Mystery: Good Witch

Chapter 68 The Artisans of Enmat Harbor

Chapter 68 The Artisans of Enmat Harbor

The message to sell the star crystals needed by "Justice" is not entirely for the purpose of fishing.

In addition to wanting to see if this "justice" is the one from the Tarot Society, Angel is also planning to sell the remaining star crystals on hand.

The 50 gram star crystals she received when making the batch of "Storm Gathering" bullets for the church before were still a lot left because the production success rate was higher than expected. In addition, she had bought goods at a low price at the Dragon Bar Trading Market in Tingen City in order to stock up. Although the star crystals she has now are not enough to make a whole "Seer" potion, it is not far behind.

If the supposedly big-money suitor can come up with a reasonable price, she wouldn't mind parting ways.

After writing down the transaction information on the message board, Angel left the dull trading market, passed through the bar on the first floor that was constantly shouting and cursing, and returned to the street in the port area.

There is still a lot of time left to go out, and she is going to meet the "craftsman" in Enmat Port introduced by "The Hanged Man".


Oak District, Golden Avenue.

The oak tree area next to the port area is the industrial area of ​​Enmat Port. Even if it is adjacent to the coast, the thick smoke from the chimneys of various factories during the day makes this area filled with gray fog that seems to never dissipate.

Taking a hired carriage to the Golden Avenue, Angel saw the towering bell tower of the "God of Steam and Machinery" church at a glance.

Well, maybe it's because the clouds are so low here...

Perhaps the workers in the Oak District rarely hired carriages to travel, and the driver of the carriage she was riding in was not very familiar with this area, so he only sent her to the intersection instead of going directly to "Carvey Clock Shop".

Angel had to search all the way along the street.

"'Gears and Wrenches' Grocery Store...'Workman's House' Hotel...'Grease' Bar..."

Passing by shop names full of regional characteristics, when she almost wanted to find a shop to inquire about, she finally found the signboard of "Kavi Watch Shop" hanging in the corner.

It was a small shop sandwiched between two beautifully decorated facades. Judging from the width of the occupied area, it was only one-third of the other shops facing the street. The glass door barely accessible for one person seemed to have been cleaned for a long time, and was already stained with a lot of oil.

Looking up and carefully confirming that the store name was correct, Angel carefully knocked on the door.

bang bang-

"The door is not locked."

A hoarse female voice came from inside.

She pushed open the door and walked in. The shop that greeted her eyes was a shop about [-] square meters. The front was small and the back was large in a trapezoidal shape. Next to the window facing the street were two glass display cabinets. There were more than a dozen watches and pocket watches, and a thin layer of dust had already accumulated on the cabinets.

Wall clocks of different shapes are hung on the walls on both sides that extend inward and gradually widen. A woman about 30 years old and wearing a dirt-resistant khaki coat is tiptoeing to take down an avant-garde wall clock, squatting down carefully, and putting it into a wooden box on the side.

At the end of the room was an iron door, which was locked tightly at this time.Beside the door is a long solid wooden table, with a gas lamp beside the table. The light is guided and focused onto the table by a set of optical lenses. An old man with gray hair sits in front of the table, carefully studying a pocket watch in his hand with a monocular magnifying glass.

It seems that this is "Craftsman" Carvey.

Angel bypassed the busy women and walked forward. When the old man heard the footsteps and raised his head, he smiled and asked:

"Hello, is this Mr. Carvey?"

The old man looked at her suspiciously, shook his head, stretched out his hand to adjust the eyepiece, and continued to play with the pocket watch.

What's the situation... Could it be that "The Hanged Man" missed some steps, and he needed a password to come here?

"I'm Kavi, what's the matter with you?"

The female voice that invited her in just now came again, and Angel turned around to see that the woman who was packing the clock before closed the wooden box that contained the items, patted the dust on her hands, stood up and said.

"...I'm looking for 'Tinker' Kavi."

A smile of unknown meaning appeared on the woman's face, and she took two steps out of the shadows, allowing the light from the gas lamp to shine on herself, and repeated: "That's right, I'm 'Craftsman' Kavi, what's the matter with you?"

It seems that I made a big mistake, even the person I was looking for was wrong...

Angel was filled with remorse, but continued to say calmly, "Sorry, I thought it was..."

"Hmph, it's not surprising. Many people will admit their mistakes when they come here for the first time."

Kavi seemed to be used to being ignored by people who came, and shook his head indifferently, his long brown hair swaying in waves.

"Tell me about your reason for coming. You shouldn't be here to buy a pocket watch, are you?"

Seeing that Carvey didn't care about his mistaken identity, but went straight to the point, Angel heaved a sigh of relief, took out the box containing the strange revolver from under the cloak, unlocked the lock in front of Carvey, and opened the lid a crack.

The smell of blood instantly filled the entire room.

"The hammer of this revolver was originally damaged, and it has been scrapped, but it seems to have a strange reaction with a piece of Extraordinary characteristics put together, and it has become what it is now."

After a brief introduction, Angel passed the box over.

Carvey put away his self-deprecating expression, took the iron box with a serious face, and opened the lid completely.

The large-caliber revolver that Cole Granger used had become pitch black, and even shone brightly under the light, as if its material had changed from metal to an unknown animal carapace. The strong smell of blood came from this unknown material.

Without the barrier of the iron box that can isolate the spirituality, it seemed that the eyes of the two were sensed, and the atmosphere around the revolver became as real as possible. The almost liquid crimson gas quickly filled the entire iron box, dripped down from the edge, and disappeared without a trace after leaving the pistol for a certain distance.

Frowning and observing for a while, Carvey returned the box to Angel and motioned her to take it away. He took out a magnifying glass with a wooden handle, ignored the overflowing bloody gas, and approached the black pistol to observe carefully.

Angel held the iron box in both hands, not daring to move.

But the gas that was already visible to the naked eye spread out of the box, and her nose slowly filled with a thick bloody smell, as if her mouth and nose were covered by invisible hands, and even breathing became difficult.

There was the sound of tables and chairs colliding behind her, and she turned her head to look. The old man who had mistakenly thought it was a "craftsman" had stood up from the chair. He took off the monocular magnifying glass, looked at the two with vigilant eyes, and fumbled under the table with his right hand to pull out a double-barreled shotgun with a sawed-off barrel.

Angel was subconsciously about to draw out his gun, but seeing that the old man didn't raise the shotgun, but held the gun body like a vigilant, and lowered the muzzle, he didn't make any drastic moves.

"Okay, everything is clear."

A heavenly sound came, breaking the imminent danger in the room.

Carvey put away the magnifying glass carefully, and pressed the lid of the iron box, the bloody smell filling the room, and the crimson gas gathered around the iron box disappeared without a trace in an instant, as if everything just now was just an illusion of the three of them.

The shoulders of the gun-wielding old man visibly relaxed. He roughly stuffed the double-barreled shotgun back under the table, his lips squirmed, and he muttered silently, before sitting back in the chair.

"Let me ask first, are you planning to sell this magical item, or just let me identify its uses and negative effects?"

Fantastic item!

Angel captured this key word.

According to Old Neil's mysticism class and the meager knowledge left by Cole, Angel knows that this word refers to an item that possesses some or all of the Extraordinary properties after being combined with the Extraordinary properties, rather than an Extraordinary weapon that imitates a small part of the properties through spiritual materials.

Of course, usually their negative effects are far stronger than ordinary Beyonder weapons.

Without hesitation, she blurted out: "Just use it for identification."

As if he had expected her answer, Karvey nodded.

"Okay, £100."


Angel almost thought that he had heard it wrong, or that the other party had heard it wrong and thought he was going to sell the item?

"I'm talking about identification!"

"Yes, this is the appraisal fee."

Instead of the serious attitude of seriously studying the magical items just now, Kawei's expression became sly. Seeing Angel was dumbfounded, she laughed and her long hair kept shaking.

Angel almost wanted to put away the box and leave, but considering that this might be the only appraiser she could find in her social circle, she resisted the urge.

Fortunately, I took all the cash with me when I left Tingen, otherwise I'm afraid it would have been a waste of time...

Silently, she reached into her cloak and took out a stack of banknotes. These were gold pounds that she had put in different pockets in advance. There were a total of just over three hundred pounds. She placed all the large bills in groups of ten pounds each, so that even if they were stolen or lost, they would not lose all of them.

Holding a hundred pounds in her hands, she said with a sullen face:
"You talk first, then pay."

"Well, the church is opposite, I hope you don't do stupid things."

Is she afraid that I will run away after listening to the content of the appraisal?But what's the point of reminding me that the church is opposite... Is she related to the "Church of the God of Steam and Machinery", or is she simply a believer...

Angel nodded to express her understanding. Anyway, she didn't intend to renege on her debts, so naturally she didn't have to worry about the "church".

"This revolver should have absorbed part of the power of Extraordinary characteristics, corresponding to the Sequence 7 of a certain path, which is the Extraordinary characteristics of the middle sequence, but this power is not complete, and the Extraordinary characteristics have been polluted to a certain extent, so it only has two abilities."

Carvey entered the working state again, and slowly and clearly introduced the characteristics of the magical item. Angel also held his breath and memorized each word in his mind.

"First of all, it can passively increase the attack effect of all bullets, and add flames that can damage spirits. It is also effective on creatures. The increase rate is about [-]%. Each attack consumes a small amount of the user's spirituality. When the user's spirituality is insufficient, this feature will automatically fail."

"Then, it can consume a lot of the user's spirituality in one fell swoop, making the attack have a powerful lethality. I estimate that it can be several times higher than the flaming bullet. If the value is specific, do you want me to test it for you?"

Seeing that Angel shook his head and refused, Kawei sneered and continued:

"But after such an attack, it will immediately enter the negative effect state. Well, it is just like that. It emits a strong bloody smell, which can be smelled hundreds of meters away. And let alone use it at this time, you will fall into dizziness and anemia with weak limbs just by holding it. It will not return to normal until enough blood is provided to it."

"In addition, no matter whether you are caught in a negative effect or not, when you hold a weapon, you will be more easily affected by the enemy's curse, the effect is stronger, and it is easier to get hit."

"Put it in a container that isolates spirituality like it is now, which can block negative effects, but you still have to restore it to its normal state the next time you use it. In short, there is only one chance to owe debts."

After ending the introduction with a pun, Carvey reached out and took the banknotes that Angel was holding, quickly counted them, stuffed them into his jacket pocket, and patted them.

"Thank you for your patronage."

(End of this chapter)

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