Mystery: Good Witch

Chapter 616: Battle in the "Mirror World"

Chapter 616: Battle in the "Mirror World"
A little earlier, the entrance to the alley leading from Beluga Street to Black Palm Street.

It was dark at night, and the streets in the East District, which lacked street lights, were dim. A black four-wheel carriage was parked next to the alley, and the horses were tied to the lamp posts. Four men and women were huddled in the alley, looking into the distance.

The leader is a middle-aged man wearing a black robe. He is not wearing a hat. His short dark brown hair is slowly blowing in the wind. Standing next to him is a woman wearing a hood and two people wearing windbreakers. A man in a neat hat.

They were Senior Deacon Pierce Turner and a whole squad of Nighthawks who had set out from St. Samuel's Church an hour earlier.

"Let's get started. Use Sealed Artifact '1-63' to lock Beyonders above Sequence 5 into the mirror world." The short-haired man said.

"Yes, Sir Pierce."

A man in a trench coat behind him squatted down, carefully unsealed the metal box lying flat on the ground beside him, and took out a silver-plated mirror the size of a book. Its shape was from hundreds of years ago, and its interior reflected the surroundings. environment, layer upon layer, without end.

Point the silver mirror at a two-story building in front of you. The holder of the mirror gently strokes the mirror surface with his ungloved left hand, causing the silver mirror to ripple like water patterns. When the mirror surface returns to calm, the small building in front of it has been clearly seen. By incorporating the image in the mirror, the illusion of layering and repetition disappears, and it seems to become a normal makeup mirror.

But the night watcher holding it suddenly turned red in the face and couldn't help panting, as if he was seriously ill and was about to fall to the ground from exhaustion.

At this moment, a dark emerald brooch on the left chest of his windbreaker shone with faint light, like a lush rainforest covering the arid desert. It instantly cured the disease that suddenly appeared in his body and restored his red cheeks. Normal ruddy color.

The voice was a little confused, but more indifferent. Angel guessed that no matter how he answered, the black shadow would attack directly in the next second and eliminate the two people who did not belong to the Aurora Society to avoid future troubles.

"The Mirror World."

"Yes, Sir Pierce."

But even so, it cannot continue to take effect in the face of "1" level sealed objects. After testing by the Church of the Night, the maximum safe time for using "1-63" in this way is only half an hour.

“Mr. I was left alone with two party members of unknown origin.

But like a pantomime, none of the sounds reached the ears of these four people, as if they were not in the same world.

The next moment, its head turned in Angel's direction and spoke again:

There is no doubt that this is the member of the Aurora Society who is secretly protecting Mr.
After thinking about this, Angel quickly shook his head, indicating that he was not clear about what was happening now. Mr. situation.

"Who are you?"

The hooded woman nodded slightly, revealing the face with eye shadow and blush underneath.

He raised his armored right hand, and a black shadow was about to form the shape of a long sword in his hand, but suddenly it stopped still, and his shining eyes became dim, as if he had fallen into a sudden sleep.

Except for the four people, more than a dozen other party members seemed to have seen something terrifying. They jumped up from the sofa and chairs one by one, with their mouths open and eyes wide open, and they rushed toward the two exits in a panic.

The dark shadow's low, hoarse voice came, not as a question, but as a tone of confirmation.

On an empty seat there, a black shadow with an unclear outline suddenly appeared. It looked like a humanoid, but it had no normal facial features. It only had a big mouth like a head, and the sound was coming from there.

This is a "Level 1" Sealed Artifact used in conjunction with Sealed Artifact "63-3". Its only function is to periodically remove diseases from the wearer.

Seeing that the sealed object was taking effect, Pierce straightened his black robe, took a few steps forward, turned back as if remembering something, and said to the only woman in the team:
"Daly, when I enter the mirror world, you will be responsible for driving away the remaining wild Beyonders. Our target today is not them."

But for a high-sequence Beyonder, half an hour is enough to defeat the enemy.

There was a cry, and the three people in the "Mirror World", including Mr.


She waited for Pierce's figure to disappear in the alley ahead, closed her eyes, and stretched forward with one hand. A faint mist suddenly enveloped the building in front of her, and not long after, frightened shouts came from inside.

His vague outline suddenly expanded, and soon grew to more than two meters tall, almost touching the unlit gas chandelier hanging from the ceiling. His figure also grew several times, and the black mist on his body condensed into a full-body armor, with an outline It also became clearer, but except for the eye sockets that glowed with crimson light, there were no openings in the entire suit of armor.

He subconsciously wants to use "travel" to leave this place, even leave Backlund, and return after the situation is clear and the problem is solved. This is his privilege as a "traveler".

But before he could make a move, the taller hooded woman in front of him held down the much shorter hooded man beside her with one hand and pushed him back. The latter's figure seemed to be erased. Disappeared.

Wait, she can make people escape from this "mirror world"?
As soon as this question came into Mr.

That's his blood!

I have been poisoned? Or disease?
Mr. hooded women.

His figure sitting on the main seat immediately became illusory, and even the ice that seemed to surround him suddenly fell into the air before it had time to close.

But the next moment, Mr. X's figure appeared in the corner of the room, his eyes full of doubts behind the brass mask. His "trip" never leaves the house!

"Unfortunately, this place has been separated from the real world. Whether you 'travel' or 'open the door', you cannot leave here."

A calm and indifferent voice came. Mr. At his side, he was unarmed, but he gave himself a far better sense of danger than the other hooded woman.

He immediately remembered the "Stooge of the Night" shouted by the "Dark Saint" just now, and understood the identity of the other party: Backlund's Nighthawk.

The Lord's Angel of Destiny had just left, and they came to kill him?

Mr. The beasts are crowded together and about to start fighting.

By the way, four people!

He suddenly discovered that the Nighthawk did not focus on himself, but instead looked at the mysterious hooded woman. The latter had made no other movements since pushing the fifth person away from the mirror world, and had only summoned Frost tried to block his position and caused the disease in himself...

Frost, disease... Is she a witch?
Thinking of this, Mr.

Of course, the magical item he wore, the "Flower of Blood" ring, repaired the body tissues and organs destroyed by disease just like Bishop Rose repaired his own flesh and blood, but the effect was not obvious and could not match the effect of "disease". half.

Oops, if I stay any longer, I'm going to die here...


I come, I see, I record!
As the pages of the book were fixed, a disembodied voice sounded in Mr.

Suddenly, Mr. X's mind went blank, as if he had forgotten what he was going to do and where he was.

He just stood like that, which made Angel, who suddenly felt a sense of crisis, want to take advantage of being in the mirror world and jump directly to another location, a little confused.

"He seems to have fallen into some kind of negative state. After all, my enemies usually become unlucky."

Pierce Turner beside her said with a chuckle.

This Nighthawk obviously regards Angel, who is attacking members of the "Aurora Society", as a temporary companion. After all, when the "Witch Mirror" pulls Sequence 5 and above Extraordinaries into the mirror world, it will not distinguish the composition of the target. It is likely that other eligible members of the party will be brought along.

The enemy of my enemy is my friend, at least, for the time being...

But even if he thought so, Pierce still stayed a little away from the witch and looked at the black-armored knight beside him who was unable to escape from the nightmare. He could already confirm that this member of the Aurora Society was one of the five saints. "Dark Saint" Kosma, the "Black Knight" of Sequence 4!

The nightmare-ridden "Black Knight" suddenly exploded, his armor and flesh turning into blocks of inky black that spread across the room, barely avoiding Mr. X who stood there in a daze, but more deliberately aiming for the other two.

In front of Angel, an ice wall formed, blocking the black flesh and blood for a moment. With the help of the area effect produced by the sealed object, she easily slipped into the mirror world and avoided indiscriminate attacks.

Pierce stood still, most of his flesh and blood just avoided the area where he was, and the remaining bit was absorbed by an illusory spirit body pouring out of him. The spirit body became slightly dimmed, but it was not serious. .

The flesh and blood fell to the ground one after another, squirming and reorganizing, turning into a thin dark red blanket, quickly covering every corner of the room.

The floor, ceiling, and surrounding walls have grown a layer of shrinking flesh, making the room that was quite modern just now seem like the stomach of a monster.

In the center of the room, the figure of the black-armored knight emerged from the flesh carpet, his eye sockets flashing with red light. His figure became less than two meters tall due to the loss of part of his flesh and blood, but he was still very powerful.

The demigod of the Aurora Order used self-mutilation to escape the nightmare that gripped him.

He could feel that the Nighthawks who pulled him into the dream had almost demigod power, but because they were not divine, they fell short of it.

But my own strength has also been greatly weakened in this strange "mirror world". One plus and one minus, it is almost the same.

So, all you have to do is...

"Dark Saint" Kosma sneered, raised the two-handed sword condensed from the black shadow in his hand, and was about to slash it out of the void, cut off the barrier between the mirror and reality, and let everyone return to the real world.


A stream of black flames emerged from his body. Behind him and beside him, several glass windows and two decorative mirrors reflected his tall and majestic figure, and in each mirror, there was the figure of a hooded woman. The shadow caressed his reflection, drawing the cursed flames that burned flesh and spirit to his body.

Since the battle with Ms. D, Angel's black flame has once again covered the flesh and blood of the members of the "Aurora Society".

(End of this chapter)

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