Mystery: Good Witch

Chapter 607 New abilities and new problems

Chapter 607 New abilities and new problems

"Black Emperor" Path Sequence 5, "Chaos Mentor", his ability to fight alone is undoubtedly very strong. From the fact that William can fight with Triss, who is the "original witch"'s divine vessel and is almost equivalent to the God's Favorite. It was obvious from the back and forth that if this witch wasn't filled with vengeful rage and was willing to trade injuries for injuries, she wouldn't have been able to take him down so easily.

And when William's shoulders were nailed to the ground, Angel could feel that he still had the strength to fight. He showed up directly to make him give up his final struggle and cooperate with the inquiries in order to survive.

Of course, now that he was resting peacefully in the necklace, there was no need or chance to regret his choice.

And Angel now has no time to check the specific ability of herding in the "Rose Necklace". From the moment she finishes herding, she can feel that the magic mirror close to her body is gradually emitting an indescribable warning, which seems to be there but not yet obvious. is gradually increasing.

"It is very likely that other Beyonders are coming. It seems that William Sykes has indeed been under surveillance. I don't know if death or 'psychic' triggered this warning. Hehe, he probably doesn't even know that he is just a human being. Bait."

She put the necklace back on her neck and reminded Triss softly.

The wound on the latter's shoulder had not yet recovered, and her face looked pale and weak due to the battle and blood loss. She looked around and found that her blood was scattered everywhere. The traces caused by frost and black flames were extremely dazzling. She had briefly cleaned them with black flames before. After a while, it was just a drop in the bucket, so he smiled bitterly and said:
"There's no chance to clean up. Let's leave quickly. You didn't show up with your true face, so you shouldn't be tracked. As for me..."

"You first leave invisible, I will handle it, and then leave through the mirror. My anti-divination is confident that they will find nothing."

Triss's words were interrupted by Angel. She looked at the latter with curiosity and surprise. After a moment, she pursed her lips and nodded:
"Okay, I won't go back to my original residence to avoid being searched... I'll contact you again."

She held her shoulder with one hand and waved lightly with the other, and her figure quickly faded and disappeared.

Angel's whole body ignited with majestic black flames, and then spread from her feet, quietly covering the carpet, walls, ceiling, and the double bed in the center of the bedroom, burning silently, burning everything from the broken wand to the spilled blood. The traces were burned cleanly without causing any additional flames.

After a while, the bedroom was as clean as new except for a few dents on the wall and door. The ice spikes on the shoulders of William's body on the ground also melted and evaporated, leaving only two holes where blood slowly seeped out.

Angel had no intention of taking away William's body, because without a spirit body, he could not channel spirits. Leaving this body would also leave the other party with the trouble of destroying the corpse and making them suspicious, but taking him away would give the other party a chance. Trace yourself.

She just took away the pocket watch in William's pocket that could attract the fire of light and obviously belonged to the "Sun Priest". Then she walked towards the only half-length mirror in the room, stretched out her hand to spread her spirituality, and directly entered the "mirror world".

In a space similar to the spirit world, Angel's divination ability has also been improved accordingly. The sense of danger that was not obvious before suddenly became stronger. She could sense a chaotic and evil force approaching quickly not far away. At most It only takes 20 seconds to enter this hotel and reach William's room.

Unfortunately, I was still a step too late... She chuckled lightly and left the West District along the cobweb-like passage.



The door opened on its own, and a tall man wearing a hooded cloak and an exaggerated golden mask stepped into the bedroom. In front of him, William Sykes's eyes were wide open, his mouth was open, and he was lying on his back. No longer breathing.

The man was not surprised. When William's restraining order was triggered, he knew that this man was definitely hopeless. The only question was, who did it?
He first came to the body, squatted down, stretched out his arms that were much longer than ordinary people, and quickly confirmed that William's cause of death was a heart disease caused by a combination of severe disease and blood loss.

However, the extraordinary characteristics he possesses have disappeared, the spirit body is not nearby, and he cannot channel or divination. The only magical item has been taken away, leaving only a handful of coins in his pocket.

There are some traces of fighting on the walls and carpet, and the two penetrations on the carpet correspond to William's wounds, but other clues have obviously been cleaned up, and it is difficult to determine which path of Extraordinary caused it in a short period of time.

"The possession of a resentful soul accelerates the precipitation of characteristics. The spirit body is swallowed by some sealed objects, or is it... a shepherd?"

Based on the existing clues, the man analyzed to himself that the voice came from behind the mask, weak and distorted.

He is not proficient in divination, and knows that it is better to confirm it through occult methods than to guess blindly. But if the other party can clean up the traces, he must have done corresponding counter-divination. Unless the hotel is sealed off, and his own people come here to divination and fight before the police arrive. process, otherwise when the official extraordinary person intervenes, his identity will be easily exposed.

"Is this why he left the body behind on purpose?"

With a slight snort, the man quickly searched William. After finding that there was no other evidence against him, he went directly to the window, jumped from the window to the third floor, and left through the alley below. The window closes on its own, like the door that also closes, transforming William's bedroom into a pristine scene.

————That night, Angel returned home after a literary salon. After washing up under the service of the maid, he entered the bedroom. Only then did he have time to take out the "Rose Necklace" and check the ability of the grazing soul inside.

Her actions during the day were all carried out under the disguise of the "hypocritical" ring, and she was not worried about the so-called "alibi". However, since she had already made an appointment with someone else and returned early because the operation went smoothly, she was naturally unwilling to break the appointment. .

Originally, this literary salon was just a small gathering of young nobles and young people who were eager to establish relationships with nobles. Everyone talked about the recently released novels and chased fashion hot spots, but Angel discovered that Backlund had recently popularized a series based on maritime adventures. One of the themed adventure novels was actually based on her!

To be precise, it is based on "Angelica Thatch" and the book is called "Angelica the Pirate Series: Fountain of Youth".

The Fountain of Youth is undoubtedly one of the "Six Legends of the Sea", but Angelica... Angel thought of the young and beautiful female pirate who was whispering among the young women in the salon, who was entangled with the pirate generals, and felt that everyone was there. Discuss yourself.

"When I get some time, I must use divination to find out whose work this is, crawl along the mirror, and let him seal the pen from now on..."

Angel thought bitterly, locked the bedroom door, sat on the bedside, took out the "Rose Necklace", and spread the spirituality inside, sensing the spirit and ability of William who was grazing today.

The moment the spirit entered the necklace, she could know the opponent's potion sequence, so she confirmed that it was the "Chaos Mentor" of sequence 5, but until now, she didn't know what abilities she had "extracted".

Unlike "Creep Hunger", which has up to five grazing souls, but the number of abilities is random, "Rose Necklace" will obtain three fixed abilities, and it is also impossible to choose by yourself, but Angel's luck has always been good, especially "Good Luck" "After the revolver regained its extraordinary characteristics.

The most important of the three abilities is "chaos", which is probably derived from Sequence 5. It can cause irresistible chaos in the target or the surrounding area, making it difficult for attacks to fall on you, and making it easy for the enemy to make wrong choices.

Secondly, there is the "bribery" ability, but it does not weaken the enemy, but "connects". It also needs to hand over money and objects to the target in advance as a "bribery". After taking effect, the user and the target's bodies will be linked together. , the attack or extraordinary ability effects will take effect on two people at the same time, just like William and Triss did today.

Finally, there was a new ability she had never seen before, "Corruption." This ability can make the minds of people within ten meters gradually darken, making it easier for them to make greedy and irrational choices.

"I don't know if William used this ability during the day's battle... The range can definitely cover the entire bedroom, but maybe he was killed by Triss before he had time to show the effect. It seems that this ability is not suitable for combat. Use it, but the effect may be more obvious when 'socializing' or 'negotiating', especially when combined with my 'instigation'..."

Angel classified this last ability into the non-combat category, ending his exploration of the "Rose Necklace".

In general, she is quite satisfied with the three abilities she obtained this time. "Chaos" can completely replace most of the restrictions of "Judge", making it difficult for the enemy's attacks to take effect, especially in multi-person combat; "Bribery" is very effective against For her, the Rose Necklace is a good way to recover from injuries, but "corrosion" needs to be evaluated.

After releasing the soul of "Judge" Heras, Angel also obtained his extraordinary characteristics. If he could find a buyer, it would mean 3000 pounds in the account, which was also a big gain.

Including the magical item pocket watch, the money earned in one day is enough to cover expenses in Backlund for two years... She thought happily.

The most important thing is that today a key name came out of William's mouth: Viscount Stepford. He is the chief of the palace guard, which is a palace title that can be hereditary, but does not have a fief. But this does not mean that he does not have wealth and power. Judging from owning his own manor in the suburbs, Stepford obviously has other channels for making money.

"Could it be the profit from human trafficking... Moreover, if he dares to deal with a prince, there must be an equal force behind him. Is it another prince or another member of the royal family?
"This also explains to a certain extent why the military is involved in this matter. After all, they take orders from the royal family, even if this can be called a civil war between members of the royal family..."

Thinking of this, Angel had a headache. She was not good at detailed analysis, and the current information was too little, so she couldn't draw any useful conclusions even after thinking about it. Rushing to inquire about the other party's identity would easily arouse suspicion, especially during the period when the butler of his manor died tragically in the hotel.

Let's wait for Triss to look for clues. Anyway, she is very motivated and wants to find the real culprit who killed Prince Edsac within a day... Angel stood up from the bed and walked to the balcony. The moonlight outside the window was dim. , the buildings on Burningham Road were shrouded in the deep night.

"Triss's injuries probably won't recover overnight. I forgot to ask her if there were any other safe houses...Looking at the way she didn't even want the trophies, a witch wouldn't even have money to rent a house. Bar……"

Subconsciously, she worried about her temporary partner.

As if in response to Angel's concern, the magic mirror on her chest reacted a little.

Taking out the compact dressing mirror, the black communication potion smeared on it was activated just like yesterday, but there was no figure of Triss on the opposite side, only hazy black and intermittent words that were difficult to hear.

Suddenly, the voice coming from it became clear, and Angel immediately heard a short sentence followed by other voices:
"……help me……"

(End of this chapter)

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