Mystery: Good Witch

Chapter 666 Mother

Chapter 666 Mother
Facing a demigod, since he couldn't escape or resist, he could only smile.

What Angel saw on Servilia's face was such an expression of self-abasement. She did not take up the subject of the "niece" relationship, even if it meant that Backlund had tens of thousands of pounds belonging to Baron Langdon. Instead of calculating various assets, he chuckled and asked slightly sarcastically:
"I didn't expect that you really don't want to be a baroness. Is it because there are no nobles in Intis?"

"In fact, my current husband's ancestor was a viscount. After the Sauron family was ousted by the Caesar, although he lost his title, he still inherited a large amount of land and assets. Unfortunately, they have been squandered in this generation. about there."

Servilia ignored Angel's sarcasm, but kept an elegant smile facing the demigod, pointing to a portrait hanging on the wall of the bedroom, in which she was wearing a long red dress that highlighted her figure, and a tall figure, But the tiredness on his face could not be concealed, and the red-haired man leaned against each other.

The portrait was very new, drawn a few months ago at most. It seemed that Servilia quickly chose such a target after arriving in Trier... Angel glanced at the "wedding photo" and suddenly found that The red-haired Sauron family man looked familiar.

To be precise, he looks very much like a Sauron I know, Elaine Sauron... Of course, they are both from the Sauron family, so they may have some similarities, but combined with their family background and greed for beauty, He even has the characteristics of a broken body. Could he be the father who was heavily in debt as Elaine said, forcing her to go to sea to make money to pay off her debts, while he stayed in Trier and lived a life of debauchery...

Angel suddenly had such a guess in his mind, and then used divination to confirm it.

What a coincidence. My old boss from the "Witch Cult" has become the stepmother of my new subordinate in Bayam. If Elaine knew that she was working hard to make money to pay off debts outside, but there was a witch in the family, would she take care of her? She is leading a boatload of people back to Trier. She is now a "conspirator". With a few subordinates, it shouldn't be a problem to deal with a pleasure witch...

A bunch of strange thoughts popped up in his head. Angel concealed a smile, avoided the topic, and continued to ask:

"So, what are the plans of the 'Witch Cult' in Trier? You were targeted by the official Beyonders as soon as you arrived here, and you actually dared to show your face. Do you want to brew something big like you did in Backlund?"

"I'm curious why you only know now," Servilia sneered, making Angel suspect that she had taken a "Hunter" potion. "Every witch in Trier knows to stay away from the pollution underground. , be careful of people who look like you.”

Hearing Servilia's incomprehensible answer, Angel was stunned for a moment, and then grasped the key from the other party's words:

Of course, Angel was not willing to provoke a Sequence 3 Beyonder, who was also a high-level witch on the same path as herself. From exploring the unknown island with Klein and Alger, she realized that the "ageless" witch was likely to possess something. This ability can "petrify" people. In a sneak attack, it undoubtedly has more terrifying lethality than black flames and silk threads.

There was a hint of cunning in Servilia's eyes, and she continued in Angel's calm gaze:

"After that, the 'Witch Cult' tried to retrieve the 'Desperate' Witch who had made many achievements in Backlund, but to no avail... Today, her last connection with the real world has been completely severed."

"Really dead? I remember I told you at the end of December last year that she had died in the smog."

Angel clasped his left hand hidden under the hood and cloak. He didn't feel worried in his heart, but felt like he was "blinded".

Before arriving at Servilia's new home this time, she had already used the "Giving" ritual to get back the "Parasite" gloves stored by Mr. Fool, and also brought another demigod-level magical item of her own. "Deathwing".

"Compared to Backlund, this is my 'home'," the witch who fled from Loen to Intis raised the corners of her mouth, but her expression was a little sad, and her gray eyes showed a little sadness. , "Besides, I don't want to worry about Backlund's things anymore..."

From what Servilia said, it seemed that her communication with the "Witch Sect" was very timely, and she was able to get the news on the day Panatia "really died". Is it because of some special communication methods?
Angel didn't care how the Witch Sect learned about Panatia's death. After all, the world of occultism has too many magical communication methods, but she was more concerned about the other meaning hidden in Servilia's words.

Coupled with the fact that he can summon Reinette Tinichole at any time, Angel is confident that he can at least escape unharmed in a battle with the "Black Saint" Clarisse who may be ambushing him. Moreover, compared to himself, the "Witch Cult" is even more vulnerable. If you are willing to attract the attention of official extraordinary people, you may not be forced to do so.

"Oh, she didn't really die at that time, she just reached a position that even divination couldn't confirm. I confirm that you didn't know about it at the time, which also means that her disappearance was not directly related to you..."

Compared with Backlund's period, Servilia's hairstyle and makeup have changed to some extent, but Angel, who has seen her in both periods at the same time, can still easily recognize this "happy" witch, because If the "Eighth Bureau" of Tice's intelligence department, as well as the "Machine Heart" and "Purifier" were willing to investigate, they would definitely be able to find her out.

"Because 'Lady Despair' Panatia really died in the early hours of this morning."

Panatia, the culprit who created the "Backlund Smog"? Didn't she die in the hands of the angel in the Goddess Church a long time ago?

Will she continue to stay in Trier despite taking such risks?

In this case, I'll try my best to get some information. Anyway, I don't have any plan to kill her this time... Thinking of this, Angel changed the topic again:
"Do you know about Trier's 'man in the mirror' problem?"

Is she warning me that she has the support of the "Witch Sect" behind her?

I am not the witch of Trier, I can only be regarded as the "witch of Tingen" at best... Angel cursed, and then became curious about the clear understanding of the "man in the mirror" within the "witch sect":
"Since we know the danger underground in Trier, why is the Witch Sect still stationed here? Isn't Clarice, the Black Saint, worried that one day she will be replaced by her 'Man in the Mirror'?"

Hearing the name of the saint of the Witch Sect, Servilia's gracefully curved eyebrows raised and she asked:
"Do you know 'The Black Witch'?"

The Black Witch? Angel also raised his eyebrows, realizing that this should be another name for Clarisse.

Saint and witch, for the witch sect, the latter is indeed more appropriate, but why does the "White Saint" Katarina not use this title... She thought for a moment, nodded and said:

"Katrina and I have some sort of collaboration."

This can not only explain her knowledge of Clarice's existence, but also deter the power behind Servilia, making them worry about the betrayal of the "White Saint" and not dare to take action easily.

"I see. Then, we may be able to reach a certain tacit understanding regarding the 'Man in the Mirror'..."

There was a trace of exploration in Servilia's gray eyes, and she said slowly.

She refers to my status as an "official extraordinary person"? It's a pity that I represent the "Nighthawks", and they have no ability to act in Intis and Trier. Even the informant has been replaced by the "Man in the Mirror"... Angel chuckled secretly, but the expression on his face was different. Remaining calm, he replied meaningfully:
"They have already started taking action. In addition, I came to you to inquire about the internal pollution problem of '13 Market Avenue'."

She did not point out which area of ​​Trier, intending to test whether Servilia knew something about it.

Sure enough, the latter immediately asked:

"Are the official Beyonders finally planning to solve the pollution there?"

"It's just some preliminary work, it depends on the level of pollution."

Angel disguised himself as the messenger of the "Official Extraordinary" and spoke vaguely.

"Then I hope you will hurry up. The pollution there seems to be very important to the 'people in the mirror', and it can cause harm to the 'people in the mirror' to other extraordinary people and even ordinary people, and to the 'witch' and ' "Hunter" has an even weirder effect. Some people come out as... another person after entering that building, so members of the Witch Sect are prohibited from approaching there."

The other person refers to being directly replaced by the "person in the mirror"? No, there is no need to emphasize that. Could it be some deeper change?
Angel thought about it and wanted to ask further, but when he saw that ten minutes had passed by the clock on the wall, he felt a little uneasy. He stopped talking and turned back directly, approached the full-length mirror where she appeared, and looked directly Step into the mirror world and disappear from Servilia's sight.

The latter always maintained a confident smile, watched Angel leave, and stood motionless by the window.

After a moment, the full-length mirror turned dark again, with ripples surging inside. A pair of slender arms wrapped in intricately designed skirt sleeves stretched out, and then came the graceful body in a palace dress. Angel had been in the "Red House Coffee" The woman with black hair and gray eyes whom I had seen before walked out of the hotel and looked at Servilia with twinkling eyes.

"She left so quickly? Did she receive some kind of warning?"

"It seems not. Maybe she already knew that you would monitor this place, so she asked a few questions and left."

Servilia bowed her head slightly and saluted, and replied.

"Really...have you said everything you need to say?"

"The Black Witch" Clarisse did not blame Servilia, but asked with a smile.

"Yes, she knew about the 'Man in the Mirror' problem and I revealed the problem with that building."

"This should bring about some changes..."

Clarice murmured, looking at the full-length mirror, and continued after a moment:

"It's time for you to prepare to be promoted to 'Pain'."


Servilia's expression changed slightly and she answered respectfully.

(End of this chapter)

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