Mystery: Good Witch

Chapter 672 "Disaster Giant"

Chapter 672 "Disaster Giant"


The provocative laughter of the "Iron-Blooded Knight" came to Angel's ears, and the pile of armors in front of him and Syrio disappeared at the same time, as silently as the scene in the mirror was erased.

No wonder he was not in a hurry, and even had time to chat with me. It turned out that he had the items in his hand to leave here... Angel's eyes narrowed, and he was about to enter the "Mirror World" simultaneously, trying to see if he could keep up with him. , left this weird wilderness, but felt that his eyes were bright. Syrio, together with the ten armored soldiers whose joints were falling apart or covered with rust, once again appeared in a city surrounded by majestic cities, tangible natural disasters and endless darkness. wilderness.

His confident escape route seemed to have failed?

The furious Silio got up from the ground, his eyes swept over the figure of the "Disaster Giant" in the distance, a look of pain appeared on his face, and then he turned to Angel, with a mixture of anger and confusion, and the silver mirror he held in his hand. Trembling constantly, almost crushed by him.

Looking into the puzzled eyes of this "Iron Knight" for a moment, Angel suddenly remembered something. He stretched out his hand and took out a small, simple silver mirror from his pocket, shaking it towards Sirio.

Its size and shape are exactly the same as the silver mirror that almost took away Sirio's entire team, but the surface is more mottled and does not belong to the same era.

"It seems like there's something wrong with your escape method?"

Angel asked imitating the other party's mocking tone, making Syrio's face turn almost as red as the hair of his Sauron ancestors. He twitched his cheeks twice, lowered the corners of his mouth, and squeezed out a sentence:

Silio seemed to have expected it, and he had an aura that seemed to conquer everything. His "connection" with the soldiers was once again strengthened. The color of the flame spear in his hand turned light blue, and high-temperature air flow spurted out.

The same situation happened to Sirio. He concentrated the strength of the entire team and aimed at the enemy's weak point. The flame spear he was about to throw disappeared into his hand with a pop, making his figure rushing forward alone become a bit funny.

What a coincidence, that's what I thought too... Angel chuckled lightly and pointed the feathers of the "Wings of Death" that he had already held in his hand. The majestic power of death swept across the wilderness. The armored soldiers who were still essentially dead staggered. His energy was stagnated, and the "Iron Knight" who led the charge suddenly became a polished commander.

But neither of them paid attention to this, and instead looked at the source of the roar.

He is going to use that enhanced "spear" again. Fortunately, I have a way to deal with it... Angel subconsciously clenched his left hand wearing the "Parasite" glove, and bright yellow flames appeared from all over his body. This was not a "flame" Jump", but the "flaming" stolen by her!
This controlled flame did not burn Angel's clothes and put her in an embarrassing situation. Instead, it flowed on the surface of the skin in a protective posture, making her slightly larger and her eyes clearly locked through the flames. He killed Syrio and the weak point attack he was about to throw, gathering the strength of the entire team.

No, I think the problem with your trap is not this silver mirror, but something special about me... Angel cursed and put away the mirror that fell into the hands of the Church of the Night more than half a year ago and was given to him by Archbishop Anthony. special silver mirror.

He himself increased the degree of "metalization", giving his skin an obvious silver-white sheen, and letting his orange-red hair float like a bunch of weeds on his metal forehead. At the same time, he summoned an incandescent flame spear and jumped with both legs. , rushed towards Angel, and then the words with a metallic trembling came:

"It turns out that the problem still lies with you. No wonder the trap we set failed. No wonder I can't leave here through the mirror world of Trier in the Fourth Age..."

"Kill you, destroy that mirror, and I can leave."

Just when the flame spear was about to be thrown at the flame Angel, a terrifying and crazy roar suddenly came from the distance. This voice condensed with divinity seemed to be able to travel through space and swept across the two people at a much faster speed than normal. position, the flames that ignited on Angel were like candles in a hurricane. They were all extinguished in one breath. The whole person recovered from the "flame" state, and his body trembled in the roar, and his head was thrown back, as if he was hit head-on. A punch.

The latter also thought of the same problem, laughed ferociously, and waved his hand. The five armored soldiers behind him who were not "killed" by the power of the "disaster" but disintegrated under the gaze of an angel slowly stood up. , the interior was empty, like the wrist armor and leg armor of shrimp shells with their flesh removed, returned to their original positions, and weapons of different shapes, such as knives and guns, were raised one after another and pointed forward.

It seems that as long as this mirror is still in her hand, Syrio will not be able to escape easily.

That was the place in the distance where the weather was chaotic, surrounded by flames and thunder and lightning, and that was the location of the giant "conqueror"!


Another roar penetrated the eardrums, blew out the flames, and hit the spirit body directly. Compared with it, the previous roar that extinguished the flames on Angel's body and interrupted her "flaming" process was as weak as a baby's cry. . Even if they were thousands of meters apart, this roar made the eyes of the two demigods turn red at the edge of the wilderness, with the light black stone road and endless darkness behind them. It seemed as if there were countless violent thoughts pouring out of their hearts, wanting to destroy the people around them. everything.

Ignoring the attack that was just around the corner and Syrio who was also on the verge of madness, Angel quickly reached out to touch the secret Holy Emblem on her wrist. However, when she held the cold Holy Emblem tightly in her palm, she felt a warm touch coming from her palm.

That was when she was at No. 13 Market Avenue. She recited the honorable name of Anne Gustave and obtained the sword, shield and scale emblem activated by the power passed by the other party with the help of the contract. The latter helped her temporarily suppress the The silver mirror, facing iron and blood, had exhausted its last bit of strength at this time, resisting the roar of the "disaster giant" for her.

Thank you, Anne…

Angel sighed inwardly. With the help of the power of "order", she stabilized her spirituality and got rid of the control of the out-of-control "Conqueror" giant thousands of meters away. However, the giant figure in the distance still made her eyes sting. It's like looking directly at the sun.

Quickly looking away, Angel turned to look at Syrio Sauron beside him.

This "Iron-Blooded Knight" who was born in a branch of the Sauron family but was completely replaced by the "Man in the Mirror" has his eyes widened and the corners of his eyes cracked. He has returned to his normal appearance from "metalization", his forehead, face, and back of his hands are constantly changing. Green veins popped out, and there was flame surging inside, as if it would burst out at any time, turning him into a "giant" covered in flames and surrounded by mist.

I must have looked similar just now... Angel was just about to take the opportunity to kill the "man in the mirror" who was losing control, but he found a bloody light coming from Sirio's exposed chest between the front hem of his windbreaker.

The light emitted from the silver mirror shaped like an open eye seems to have a life of its own, automatically choosing a direction and shooting out into the distance. Its destination is thousands of meters away, among the thick smoke and dark clouds. The looming giant among them.

Before the latter's huge body could react, the red light shot into the lightning, rainstorm and hail, causing the manifestation of various natural disasters to rapidly expand their scope and completely obscure the giant's figure.

With this, Syrio also got rid of the side effects of the roar, and the vision on his face quickly recovered. As soon as he took a breath, he rolled on the spot and avoided an ice spike flying towards his head.

Tsk... Angel was not surprised that Sirio could recover from the loss of control like her. The silver mirror used to ambush the angel obviously had the same mark as Anne Gustave gave her. After people were brought into the Fourth Age of Trier, they actually still had the energy to save Syrio, and even had some influence on the out-of-control "Conqueror" of the Sauron family...

From the corner of his eyes, he subconsciously glanced at the distant wilderness shrouded in dark clouds, lightning and thunder. Angel was surprised to find that the "Disaster Giant" had walked out of the spread of natural disasters very slowly. It pressed forward with its body and bent its legs alternately. He walked towards this side in a stretched "walking" posture, surrounded by billowing smoke. Wherever he passed, thunder, lightning, and heavy rain appeared alternately, like a human-shaped "natural disaster."

Most importantly, what is slow for it is too fast for humans!

Angel made a rough estimate and found that in less than half a minute, the figure tens of meters tall would be next to him.

At that time, I was afraid that Anne would have to come in person to have any hope of saving her.

Without hesitation, Angel dodged around Syrio Sauron, who had just climbed up from the ground, and ran away from the giant. She instinctively felt a hint of danger and did not dare to approach the symbol of "Fourth Age Trier". "The city where black and red coexisted, with a collapsed castle in the center, had no choice but to move closer to the light black stone pavement, getting closer and closer to the area shrouded in darkness.

Silio, who woke up, made the same choice only a second later. He carefully put the silver mirror, which had several cracks and lost its internal strength, into his windbreaker bag. He moved his strong legs towards Angel's. Chase in the direction.

Behind the two people, a neat sound of "clang" came, and five armored soldiers lined up in a column, following their owner to "evacuate" the battlefield.

But the distance between them and the "Disaster Giant" did not widen because of this, but shortened at a speed visible to the naked eye.

One step is worth dozens of our steps... Angel looked back, assessing the distance between the few people and the "Conqueror", and then decided to condense the crystal ice in front of him, using it as an entrance to get into the "mirror" world".

Unlike the "mirror world" of "reality", which is composed of deep space and countless gray passages, the "mirror world" of Trier in the Fourth Age is darker, and the "passages" floating in the air are not entangled with each other like spider webs. , connected, but all pointing to the same location - the majestic city in the middle of the wilderness.

(End of this chapter)

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