Mystery: Good Witch

Chapter 651 Night on Side 2

Chapter 651 Night on both sides

"As I write this letter, the steam train has passed through the southern plains of Intis and is about to enter the city walls of Trier. I really hope I have the opportunity to let you see the beautiful scenery here.

"Due to the time difference between the two places, the local time is six o'clock in the evening, and Backlund should be close to midnight. I didn't want to disturb you, but I encountered something.

"In the car, I met Miss Magician. Her real identity is the Extraordinary of the 'Apprentice' path that I originally came into contact with when I was Erin Watson. Although we didn't have a close relationship, I still got close to her through this. She, learned the reason why she came to Trier.

"She is actually the agent who published the "Great Adventurer Series" and "The Great Pirate Series". She has earned thousands of pounds from this business, and she is planning to sell the books to Intis!
"Do you think she, and the real author, William, the boatswain of 'The Redhead', should be approached for a share of the 'royalty fees'?
"Waiting for your answer, I will keep an eye on her in Trier."

After reading the letter sent by the messenger lady, and feeling the resentment that Angel wanted to convey to him immediately even if he spent a gold coin, the "crazy adventurer" Klein couldn't help but laugh after being written into the book.

He didn't expect that the other party had just taken a long trip and caught another Tarot Club member on the way before he even reached his destination.

As the "Fool", Klein certainly knew the true identity of the "Magician" girl he had dragged into the gray mist, but he never expected that a best-selling author would dare to publish a novel involving so many pirate generals.

Maybe because she thought it was not a big problem if she was just a publishing agent... Thinking of her other identity, "Gehrman Sparrow", not only became the protagonist of a best-selling book, but was also worth a lot of money, Klein felt a little itchy.

Of course, this is not just the issue of "copyright fees" mentioned by Angel. Properly expanding the influence of that identity will be beneficial to his future performances and switching between different identities. It can even expose this crazy adventurer to others at critical moments. The spotlight hides other identities that lie in the shadows.

A moment later, Klein appeared in the bathroom of his bedroom, already dressed in a trench coat and top hat, ready to go.

"There is no need to prevent the publication of subsequent novels, and you can even encourage them... but the content must be slightly modified. At least the stories of Herman and 'Lt. Twilight' and 'Admiral Hell' are a bit too scary. And the copyright fees can also be collected. , next week, no, at the Tarot meeting next week, you can cooperate with Angel, beat Miss Magician, and let her spit out part of the profits... There is no need to go too far, after all, there is nothing wrong with her.

After Klein stood still on the vine platform, she turned around, her eyes rested on the outsider who disturbed the tranquility of the garden, and she said in a somewhat ethereal voice:

He answered in Hermann's low tone with a hint of madness:

She was wearing an Intis-style white shirt with a lace collar, black slim-fitting pants, black leather boots, and a thin sword hanging on her waist. Her long chestnut hair was swaying in the wind, and her blue eyes were looking into the distance as if they were out of focus. .

Amidst the gusts of wind, he came to the hanging garden woven with green vines and saw the hanging basket-like seats and the women on the chairs.

"The Mirror Man is not something she has access to now... He tried to solve the Mirror Man problem in Trier before he fell into madness in his later years, tried to use that power for some purpose, but he ultimately failed, I guess. , so we set our sights on the top of the sequence..."

The first time I saw this kind of vine and that person half a year ago, I could only run away. Unexpectedly, now I have an opportunity to have an equal conversation, although it is relying on the intimidation of "The Fool"... Klein laughed secretly, Climbing up the stairs, we soon reached an altitude many times higher than the towering bridge tower.

"Thank you for me for the being behind you. Also, thank you for your companion. She helped me find Annie and gave me new hope in what I am pursuing."

"As for the real author, William of the Monster Path, I finally know why I always felt spied on in 'The Redhead'. He should have been planning to write me into the novel at that time... but 'Monster' saw With the gray fog on my body, I can easily fall into madness, how did he avoid it? "

Thank you "The Fool" for those diaries that the "Hermit" handed over and asked for answers to? What kind of help has the "Mysterious Queen" received from the return of the Queen Anne's Revenge?

After thinking for a moment, Klein decided to reply to Angel tomorrow to discuss how to get some gold pounds from "Magician" Forsi. But tonight, he had more important things to do.

For Angel, the identity of "Angelica", a demigod pirate, is also the same.

He took out the paper man from his pocket and shook it into Dwayne Dantès, who was sitting on the toilet with a book in his hands, as if in a daze. He adjusted his height, age and face shape to become a pirate general who traveled across the five seas and fought with many pirate generals. The "affected" Gehrman Sparrow's left glove became transparent and he quickly activated "Teleport".

In a few breaths, Klein passed through the spirit world and arrived at the Backlund Bridge across the Tasok River. He dodged the guards on the bridge and stood in the shadow of the bridge tower.

"He" should refer to Russell... Unexpectedly, before the Great Emperor attacked the throne in his later years and tried to turn to the "Black Emperor", he also had his mind set on the "Man in the Mirror", and with his Sequence 1 strength, he was unable to do anything about it. ?

Klein thought for a moment and roughly grasped what the two have in common: Emperor Russell.

This was not mentioned at all in his diary!

"I would pass it on, but she has now gone to Trier to pursue the truth about 'The Man in the Mirror'."

When the faint bells of the Harvest Church came from the distance, green pea vines suddenly appeared above his head. They grew without roots and intertwined into a dense forest. There was an upward ladder, winding around the invisible The pillars spiraled into the dark night sky.

She is one of the pirate kings, the eldest daughter of Emperor Russell, the "Mysterious Queen" Bernadette, who is nearly 200 years old.

Klein was a little shocked. Before he could ask further questions, the "Mysterious Queen" stood up from the gondola seat and faced him and said:

"Let's get back to the topic, what do you want from me this time?"

She seemed to know that the conversation just now was just an "appetizer" and not the main topic... Klein guessed that the other party was unwilling to delve into the previous topic, so he had to summon "Resentful Spirit" Senior and let the pirate general stand like a waiter. between two people.

"I hope you can help, so that he can be in a state that has been corroded by the seal of the Chanis Gate of the Church of the Night for a long time, so that he can sneak into it quietly."

With expectations for Sequence 4, Klein said.


After sending the letter, Angel removed the spiritual wall, and the sharp braking sound of the steam train suddenly reached her ears. Walking out of the bathroom, outside the window of the box, the original fields and woods have been replaced by low houses. As the steel behemoth drags the white mist into a door hole in the high wall, the capital of Intis, Trierna The bustling urban area comes into view.

Unlike Backlund, they actually erected a high wall surrounding the entire city. In a world with heavy artillery and extraordinary people, what is the use of a city wall?

With this doubt, Angel waited for the train to pull into the platform, packed his luggage, left his box, and knocked on the door of "Magician" Forsi's room three doors away.

After a while, Forsi opened the door with a tired look on her face. She was also carrying a suitcase, wearing an Intis-style dress, and a round hat tilted on her head. There was a hint of cuteness in her laziness.

"Let's go."

Angel said briefly.

She now had some doubts about whether the "magician" who usually kept silent during tarot meetings secretly fell asleep under the cover of gray mist.

"Okay," Forsi, who stayed up late the night before to revise the manuscript, nodded, "it's strange that we two extraordinary people rode the steam train for two and a half days without any accidents. I was even prepared to face a murder case. ”

You read a lot of mystery novels, no, write a lot... Remembering that the other person is a best-selling author, Angel resisted the urge to complain and answered with a smile.

If there was a murder, she, a master of divination, would be able to tell who the murderer was at a glance, and the motives behind it would be clear, leaving no room for mystery novelists.

The two got off the train, and with the help of the first-class priority lane, they left the platform before the crowds and stepped onto the lively streets.

The surrounding passengers quickly left in waiting private carriages or hired carriages. Several people in ragged clothes and holding palm-sized paper bags came forward, selling something to them in Intis with an accent, so that Angel and Forsi looked at each other blankly.

"Is this your first time in Trier too?"

Forsi obviously took a step back, leaving Angel to face the promoters alone, and asked in Rune language.

"Actually, it's my second time, but the last time I didn't take the train."

Angel replied.

Last time I emerged from the catacombs and ended up back in the catacombs... she added mentally.

"Huh, I'm going to stay at the hotel in District 8. It's the administrative center of Trier and the heart of the entire Intis. Most of the newspapers and publishing houses are there... What about you?"

After scanning the street blankly twice, Forsi made a decision and asked "Miss Irene" by the way.

Before integrating into the current identity of "Miss Teresa", Angel had crammed in some knowledge about Intis, so he answered without hesitation:

"The person I want to contact lives in this district."

The area where they are currently located at the Suchit Steam Train Station is District 13, also known as the Honest Market District. It is almost the largest among the 20 districts in Trier and includes stations, markets, slums and many commercial streets. , a mixed bag of fish and dragons, a mess.

If it weren't for the informant that Archbishop Anthony gave her living here, she wouldn't be willing to stay too long in District 13.

Apparently thinking about the environment here, Forsi showed a trace of hesitation on his face and said after a moment:
"Then let's say goodbye. If you need help, you can come to me in District 8. I live in..."

At this point, she remembered that she hadn't decided which hotel to stay in.

"It doesn't matter, have you forgotten? I am a fortune teller. If I need to find you, I can always come to you."

Angel chuckled lightly, carried his luggage, walked around the salesmen who had changed their targets, and walked towards the nearby hired carriage.

Divination expert... Forsi remained silent. After a moment, he got into a carriage and gave the address of a publishing house. He watched the street scene outside the window speeding from slow to fast as he sped backwards.

She planned to deliver the important manuscripts to underground booksellers before it was completely dark, so as not to be caught red-handed by the "World" or the "Queen" during the long nights.

At least they got Mr. I took out the document bag, took out the manuscript paper inside, and checked it one last time by the flickering street lights outside the window.

The title on the first draft paper reads:

"The Great Pirate Angelica Series: Ghost Empire" (Complete Edition).

Should I tell Irene about the underground publication of the complete version? She is also a loyal fan of the series, but obviously has not seen this version... Forsi thought about it, and finally gave up the idea with a slight flutter of spirituality.

She should be able to find a way to buy it herself soon. After all, the sales volume of the "complete edition" is three times that of the regular edition that can be officially published.

With a chuckle, Forsi put away the manuscript and looked forward from the window. The center of Trier, the Boulevard District, was close at hand. Her destination, the underground publishing house that published "Psychic" and other illegal magazines, was there. It was opened there in a grand manner.

(End of this chapter)

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