Mystery: Good Witch

Chapter 675 A short exploration

Chapter 675 A short exploration

Angel didn't make a choice right away.

The most urgent thing at the moment is to avoid the "Disaster Giant" who is a Sequence 1 and is obviously out of control. He is constantly spreading disasters around. If he gets close, he will lose control due to the difference in personality. And this "Disaster Giant" of the Sauron family Without Syrio's attraction to the same path, the "Conqueror" was wandering around as if he was lost.

Although he can cross tens of meters in one step and is slowly attracted by the precipitated "Iron Knight" characteristic, he still has a tendency to get closer to Angel, but as long as he avoids it carefully, he will not be overtaken immediately.

During this time, I can analyze the difference between the two silver mirrors, and even say a prayer, asking for the help of the goddess or the Fool, or find other exits... Angel made up his mind and threw away only a ball of solidified metal and dirty blood. Syrio Sauron quickly ran in the opposite direction of the "Disaster Giant" with a tin doll, two ancient silver mirrors and a dull eye-shaped mirror that had exhausted its power.

Because of the scene she saw in the abnormal "mirror world" before, she did not try to approach the majestic city in the distance, but moved towards the outer edge of this wilderness. She quickly broke away from the road paved with light black stone slabs and went deeper. A truly dark and lonely place.

This area is shrouded in unchanging black, but there is a faint light seeping in. Combined with Angel's dark vision, he can clearly see objects roughly a hundred meters away. Therefore, huge gray-white pillars gradually appeared in her field of vision. They were about three meters wide, fixed to the ground by slightly wider bases, pointing towards the sky, reaching deep into the sky where even dark vision could not see clearly.

These stone pillars are distributed irregularly, most are intact or have only cracks, and a few have collapsed, forming insurmountable roadblocks.

Angel used the silk thread to pull his body, quickly passed these stone pillars, and fell into the darkness.

In a slightly brighter place behind him, the huge "disaster giant" was still spitting out flames and thunder, and its figure was looming, giving people a strong sense of oppression.

This... I got lost, walked around in the stone pillar "forest", and returned to my previous location?

Angel shook his head, not daring to go deep into the Stone Pillar Forest again.

But as they continued to move forward, soon even the giant and his "natural disasters" were blocked by more and more stone pillars and disappeared into the dark distance.

Thinking of the unnamed island he explored with Klein and "The Hanged Man" ten days ago, Angel made this speculation.

And on the second try, she felt a somewhat familiar force. This invisible force enveloped the periphery of the Stone Pillar Forest, distorting the peripheral space in a way she didn't understand, allowing anyone who tried to leave to finally leave. Return to the inside of the stone forest, even if you keep walking in a straight line.

But as she continued to go deeper, she soon discovered that the stone pillars blocking her sight became sparse, the deep darkness gradually faded, and the invisible sky above her head became brighter, like translucent glass.

Then, she stepped onto the road paved with light black stone slabs, and the collapsed palace surrounded by black and red appeared before her eyes again.

She became more vigilant, slowed down, and no longer used invisible threads and "lightness" to fly at low altitudes to avoid running into some traps.

"It seems that he won't catch up for the time being... But are there some more dangerous problems in this area that prevent the Sequence 1 'Conquerors' from approaching?"

The only difference is that the "Disaster Giant" has appeared on the other side of him, and it is far away, otherwise Angel would really think that he had been standing still for the past few minutes.

Angel returned to the edge of the wilderness and approached "Trier of the Quaternary Age."

Just like a pot with a vertical edge, no matter how hard the water droplets inside struggle, they will eventually roll down to the bottom of the pot. This pot is the seal of "Trier in the Quaternary Age"...

After thinking for a moment, she turned back and entered the forest of gray and white stone pillars again.

Not only did she concentrate on assessing the surrounding environment and marking the path she had taken with invisible threads, she returned to the wilderness near the city, but she also went around to the other side of the "Disaster Giant", and the distance was even less than a kilometer away!
"We can't try again. If we get 'lost' again, we may even directly bump into the 'Disaster Giant' when we walk out of the stone forest, and become his soldier puppet or part of the nourishment of natural disasters..."

A few minutes later, a confused Angel appeared at the edge of the "Stone Forest".

She looked back and found that there were still towering stone pillars standing on the edge of her sight. It was as if she had not walked out of them just now, but just turned around on the ground paved with black stone slabs and faced the magnificent City.

Thinking of this, Angel finally determined the source of the familiarity of that power. It was the angel who came to No. 13 Market Avenue not long ago. The ability exerted by Bonois Gustave made Syrio Sauron almost Becomes a two-dimensional picture, losing any ability to resist.

This ability to modify the laws of physics and spatial properties and make people go back unknowingly is at least one level higher than Bonova's. Angel guessed that it was at least the work of a Sequence 1 Beyonder.

Angel and Klein had judged a formula based on the potion formulas recorded in several Blasphemy Cards they had seen, and based on the fact that Sequence 0 of each path requires two copies of the extraordinary characteristics of Sequence 1, and the uniqueness of this path to become a god. Pathways can only have up to three digits of sequence 1. Moreover, when you have Sequence 0, the True God, at the top of the path, it is impossible to have other Sequence 1 at the same time!
Therefore, Bonova, as an angel of the Orthodox Church, is stronger than him. The one who can distort space to form a seal is most likely the true god, and he is the "Eternal God" who preaches in Intis and is headquartered in Trier. A god believed in by one of the "Yang" Church and the "God of Steam and Machinery" Church.

Angel believed that his Sequence 4 could never break through the seal set by a true god. Moreover, the "Disaster Giant", an out-of-control Sequence 1, had been wandering on the edge of Trier in the Fourth Age for hundreds of years and could not leave. This shows that The reliability of the seal.

Since there is no way to break through in the real world, let’s try the “mirror world”...

Angel first glanced at the "Disaster Giant" in the distance to confirm that it was not rushing towards this direction, and then condensed the ice mirror and directly stepped into the strange mirror world associated with "Fourth Age Trier".

Just like her last attempt, in the mirror world here, all the illusory and dark passages all point in the direction of the majestic city. From a distance, it looks like countless radial lines extending from an origin. It even made Angel shudder.

Even behind the ice mirror where she was, the new channel in the mirror turned a sharp angle and led directly to "Fourth Age Trier", causing Angel to slowly float in that direction.

Barely keeping her figure still, she looked at the location of the gray-white stone pillar forest in the real world, and found that there was a faint golden light shining at the edge of the dark area where there was no passage and only the mirror world itself.

It is like the projection of sunlight on glass. It has a fixed surface, but it is not real enough. This kind of light forms a wall that extends infinitely up, down, left, and right in the "mirror world", just like...

Just like the lid of the iron pot that sealed Trier in the Fourth Age... Angel chuckled lightly and did not try to get close to the "wall" that exuded a touch of majesty and burning heat like flames. Instead, he stepped directly out of the ice mirror. The mirror surface returned to the ground paved with black stone slabs.

At that glance just now, she had already identified the person, or god, who created the seal of the mirror world based on the hot breath and the color of the sun.

He is the eternal light, the incarnation of order, the god of contracts, the guardian of commerce, and the "eternal blazing sun".

"If I hadn't used the eternal sun power in one of Klein's 'Sun Flame Talismans' to create the 'shattering ray' that killed the descendants of the evil god in Tingen, I might not have been able to recognize the source of this power... ...Ha, that little power can kill the unborn heirs of the 'True Creator', and what seals the mirror world here is not just a hundred or a thousand times more powerful..."

Muttering, Angel completely gave up the idea of ​​leaving "Fourth Age Trier" from the outskirts of the wilderness. She looked at the city in the distance again, and had the idea of ​​going in to look for a way out.

No, I'm afraid this is not my own thoughts, but the inexplicable attraction. If I am spiritually exhausted and act only on instinct, I will probably stagger into that city and something bad will happen. ... With the vigilance that sprouted after being arranged by "0-08" and the conversation with "Adam" in Bayam, and always alerting whether his behavior was arranged, Angel quickly judged the abnormality of his thinking. Stop it before it can be translated into action.

However, that magical power is either the remaining characteristics of the "Witch"'s high-ranking extraordinary person, or it is related to the strange power in me. After I am promoted, I may have the opportunity to go deep into the city and find out... Well, this I don’t know how many years it will take, but the “ageless” promotion ceremony alone will probably take most of my life...

Thinking of this, Angel sighed. Even though she had digested a lot of magic potions in several battles after being promoted to "Despair" and summarized some of the rules of acting, she had no hope of being promoted again in the short term, so she even I didn’t even think about collecting auxiliary materials for potions.

Putting aside these thoughts, she took out the two silver mirrors with simple shapes, but the old and new ones had different features.

The outside of the wilderness is impassable, and there is a city with unknown dangers inside. There are extremely dangerous "disaster giants" wandering around. I am afraid that I can only leave through this silver mirror... Angel thought, and moved his eyes to the place he brought from Backlund. Here comes the mirror.

Compared to the silver mirror held by Syrio whose destination is uncertain, but there must be a "man in the mirror" waiting for him, she undoubtedly prefers the other side. At least Arrodes was attached to this mirror, which shows that it is not dangerous. high.

The only problem lies in Arrodes, who once said that this mirror is "the door to Trier in the Fourth Age" and can be opened with a special key.

Now I am standing in the wilderness outside the city. If I enter this mirror, will I appear directly inside the city? According to my speculation, this is basically equivalent to suicide, and maybe even the mysterious resurrection power can't Rescue me... Thinking of this, Angel looked at the silver mirror used by Syrio again, and suddenly felt that the "man in the mirror" was not a big danger.

One is the confirmed threat of the "Man in the Mirror", and the other is an unknown risk that may send me directly into the city of Trier in the Fourth Age...

Her eyes wandered between the two mirrors, wavering.

In the dim light from the sky that penetrated this area, she suddenly discovered that a complex symbol appeared on the surface of the silver mirror from Backlund. This symbol seemed to be drawn by blood, and was dark red, but it sank into the mirror. Inside, it seems who painted the inside of the mirror.

What surprised Angel the most was that it was eighty-nine times similar to the human sacrifice rune that he used to make the "Disaster" and "Betrayal" charms, with only a few differences in details.

It is a brand new rune that can mobilize a higher level of power!

(End of this chapter)

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