Mystery: Good Witch

Chapter 678 Are they all still alive?

Chapter 678 Are they all still alive?

At noon on Thursday, a steam train dragging many carriages and white smoke from its chimney slowly drove into the station in the north of Backlund City.

Looking at the familiar buildings outside the window, Angel sighed in his heart:
"Backlund, I'm back."

During the two-day journey, she was extremely bored and had already begun to study the tidbits in the newspapers verbatim. If it weren't for the decent food in the first-class carriage, Angel would have been unable to resist slipping into the mirror world and returned to Beckland early. Virtue went.

Of course, she did not miss the advertisement published in the "Novel Weekly" published by Trier, and successfully found the first two volumes of "The Pirate Angelica Series", "Fountain of Youth" and "Ghost Empire" there Publication notice.

It seems that the "Magician" Miss of the Tarot Society, a well-known novel writer, an enthusiastic agent, and a close friend of the Abraham family, Ms. Forse Wall, really published those novels in Intis... Angel chuckled, not caring that his reputation had become strange due to the popularity of these fictional novels.

Anyway, except for the members of the Tarot Club and Klein, no one knows about my current relationship with Angelica Sage. Leaving some legends about the "Golden Queen" who appears from time to time will also help consolidate that identity and " Angel” makes the distinction. At most, after all her novels are published, she will come to ask for a royalties, and she must not dare to refuse... Thinking of this, Angel couldn't help but calculate the profits that could be obtained, and the corners of his mouth gradually turned upward.

In view of these thoughts, before leaving Trier, she also went to Area 8, trying to find Forsi and return to Backlund with her.

Unfortunately, both fortune-tellings ended in failure. Angel could only convince himself that the great writer might stay for a while, so he bought a ticket back to Loen alone.

Of course, compared to Fors and the royalties she didn’t receive, Angel’s biggest benefit from this trip to Trier is undoubtedly the extraordinary characteristics that were revealed after the death of Syrio Sauron, the “Iron-Blooded Knight”, and the legacy he left behind. The magical item below.

Of course, in order to avoid negative effects, she placed the sealed objects in the "mirror space". After a period of use, Angel has discovered the convenience of this space independent of the "mirror world" and began to put valuable items into it. in.

Of course, some items that were too dangerous, such as the "blasphemous card" and the "parasite" gloves that Mr. Azik had specially reminded, she still sacrificed to Mr. Fool, who was unpredictable in strength, but Very approachable presence on behalf of custody.

Moreover, the negative effects of sealed objects are very obvious. If used by Extraordinaries below Sequence 5, they will be directly killed by soldiers. Even Sequence 5 or even demigods, once they are seriously injured and their strength is reduced, they may go to fight Silio Thor. Lun sat at the table and shared his experience of being "betrayed".

She knew many Beyonders of the Hunter Path, but the one with the greatest hope of advancement and the one she could use was undoubtedly the captain of the Redhead, Elaine Soran. The latter had recently demonstrated an outstanding ability to make money, not only quickly paying off Angel's initial investment, but also saving a lot of money, and was promoted to a Sequence 6 "Conspirator", worthy of the glorious history of the Soran family.

At this moment, she saw a train heading east on the other side of the platform accelerating, and a familiar figure flashed past in a certain window.

Unfortunately, only in the hands of the "Hunter" path can this group of "Reaper Legion" with "Reaper" combat power and defensive capabilities as good as demigods be able to exert their greatest strength... For those who mainly focus on the mirror world, curses and diseases For me, the combat methods are of little use...

The only problem is that this sealed artifact will definitely not be sold at the Tarot Club. This was realized after Angel failed to sell Zatwin's extraordinary characteristics as a demigod.

Thinking of this, Angel took out the iron box that sealed the extraordinary characteristics of the "Iron-Blooded Knight".

Touching his empty left wrist, Angel sighed for his lost "Sword of the Morning". Seeing the suburban scenery outside the window being replaced by the city, the train slowed down to a stop, picked up his luggage, and prepared to get off the train and leave.

After all, they are the dead, do not fear, and are difficult to be contaminated. Their status is consistent with the "War Bishop". In a sense, they are more "useful" than real people...

Angel chuckled and put away the extraordinary characteristics and "Reaper Legion".

"It's a good choice to use it for Klein. Being carried and summoned by his marionette can avoid risks to a large extent. Even if he is 'betrayed', only the marionette will die... But once the 'Reaper Legion' is summoned, The battle will inevitably become a positional battle, which is a major flaw for a sequence like 'Secret Puppet Master' that requires flexibility... Well, leave it to a hunter who can share the damage received to his teammates and gather strength from them. Demigods are the best..."

"Unfortunately, the 'Knight Bracelet' was eventually damaged in this battle. Perhaps the craftsmen known to Mr. 'The Hanged Man' can be used to make magical items with extraordinary properties..."

"First try asking at the Tarot meeting. If no one wants it, just sell it to Elaine. The premise is that she is willing to accept the negative effects of being promoted to 'Iron Knight'..."

At the end of the five soldiers who were connected end to end, an iron-black human figure slightly smaller than a knuckle was shaking continuously. That was the sixth "soldier" being generated.

Looking at the string of tin puppets of different shapes in his hand, Angel thought with some regret.

No, according to my divination, this "Reaper Legion" should be a sealed object, and it is a "1" level sealed object. It is most likely formed by the characteristics of the Sequence 3 "War Bishop". With this characteristic alone, I am afraid that The value will not be less than 20 pounds.

That's right, the five armored soldiers who died in the battle with Angel are slowly recovering as time goes by!
According to Angel's estimation, it won't take half a month for this sealed object to return to its full capacity of ten people, summoning them all together, and posing a greater threat to demigods who are not good at defense.

"That's... Leonard and Ms. Daley. Didn't they both join Backlund's Nighthawks team? How did they leave here together?"

Angel looked at the direction of the train with some confusion. That was the steam train line she took when she first came to Backlund nine months ago.

That is the direction to the city of Tingen. ————

The only steam train station in Tingen City is located in the northern suburbs. After a four-hour short journey, Leonard Mitchell, who was wearing a windbreaker and hiding his expression in a stand-up collar, and rarely put on a skirt and shawl. Dailly Simone, who was wearing a cloak, just got out of the car and went straight to the Raphael Cemetery, also located on the outskirts of the North District.

The sunshine in the June afternoon was quite strong. The caretaker of the cemetery was hiding in the wooden house on duty and taking a nap. He did not notice that the shovel placed outside the door disappeared without a trace after an unnatural shadow appeared.

"Are you sure you want to do this?"

Standing in front of a tomb, Dai Li asked softly.

Next to her was Leonard, who was holding a shovel and looking serious. He nodded and said:
"If I don't dig it up and take a look, I'll never feel at ease."

After that, he picked up the shovel, held it tightly with both hands, and dug it into the soil next to the tombstone that had solidified in the wind and sun. With just a few shovels, he overturned the tombstone and the words "The best brother." , the best brother, the best colleague" is the tombstone with the epitaph.

With the sound of digging, Leonard's figure continued to sink, and the soil piled up on both sides gradually increased.

Dai Li's side became cold, and it was like falling into darkness near the tomb in the sun, causing the occasional pedestrians to walk around involuntarily without realizing it.

Soon, the slightly corroded wooden cover of the coffin, which was not buried deeply, was revealed. Dai Li's expression changed slightly, she took two steps closer and looked down at the tomb.

The iron nails holding the coffin had fallen off at some point, and the wooden lid was even slightly tilted, not completely aligned with the coffin below.

Leonard threw out the shovel, grabbed the heavy coffin lid with both hands, and opened it with one force.

Inside the dark coffin, among the soft lining, there was no body, no clothes, nothing.

A breeze blew by, and the rustling of leaves woke the two people who were stunned. Leonard pushed with both hands and completely opened the coffin, confirming again that what he saw was correct.


He let out a low roar in his throat, looked up at Dai Li, and saw her eyes flickering, seemingly not as surprised as he was.

What does she know... No, when I followed me to investigate these days, Ms. Daly's behavior showed that she also knew nothing about it... That is, she had suspicions, but they were dismissed?
Exhaling a breath of turbid air that smelled of earth, Leonard quickly climbed out of the tomb and looked at the other adjacent tombstone.

There was a picture frame on it, and inside was a black and white photo of Angel looking away from the camera.

The first time I met you was when the captain and I, together with Ms. Dai Li, were investigating the case you reported at your home. Since then, you have been thinking about how to sneak into the "Nighthawks" and how to escape from here... The scene when he saw Angel's mutilated body in the destroyed street park came to Leonard's mind, and he suddenly lifted the shovel.

A moment later, Leonard, who also went deep into the tomb, looked at the coffin that was firmly nailed to death, with hesitation on his face.

In his imagination, since "Cline Moretti" is alive, "Angel Granger" who has the same suspicion and even similar evidence should not be dead either. But unlike the Klein tomb next to it, the one here is not dead. The coffin was nailed from the outside, indicating that it had not been opened since it was buried in the tomb.

"open to take a look."

When he hesitated, Dai Li's cold voice from above reached his ears.


Leonard looked up subconsciously and found that Daley's eyes turned pure black in the dazzling sunlight.

Psychic... He was convinced that this "Necromancer" had learned about the situation inside the coffin through the nearby spirit body, so he no longer hesitated, grabbed the edge of the cover with both hands, and opened it.

Inside the coffin, there was only a fragment of mirror.

(End of this chapter)

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