Mystery: Good Witch

Chapter 587 Finalizing the Butler

Chapter 587 Finalizing the Butler
Applying for a housekeeper job?

Angel remembered that Laura had promised to introduce him to an experienced housekeeper yesterday, but he did not expect that the other party was so efficient and had him come to the door in less than 24 hours.

Being able to call out her new name in Backlund, which only Laura knew so far, also allowed her to confirm the authenticity of the other party's identity.

No wonder he had to wait in the coffee shop on the first floor. Even in a hotel, it would be impolite to enter a young woman's room rashly... She thought about it, nodded and said:

"I really need an excellent housekeeper to help me take care of everything in Backlund. So, Mr. Riback, can you introduce yourself?"

This old gentleman who was nearly fifty years old did not exchange too many pleasantries. He quickly introduced his previous experience as a butler and the reason why he came to apply for the job.

He is 48 years old. Both his grandfather and father have served as deacons and housekeepers of the Negan family. After serving in the army for five years, he also started as a follower of the children of the side branch, gradually serving as a housekeeper's assistant and deputy housekeeper, and finally in a In the transaction, he became the butler of Baron Sindras.

After the assassination of Duke Negan last year, the new young Duke had a political conflict with Baron Sindelas, a supporter of the New Party. In order to avoid embarrassment to his employer, this butler who has served the Negan family for three generations took the initiative to I resigned, so I don’t have a new job yet.

Yesterday afternoon, the butler of Baron Swan's family approached Riback and asked if he was willing to serve a single woman who had just arrived in Backlund. The salary was generous, so Riback came to give it a try.

The salary was generous... Angel pursed his lips. Fortunately, the black gauze of the wide-brimmed hat blocked other people's sight, otherwise her ferocious expression might scare them away.

Riback's expression remained unchanged and he replied:
"It won't have any impact. During my five years of service, one of my most trusted companions believed in the goddess of the night."

In order to cover up, Angel asked casually:
"Duke Pallas Negan asked you to serve Baron Sindras to help him adapt to aristocratic life and related etiquette when he just received the title?"

Angel pondered for a moment and did not hide his hesitation due to the conflict of beliefs. Riback was not anxious, but sat quietly in the armchair, with his hands symmetrically placed on his thighs, with a straight posture, as if his military career had a profound impact on him. have a profound impact on their daily behavior.

She asked the next question to determine the limits of Riback's abilities from Riback's answers and demeanor.

This is not surprising. As the church that has the greatest influence on the army among the three major churches in the Kingdom of Loen, the Church of Storms has a large number of believers in the army. Even if they have no faith at first, they will quickly change under the influence of many comrades. Become a new storm believer.


Apart from this, she was very satisfied with the resume of the butler in front of her. His attitude, demeanor and professional abilities were all in line with Angel's imagination of an aristocratic butler.

But this conflicts with Angel's beliefs...

“Yes, the Lord gives us courage and responsibility.”

"Mr. Riback, I just heard you mention that you believe in the 'Lord of Storms'?"

Finally, she raised a crucial question:

Compared with professional knowledge, the answer was a bit perfunctory, maybe he was just a casual believer... She guessed and continued to ask:
"Will faith affect your work? Maybe Laura didn't tell you in advance that I am a believer in the goddess."

Of course, the several battles in the Southern Continent that the other party answered did not stay in Angel's mind for too long, but based on Riback's answer without hesitation, she could confirm that the other party had not fabricated his past experience, and he should be a good low-level officer.

Ribak responded with a standard smile and an neither-fast nor slow speech.

Riback replied sternly, but there was no movement of the right fist to the left chest that Angel expected.

But the most famous thing is the news that he donated 80 pounds to the Conservative Party and used various means to buy the current hereditary baronetcy.

Angel was deeply impressed by Duke Negan who was involved in the "Apostle of Desire" case, and the name Sindras also appeared frequently in various newspapers and was associated with various donations and charity activities. During the great smog at the end of last year Later, he donated 4 pounds. Apart from Earl Hall, he was the most active.

I'm afraid Duke Negan took a lot of this money...

"Yes, I served him for two years."

This will be of great help in managing other servants... Angel thought and continued to ask a few professional questions, becoming more and more satisfied with the housekeeper candidate introduced by Laura.

"Were you a soldier? Ever been in real combat?"

Soon, Angel made the final decision. She had no time to look for other housekeeper candidates. Everything after that, such as renting a house, hiring servants, and social arrangements, had to be solved by the new housekeeper, otherwise she would have to live there forever. In the hotel, it is impossible to start the next step.

"Then, Mr. Riback, from now on, I am your employer."

She said with a smile. She wanted to reach out and shake hands with the other person, but at the last moment she recalled the knowledge she learned from "Noble Etiquette" under Servilia's pressure and stopped this unethical behavior.

Ribak stood up straight away, straightened his tuxedo, and bowed. His expression was indifferent and serious, and he was not overly happy about getting a new job.

"The next two things I have to do are for you." After confirming the relationship, Angel immediately began to issue orders. "First, go to the law firm across the street to help you draw up a contract for yourself. The annual salary will be as you said, 120 pounds. ; Secondly, I think you also learned from Ms. Laura that I need to determine my future residence. I can rent it first instead of rushing to buy it. In addition, I need to match it with corresponding servants. "

The housekeeper obviously already knew part of the information from Laura, and began to introduce without hesitation:

"Considering that you are a believer of the Goddess of the Night, the North District where St. Samuel's Church is located is a good choice. Closer to the church is a villa at No. 16 Paisfield Street, with three floors, twenty rooms, and There is a back garden and stables, fully furnished and rented for £400 per year.”

400 pounds... Angel's eyes hidden behind the black veil widened slightly.

Although after being baptized by Laura's "only 1 pounds" rhetoric, she already had a good psychological tolerance for the rent at this price, but she still hesitated when she suddenly heard this amount.

Moreover, St. Samuel's Church is on Paisfield Street. If you rent there, you may see several nightwatchers every day when you go out, and she may know one of them.

"If it's not limited to the church, Cromwell Street is also good. It's close to the outskirts of the city and not so noisy. I remember that the house at No. 22 is for sale and can also be rented on an annual basis. It is a three-story house with a garden and a pond. Building, but the owner requires that the full set of furniture, antiques and paintings be rented together, which costs 650 pounds per year.”

Compared with this building, the 400-pound house seems not so expensive... Angel pursed his lips and said:

"What if it's not limited to the North End? Like Hillston?"

She originally wanted to mention the West End in passing, but obviously the rent there would only be more expensive. If Riback misunderstood her meaning and quickly upgraded to a four-digit rent area, it would easily put her off.

"Well, Burningham Road in Hillston is good. It's close to the North District. It only takes ten minutes to go to the church by carriage. No. 8 Burningham Road is a luxurious villa with three floors, more than ten rooms, and a beautiful garden. It is large, but has well-maintained flowers and plants. It also has stables and servants' rooms. The lease is still for one and a half years, but we are looking to sublet it. The other party is willing to lose some rent and only pays 450 pounds now."

450 pounds a year and a half, which is equivalent to 300 pounds a year, which is cheaper than the above two houses, but the total cost will be a little more expensive... Angie was immediately a little excited, especially when she heard that she could sublet, which meant that if she wanted to change The location, even away from Backlund, can be completely reduced by subletting to reduce losses.

"What's your suggestion?"

Although there was an obvious tendency, Angel decided to listen to professional opinions.

"If you want to use this as a social starting point to enter Backlund's upper circle, No. 8 Burningham Road is the best choice. Your neighbors will be university professors, professional lawyers and doctors, all of whom are in their respective circles. Although the industry elites in the industry are not aristocrats, they know many aristocrats. With appropriate visits, they can quickly expand their social circle.

"Although the North District is closer to some nobles who believe in the goddess of the night, many of them are the second and third houses purchased by them, and it is not the social season. Apart from servants, there are few real neighbors there, and there is a lack of suitable people. It is difficult to meet the real nobles directly.”

Ribak seemed to have understood Angel's needs. He talked freely and quickly sorted out the advantages and disadvantages of several houses.

But I always feel that he misunderstood the purpose of my coming to Backlund. What did Laura say to him... The more Angel listened, the more she felt something was wrong. She nodded and said:

"Then let's take the building at No. 8 Burningham Road. At 2 o'clock this afternoon, rent a carriage and wait at the door of the hotel. Let's go and take a look before we make a decision."


3 Burningham Road, Hillstown.

Under the setting sun, the tall and lanky Ellen Kreese supported his pregnant wife, Velma Gladys, and carefully helped her get into the carriage in front of his house.

They were about to go out to have dinner with the newly minted nobleman, Baron Sindras, and his friends.

A few days ago, Allen, a surgeon, successfully performed a difficult operation on the baron and successfully cured the other party's stubborn disease, which was appreciated by the baron.

The Baron decided to introduce Alan to his other friends, and this informal dinner was a good opportunity.

"Dear, I feel that since you became pregnant, my luck has been getting better and better, both in career and income. With the baron's introduction this time, maybe we can get to know more nobles and we can move here soon. It’s better to live in a better villa in the West District away from here.”

Standing at the door of the carriage, Allen said with a smile, only his wife... and the child in her belly were in his eyes.

His wife is a tall black-haired beauty, her belly is already obvious under her loose dress. She heard this and said with a smile:

"You said this half a year ago. The lease on the house had just expired. If you had made up your mind earlier, you wouldn't have had to renew the lease at that time."

"You were just pregnant at the time. I think it's better to be stable. And it's not too late. You can give birth to our child in the best hospital in the West District, right?"

Allen replied, stroking Velma's belly, and suddenly felt her belly moving rhythmically through the gauze skirt.

Velma also frowned:
"He was a little noisy today... Do you think he doesn't want to move?"

As a doctor, Allen certainly knew that it was impossible for a fetus of this month to have such a reaction, nor would it be possible for a fetus several times older, but he still gently touched his wife's abdomen and said:

"Then we won't move. Let's continue living here, okay?"

As the couple whispered, the carriage slowly drove away from No. 3 Burningham Road.

Diagonally across from Allen's house, at the entrance of the villa at No. 8 Burningham Road, a young woman with black hair and purple eyes walked out of the garden gate accompanied by an older man in a tuxedo formal suit.

"Tell the owner of the household that I am very satisfied with this place and the rent will be based on the sublease requirements."

Angel said to the housekeeper Libak, his eyes subconsciously followed the moving carriage, and she always felt that the ordinary four-wheeled carriage seemed to exude a certain temperament that attracted her.

(End of this chapter)

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