Mystery: Good Witch

Chapter 611 I’m here to help

Chapter 611 I’m here to help
Ah, the shadow of the goddess, me?

Angel's first reaction was that the "Goddess Sword" Crestel Sesima was joking with him, but looking at the serious expression on the other side, it didn't look like it.

"This kind of 'appointment' does not need to go through me personally?"

She retorted in a low voice, but she didn't know whether to feel happy about the church's attention or worried about such a strange title.

"You were originally a member of the Nighthawks. Although you were marked dead in the internal files, Ms. Arianna still retained your identity after assigning you a new mission," Sesima explained with a smile, "But you The reason for being given the title of 'Shadow of the Goddess' is an oracle, an oracle from the goddess that only Ms. Arianna knows."

Is this an order given directly by the goddess?
Angel's mouth felt a little dry and he didn't know what to say.

After a while, she found a new topic: "What about the other members? Are they all like me, hiding in other organizations?"

As soon as he finished asking, Angel realized something was wrong, because one of the members of the goddess army, the "Goddess Sword", was standing in front of him.

"No, you are the only one like this, maybe because your potion path is suitable for approaching the Witch Sect... In addition to me, 'Eye of the Goddess' Ilia is also one of the senior deacons, responsible for the affairs of the Southern Continent, 'Goddess' Only Ms. Arianna knows the identity of Heart. Most of the other members are ordinary Nighthawks or Red Gloves. You will have a chance to get to know her."

The expression on Sesima's face reminded Angel of the way she saw him in the church after the Tingen incident: smiling, but saying nothing that shouldn't be said.

"Ms. Arianna asked me to give this to you before I left for Backlund."

Her voice was extremely low, almost talking to herself, but Sesima still heard her and nodded:

This was almost the time when I joined the "Nighthawks". At that time, the goddess had already paid attention to me... Angel recalled the first time he entered St. Selina Church in Tingen City and the tips he got after confessing to the bishop. , and later prayed to the goddess to gain the power to create "Storm Gathering", and I had a little understanding in my heart.

Then, she took off the old "Secret Holy Emblem" and handed it to Sesima, who was still waiting with her hand stretched out. The latter took it, put it in his pocket and said:
"The effectiveness of this badge is about to disappear. I will return it to Ms. Arianna... Then, my task for today is completed. Don't alert others in the past few days. You can come to St. Samuel's Church to listen to sermons at the original frequency. , I will contact you at any time.”

Seeing that she was silent, Sesima took out a coin-sized disc from the inner pocket of her windbreaker, handed it over, and said:

"So, what about salary?"

Unfortunately, I can only receive it after my status within the church is restored. But now, in order to deal with Ince Zangwill and investigate the truth of the Great Smog, I have to hide behind the scenes for the time being... Presumably Your Excellency Sesima comes here this time, Also to hint me this?
After a brief moment of excitement, Angel thought of another question:
"4500 pounds, this means that I joined the 'Goddess Force' much earlier than I thought... around July last year?"

"Yes, although you are not among the nine official senior deacons, your level is exactly the same as mine."

"Yes, the specific time was in early July of 1349."

Most importantly, it was a windfall.

Of course, the appearance is slightly different. Different from the first black holy emblem made of metal, the new emblem brought by Sesima is somewhat crystal clear, like a black gemstone. The inside is faintly revealed under the moonlight outside the window, representing the goddess. Stars surround the crimson moon" emblem.

Sesima nodded and replied.

After tying the somewhat cold-touch badge on his wrist, Angel could feel a far richer atmosphere of serenity and tranquility enveloped him than before. Soon, they condensed and concentrated on the wrist, entered the holy badge, and disappeared without a trace.

As soon as his eyes moved to this badge, Angel was sure that it was the same item as the "Secret Holy Emblem" on his wrist.

Angel finally showed the smile that had disappeared from his face since hearing these secret messages, and asked softly.


4500 pounds!
Angel finally felt that today's conversation had some tangible results. Although for a Sequence 4 Beyonder, the value of this money is between the Sequence 6 and Sequence 5 Beyonder characteristics, and it is not that difficult to obtain. , but it is still cash, rather than extraordinary characteristics to be realized.

This question was somewhat unexpected by Sesima. He was stunned for a moment before he came back to his senses, coughed lightly and continued:
"Miss Angel Granger, your pension has been given to your only relative. According to your order, the total is 8000 pounds..." Seeing the smile on Angel's face disappear quickly, he added, "Goddess In the army, your extra allowance is 100 pounds per week, calculated from the time you joined the list, and now you have 4500 pounds, all of which are stored in the church and can be withdrawn after you resume your official status. "

After saying that, his body seemed to be shrouded in an invisible darkness, almost turning into a shadow under the moonlight, and quickly disappeared from Angel's eyes.

"...So, I can be considered one of the 'senior deacons'?" She simply did not ask those "confidential" questions, but followed the lead and guided the topic in the direction she needed.

Is this the ability of Sequence 5, or the effect of some magical item... Angel quietly looked at the place where Sesima left, feeling the coolness gradually fading on his wrist, and suddenly thought of something:

1349, that is, early July last year, was not only the day when she first came into contact with the Church of the Night Goddess in this world...

It is also not far from the time when she first traveled to this world - June 6th!
Looking at the crimson moonlight pouring into the bedroom outside the window, like a veil covering the carpet, Angel suddenly felt that the soft light was a bit dazzling. ————

On Wednesday, Angel, who was a little tired due to insomnia in the middle of the night, ushered in a new busy day. After a reasonable breakfast, she made up for the music lessons she owed yesterday and learned about the various music styles that Lu En had popular in the past, as well as the recent ones. Works of several famous music masters, so that when the topic of music comes up in social situations, you will not be unable to pick up the conversation.

Then, accompanied by her personal maid, she went to the Kingdom Theater in the West End to watch this year's most popular play, "The Betrayer's Ring."

The reason is the same as music lessons. If you want to get into the upper class circles, you must follow the popular trends among the aristocrats and rich people. You can gain attention in a short time by relying on your "Intis life experience", but in the long run, you must add more New "knowledge".

Taking a carriage to the West End, Angel got off the car at the entrance of the theater, gathered up the black gauze outside the lady's wide-brimmed hat, and made sure that her appearance was hidden behind it, and then entered the main entrance of the theater accompanied by the maid Aisha.

In the past few weeks, she had gradually switched from Intis's flamboyant style to Luen's reserved style as planned, and reducing the attention attracted by revealing her true face in public was also part of her strategy. Of course, in salons, dinners and dances, Miss Christine Theresa, who is "eager to integrate into Backlund's upper class circle", will still show her best side to other guests.

In the theater hall, Angel was not surprised to see Dwayne Dantès, who was preparing to enter the luxury box to watch the play with his valet. After checking the tickets, Angel was talking quietly with his servant when he saw someone approaching. , looked over curiously, his eyes lit up.

"Miss Teresa, I didn't expect to see you here. It seems that the rumors that the star of "The Betrayer's Ring" is being courted by the lady of Backlund are true."

He bowed and joked humorously.

"Actually, I don't know the protagonist of this drama, but the original author of the script is Emperor Russell. I have always, um, admired this great man."

No, in fact, he plagiarized "The Ring of the Nibelungs" and made a corresponding "local adaptation"... When Angel praised the traveler Russell against his will, he couldn't help but curse in his heart.

“Russell Gustav the Great was a creator whose inspiration never ran out.”

Klein, who was holding a cane and wearing a top hat, said with a smile. He seemed to have the same admiration for the great emperor.

Then, he kindly invited Angel to enter the luxury box with him to watch the upcoming play. Although Angel also booked a box, he accepted the gentleman's invitation after a little hesitation. The two of them took their servants to the theater. Take a seat in the private room with the best view on the second floor.

In the eyes of maid Elsa and valet Richardson, the two gentlemen and ladies, who had only met a few times and danced twice, quickly commented familiarly on the performance on the stage below and discussed a few words about the plot from time to time. Analyzing the creator's psychology is like a confidant with similar interests.

But in fact, what they saw was just a phantom made by Angel using a "mirror stand-in". Under the cover of this kind of sound and light, which was difficult to detect even by direct touch, Angel had already solved the problem through his cooperation with Triss. Herding “Chaos Mentor” William and the visit of “Goddess Sword” last night told Klein.

"It seems that the church is preparing to take action against the 'Man in the Mirror'. Perhaps it is to arrange for Sir Sesima to come over to prevent the worst case scenario from happening. Although he is a Sequence 5, he can fight against a Sequence 4 with the help of holy objects, and Baker The Archbishop of Rand Diocese must also be a demigod. Even without us, he can easily deal with the fake Pierce Turner..."

Klein analyzed softly, with a calm expression on his face with a hint of joy. In any case, as a former Nighthawk and a believer of the goddess, he did not want such an "intruder" to appear within the church.

But next, I will also become an intruder who steals Antigonus' notes... Thinking of this, his expression became a little stiff.

"If you can solve the problem of 'The Man in the Mirror' and make this contribution, as well as return the 'Night Watcher' feature, you may be able to exchange it for the notebook you need."

Seeing the change in his expression, Angel comforted him.

She knew that the Extraordinary characteristics of the "Night Watcher" would definitely not be retained, and would most likely be used to promote Creste Sesima to Sequence 4 to replace the church's loss of a high-Sequence Extraordinary, allowing the Extraordinary Characteristics to Make the most of it.

This can be seen from the fact that the church specially sent Sesima to deal with this matter.

"I hope so, but I can't confirm the church's attitude. After all, unlike you, I am already a 'dead person' in their eyes..." Klein chuckled, teasing his own death, "In short, we still press I plan to prepare two sets. If I can’t borrow them, I’ll steal them.”

The two ended the topic with a brief silence. After a while, the drama on the stage below entered the final act. When everyone turned against each other over the fight for the ring, Klein spoke again:

"I have accepted Miss Magician's commission to deal with Louis Wayne, Mr. X of the Aurora Society, this Friday, two days later.

"To this end, she will provide a powerful magical item for me to use, but according to divination, the risk of this battle is still very high, which means that Mr. X is likely to have other members of the Aurora Society, so..."

"Well, I'm here to help."

When the invincible hero on the stage died of betrayal, and the plot and audience emotions reached their peak, Angel nodded, interrupted Klein, and answered him directly.

(End of this chapter)

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