Mystery: Good Witch

Chapter 625 Accident?

Chapter 625 Accident?

Amidst the faint crashing sound of the waves, the two people's footsteps echoed in the entrance passage of the mausoleum. The sounds were constantly superimposed, but disappeared among the black stones.

Soon, Anne stopped. In front of her were collapsed rocks and soil. The soil had a special color, as if mixed with the remnants of high explosives. The gravel also had traces of burning by the holy flame. After hundreds of years, it still had a faint sacredness. breath.

"After his death in White Maple Palace, the Church of Steam and the Church of the Eternal Sun joined forces to find eight tombs located around the world and destroyed them. This is one of them."

Behind her, Bernadette slowly approached, murmured, and stretched out her hand to press on the collapse in front. With the constant rumbling sound, the gravel and soil moved to both sides, revealing a passage that was large enough for them to enter.

"It's been completely destroyed."

Without entering the narrow passage, Anne stood at the door and sensed everything.

Her golden eyes reflected everything inside. All the decorations and murals had been cleared away. It was as if the lower half of the Iron Throne prepared for the giant had melted in the high temperature and re-solidified into an abstract shape. The crown on the top of the backrest was twisted. Deformed, the patterns engraved on the surface are directly flattened by external forces.

But Anne could still feel a faint breath from it, which belonged to order and chaos, and twisted but self-contained rules, which made her feel a little nostalgic in her heart.

"Any clues, Anne?"

Outside the mausoleum, there is a blazing desert, extending to infinity in the rear, but right next to the sea at your feet. Where the waves are surging, a huge black warship is parked quietly, completely unaffected by the wind and waves.

Looking at the portrait of the lovely "Founding Father" William I on the ten-pound banknote, Angel felt that the corners of his mouth were grinning to his ears.

Anne replied calmly, no longer looking into the depths of the mausoleum, but turned around and walked out of the passage.

Rocks and gravel, the dark and cold interior of the mausoleum and the dry and hot beach, the tall entrance and narrow passages, form a twisted design that contains certain patterns.

Bernadette asked expectantly.

Bernadette retorted in a low voice, which was completely different from her usual arrogance in front of her subordinates. She was a little reserved and a little rebellious.

As expected, it is most profitable to kill Extraordinary people and take away Extraordinary characteristics and magical items... Of course, the same is true for accepting murder commissions, but both have a problem: there are not many evil Extraordinary people with bounties, and Most are concentrated on the sea, rather than in this bustling city.

"Furthermore, even if all nine mausoleums are destroyed, as long as no new 'Black Emperor' is born, as long as the new order he created during his lifetime is still there, and as long as there are still people who remember him, there is a chance..."

It was time to find some investment projects and let the money appreciate naturally... She scratched her head and fell into new troubles.

"But first, we have to confirm that he indeed entered the ceremony of becoming a god and was not assassinated before that."

Her voice became smaller and smaller, and finally became like a gentle breeze blowing through a quiet passage.

Early the next morning, Angel received 5500 pounds from Miss Magician to Mr. Fool through a "sacrifice" - 3000 pounds belonged to the "Judge" attribute, and 2500 pounds was an additional entrustment fee paid by the other party.

No matter what, my savings finally returned to more than 12500 pounds again... She did a little calculation and found that including today's income, she already had a full 12000 pounds in cash, excluding the money she had to give to the housekeeper, Ms. Kayla, at the end of the month. She has pounds to spend on expenses next month.

Different from her original imagination, during her contacts with Backlund's factory owners, bankers, and nobles, Angel discovered that most of the wealth of these rich people was not cash, gold, jewelry, or even bank bonds that could be discounted at any time. Instead of investing in stocks in various fields, or in manors and factories across the country.

The surface of the stone gate is covered with countless deep ravines, as if a giant had used a weapon to draw back and forth, destroying the exquisite reliefs above, but some structural diagrams belonging to Russell's genius inventions can still be seen.

"Let's go to the next one."

"There is still his aura, but the mausoleum itself is useless, otherwise you wouldn't even be able to push away those obstacles just now." Anne turned back, her eyes a little sad, "You should know that even if the 'Black Emperor' dies, He will be resurrected in any mausoleum, and the two major churches naturally know that they used angel-level power and some '0'-level sealed objects to destroy this place and destroy his hope of return."

"But they only destroyed eight, and the ceremony required nine!"

The mausoleum itself is attached to a stone mountain covered with gravel. The interior seems to be completely hollowed out. It is divided by a huge stone door tens of meters high, showing the difference between natural scenery and artificial structures.

Her voice didn't have much confidence... Bernadette sighed secretly and followed out of the narrow passage.


They cannot be sold for cash at any time, but they will gradually appreciate in value over time and become part of the worth of nobles and rich people.

The upper class in Backlund talk about how much money they have in the bank, just like a bumpkin from the countryside... Moreover, this investment method can effectively prevent nobles and factory owners from becoming the direct targets of others. After all, you can't steal them even if you kill them. How much money, but stocks and real estate are difficult to "take away".

No wonder the witch sect has gradually evolved into the current way of making money. This can be regarded as the "choice of the times"... Angel sighed with emotion, left the bedroom, enjoyed a sumptuous breakfast under the service of the maid, and listened to the housekeeper Buck's introduction to today's Itinerary and list of people to visit.

"Miss, Mr. Dawn Dantès's butler has sent an invitation to invite you to the ball held at his house this Saturday night."

After helping her arrange her itinerary, Riback took out an exquisite-looking invitation and said.


Angel's expression remained unchanged, he raised his teacup and took a sip, and asked calmly:

"Do you think I should participate?" "Recently, this businessman from Dixi has not been very good. There are rumors that even when he was bedridden, he was thinking about, um, contact with women of different personalities..."

Riback gently reminded his mistress to be cautious in contact with her.

Wasn't this Arrodes' "performance" that night? I didn't expect that Bishop Elektra was a big mouth and spread Klein's embarrassing story so quickly throughout the social circle... Of course, it cannot be ruled out that it was his housekeeper, The manservant told him, perhaps to lower his reputation a little, but it was harmless and made it easier for people to feel close to him...

Angel recalled the social skills he had learned during this period, and judged that the reputation of "Dwayne Dantès" was not a problem, so he chuckled and answered:
"Reply a letter for me and say that I will attend. By the way, ask Ms. Kayla to prepare a suitable gift. It doesn't need to be too expensive, but it must be in line with his status... Who else is attending the ball?"

"Keira will have it ready for you. Also, there should be a complete guest list on Wednesday, so I'll give it to you then."

Seeing that Angel had made up his mind, Riback stopped talking and silently wrote down these needs, making sure that his master performed perfectly at the dance.

Of course, she could become the absolute focus of the ball just by her appearance... Taking a sneak peek at Miss Teresa's face that was even more beautiful and alluring without any makeup, Ribac thought of the "ideal" that Dantès was rumored to like. "", I still couldn't help but sigh in my heart.

Noticing his gaze, Angel was no longer as shy as when she first became a woman. She had gradually become accustomed to the lethal appearance of a high-sequence witch. Even if she deliberately restrained the charm stemming from extraordinary abilities, she was confident based on her appearance alone. She can easily "bring down" all the men she comes into contact with, which can be seen from the countless invitations to dinners, dances and salons she receives every day.

Ribak and Kayla even complained that some visitors would secretly slip money to them when sending invitations, just so that they could put the invitations in front of others. Of course, being able to tell your employer clearly means that they have rejected this temptation, which is a reflection of the professionalism of a housekeeper.

Moreover, they arrived a step too late...

Angel suddenly laughed, leaving Riback in front of her and Aisha, the maid serving tea beside her, stunned.


In the large prayer hall of St. Samuel's Church, Klein, who had "just recovered from a serious illness," still came here as usual to pray to the goddess and make a believer's "dedication."

I have already spent hundreds of pounds here. Although it has built a reputation for generosity and brought me into contact with the power of the church, each donation of 50 pounds is really expensive...

He put three ten-pound notes and four five-pound notes into the offering box with great distress, and returned to his seat under the kind eyes of an unfamiliar bishop. He did not leave immediately, but seemed to be taking a rest. Usually squint your eyes and look forward.

At the end of his sight, there was an old man wearing a black clergy robe, but with withered hair, who was in his twilight years. The latter was praying with his eyes closed, completely unaware of Klein's prying eyes.

This is an internal watcher of the "Chanis Gate". Klein has been secretly observing him for more than half a month. He knows that he takes turns every Friday and is missing most of the rest of the time. He is like a corpse hiding in a corner after completing its mission. The machine is shut down normally.

Only every Tuesday afternoon, he would come to the prayer hall to pray at this fixed time.

Seeing that no one was paying attention to him, Klein activated the vision of "Spirit Thread" and let the black threads pouring out of the bodies of other believers surround him.

During this, he noticed that the inner watcher also had the same lines as ordinary people. They spread out and shot to infinity, but the focused position was not a "point" on other people, but a dark place inside the body. Like a black hole that swallows everything.

Could it be that this was eroded by the seal of "Chanis Gate"... He subconsciously looked at the darkness, only to find that the old man had turned his head at some point. His eyes had no pupils and the whites of his eyes were covered with the same black. Keep your eyes on yourself.

It was discovered!

As soon as he tightened his left hand, he was going to activate "Creeping Hunger" and use his newly acquired "travel" ability to escape.

Suppressing his instinctive movements with an astonishing reaction, Klein forced out a smile and tried to get through. But the next second, he felt that the environment around him became blurry. The originally lively church was empty, and the two of them The side benches were either broken or in decay.


Suddenly attacked by the "Nightmare", Klein calmed down. He looked at the ferocious face of the internal watcher in front of him. Two pairs of deformed arms grew out of his ribs. He lay on the ground and became a terrifying monster with eight legs. However, he himself He didn't react like an "extraordinary person", but instead shouted, his steps were messy, and he hid around in the prayer hall, like an ordinary person having a nightmare.

Soon, this nightmare was covered by a dark and cold breath. Klein closed and opened his eyes and found that he was back in the real prayer hall. The internal guard did not look here, but was still bowing his head in prayer. There was nothing unusual among the believers. The bishop's sermon at the altar had just begun, and everything was peaceful and beautiful.

But there must have been something wrong with the watcher just now... Klein thought, and soon noticed Bishop Elektra entering from the side door and walking directly towards him.

If I am really exposed, it will be a whole team of "Nighthawks" or even "Red Gloves" instead of the bishop who is familiar with me...

He quickly figured this out, looked a little confused and a little scared, and took the initiative to tell Elektra about the nightmare he had, receiving comfort and blessings from the other party.

After the bishop left, Klein looked at the internal watcher again and found that he was also taken out of the prayer hall by another bishop and headed to the underground area.

It seemed like it was purely an accident. He subconsciously counterattacked because I touched the spiritual thread. Then he was taken by the seal under the church as a sign that he was out of control. He quickly calmed down the incident and notified the bishop on duty... Fortunately, I dealt with it. Suitably, no abnormalities were discovered, and the whole matter was solved secretly.

Klein breathed a sigh of satisfaction and prepared to leave unhurriedly, disguising himself as a perfect "victim."

"Victim? Doing it secretly? No way, do you really think so? Have you forgotten that you swore an oath in front of the goddess's sacred object and already received her attention?"

Suddenly, a sarcastic voice sounded in Klein's head.

This voice belongs to him!
(End of this chapter)

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