Mystery: Good Witch

Chapter 632 Elaine’s promotion issue

Chapter 632 Elaine’s promotion issue

On Friday evening, the "Blue Avenger", which had been traveling through the storm, finally docked at the private port secretly controlled by the rebels next to Bayam, the "City of Generosity".

Compared with ordinary ships, the sailors of this ghost ship are simply going on vacation at sea. Apart from cleaning their rooms and decks every day and keeping watch at night, they don't need to do anything other than fighting. They either gather to play cards or Lying next to the porthole and looking at the endless sea, I look forward to landing every day.

Therefore, as soon as they returned to the port, after getting the approval of Captain Alger Wilson, the sailors fled away from this ghost ship that did not need to be controlled, took a short rest, and rushed to the "Red Theater" in groups. Waiting for a relaxing place, get ready for a good weekend vacation.

Of course, this is also in line with "The Hanged Man" Alger's plan. Generally speaking, his sailors will spend the night in the "Red Theater" and then spend the entire day in the surrounding pubs and casinos, at least until tomorrow night. Someone noticed that their captain was missing.

And even if he is discovered, Alger can still say that he went to other smaller brothels but with better services. Especially when the "Red Theater" has no "new goods" recently, this excuse is more convincing. .

With this in mind, he returned to the city of Bayam with everyone, broke away from the team, and went to the Church of the Storm's "Waves Church" in Bayam to briefly report on the process of the debriefing, then returned to his property and tidied up his clothes. Equip yourself, replenish some spells, and take a nap to restore your spirituality.

It wasn't until the midnight bell sounded outside the window that he quietly came to the street and left the city with the help of the shadow of the street.

On the hillside on the outskirts of the city, where many places had collapsed and trees and vegetation were almost completely destroyed, Alger met Gehrman Sparrow, who had been missing from the Rhoad Islands for a whole month.

The latter was still wearing the black double-breasted dress that was specially noted on the wanted poster. The windbreaker-like shape extended to the calf. On his head was a half-high silk top hat, and gold-rimmed glasses reflected a faint light in the moonlight.

Behind him, the cliff was already a full hundred meters shorter than what Alger had seen at the beginning of the year. The vegetation closer to this side seemed to have been swept away by the hand of death. The originally dense weeds dried up and rotted. , only the roots of the shrubs were left, and the leaves of several large trees that stood out from the crowd had all fallen off, and their surfaces were as dry as a dying patient.

He deliberately met here on the battlefield after the battle with the "Rose School" to remind me that he was strong enough to fight against demigods and could summon angel-level helpers... Alger thought about it and quickly came to the conclusion: This is A show of force.

However, my cooperation with them is sincere, and Mr. Fool has witnessed that this kind of thing does not scare me... He was still wary in his heart, squeezed out a smile, and walked forward a few steps:
"The traces of this battlefield may not be erased for many years."

After hearing his words, Klein, who was in a daze, glanced subconsciously at the cliff behind him that was destroyed by a single bombardment from the "Queen Anne's Revenge", as well as the death zone caused by a trace of aura leaked from the "Sia", and smiled faintly. replied:
"My contribution was negligible."

He was not being modest, but the damage in that battle was basically caused by several demigods and angels. His only contribution was to bring down "Blood Admiral" Senior, who, like him, only had Sequence 5 A humble spectator.

Of course, there was another Sequence 5 present, but her combat power was much stronger than mine, and she was even promoted to Demigod because of it... Klein pressed his hat and did not continue speaking.

But this answer had a different meaning in Alger's opinion.

As expected, he participated in that battle and even made a contribution. In contrast, His Excellency "Sea King" did not even leave many traces on this cliff. I suspect that he was only preventing Baia from being affected by the battle between the two forces. Mu, rather than wanting to get involved...

Alger did not dare to continue asking about what happened that day, and instead said:
"I'm ready and can go to the island at any time. Where is Miss Queen? Isn't she here?"

I thought you were always together - he omitted this sentence.

"She's going to a nearby port. She'll be there soon."

Klein replied calmly, looking towards the dense forest not far below the cliff, and said no more.


When Angel emerged from the decorative mirror in the "redhead's" captain's cabin, Elaine was half-lying on the table, reading a novel boredly.

Seeing the lazy look of the "Arsonist" who had taken off the "Ring of Madness" and regained his red hair and beautiful and heroic face, Angel almost laughed out loud. She coughed lightly, making him look like a rabbit. He jumped up, looked over, recognized his "boss", and relaxed his tense shoulders.

"It's you."

She breathed a sigh of relief and said, quietly holding the novel she was reading behind her back, but the cover was still caught by the sharp-eyed Angel.

"The Great Adventurer Hermann Series: Lieutenant General of Disease".

How come this popular novel in Backlund was sold to Byam!

Angel's heart skipped a beat, and he quickly looked away, looked at Elaine who was also a little flustered, and said:

"I came over to see how your commission was completed. In addition, there is another task for you."

Seeing that business was getting down to business, Elaine quickly put away her awkward expression, sat back in the chair next to the desk, took out a document from the drawer, and handed it to Angel.

Opening the latter, I found that it was a report on the recent movements of the "Witch Sect" at sea. It was written quite formally, with a summary, details, well-founded inferences, and even map annotations.

"It's not like you wrote it."

She said casually while flipping through it.

"My boatswain, that 'machine' William, helped me sum it up. He likes to write something in his spare time, so it's natural for him to share the captain's worries."

Elaine pointed to the location of the living area of ​​the ship and said. Of course, there is probably no one there anymore. When the ship docks, the sailors rarely stay overnight on the ship. They would rather spend some money to stay in a comfortable hotel, or go to the city to squander all the salary they earned.

This is why Elaine didn't bother to use the Ring of Madness to cover up her appearance.

After reading the report, Angel asked Elaine a few more questions and confirmed that the "Witch Cult" has not been active near the Rhoside Islands recently. Even middlemen like "Finger" Maduni have disappeared, let alone transporting slaves on ships. .

"After repeated investigations by the Church of Storms and the local garrison, the 'red-haired girl' was believed to have only accepted employment to pick up Angelica and Gehrman outside Bayam City. She did not directly participate in the battle, so she was not implicated... …The members of various forces lurking among the sailors testified one after another, which is one of the reasons why I got out of trouble so quickly…

"'Vice Admiral Disease' Tracy and her fleet have passed through the Raging Sea and returned to the depths of the Misty Sea. There is no colony over there that belongs to any big country. There is no navy, only pirates, so it is difficult to find their whereabouts.

"The human trafficking operation seems to have completely stopped. Even the 'Red Theater' has not bought new girls for a while, and business has dropped a lot."

Elaine paused when she mentioned Tracy's name, but quickly returned to normal and reported to Angel one by one the recent events at sea.

It seems that without the protection of her mother Katrina, and the whereabouts of Elaine, Tracy no longer dares to stay in the Rhoside Islands. She lost her flagship, a large number of sailors, and several extraordinary men. He should fall to the bottom of the seven pirate generals. If he continues to wander here, he might be targeted by other pirates one day and become a bounty...

Angel speculated, and then he remembered that there were only six of the "Seven Great Pirate Generals" left. The new leader who inherited the "Blood Admiral" fleet could not convince the public, and soon split into several waves of forces. There should be no way to do it in the short term. Unified.

On the contrary, the "Four Kings" have a faint tendency to become the "Five Kings". The extra one is naturally "Angelica... Saatchi”.

This title has not been officially recognized, and even the wanted poster only has her name on it, without a nickname.

But many pirates have already called her the "Golden Queen". The reason is of course the recognizable long light blond hair, as well as the battle outside Bayam City, the two sailors of the "Queen Anne's Revenge" Waves shot out in volleys, and the golden light could be seen as far away as the other side of the city.

"Then, you continue to keep an eye on Tracy's movements. Once she leaves the Sea of ​​Mist and returns here, notify me by messenger..." Angel ordered, and when Elaine nodded, he continued, "Your magic potion Where are the materials? Have you obtained the 'lion's brain' that the 'conspirator' needs?"

"Only the materials for hunting black spiders are left. I have prepared the rest."

Elaine replied quickly.

When it came to promotion, she could not help but show a hint of excitement in her eyes.

"Considering that your investigation of the 'Witch Sect' is not very detailed, I wanted to sell you the compound eyes and poison glands of the hunting black spiders at a reduced price instead of providing them for free, but..."

Seeing Elaine's expression change rapidly, Angel chuckled and continued:

"You can be promoted quickly, which will also be helpful for future tasks, so I'd better regard them as rewards."

After saying that, she took out a wooden box kept in the mirror space and handed it to Elaine, who quickly opened it and found that the spider compound eyes and poison sacs she needed were sealed inside.

This is worth more than 1500 pounds...Elaine carefully collected the materials, looked at Angel with gratitude and puzzlement, and asked softly:
"What's the next task?"

She doesn't think that this high-sequence witch is in love with her just like Tracy, so she can provide everything for free...

"First of all, hurry up and be promoted to 'Conspirator'. Although Sequence 7 can avoid the attacks of most ordinary pirates at sea, and pirate generals and their men generally look down on your business, you must at least reach Sequence 6. , only then can we have the power to compete with all the major forces..."

Angel foreshadowed a few words, and then mentioned the most important thing:

"Secondly, there may be a smuggling business next month, similar to what you did with the Bayam colonial government, a batch of arms sold to a designated target."

Angel told Elaine about the mission assigned to him by retired officer Sandel, and her expression changed several times.

"It doesn't matter if you pretend to be an Intis. Anyway, they often stir up trouble at sea, and they don't lack my help... But the situation in the Gargas Islands is currently more tense than that of Bayam. In order to avoid Roen's armored ships, the pirates Most of them went to the Suniya Sea, close to Gargas, and the local colonial government was already overwhelmed by the continuous demonstrations by the local people. "

It seems that although Feysac has mastered Sunia Island, Gargas is still too far away from the mainland and his control is too poor, which leads Roen to set his sights there and want to attack the weakness of the Feysac Empire...

After hearing Elaine's description of the current situation in the Gargas Islands, Angel became more and more certain of Sandel's deep intention behind letting her smuggle arms.

"You don't have to worry about the situation. Just sell the arms over there. The Fusac Empire won't buy them. Then whoever buys them will be enough to give them a headache."

Seeing Elaine nodding in agreement, Angel asked her about her recent earnings from going to sea, and received a very surprising answer.

I didn’t expect that it only took her a few months to earn back my investment. Then wouldn’t it be pure profits for the next half year? Sure enough, I still make money by wandering in the gray area of ​​the law. Those cargo ships may have spent a year Neither of them can make as much profit as "The Redhead" did for three months...

Angel sighed with emotion and was about to leave when Elaine hesitated and asked:
"Miss Angelica, there are some rumors among pirates that the pirate conference originally held in October every year may be held in advance. I expect Tracy will also participate. Do you plan to go?"

(End of this chapter)

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