within the holy light with her speed, and once again smashed it into fragments all over the ground that were still reflecting the holy light.

High in the sky, the white-robed figure with a trace of black flames on its body appeared again. As soon as its eye tentacles, which were missing another eyeball, looked down, they felt their brains tremble in the gaze that suddenly lit up and shot like lightning. Heat, "spiritual shock" was like a hot knife inserted into its head, causing severe pain and suppressing all its thoughts.


The black flame that was about to be extinguished suddenly exploded. Angel once again used "Flame Jump" to track the opponent into the air, raised the bone blade and was about to chop it down.

At this moment, all the eyes of "The Gazer", which were narrowed due to severe pain, suddenly opened, and their cold gaze focused on Angel, and her left hand immediately became slower to move down.

Taking advantage of the momentary opportunity, this spirit world creature turned to the other side without hesitation, its figure gradually became illusory, and it was about to use the spirit world to leave here.

As Arrods said, once it feels that the battle situation is unfavorable, this creature will choose to escape.

"It is forbidden to escape into the spirit world here!"

As his sight left, Angel, who recovered from the sluggishness, used "lightness" to briefly stay in place. At the same time, he switched the rose necklace to the soul of the "judge", delimiting the surrounding large area into a range prohibited from entering the spiritual world.

The white-robed figure that had become illusory paused, and then became clear again. A flaming bone blade was inserted from behind it and passed through the chest. In the sudden black flames, pieces of illusion fragments were scattered.

Once again, the "Gazeer" figure used a substitute to escape from the air below. It flew to the ground without hesitation with the help of gravity. It wanted to escape from this space that cannot enter the spiritual world, drill into the ground or fly into the mountains on both sides. , avoid these two terrible predators!

On the ground below, Klein switched the "Creeping Hunger" from the interrogator to the living corpse. The strength of his body surged, and he moved like a beast. His fists formed frost, and he ran step by step towards the landing point of the "Gazeer".

At the moment when the two sides were about to come into contact, Klein once again felt the sluggish and weak feeling he felt when being attacked by a sneak attack. He squinted his eyes and looked up. All the eyeballs in the tentacles of the "Gazeer" were once again staring at him, focusing on him with concentrated gazes. Adding layer after layer of negative effects.

This moment of slowness caused him to miss the white-robed figure.

"It is forbidden to escape into the spirit world here!"

The ancient Hermes language came from above again. The illusory figure of "The Gazer" who was about to drill into the ground became solid. The pale head with tentacles hit the hard ground, and more than half of the tentacles were violently impacting. The center no longer twists, and the eyes at the tip are tightly closed, no longer looking around.

Seeing that it could not enter the spirit world, it moved its legs under the robe without hesitation and ran towards the depths of the valley at a speed that surprised the two of them.

If it leaves the scope of the ban again, I'm afraid it will be difficult to keep it... Angel and Klein chased in that direction in tacit understanding, alternately lighting black flames and throwing them, or igniting flames on dead branches and grass in the distance. Then he jumped forward, closely following the "Gazeer" who fled hastily but was unable to enter the spiritual world.

It seems that the ability of "Ms. Desperate" to use her eyes as a substitute for the magic mirror comes from "The Gazer", and this guy actually has so many eyes... It has already consumed three of its eyeballs, and there are still about ten left. If you continue to follow this The tactic should be to use up its substitute and keep it... It kept disappearing and reappearing in the flames. Angel was calculating in his mind while chasing the pale figure in front of him.

When she stepped out of the flames again, she was less than ten meters away from the escaping "Gazeer". She seemed to sense the danger. The tentacles on the top of the opponent's head that could still move turned back one after another, and their eyes had no whites. Stare at her closely.

"Spiritual storm!"

Without hesitation, Angel raised his right hand, and the "Good Luck" pistol released a dizzying wave. The pile of tentacles immediately trembled and closed their eyes.

But at this time, Angel had no way to catch up and cut her down with a knife. She was also stiff, and her limbs were weak as she stood on the spot. The same was true for Klein who was behind him and used flame jumping to catch up.

Around the two people, pale figures rose from the ground, their eyes staring at them indifferently.

The fleeing "Gazeer" turned around, a smile appearing on his pale face with human facial features.

It successfully led two enemies into its own group's lair.

(End of this chapter)

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