Mystery: Good Witch

Chapter 605 Encounters and Traps

Chapter 605 Encounters and Traps

When the crowd around him was no longer dense, Angel emerged directly from the mirror, and his body shape changed at the same time. His long hair turned maroon, and his facial features squirmed and shifted. In the blink of an eye, he turned into an ordinary-looking young woman.

She straightened her casual dress, bought a museum ticket, and followed the crowd into the exhibition hall.

Since he didn't have to do anything today, Angel just stayed far behind William Sykes and his female companion, stopping from time to time to look at the exhibits in the glass cabinets, reading detailed historical allusions, and wandering through the thousands of years of the Kingdom of Loen.

"Compared to the golden toilet that 'represents the glory of human civilization' in the Emperor Russell exhibition, the cultural relics that embody the collective wisdom of mankind are more full of historical significance..."

Angel glanced at an oil painting from 500 years ago and commented with her surprisingly little historical knowledge.

"I do think that some sudden inventions or improvements are much more important than the cyclical repetition of history, such as the steam engine, such as the 'Patriotic Hygiene Movement'..."

A familiar word came from behind her. The momentary spiritual touch and the memory in her mind made her rounded cheeks twitch, and then she turned back.

Wearing a half-top hat and a cane under his arm, Dwayne Dantès, who has quite attractive features, is standing behind her with a humble smile, followed by a thin man about forty years old, who should be his Butler or valet.

"It's not the behavior of a gentleman in Loen to strike up a conversation casually."

Angel raised his eyebrows, kept a certain distance from Klein, and said.

"Call me Erin."

Klein sighed secretly, decided to endure his curiosity and worry, and not get too involved in Angel's goals. He kept nodding as Walter continued to introduce, interrupted him at the right time, and said:
"I'm just a little curious. Let's go and have a look at the 'Oath-breaking War' exhibition hall."

He was actually a little curious about the two people when he walked into the exhibition hall. The man was wearing expensive formal clothes and had a cane worth dozens of pounds. He looked older, and the backs of his fingers were dry and rough, as if he had been doing rough work all the time. The woman looked distant from him. Eighty percent of them are mistresses rather than real partners.

Looking at "Irene"'s retreating back, it took Klein a while to recover from the embarrassment and looked at the butler Walter beside him. The latter's expression did not change at all and his gaze was fixed in front of him, which satisfied his employer. face.

The most important thing is that his butler saw the man from a distance and showed obvious surprise.

"Walter, the man who left the showcase just now...the one with his female companion, do you know him?"

Klein's smiling expression just now froze for a moment, and he couldn't even say the next words.

At the same time, she raised her right hand and placed three fingers on the lace edge of the neckline of the dress casually.


He also pulled him on, so he was taking the opportunity to establish a "personality"... Angel looked at Klein's movements speechlessly, snorted slightly and replied:

"Yes, M. Dantès, I had contact with my previous employer, Viscount Conrad, when I was working there. His name was William Sykes, who served Count Rustin, Edsac O'Brien. Prince Gustus, after the death of His Royal Highness, became the deacon of another viscount... I just wonder why I see him here. "

In Loon, landholding titles are often referred to by fiefs rather than surnames, and Rustin is the traditional domain of the Crown and was once owned by Edsac.

Sure enough, he didn't even recognize me... Angel smiled secretly, passed him by, and walked in the direction of William Sikes.


"Humility and social distance are virtues, but when it comes to discussing academic issues, sincerity and persistence come first." Klein pressed his hat and bowed slightly in greeting, "I am Dwayne Dantès, Businessman from Dixi, I don’t know what to call you?”

I kind of want to get involved, but before I get the Antigonus family notes, I’m not going to go deep into the investigation of the Great Smog Incident, so I can only leave it to Angel first...

William Sykes, once worked for Prince Edsac... Could he be the target that Angel said in his letter that Triss planned to contact?
Klein listened to the butler's introduction and understood. He was not worried about any problems that Angel, a demigod, would encounter. He just felt that if he attacked William before he was fully prepared, he might be able to scare the snake away and let the enemy get away from him. The royal faction behind him is alert.

Of course, the risks are high, and the benefits are equally huge. As long as we get major clues from William, we may be able to identify the specific members of this royal faction. And the three major churches that almost opposed the royal family in the great smog will definitely not let go. If we take this opportunity to weaken the royal family, we will definitely pursue it to the end.

Discovering that the disguised Angel was quietly following the man and woman, Klein quickly found a topic and asked.

Mixed in the crowd, Angel followed William Sykes and his female companion almost throughout the entire museum, and did not leave until nearly noon.

I originally thought that he was just showing off his interest in culture and art in front of his mistress, but I didn't expect that he was actually visiting the exhibition and had a deep research on the history of Loen... Angel sighed with emotion when he saw the characters played by William and Klein. After Dwayne Dantès' "accidental encounter", he left the museum and went to the hotel across the street, checked in, got into a suite on the third floor and lost sight of anything.

I'm afraid it won't do any good to open a room in the middle of the day. She chuckled secretly, and was about to find a place to get into the mirror world to observe what William was doing in the room, when she suddenly felt some movement in an alley next to her.

No one was in the alley, but the spiritual sense reminded me that Triss couldn't be hiding there, right?
Angel walked into the alley and saw Triss, who looked like a female ghost in a black dress, leaning against the wall.

"I'm curious, did you enter the museum just to follow William Sikes? Why didn't you just wait at the door?"

Seeing her walking into the alley, Triss asked in a confused tone.

She still maintained her respect for the superior in her words, but it sounded harsh to Angel, as if she was mocking her for spending two hours wandering aimlessly in the museum.

Taking a deep breath, she asked:

"Are you planning to switch to the 'Hunter' path in Sequence 4?"

"What?" Triss was a little surprised.

"'Witch' and 'Hunter' can be interchanged when promoted to Sequence 4, and... Hunter's Sequence 4 will force people to become male."

Angel said softly, enjoying the doubt, shock, and despair in Triss's eyes.

"I...heh, if it was half a year ago, I would have agreed without hesitation, but now, there is no chance."

Various expressions flashed through one by one, and the last one that stayed on Triss's face was determination and a hint of desolation.

No chance, does it mean that after accepting the gift of the "Original Witch", she cannot switch to the adjacent path, or does it mean that she no longer struggles with her identity and gender issues?
Angel felt his sarcasm hit the cotton. He opened his mouth and didn't know what to say. After a moment, he dropped the topic and continued:

"William is on the third floor of the hotel next door. He went in with his mistress. When are you going to take action?"

"Wait a moment. After his mistress leaves, I will go in and deal with him personally. You, just stay nearby and deal with other Beyonders who may appear."

You don’t have to maintain superficial respect... Angel always felt that the Hunter Path missed another good idea. She nodded, directly touched the glass window next to the alley, entered the "Mirror World", and followed the complicated and dark passage. When we got to the third floor of the hotel, we stopped in the decorative mirror in the corridor and observed the scene inside.

About half an hour later, the young mistress took care of her somewhat messy hair, opened the door, and left the hotel quickly. William Sykes called for room service, sent a bottle of red wine, and never looked back. There was no further movement.

For a moment, Angel saw Tris walking from the side of the corridor. Compared with before, she not only put on light makeup, but also tied up her black skirt slightly, revealing her smooth and white calves. The "witch" charm that was fully exuded made Angel in the mirror unable to take his eyes away.

It's hard to imagine that she was still a shy and childish man in Tingen City... Angel was stunned as he watched Tris knock on the door of William's room, pretending to be a lady who accidentally walked into the wrong room, and slightly used "instigation" He followed him into the room with his sweet words.

Ah, seduction?

She was a little hesitant in the mirror world, whether to give the two of them some time, but soon felt that it was not necessary, so she came to the room through the passage in the mirror, and looked out from the full-length mirror in the bedroom. As expected, I noticed William and Tris walking into the room in ambiguous postures.

Even an extraordinary person would find it difficult to resist the power of a witch without defense, not to mention a witch like Triss who is even willing to accept the gift of the "original witch" for revenge.

He casually took off his coat and handed it to Triss. After a little "resistance", William was pushed down on the soft big bed. The bed was slightly messy. It was obvious that someone had "battled" on it not long ago, but his interest was aroused. William was still high-spirited and his face was flushed with excitement.

"How about we go to the Intis restaurant in the West District in the evening? After a big meal, it's okay..."

"...I can eat you."

Suddenly, William's tone, which was speaking nonsensical words of love, became cold, and the confused aura on his body was swept away, turning into an extremely majestic aura that made people want to kneel down and surrender.

At the same time, clusters of golden flames appeared around him, and they flowed densely in the room, burning away the threads that had invisibly surrounded him.

Triss's face changed drastically, and she jumped up from William without hesitation, as if she was going to stay away from the flames that contained the sacred aura. She pulled away to regroup, but she turned an angle as if she was dizzy, and leaned against the bed again. William Sikes stood up, fists clenched.

The latter snorted softly and punched out, tearing off countless reassembled threads, breaking through the ice that Triss had gathered in a hurry, and slammed her against the wall.

(End of this chapter)

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