Mystery: Good Witch

Chapter 669 Angel Arrives

Chapter 669 Angel Arrives
The "Red Priest" card, which records the names, formulas and rituals of all the potions in the "Hunter" path, also has a certain description of the general characteristics of each sequence. Although Angel cannot understand all the abilities of the extraordinary people in this path, he can also A glimpse into the “features” of the pathway.

At the end of the "Iron Knight" potion formula and ritual, there is only one word:

After seeing Syrio Sauron forcibly commandeer the homeless people on the first floor of No. 13 Market Avenue on the spot and share their injuries with them, she thought that this was the purpose of "contact", but she did not expect to summon a team of close to high-ranking people. Sequence 4 Iron Soldiers, Silio was actually able to concentrate their power and use the flame lance to launch an attack that far exceeded the capabilities of Sequence .

This flame spear spanned the diagonal distance of two floors almost instantly, penetrated the floor and walls like penetrating paper, and landed on Angel's defenseless chest. The flame was so hot that it glowed blue. Liu immediately penetrated the demigod's body, then made a weird arc and passed through to another room downstairs.

At the position pointed by the tip of the spear, Angel's figure reappeared and condensed. Before he could recover from the brief pause of the "mirror stand-in", he was penetrated by the flame stream emitted with a power close to that of Sequence 3. In the cyan blue It was burned into a pile of black ashes in the high temperature.

What it burned was the witch's wand!

While the flame spear was attacking the stand-in, Angel finally used the glass fragments scattered throughout the building to return to the "mirror world". He looked at his left chest with lingering fear. The cloak and clothes there had long been reduced to ashes in the high temperature, revealing the quilt underneath. Her flesh and blood were burned to charcoal, but fortunately her two doubles withstood some of the damage, and the heat wave that penetrated everything did not turn the heart below into a burning fireball.

Next to the charred skin, new flesh and blood was slowly squirming, trying to repair the wound, but the powerful recovery power of the "Rose Necklace" derived from the "Shepherd" was not worth mentioning under the fatal blow of the demigod level. The injury this time Recovery is extremely slow.

In this level of battle, abilities below Sequence 5 seem to be of little use. Just now I had no time to use the "Rose Necklace" to graze the souls, but even if I use abilities such as "Chaos" and "Gust Wind", I should be able to deal with that flame. It had no effect... Angel was thinking, and suddenly she felt a strong burning sensation coming from behind. She looked back and saw that the flame spear that persisted in attacking her weakness actually penetrated into the "mirror world" from the same mirror surface, along the Flying towards her through the winding passage!

Combining the ability of the man in the mirror with other ways, the restrictions on the "witch" are really great... Before he could complain about this, Angel immediately got out of the "mirror world", and while avoiding the spear, he returned to meet Silio In the corridor on the same floor.



Angel's eyes responded with provocation, which startled the hunter who had the chance to win.

Servilia just lowered her head and listened to her mother's words without any intention of joining the discussion.

A strong, terrifying aura that seemed to swallow everything suddenly exploded with him as the center.

Before his curse in pure Trier accent flowed out of his mouth, and before his raised hands lowered down to defend himself, the non-threatening "Disaster" charm pressed on his bare chest, directly touching his flesh and blood. .

His light green eyes "said".

In the hot spring area, in Servilia Sauron's mansion, "The Black Witch" Clarice stood on the balcony of the bedroom, looking in the direction of the Candide Market area, her eyes flickered, and the focus of her sight seemed not to be there. here.


She shook out a dark red iron charm in her right hand, held it between her thumb and middle finger, and recited the opening charm in a low voice.

"I didn't expect that she would go straight to that building just a few minutes after leaving... Of course, this also requires the operation of the guys below. They can't wait any longer and want to make some big noise as soon as possible so that they can escape from the 'Mirror World' .

In the protective circle of his teammates, the nearly twenty meters between him and the enemy was stolen and erased!


The latter's probing eyes immediately turned to her, with a "Sure enough" smile on his lips. Under the guard of the armored soldiers, he raised his right hand high, flames surged, and another spear was about to take shape.

Syrio Sauron, who raised the flame with one hand high and raised the other hand slightly to hold the spear, suddenly found that he appeared less than one meter in front of the "Despair" witch.

"It's a pity that creating a demigod-level battle at the point where the seal is leaked will attract the eyes of angels in a few minutes. This kind of reckless behavior is a bit unlike their style..."

Do you think I can't attack twice in a short period of time and are you going to take the opportunity to attack me?

Then, she stretched forward her left hand wearing the "Parasite" glove, held it with five fingers, and pulled it back.

After a moment, the "ageless" witch with inexplicable emotions hidden in her gray eyes chuckled, looked at Servilia who was standing respectfully behind her, and said:

Fortunately, Clarisse seemed to be just talking to herself, and quickly walked towards the full-length mirror in the room that had been used as an entrance several times today. With a gentle touch, she activated the dark background and hidden gray mist. "Door".

"I'm leaving too, please keep a low profile these days."

Without waiting for the other party to answer, her figure disappeared in the mirror. ————


There was a loud noise, and a ball of flame suddenly exploded between Angel and Sirio. The scorching temperature swept through, and Angel had no choice but to attract ice to block it, and his body also retreated.

Silio, who was supposed to die under the "disaster", also kicked his legs and distanced himself. The explosion just now was caused by his instinct. It was huge, but had almost no lethality.

This "Hunter" demigod no longer had the same confidence and arrogance as before. From the point where his chest touched the talisman to his limbs, neck, and face, his originally healthy skin had turned gray, with patches of rust hanging on it. traces, as if eroded by some kind of terrifying force.

He lined up behind him, and half of the armored soldiers who were providing their strength to the "captain" had fallen to the ground. The surface of their silver-white shiny armor was also rusty. The other half also had a similar behavior, but they still insisted on standing, but their momentum was Weakened, stiffened joints, and greatly reduced combat effectiveness.

This is the first time Angel has used the "disaster" spell but failed to solve the target... To be precise, it is the second time, but when dealing with Annie, the body of the "arbitrator" angel stayed in the spiritual world, so the body in reality Being hit is not fatal either.

But the "Iron Knight" who was only Sequence 4 in front of him took advantage of his "connection" with the armored soldiers to share the fatal disaster, using the power that could kill one target to severely damage eleven targets.

These tin men look like they are only Sequence 5, but they actually possess the status of demigods. Their steel armor should be the embodiment of the iron-blooded ability of the "Iron Knight", and their defense power may even be higher than that of the flesh-and-blood Sirio. In addition, Syrio himself is also a Sequence 4, so a "disaster" spell did not kill the team that shared the damage...

Half of the soldiers fell down, and the other half were severely injured. However, they were just magical objects, not living people. It was unknown whether they would truly "die". On the contrary, it was Syrio, who seemed to be seriously injured, but his momentum was somewhat different. Increase, is this the "courage" of the "Iron-Blooded Knight"?
Angel frowned and looked at the situation on the other side of the corridor, constantly evaluating the effect of the attack after using the "Parasite" glove to steal the distance between the two people.

I used up the "Disaster" charm on my body, and I still have a "Betrayal" charm left. However, it is very difficult for the same method to work on Syrio again. The other party will definitely be prepared for this kind of surprise attack that closes the distance, and he The remaining five armored soldiers still provide the strength, allowing the demigod to unleash attacks that target weaknesses.

At the same time, it will take longer for my "disease" to take effect on soldiers who are essentially "summons" than on the living, not to mention that they also have the status of demigods. If it takes a while, Terry Will your official Beyonders, even demigods and angels, notice the fighting in this special building?

Thinking of this, Angel no longer hesitated. The "Rose Necklace" on her chest switched to the soul of the Wind Blessed, blowing the strong wind to the opposite side, pressing the unextinguished explosion flames and smoke towards the initiator, and she took out a light yellow of the harmonica, puffed up his cheeks, and blew hard.

On the other side of the corridor, Syrio, who was surrounded by the still standing armored soldiers, had just made the final adjustments. His body turned into a solid "steel body" that could resist diseases, making the rust on his skin unable to survive. Clinging to it, falling slowly, I felt a palpitation in my heart.

It was a scream of spirituality, a premonition of danger.

He subconsciously turned on his spiritual vision, penetrated the thick smoke that blocked his vision, and found four heads with blond hair and red eyes appearing next to the originally lonely figure in front of him.


Ten kilometers away from the center of the conflict, at the core of the northern cathedral district of Trier, the cathedral of the Church of the "God of Steam and Machinery" suddenly sounded a sharp whistle, and the towering chimneys successively Sprays light white mist.

Boom, boom, boom.

The big bell driven by connecting rods and gears rang regularly, joining the ensemble of whistles and steam.

These movements were like part of a huge ceremony, echoing each other, causing the increasingly thick smoke above the church to condense together, forming a faint silhouette.

The figure gradually became clearer. He had a handsome face and a tall figure. He had long chestnut hair hanging behind his head. He was wearing a gray robe and a white apron that craftsmen often wear when working. His blue eyes looked directly to the south, locking on a black man. The six-story building was destroyed by a fire decades ago.

He is the Angel of the Church of Steam, who this month is serving as Saint Bonois of Trier.

The Sequence 2 "Knowledge Teacher" took steps in the air and walked towards the south. The space under his feet instantly shrank, superimposed, and returned to normal, but the angel had already appeared in the distance.

In just a few steps, he came to the sky above the Candide Market area. At his feet was the long-abandoned building with dark exterior walls and broken windows.

The atmosphere of iron and blood, the power of disaster and death surged inside this building, and even the light of order and evil appeared. It had already been loosened, so that the seal that would contaminate the creatures inside at a certain time became even more fragile.

Bang, this angel on earth took another step.

The description of "space" by the laws of physics instantly changed. He had entered the invisible barrier shrouded outside the building and arrived at the center of the battlefield.

(End of this chapter)

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