Mystery: Good Witch

Chapter 656 Red House Cafe

Chapter 656 Red House Cafe
At this moment, Forsi's hand hidden under the cloak tightly held the travel notebook. A slender, flexible finger had already reached into the tightly fitting page and pressed down on the page that recorded the "teleportation" ability.

As long as she is infused with spirituality, she can leave here immediately and appear anywhere within a range of hundreds of kilometers. Even if Mr. K has become a demigod, there is no way to catch her!
However, she has participated in the "Tarot Club" for a long time and has been in contact with various powerful extraordinary beings. She is no longer the rookie in the mysterious world she was a few years ago. She stabilized her emotions and movements very well, and gently shook her head under the eager eyes of the waiter. He shook his head and said:
"I'll look at the prices of other items first."

This reaction is very common among members who participate in extraordinary gatherings for the first time. They often have higher expectations than ordinary people for occult items, extraordinary properties and potion formulas, but they are also worried that their lack of experience will make them pay too high a premium. Therefore, we often "see and then talk."

The waiter nodded with experience, put the pen and paper on the coffee table next to him, and left quietly.

Phew - Forsi breathed a sigh of relief. Her eyes hidden behind the mask secretly glanced at the single sofa in the center of the room. When she saw that the "Mr. K" above did not look at her new member, she completely let go. My heart let go of the magical object I had been holding on to.

But it is also possible that he secretly observes other members under the cloak. Mr. A of Backlund likes to do this, and the other Mr. ...Forsi quickly determined that this was a stronghold of the "Aurora Society" based on the form of the gathering, the transaction method, and the name of the organizer. Thoughts such as "reporting" and "escape" appeared in his head one after another, but finally gave up. idea.

The last time they sold Mr. This confirms whether she is related to the battle in the East End.

If Mr. K is captured by the "Mechanical Heart" as soon as he leaves this room, Forsi has no doubt that the "Aurora Society" will launch a crazy revenge on him, and even Mr. Fool may not be able to protect him. kind.

If you are not familiar with the place, you should just buy something and leave... She made up her mind and looked up at the mobile blackboard again.

"There are three pages of Emperor Russell's notes, a total of 350 ferkin."

"This preliminary tracking should be over. If the Sauron family wants to use me to find Elaine, there may be further contact, and this possibility is slim. As for 'black eating black', the total is less than 1000 pounds." The transaction volume should not be enough for high-sequence extraordinary people to take action..."

And her behavior of actively participating in occult gatherings and buying many cheap spiritual items made her look like a low-level Extraordinary, making her image of a young woman who came alone to make a deal more substantial and plump.

Forsi's eyes gradually brightened.

The scent made Angel sniffle. He stood on the street and savored it for a while, then went deep into the town and began to look for the red-roofed house in the display before Arrods' "power outage."

Angel thought, as the carriage gradually became violently bumpy, he walked along the south bank of the Serenzo River, past a busy bridge, and arrived at the 16th district in the west of Trier, sandwiched between the river and the city wall, with a large suburban forest. square area.

After all, having already known that he was being followed, Angel behaved exactly like a smuggler who had just completed his "mission" and was wandering around the city to kill the extra time.


On Saturday morning, Angel put on an Intis-style dress and a colorful shawl, left the "Riverside Hotel" as planned, and enjoyed a delicious breakfast in a different cafe than the previous two days. Then take a carriage and travel through the entire city of Trier again to the square area in the west.

During this period, she noticed that the "hunter" who had been following her for most of the day yesterday had disappeared. He must have returned to resume his life.

As soon as he got out of the car, Angel smelled a strong smell of fermented grapes. This was not from the grapes that had just started to change color and had not yet reached the harvest period, but from the wines that almost every household was making privately, although they could not be sold legally. , but it’s totally fine for personal use.

Instead of going to the Place de Triomphe, which every tourist must visit once, she got off the car directly outside the town of Chaillot on the outskirts of the 16th arrondissement.

The town of Chaillot is the only "small town" in the entire city of Trier. It sits on the entire forest to the west and is rich in wine grapes. The Chaillot wine produced here is a well-known variety after Ormere red wine-two The two are all produced in Intis, demonstrating the country's transcendent status in culture and art.

This is not easy, because most buildings in the town have roofs with similar colors, which are quite similar to ripe red grapes. Angel can only follow his spiritual intuition, wandering among the streets, and occasionally use divination to correct the direction. By the way, I admired the beautiful scenery of neatly arranged grape vines all over the mountain, and secretly picked two to taste. The sourness made my facial features wrinkle together, just like a young lady visiting Trier from out of town.

It was near noon that she found the house near the forest. Its bright roof looked extremely bright among the grapevines, but when she looked closer, it was not completely red, but the top was painted with bright red. The paint looks like a red mushroom on top, and underneath is an off-white exterior wall with graffiti in different styles, obviously not by the same person.

"Red House Cafe..." Angel read out the Indian text on the sign, and made a final attempt at divination. After confirming that it was safe, he opened the door and entered.

It was already lunch time, and there were not many customers in the cafe. There were only eight people including the waiter, but they were all young women. They sat at tables in groups of three and two, chatting quietly over coffee and small, delicate snacks, Angel. With my keen hearing, I overheard some words and phrases, which were all topics related to daily life.

She passed the square table covered with plaid tablecloth and the artistic woven wicker chairs, ordered a cup of coffee with milk and sugar and a cat tongue cake at the bar, and then went to sit by the window, taking advantage of the reflection of the window. Take a closer look at the entire cafe.

The two female waiters are young and beautiful, with neat dresses and elegant manners. They are like aristocratic maids who have been trained in palace etiquette. The six guests also have their own unique styles. After becoming "Christine", they have a better understanding of clothing styles and clothing prices. Angel, who must have understood them, quickly confirmed that the clothes they were wearing were not cheap. Although their facial features were relatively ordinary, they looked quite attractive due to their careful dressing and elegant movements.

But if they are not disguised, they should not be "witches" or higher order witches...

This is the intuition of being a "witch"... Angel chuckled secretly, withdrew his gaze, and enjoyed the crispy cat tongue cake with peace of mind.

During this period, a waiter came to her table several times, sometimes asking her if she wanted a refill of coffee, and sometimes subtly starting a conversation while serving other snacks, talking about Angel as a tourist destination and in Terry. The time you stay.

These purposeful conversations immediately alerted Angel, but she discovered that the waiter was not malicious and even acted very affectionately, causing her vigilance to quickly shift in another direction.

The appearance I created with the "hypocritical" ring this time can only be regarded as average, and I also deliberately concealed the allure of the witch. How do I feel that she has some special thoughts about me... Angel secretly looked at the window and confirmed himself The witch, who had not changed back to her blond hair and purple eyes, was filled with doubts.

But she quickly thought of another possibility, and her slightly frowned brows relaxed.

The informant Danio's notes mentioned that there are some secret groups of women who love women in Trier. Because they were too public, they even attracted the attention of the official Beyonders, who suspected that they were a peripheral organization of the Witch Sect.

Unfortunately, the final investigation confirmed that these women were just ordinary people, and the occasional women's happy parties were not illegal, so they slowly faded out of the official sight, leaving only a negligible amount in the informants' notes.

Could this "Red House Cafe" be one of their strongholds? Is it the "Blissful Society" or the "Darcissus Society"?
Angel looked at the other female guests again, and confirmed his guess from the looks and intimate movements between several groups of people.

However, what I asked Arrods was "Where can I find members of the Witch Cult", not these groups of women who love women? Why did this magic mirror lead me here... She had a piece in her mouth Cat Tongue Pancake, his fingers stretched out to the pancake hanging with syrup, and his eyes suddenly froze.

Most of the witches in the "Witch Cult" were transformed by men taking magic potions. If some of them still like women like "Lieutenant General of Disease" Tracy, this kind of "women love women" group , should be very attractive to them... No, it is even possible that these groups are initiated and organized by witches, so that they can mix with the same kind, contact young and beautiful women, and perform "pleasure"!

In this case, that one or more witches will definitely frequent this cafe...

As soon as Angel thought of this, he heard the door of the cafe with the bell being pushed open amidst the clear ringing, and a black-haired lady came with a girl with short orange-red hair.

The girl is young and beautiful, as if she has just grown up. Her expression is mixed with melancholy and confusion. She is wearing a shirt and trousers that are one size too big. She has both feminine softness and neutral sassiness, but she is inferior to the black-haired woman who brought her in. More than one level.

The latter was wearing a complicated palace black dress, with her black hair tied behind her head and covered by gray gauze, revealing her slender, smooth neck and elegantly curved chin. Her thin lips were slightly curled, outlining a trace of her serious outfit. Lively and charming, people can't take their attention away.

Angel, the other customers and waiters in the cafe all turned their attention to the black-haired lady in a black dress, and they didn't stop until she led the girl around to the back of the cafe and up the stairs decorated with fake grape vines to the second floor. He sighed and reluctantly looked away.

With a hint of blush on his cheeks, Angel lowered his head, seeming to be selecting the cat tongue cake on the plate, but his eyes were a little blurry. He held his hands lightly and clamped his feet slightly under the skirt, as if he was still immersed in the indescribable surprise just now. among.

But her heart felt cold, and the face of the black-haired woman just now kept flashing in her mind.

That is a high-sequence witch!
(End of this chapter)

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