Mystery: Good Witch

Chapter 621 Did you hire a demigod?

Chapter 621 Did you hire a demigod?


The faint sound coming from next door made Angel frown. She didn't know why Laura changed the meeting place, from the hidden uninhabited residence in the Bridge District to the lively hotel in the Jowood District.

There are many tourists here and the sound insulation is poor. I don’t know what the residents next door are talking about. From time to time, someone shouts in surprise, interrupting their conversation several times.

"The house in the Bridge District originally belonged to a Balang gang called the 'Black Skull Party'. Although they are not as brutal and murderous as the Zmange Party, they are also ruthless in the Balang style and have used various methods to rob a lot of people. Property, hey, I got one out of it.”

Noticing Angel's dissatisfaction, Laura, who was sitting opposite her, explained.

This time she still went to the appointment alone, apparently trusting Angel more. However, because the latter changed the meeting place, he became a little wary and was ready to get into the mirror world at any time and fight or escape, depending on the situation.

"The Black Skull the gang that was suddenly banned by the Backlund police half a month ago?"

When Angel heard the name, he recalled the news he saw in the newspaper and asked.

"Yes, the situation was very strange at that time. When the top leaders of the 'Black Skull Party' gathered together, the explosives stored in the warehouse were ignited by a member who was smoking. The explosion killed almost all the people present at the time, and the police also wiped out the remaining members. , and that house was also recycled.”

It seemed that if he wanted to find out the secret of the "man in the mirror", he might not be able to avoid this metropolis.

What an unfortunate story... But why do I feel that it is similar to the "accidents" that often happened to his opponents when "Blood Admiral" Senior was doing evil at sea? It couldn't be caused by a resentful spirit... A suspect instantly appeared in Angel's mind, but he quickly stopped thinking about these details and listened to the movement next door. After it quieted down, he took out the black mirror fragment obtained from Pierce from the "mirror space". Put it on the table.

The fragments can detect other people in the mirror, which is consistent with what Arrods said... Angel thought, nodded and said:


"You keep this fragment. If necessary, you can use it to detect other people in the mirror. But I don't know how to detect it. Maybe there will be a reaction when you get close. Maybe you need to use special techniques. In addition, the person in the mirror had something before his death. What didn't happen?"

However, apart from these two items, the opponent must also be a high-sequence Beyonder, otherwise his overwhelming combat power cannot be explained.

"He mentioned Trier, the capital of Intis. Is there anything special there?"

"Oh, not only is it special, it is simply the headquarters of the 'Man in the Mirror'. Even the Witch Sect in Trier has been infiltrated." Laura sneered and replied, "But the strange thing is that they treat Luen The kingdom is not even as interested as Lunberg and other small countries, but the man in the mirror you killed sneaked into the Church of the Night Goddess, which is completely contrary to their past behavior. "

"This is the information about the military demigod you asked me to investigate last time. Based on the physical characteristics you provided, Vincent identified him through comparative investigation. Of course, it is not possible to be completely sure that it is this person. You'd better look for opportunities. See him in person.”

"Did you kill the man you found in the mirror?"

Laura seemed unwilling to continue talking about this topic. She took out a folded piece of paper and handed it to Angel, and abruptly changed the topic:

Laura chuckled and replied.

As soon as she saw the mirror fragments, Laura reacted immediately. As if she was a little scared, she reached out and touched the completely non-reflective black mirror with her fingertips, then retracted like an electric shock and asked.

"Yes, I designed him to leave the church and die in an alley in the East District. The body disappeared immediately, leaving only this fragment."

Demigod Sealed Artifact... Angel thought of the brief battle on the beach that day, and the iron pocket watch and strange-looking six-barreled pistol used by the opponent.

Here are his job titles and possible sequences:
"Deputy Director of MI5, rank of Major General, 'Lawyer' Path Sequence , Chaos Instructor, suspected of possessing a demigod-level sealed artifact."

Angel didn't explain too much, worried that the other party would learn about Klein's situation from that battle.

Fortunately, Laura did not ask further questions. Her blue eyes were fixed on the black mirror fragments. After a long silence, she continued:

Angel was dumbfounded. She originally thought that the "people in the mirror" were just some kind of special phenomenon similar to evil spirits. It would be rare to encounter one or two cases. Unexpectedly, according to Laura, they seemed to be "overrun" in Trier. .

"Qonas Kilgor."

Taking the paper and opening it, Angel's eyes briefly paused on the portrait below, then scanned a few sparse lines of words and locked on the name column.

It seems that Sequence 5 is only a declared strength. He should represent the interests of a certain faction of the royal family in the military, and does not want to be too conspicuous... Thinking of this, Angel once again looked at the portrait on the paper and the color notes next to it. I remembered the appearance of this man with short black hair, dark blue eyes, a high nose, and a thick beard.

With his name and appearance, Angel could identify this demigod who served the royal family and was involved in human trafficking and the Great Smog Conspiracy as long as he could see it with his own eyes once and confirm his body shape.

"Thank you. I didn't expect you to figure out his identity so quickly."

After collecting the information, Angel expressed his sincere thanks. "This is also to investigate the truth as soon as possible. After exploring in the fog for half a year, we finally made substantial progress."

Laura replied calmly.

"Where is your mother? Wasn't she involved in these things? You didn't get any information?"

"After she came to Backlund and met me once, I no longer know her whereabouts. She may still be somewhere in this city, or she may have left secretly... She will definitely abide by this level of cooperation. There are no relevant clues about certain contracts, and we can only find them ourselves."

A contract, similar to what Anne and I did... I heard that the Augustus of the Loen royal family have mastered the path of "arbitrator", and it is reasonable to have this kind of restricted ability. I killed the Heras in the East District before and made a pass. When the spirit came out, the other party also showed some kind of restriction... Angel thought about it and asked casually:

"Then what's her purpose of staying in Backlund? To continue to participate in human trafficking? To rebuild the branch of the 'Witch Cult'?"

“I only know that the cooperation between the Witch Sect and the conspirators behind the Great Smog is nearing completion, but the most important reward has not yet been paid. It is an item that the Witch Sect has worked hard for many years to obtain. Maybe she is just waiting for the transaction to be completed. "

Laura also frowned, thinking about her words while answering, looking very unconfident.

Let a Sequence 3 "ageless" witch stay in the dangerous Backlund to wait for the transaction to be completed. The transaction itself even restricts her from communicating with her daughter through a contract. So what level is involved in this transaction? Is it an angel or an angel? ...True God?
Thinking of this, Angel felt a little trembling in his heart, as if he had touched a corner of the truth behind the conspiracy, but he couldn't go any further because he had no clues.

At this moment, through the extremely poor sound insulation wall panels, another exclamation came from the next door.


"Angelica Sage, Gehrman Sparrow?"

In front of Forsi, her teacher Dorian clasped his hands and tensed his body, repeating what she just said.

"Yes, teacher, I spent some money, the total value is about ten thousand pounds. They accepted the commission and solved Louis Wayne in only a few days."

Looking at the head on the table that was casually wrapped in newspapers, with skin full of cracks, a ferocious and desperate expression, and a broken neck, Dorian pursed his lips and suddenly didn't know what to say.

He has lived in Pulitzer Port for a long time, so he naturally knows the news at sea better than the inland cities. Whether it is newspapers brought by merchant ships or rumors among sailors bragging to each other, these two names are mentioned repeatedly.

The ghost captain who made a big fuss in Bayam and sank several pirate generals' ships, Angelica Sage, who was privately called the "Fifth King"; killed the "Blood Admiral" and met the female pirate generals The crazy adventurer Gehrman Sparrow with whom he has a close personal relationship.

According to Dorian's judgment from a mystical perspective, the former is probably already a high-sequence Beyonder, and the latter is at least a Sequence 5, or the strongest Sequence 5 with magical items and rich combat experience.

The most important thing is that the combined bounty of the two of them is close to 15 pounds. Will they go to the capital of Loen specifically to accept the commission to kill a Sequence 5 Beyonder?

"You mean, the two of them together only want ten thousand pounds from you?"

Although judging from the strength, the combination of Angelica and Gehrman is definitely enough to keep Louis Wayne and kill him easily, even with the protection of a demigod, but this makes Dorian even more worried , because ten thousand pounds... is too cheap.

According to the general "market price", the task of killing Sequence 5 Extraordinaries from an evil sect like the Aurora Society is worth at least thirty thousand pounds, and requires a high deposit in advance, and even comes with many harsh conditions.

This is called the "membership price". Moreover, I didn't actually spend any cash. I just provided clues and temporarily borrowed Lemanno's travel notes... Fors felt a little proud in his heart, and he also thought that he could find someone and a half. God, a powerful Sequence 5 Beyonder helped him and his teacher to avenge him and felt happy.

"Yes, maybe they are short of money recently, so they also want to take away all the magical items and extraordinary characteristics of Louis Wayne... Moreover, the demigod is one of the ladies who proposed to contact the descendants of the Abraham family. "

She concealed her inner joy and answered.

Killing Louis Wayne who defected from the Abraham family, and looking for Abraham's descendants... The corners of Dorian's eyes twitched, and he subconsciously wanted to refuse to meet such a terrifying extraordinary person, but he thought that his student might have agreed to him. , and he had accepted the other party's "big gift", so he hesitated for a moment and nodded.

"I can promise her, but not now. Wait... I'll make some preparations. The place and method of the meeting will be decided by me. You tell her this first, and your attitude must be good."

My attitude in the Tarot Society can be considered humble... Forsi smiled secretly and agreed.

After giving his instructions, Dorian took out the crystal ball made of star crystal that he planned to give to his students, the potion formula and some materials for the Sequence 6 "Recorder", and even two sets of Backlund's properties. They were also handed over to Forsi as "compensation" for her reward of pounds.

The value of these items was nearly ten thousand pounds, which made Forsi, who had helped Miss Audrey hire Mr. A to kill an ambassador at this price, deeply uneasy and quoted this price because he thought it was the "industry average price". Du wanted to refuse Dorian's gift, but was defeated by the other party's insistence.

With strong guilt and a hint of joy at suddenly getting rich, Forsi said goodbye to his teacher, left the hotel, disguised himself as a tourist from Dixi, called a hired carriage and left the street.

Behind her, on a reflective glass window, a pair of purple eyes were looking at her figure steadily.

(End of this chapter)

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