Mystery: Good Witch

Chapter 593 Resurrection from the Dead

Chapter 593 Resurrection from the Dead

At that moment, Angel almost suspected that he had seen it wrong.

If the dark vision hadn't been so clear, and if it hadn't been for the memory of a high-sequence extraordinary person, she might have thought that the person sitting in the large prayer hall wearing the priest's robe of the Church of the Night was just a person with a similar appearance.

However, didn't Pierce Turner fail to jump from the "Gatekeeper" in Sequence 5 to the "Night Watch" in Sequence 4, turned into a monster, and died under his own "Disaster" spell? He also entrusted himself to bring the truth of the matter and his extraordinary characteristics to the Church. The Holy Emblem of the Night, which was transformed from the contaminated characteristics, is still with Mr. Fool, waiting to be purified and contaminated by Mr. Azik, and then returned to the Church of the Night...

Angel quickly summarized all the information about Senior Deacon Pierce in his mind, and felt that things were very strange.

Even if he was in the large prayer hall of St. Samuel's Church, almost as if he was under the eyes of the goddess, Angel felt like he was breaking out in a cold sweat.

She secretly glanced at Klein, who was sitting in the front seat, and found that he had lowered his head during the choir's singing, just like other believers.

I'd better not be too conspicuous... She also reacted, bowed her head and prayed silently, waiting for the choir's prelude to end. Bishop Elektra held the "Apocalypse of the Night" and gave a half-hour sermon.

Finally, the priests distributed the water and bread as communion, allowing all believers to share the blessing of the night in honor of the deceased.

Angel had known this step, so she only ate seventy percent of the dinner and did not waste the simple communion. However, while serving the dry bread with water, she kept observing the other believers and looked carefully at "Pierce Turner" "Over there, I found that the senior deacon who didn't know the truth was chewing the bread carefully like ordinary believers, as if it was a delicacy given by God.

As Bishop Electra, all the priests and choir members recited the poems praising the goddess in the "Apocalypse of the Night" and resonated with the holy symbols engraved in the dark hall, Angel could feel the soothing spirituality slowly spreading around him. , she did not mobilize her spiritual confrontation, but emptied her mind and allowed this peaceful darkness to wrap herself up.

The Moon Mass came to an end after the believers' emotions eased a little. Most of the believers who were ordinary people turned around and left after praising the goddess. A few took out their wallets and donated generously, which will be much more than usual when listening to sermons. money into the offering box.

It seems that the atmosphere that resonated with everyone at the end of this mass is a reflection of the power of this bishop. He should not be a demigod yet. Could it be Sequence 5?

In essence, this is still a mass for the living, not the dead... But is the plain covered with flowers that represent the power of the night the "god kingdom" of the goddess?

At some point, the choir stopped chanting, and the large prayer hall filled with hundreds of people was silent, with only heavy or deep breathing, and sobs coming from time to time.

This bishop, who was obviously an extraordinary person, had a solemn face, and there seemed to be a faint power that was deeper than the surrounding atmosphere.

Angel also took the small bag from Elsa's hand, who was beside him with tears streaming down her face. She took out all the large bills and put the entire 100 pounds into the box.

They were not as miserable as when they lost control and died. Instead, they were neatly dressed, with calm faces and smiles on their lips. They bowed slightly to say goodbye to Angel, then turned and left, finally disappearing into the dark plain covered with moon flowers and deep sleep flowers. middle.

In the darkness, she seemed to see Old Neil taking a break from his work to make coffee, and Pierce stretching out his arms to hold Disaster...

Angel thought deeply about the "Deep Dark Heaven" where the goddess was originally located in the Amanda Mountains.

Fortunately, my appearance now is completely different from that of then. Even if he had the memory of Pierce from the time of Para Island, he would not be able to recognize me... Thinking of this, Angel relaxed slightly. Since there can be no conflict here, there is no other danger. , she simply pretended that it didn't happen and waited for the last part of the mass with peace of mind.

It doesn't look fake, but who is that on Para Island?
Angel became more and more confused. She wanted to go directly to ask the other party's identity, but she knew that this was the most irrational move. Regardless of whether the other party was true or false, a conflict broke out in the church. There is no doubt that the Extraordinaries will help anyone.

This is not only to create a "personality", but also to express her gratitude to the goddess for the help she has provided since she came to this world.

Looking sideways at the other believers on both sides, Angel found that most of them were already in tears, and a few had red eyes. He guessed that this power was not harmful to people, but just allowed them to vent their usual negative emotions and see in the dark. Visiting the deceased whom you have seen in the past relieves the grief for the deceased.

Angel slowly opened her eyes, only to feel that her eyes were a little sore. She blinked, raised her head, and looked at Bishop Elektra next to the altar.

Apart from her, most others, including Dr. Allen, only donated 5 pounds and 10 pounds. This is considered generous compared to the common donations calculated in suler, but compared with Klein's current status, Compared with the 300 pounds Dwayne Dantès invested, it was just pocket money.

Therefore, when Angel turned around, he could hear the bishop behind the altar warmly inviting Mr. Dantès, who was extremely devout to the goddess, to enter the library to listen to a private sermon. However, he did not want to know more about the internal structure of the church. reject.

Is this considered an "intelligence fee"... Angel chuckled secretly, but his eyes suddenly caught sight of "Pierce Turner" sitting on the other side standing up from the bench, walking slowly over, and quickly pretended to look intently. , passing him by. It wasn't until she and the maid came to the door of the prayer hall that she dared to look back and found that the other party had left the side door in a familiar way, seemingly entering the depths of the church. The bishop and priest next to him turned a blind eye to his actions, as if they were already familiar with him. identity.

Sure enough, he should at least maintain his status as a member of the church on the surface... Angel's heart tightened and he quickly left the church.

After that, as if she didn't notice anything unusual, she took a carriage back to Hillston District and returned to her home.

Riback presented a list of neighbors who either planned to visit or who would welcome Angel's visit. Angel arranged these people evenly throughout the next week, ensuring that he could visit or receive one or two every afternoon, but left Monday afternoon unscheduled.

She didn't explain too much, just said that that time period was her accustomed rest time, and she needed to stay in the bedroom and didn't want to be disturbed.

As the paymaster, Angel has the power to do as he pleases.

What surprised her was that the list of people planned to visit actually included Laura Swann, the witch who had been hiding in Backlund and had a mysterious purpose.

What is she here for? If you need to contact me for anything, there is a communication potion that can be used. The black cat Wensa is also a relative of hers and can help her deliver letters... Angel mumbled silently and arranged the other party's visit for tomorrow, which is Sunday afternoon.

After finishing all this, Angel excused himself for not having enough for dinner and not having much Holy Communion, so he asked the chef to prepare an exquisite supper. After enjoying toasted waffles and milk tea, he took a comfortable bath and returned to the bedroom. After there was no movement from Aisha who was guarding the servant's room next door, she got up from the bed again, drew a spiritual wall around the bedroom, recited the Fool's honorable name in a low voice, and requested:

"Mr. Fool, I ask for your help to let me communicate with Mr. World alone."

She knew that Mr. Fool might not respond immediately, so she climbed back into the warm bed after praying. But as soon as she got into bed, the familiar crimson light surrounded her, and in the blink of an eye, she walked from Burningham Road No. 8 came to the mysterious gray fog space and sat in the seat closest to "The Fool", while the farthest seat was "World" Klein.

After expressing his gratitude to Mr. Fool for being able to respond quickly in the middle of the night, Angel did not delay and quickly told Klein what he discovered during the Moon Mass.

"The senior deacon who died due to out-of-control and suspected death pollution was resurrected in Backlund?"

After listening to the narration, Klein also felt a cold sweat. During the evening mass, he was completely immersed in the atmosphere of mourning for the deceased. In the end, he took out all the banknotes he brought with him and donated a huge sum of 300 pounds. , listened to Bishop Electra's private sermon, and discovered the passage from the church to Chanis Gate, which can be said to be full of rewards.

But what he didn't realize was that there was a real "dead man" sitting not far away from him.

"The possibility of resurrection is too small..." Angel retorted subconsciously, and then realized that both of them were "minorities" who had been resurrected. "Well, although it is not impossible, I think we should give priority to others. One possibility, for example, is that one of them is a fake 'Pierce Turner'."

Either the out-of-control Extraordinary she saw on Pala Island was someone else disguised as Pierce, or Pierce, who is still within the church and seems to have gained the trust of others, is fake.

Of course, regardless of the possibility, the only good news now is that Pierce in the church should not recognize her, and may not even have the memory of Para Island. This gives Angel the opportunity to understand the other party, and even find a way to find the other party. The evidence that the identity was false caused the church's forces to change their stance and deal with this fake person.

And if the person in the church is the real Pierce, then everyone will be happy. The backbone of the Goddess Church has not been lost, and the "Night Watch" extraordinary characteristic that Angel obtained does not need to be handed over. Except for the dead fake Pierce, everyone is happy. The ending is achieved.

"But if the church's Pierce is genuine, the 'Nightwatch' trait you picked up must be fake, right?"

After listening to Angel's analysis, Klein raised a new question. The two of them looked at the "Fool" at the top of the long table. The latter chuckled and replied:
"The extraordinary characteristics in that holy symbol are real."

"But to hide in the church, Pierce must always show his abilities. Whether it is hosting mass or dealing with the 'Nighthawks', it is impossible for a fake who does not have the same strength to stay in the dark for more than half a year... "

After receiving the Fool's reply, Klein also seemed a little confused. He looked at Angel, who was deep in thought, with his brows furrowed and sometimes relaxed, as if he was remembering something.

"There is another possibility," she suddenly said, with a solemn expression, even with a hint of fear, "the out-of-control Extraordinary in the mine on Pala Island is Pierce, and the senior deacon who performs normal duties in the church is also Pierce..."

"Two Pierces, one is 'The Man in the Mirror'."

(End of this chapter)

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