Mystery: Good Witch

Chapter 642 Dance Music

Chapter 642 Dance Music
Under the setting sun in the evening, Hugh Dilcha, wearing a cloak, stood in an alley near the Tasok River in the Backlund Bridge area, looking towards the alley entrance from time to time.

She was so busy with various tasks recently that she almost wanted to take a vacation and hide in a warm home to have a good rest.

But even Forsi has recently begun to actively prepare for the publication of a novel. How can he have the nerve to take a break when he urges others not to be lazy all day long... Xiu feels a little ashamed of his thoughts.

Moreover, she had recently obtained the extraordinary characteristics of "Interrogator" from Fors. She only needed the magic potion formula and auxiliary materials to be promoted to Sequence 7, which made her desire to accumulate meritorious service even higher.

Snap, snap.

Muffled footsteps came from the alley. Xio looked up and saw a tall man wearing a black windbreaker and a gold mask on his face walking slowly.

"Routine report."

Before the other party could speak, Xio spoke in advance, took out a document bag under his cloak and handed it over.

The man in the gold mask took it, opened the bag skillfully, quickly looked through the documents inside, nodded and said:

"The investigation of the incident in the East District is over. The church people have judged that Mr. A and 'Desperate Nightingale' have escaped Backlund. You should stop distributing their wanted notices. Be careful of the Aurora Society's revenge."

"Are you worried about me?"

Xio looked at the MI9 liaison officer who was much taller than him with great momentum.

"I'm worried that the body of a peripheral member who works hard will one day appear in the Tasok River, or even float to Pulitzer Harbour." The golden mask sneered, then bent slightly and approached Xio, and said, "Are you interested? Directly join MI9 and become a formal member? You can continue to maintain your current identity and be responsible for the East District you are familiar with. What you do is not much different from what you do now, but you will have additional subsidies and merits. "

Unexpectedly, he would ask such a question. Xio was stunned and opened her mouth not knowing how to answer.

"Forget it, I'm just asking casually, you don't need to make a decision immediately."

Golden Mask seemed to just ask casually, and changed the subject before she could answer:
"After you complete the new mission, you should be able to get the 'Interrogator' formula."

Seeing the undisguised excitement in Xio's green eyes under his cloak, the golden mask laughed again and continued:
"Pay attention to the people Viscount Stratford, the chief of the palace guard, comes into contact with. Don't let anyone go. Write a report and give it to me. The more detailed the better."


There was an explosion in Xio's head, and all kinds of thoughts that were dusty in his memory came out one after another.

He was the former chief of the palace guard and his father's deputy!

Trying his best to control his expression and tone, Xiu pretended to be confused and asked:

"Did he commit something, or did he mess with someone he shouldn't have messed with?"

"Do you think someone like me can know that? I'm just a person who distributes tasks. The report you give me will be handed over to my superior after I finish the statistics, and my superior will hand it over to his superior..."

The masked man muttered a few words. Seeing that Xiu was in a daze, he added thoughtfully:
"You are not the only one involved in this matter. Just monitor it for a while when you are free. You will get credit for writing a report every week. This is a good job, and I specially left it for you.

"Also, please consider your proposal to join us. If you become a regular employee, you can directly get the potion formula based on your previous contributions."

After that, he walked out of the alley with a low pace, just like when he came in, and quickly disappeared from Xio's sight.

But Hugh no longer had the mind to care about him. All she could think about was Viscount Stepford, her father, and...

The night that destroyed her family seven years ago.


Night, Dawn Dantès's house, 160 Burklund Street, North District.

Carriages drove past the door, stopped briefly, and after dropping off the guests, they were guided by servants to the parking spaces on the side of the garden. The guests dressed in costumes, with smiles on their faces, walked along the garden walk to the main entrance of the main house, and Admire the well-tended gardens.

The flowers and plants are not expensive, but they are sorted and maintained by dedicated people. This kind of detail is very rare for a businessman from other places who has been in Backlund for only a month.

"Good evening, Your Excellency, who is this?"

Accompanied by his valet, Klein stood at the door to greet visitors who were either familiar or unfamiliar. When he saw Bishop Elektra wearing a clergy robe and walking from the garden with a female companion, he hurriedly stepped forward. He said hello, and then turned his attention to the girl behind him who seemed to have just grown up.

I remember that the guest list listed the bishop and his wife. Could it be that it was written incorrectly and it was his daughter?

Seeing the confusion on Klein's face, and remembering what she had experienced when visiting the doctor that day, Elektra coughed slightly in embarrassment and introduced:
"My wife, she loves fun and will attend every dance whenever she can."

It turned out that she was really his wife, who looked younger than Angel... Klein kept marveling in his heart, but with a perfect smile on his face, he exchanged a few words with the bishop and his wife and sent them into the foyer.

Mrs. Mary, Senator Macht and his family, Major Stewart, Professor Mormont... Klein received guests one after another, communicating with each other in familiar words, but his eyes looked at the main entrance of the garden from time to time, as if he was waiting for someone. .

Until a four-wheeled carriage stopped steadily at the door, the noble lady slowly stepped out of the carriage with the help of her maid.

She is tall and tall, with smooth black hair draped over her shoulders. Her eyes sparkle like purple gems under the light. The low-cut dress just exposes the arc of her collarbone. The crimson gemstone necklace is just at the intersection of the collarbone, embellishment. Touching her fair skin and the lines of her neck.

Taking a deep breath, Klein took the initiative to greet him, bent down and made a gentleman's salute, and said with a smile: "Good evening, Miss Theresa, I hope tonight's dance can make you feel that Backlund is no less than Yu Te. Lille’s passion.”

"I am looking forward."

Angel raised her eyebrows, making her somewhat light eyebrows more vivid.

Other guests arrived later, but Klein still personally accompanied Angel into the lobby on the first floor, and then returned to the door to continue receiving others. This special behavior made the guests who had already arrived look at Angel without leaving a trace, including those who were talking to him. Bishop Elektra whispered to her wife.

With a smile on his face, he raised the red wine glass to Angel as a blessing.


After a simple speech, tonight's dance officially began. Klein came to the dance floor on the first floor and walked towards Angel amidst the cheerful Intis-style dance music played by the band.

In formal dance occasions, there are not many choices for partners for the opening dance, especially for the host of the party who leads the dance. Married people can choose their own spouses, and unmarried people can go with relatives of the opposite sex, or choose their favorite partner.

Of course, Dwayne Dantès came to Backlund alone and had not yet revealed his interest in a specific woman. His butler originally planned to invite a beautiful socialite to relieve his master's embarrassment. This will cause potential mistresses to misunderstand that Dantès already has his heart.

But this proposal was rejected by Klein because he already had it...wait?
Seeing that there was a young man wearing a military uniform next to Angel with so many medals on his chest, Klein's smiling expression became a little stiff.

He quickened his pace and quickly came to the side of the two of them. He glanced at the major who was said to have made many military exploits in the Southern Continent. He bent slightly, stretched out his right hand, palm upward, and made an invitation gesture to Angel:

"Miss Teresa, would you be honored to invite you to dance with me?"

Stewart, who was early but a step too late, opened his mouth slightly and quietly lowered his raised right hand.

Taking advantage of the opportunity of getting to know Angel, he had already come closer at the beginning of the dance and exchanged a few words. He was about to invite this young lady whom he fell in love with the first time he saw her to dance with him. Unexpectedly, he was interrupted by Dawn Tang. Tais immediately cut off Hu, feeling a little dissatisfied, but rationally not showing it.

After all, this was the party held by the other party... He breathed a sigh of relief, looked at the food on his lips with some reluctance, smiled and agreed to the other party's invitation, and walked to the center of the dance floor together, dancing to the music. He could only turn around with regret. , walked towards another young lady who was standing alone and uninvited.

"Miss Hazel, I..."

"Sorry, I can't dance."

Before he could finish his words, the indifferent young lady with long dark green hair tied into a single ponytail, wearing a slightly conservative dress with a bunch of shiny necklaces hanging on her chest, rejected him and even took it from the waiter's tray next to her. Over a glass of champagne, Stewart was completely put off the idea.

Leaving Mr. Major standing stunned, Hazel sipped champagne and walked to the other side of the hall. She stood next to a pregnant woman who hesitantly picked up the ice cream and tasted it in small sips. She kept looking at her. Looking at Dantès and Theresa in the middle of the dance floor.

She had noticed these two people when she held a dance party at her house last time. They had just arrived in Backlund not long ago and seemed to be trying to expand their social circle. They also had many secrets hidden in them and their experiences were very interesting.

At least it's more interesting than those wealthy businessmen and nobles whose power comes from the previous generation who only rely on money to decorate themselves... She stroked the expensive necklace on her chest that she wore specially today, and her eyes gradually stopped at the young lady in the center of the dance floor. , I always felt that she was even more eye-catching than last time while taking unfamiliar dance steps, as if she was exuding infinite charm.

"The lady behind you is looking at you again... Did you say something to irritate her last time? She dressed up specially this time, but she didn't accept anyone else's invitation."

Klein held Angel's waist with one hand and squeezed her slender palm with the other. With a faint smile on his lips, he whispered.

Although the ballroom dance of Loen's upper class originated from Intis, it incorporates its own unique implicitness. In addition to the necessary contact of hands, the physical distance is determined by the familiarity of the two dancers and their impression of each other. Half an arm's length, close to a tight fit. Of course, the latter generally does not appear in public at dance parties.

At this time, his body almost overlapped with Angel's, leaving only the shortest distance required for social etiquette.

"Perhaps she wants to invite you, a mature man who has rich adventure experiences in the Southern Continent and can arouse the curiosity of the purdah lady, but she is suffering from the fact that you already have a crush on her."

Angel teased, taking advantage of the dance steps to change directions with Klein, and looked at Hazel on the edge of the dance floor. The latter was holding a champagne glass and staring blankly at this side, her dark brown eyes a little absent-minded.

She couldn't really be looking at me... Angel felt something was wrong, so he and Klein walked half a circle in tacit agreement, pretending not to see.

“The behavior of others is independent of the will of the observer.”

Klein suddenly thought of the sentence he had read in philosophy class these days, and modified it slightly to make a good-natured joke about Angel's ostrich behavior.

"Emperor Russell?"

"No, Lurmi."

Coincidentally, before the teacher pointed out my mistake, I thought it was Emperor Russell who said this. For more than a hundred years, everyone has been accustomed to infer unknown words and unclear philosophical thoughts. For this great emperor, a time traveler like me is more likely to make similar mistakes... Klein secretly smiled and hugged Angel closer.

Perhaps because the smile on Klein's face was too obvious, Angel stepped on his instep with three-thirds of his strength at the moment when the dance music rhythm changed.


Klein opened his mouth, and finally held back the howl that came out of his mouth, but his expression changed again and again, and finally stayed on a forced smile.

As a gentleman, he could not express his dissatisfaction, and small mistakes in a woman's dance steps could be forgiven... Klein muttered to himself, looking at the eyes that glanced around the dance floor from time to time, as if they were waiting for the dance to end, Suddenly a "punishment" method came into mind.

As the host of the ball, he could not miss the first three dances, and he was not ready to let Angel leave before the third dance.

(End of this chapter)

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