Mystery: Good Witch

Chapter 603: Will Tarot be upgraded again?

Chapter 603: Will Tarot be upgraded again?
It seems that there are indeed many benefits to temporarily storing the "Witch" and "Red Priest" cards with Him... This knowledge is probably rarely circulated within the Zhengshen Church, let alone among wild Extraordinary people...

Angel breathed a sigh of relief, carefully remembered the contents of the parchment, and watched it disappear as if it had never existed.

"You guys go ahead."

The figure of the Fool shrouded in gray mist slowly moved back, leaned on the back of the chair, and gave instructions.

"Justice" Audrey was still immersed in the shock of "Miss Queen obtained two blasphemy cards" and "knowledge that is temporarily unused". When she heard this, she was about to speak, but was interrupted by the person sitting opposite. "The Hanged Man" took the lead:

"I request to communicate with Miss Queen alone."

Audrey's eyes suddenly darkened.

Oh, it turned out that her senses were blocked... She opened her mouth silently, feeling the pain of the other members' ignorance when she checked the "Card of Blasphemy" just now.

Seeing "The Fool"'s signal, "The Hanged Man" Alger suppressed the curiosity that was also constantly surging in his heart and said to Angel:
"I have already found out about 'Mad Captain' Connors Victor."

This was the agreement between Angel and Alger a few weeks ago. The latter used his internal investigation of the bloody sacrifice incident on Isla Sorna and the human trafficking case of the Mad Captain to offset part of the debt owed to the "Ocean Singer" formula and extraordinary characteristics within the Church of Storms. .

"In late February, 'Crazy Captain' Connors and his One-Eyed Skull transported a group of carefully selected girls to the private port on the outskirts of Bayam, planning to sell them to the Red Theater. Of course, there may be A small amount will be given to the important people in the Governor's Palace and the military port, but the higher-ups have no intention of conducting an in-depth investigation, so I did not get this list."

Alger recounted the information he got while chatting with his friends in the tavern. Angel compared it with the information he observed from a "first-person perspective" and discovered that the Church of Storms obtained it through interrogating living pirates and channeling the dead. The information was quite limited, only two more points than she knew:

First of all, the demigod who killed "Crazy Captain" and "Finger" Maduni successfully escaped the hunt of "Sea King", but the Church of Storms obtained the physical characteristics of the other party: wearing a cloak, his face was distorted by extraordinary abilities, and his height was He is between 1 and 85 meters tall. His arms are longer than normal, almost hanging down to his knees, and his legs are slightly outward.

Secondly, through questioning those girls, the Church of Storms discovered that the scale of the human trade involved in "Crazy Captain" was far greater than what was rumored. Instead, it dealt with thousands of slaves every year. Their whereabouts are a mystery, but it is impossible to sell them all. Got to the Red Theater or something like that.

These two pieces of information are very valuable. The former gives Angel the opportunity to recognize the mysterious demigod immediately when he sees him. After all, the face is disguised and anti-divination, so basically there will be no need to manipulate the figure.

The latter corroborates the statement mentioned by Black Cat Wensa that the "Witch Cult" only used the smog to cover up a large number of missing persons. It is determined that the military or royal factions that cooperated with it were involved for some unspeakable purpose. For human purposes, with the help of the "Crazy Captain" and more human traffickers, a large number of low-level people in the East District were robbed, and their number may be as high as tens of thousands.

"What actions will the Church of Storms take regarding this matter?"

After listening to the information that Alger had obtained, Angel asked rhetorically.

"Bayam's punishers were exhausted due to the battle between the 'Rose School' and... some adventurers in the suburbs half a month ago, so they could only shelve this endless case... But, you Remember when I asked you to investigate the human trafficker Barron? The Church of Storms will not ignore this."

Alger explained, and finally couldn't help but defend his church.

Although he also felt that the punishment agents wanted "Angelica" and "Gehrman" who did not cause much harm, they shelved the human trafficking case, somewhat indifferent to the severity.

"I hope so..." Angel replied perfunctorily, and then changed the subject, "Have you completed the ceremony and been promoted to Sequence 5?"

She remembered that the recipe for "Ocean Singer" mentioned that the potion needed to be taken in the belly of an "Obnis", a sea monster with three heads and a large number of tentacles that had been basically taught by the storm. Tamed, raised near Pasu Island in the Sunya Sea, they are firmly in their hands.

It’s no wonder that Obnis is a necessity for promotion to Sequence 5 of the “Sailor” pathway. In doing so, they have monopolized the ascending channel. Even if the formula is leaked, it is almost impossible for wild Extraordinary people to successfully advance... In contrast, Night It is very strange that the Goddess Church keeps mermaids in captivity for the promotion of "Secret Puppet Master". There are only a small number of "seer" low-sequence extraordinary people in the church. What is the significance of their monopoly on this path?
Unknown to Angel, there were so many thoughts in his mind, Alger was stunned for a moment and then replied:
"Not yet. I'm going to ask Ms. Hermit about the sea monster required for the ceremony... You should already know her identity, right?"

He knew that the "Queen" and "The World" had followed the "Hermit" to the sea.


Angel replied honestly, looking at the "hermit".


In the darkness and silence, Cattleya was using her precious time to think about Mr. Fool's words just now.

There is no doubt that He is telling the Queen behind me that she can exchange the "blasphemous cards" for the secret of the diary. She does have two, no, now there are three "blasphemous cards", and she once said, If necessary, she could use these as conditions in exchange for several key answers to Emperor Russell's secrets... She almost wanted to agree to Mr. Fool's request immediately after the "individual communication" was over, and let the Queen send those blasphemies. Cards, in exchange for a few translated pages of the diary to watch with your own eyes.

But Cattleya knew that the main reason for this was because of the sequence she was in, the "astrologer"'s thirst for occult knowledge, so she quickly suppressed her inner impulse and decided to discuss it with the Queen after the Tarot Club. Make your decision again.

Moreover, according to Mr. Fool, the contents of the few pages of the diary this time are only meaningful to Miss "Queen", which means that they will not be useful until at least Sequence 4, and there is no point in her hurry.

After soothing her restless heart, Cattleya felt that her thirst for knowledge and inexplicable fear were somewhat relieved. The next moment, her vision returned to normal, and other Tarot Club members appeared one by one at the long table.

Seeing that the individual communication was over and the mutual transaction had entered, she immediately looked at the "magician" beside her and said:
"I need clues about the direct descendants of the Abraham family. The reward is 1000 pounds."

She looked directly at the commission I issued, indicating that she knew that my teacher was a member of the Abraham family... Well, I had told other Tarot Society members about this. Even if Ms. "Hermit" joined later, it would not be difficult to understand. To... Although "Magician" Forsi was extremely tempted by the 1000 pounds, she would not betray the information of those close to her, so she just said after careful consideration:

"Why are you looking for the Abraham family?"

"It's related to the Mr. Gate we discussed. You just need to tell them this. It's up to them to decide whether you want to contact or cooperate further. Of course, regardless of success or failure, I will pay you 350 pounds. If the contact is successful, then Pay the rest."

Cattleya replied.

It doesn't sound malicious, and I can choose to only earn the 350 pounds to ensure the safety of the teacher... Recently, I published two novels as an agent and earned a lot of commissions, but I spent more. Forsi was deeply moved. After thinking for a moment, he replied:


With this successful transaction, other Tarot Club members also began to publish, accept commissions, and exchange their resources with each other.

"The Hermit" obtained the Black Hunter Spinal Fluid needed for "Justice", and the meteorite crystal needed for "Magician", showing his powerful abilities as a pirate general. Derrick "The Sun" obtained from "Moon" Emlyn After buying the auxiliary materials needed to be promoted to "Notary Public", maybe next week, there will be one more Sequence 6 in the Tarot Club.

"After getting the spinal fluid, I will collect the potion materials needed by the 'hypnotist', and the digestion of the 'psychiatrist' has been completed." After the transaction session ended and the communication session entered, Audrey took the lead and said, "But I still hesitate, should I be promoted to Sequence 6 immediately?"

"Are you worried that the 'Psychological Alchemy Society' will find out that you were promoted too quickly and become suspicious of you?"

"The Hanged Man", who has rich fighting experience, immediately saw through the reason for Audrey's hesitation.

"Yes, now I am in my family's castle and I am not worried about their scrutiny, but when June comes, I will return to Backlund and will inevitably have frequent contact with other members of the 'Psychological Alchemy Society'. Maybe They noticed something unusual."

The family castle is not the kind of castle that costs tens of thousands of pounds to repair and maintain every year, right... The words Alger was about to answer were sucked back into his stomach in one breath. It took him a long time to recover and continued:

"I think that your ability to avoid scrutiny by delaying promotion is extremely limited. The higher your rank, the more likely you are to resist psychological scrutiny and exploration. And when you are ready, you can pray to Mr. Fool for the blessing of angels. Just like you did before."

"Only by improving your sequence can you take the initiative in your own hands." Angel also added on the side.

As the only high-sequence extraordinary person in the Tarot Club, her words are undoubtedly more effective than "The Hanged Man". Audrey thought for a moment and nodded as if she had made up her mind:

"As soon as I received the potion ingredients, I prepared for promotion."

In this way, "Justice", "Sun", and "Magician", this week's Tarot Club is likely to have a moment when three members are promoted at the same time... No, if "The Hanged Man" successfully finds traces of the sea monster, then There are four!
It has been several months since three members were promoted at the same time within a week...

Angel looked at the members one by one, feeling quite relieved that an "elder" was watching the younger ones grow.

At this moment, the "Magician" said softly:
"Everyone, do you remember my last 'murder commission'?" She said slowly, carefully considering her words so as not to scare others like last time. "Louis Wayne, the envoy of the Aurora Society, I found his Traces."

I remember that you said "I want to kill someone"... Angel pursed his lips and looked at the other members. He found that everyone still remembered that embarrassing moment, and they all looked at this member with polite eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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