Mystery: Good Witch

Chapter 784 Concealing each other

Chapter 784 Concealing each other
"I have obtained the extraordinary characteristics of the 'Immortal' witch from Lord Cecima, the 'Sword of the Goddess'. This is equivalent to solving the problem of the main material of the potion. The remaining auxiliary materials are difficult to obtain, which are the blood of a centenarian and the dead branches of ancient trees nourished by the Fountain of Youth. I plan to ask Emlyn for the former. His parents are doctors and can obtain blood without hurting the elderly. I also have the clue of the Fountain of Youth. When everything is ready, I will go out to sea to find one of the six legends..."

Angel answered ramblingly, but he was a little hesitant inside, not knowing whether he should tell the truth about his "time travel".

After all, this is just a society equivalent to the early industrial age, and Emperor Roselle did not bring the genre of "time travel novels" to this era... Of course, this is related to his unwillingness to reveal his identity. If more people knew about "time travel", some people would inevitably suspect that a genius like him who spans multiple fields is a time traveler...

So, if I tell Klein the truth directly, will he be able to accept it? After Ince Zangwill said that Cole Granger was me, he might have planted the seeds of doubt in his heart. If I tell him about this bizarre experience again, will he...

After hesitating for a moment, Angel decided to use a more euphemistic approach.

"... In addition, according to Black Cat Wenza, the 'ritual' is not necessary for promotion, and I may have the conditions to bypass the ritual. As for the success rate... I tried divination, and there should be no problem."

She was not lying. Even though she knew that she might have unconsciously crossed thousands or even tens of thousands of years in a special state, her inner perception of time and her awareness of her real age had a great probability of passing the promotion ceremony of the "immortal" witch. But to be on the safe side, Angel still used the magic mirror for divination several times and got the answer that the promotion to "immortality" would be smoother.

However, Klein, who had seen Angel go wrong with his "divination" several times, took out his pendulum with a look of disbelief:

"I'll give it a try."

"Then please do it."

Angel crossed his arms across his chest and said with a pout.

Even without the help of external forces, the "Weird Mage" can be called a true divination master. Besides, I will go to the gray fog to confirm it again later... Klein ignored Angel's temper and used the pendulum method to perform a serious divination - instead of the usual quick divination method of tossing a coin, and got the same conclusion as Angel.

Strange, is she really a fortune teller... No, that's not the point. The point is that she really bypassed the "immortality" ritual? Is such a thing really possible?

This question popped up in Klein's mind.

But then he thought of how Adam, by himself, had achieved the effect of "being witnessed by many spectators" when he was promoted to "Trickster". This showed that the potion promotion ritual could be modified in terms of quality over quantity. And under the guidance of Winsa, who was most likely a high-sequence witch in his lifetime, Angel might really be able to break through the limitations of the ritual and take the "immortality" potion relatively safely?
But how can the requirement of going through a long time be changed... Could it be that she, she is also...

A flash of light flashed through Klein's mind, and he imagined himself climbing the Stairs of Light, seeing countless cocoons hanging above the light gate, and discovering that there were a total of three "travelers" including himself.

If Angel is also a "time traveler" like himself, then everything makes sense!

She spent a hundred years in a deep sleep, and after discovering the truth, she realized that although her body was young, her soul had gone through a long time, thus satisfying the requirements of the ritual?
As if to cover up, he resumed divination and secretly looked at Angel in front of him. She was staring at the pendulum with a smile on her face. She crossed her arms across her chest, highlighting her graceful figure under the black dress and her beautiful face that looked like she was not even twenty years old.

Is she also my "roommate" like Russell and Huang Tao?
But soon, Klein was faced with the difficult problem of "how to prove it".

The other people he suspected were either like the Elf King Sonyathorem, who invented chopsticks, ate "blood soup" and animal offal, and was good at using spices, or like the ancient sun god, who left behind countless Internet memes, or even died like Jesus who was betrayed by his disciples.

Angel, who couldn't read Chinese and had no sense of being a "modern man" about Russell's inventions, made it hard for Klein to doubt them.

Unless I confront him directly, if the other party is not a "traveler", then I will be like a self-destructor. I may be so embarrassed that I lose control on the spot and turn into a pile of worms that flee in all directions. Well, that's called "spiritual worms"...

Klein's thoughts scattered and gathered again, and he found that the pendulum in his hand had already stopped turning. Angel also turned his puzzled eyes to his face. He quickly put away his doubts and smiled.

"I didn't expect it to be consistent with your divination results."

"Who is the master of divination now, Mr. Moretti?"

Angel still grumbled with a hint of resentment that he was not trusted.

Mr. Moretti... Even though our relationship warmed up the fastest during the sea trip as German Sparrow, her impression of me still remained in the Tingen period, when we first met... Klein thought with some relief and some regret.

I don't know when I can let her know that I am actually Mr. Zhou Mingrui, but it doesn't matter, it doesn't matter if it's Sherlock, Hermann, or even Dawn, they are all me, and she is still her...

The image of himself in Kukwa's Resurrection Square reappeared in his mind. When he was shaken for a moment by Ince Zangwill's words, and Angel's tearful look as if he was about to hide in the mirror world, Klein finally decided not to discuss this issue for the time being. Instead, he smiled self-deprecatingly, put away the amethyst-based pendulum, and said:
“It looks like it could succeed.”

Then, they both secretly breathed a sigh of relief and looked away.

It was Angel who turned his head first, looked at Klein again, smiled again and said:
"Then, let's discuss another matter, about...your ring." As she spoke, she raised her left hand, with the back of her hand facing Klein. A gold ring inlaid with an amethyst maple leaf ornament suddenly appeared on her ring finger, which was straight and slender and empty a second ago.

That was the birthday present Klein gave her at Resurrection Square. It was also the witness of their lifelong love in front of the "Imaginary Angel" Adam and several colleagues.

After returning to Backlund, Angel has been using her increasingly skilled mirror magic to conceal the ring on her finger, but this is not a long-term solution. Moreover, she has also made some preparations in recent social occasions and allowed the servants at home to spread rumors, gradually linking the identity of Christine Theresa with Dwayne Dantès.

Now that Klein is back, as long as the two of them appear at a dinner or dance at the same time, and...

Her eyes suddenly widened, because on the ring finger of Klein's raised left hand, there appeared a gold ring with a shape almost identical to Angel's, but decorated with topaz.

"Of course I'm ready, dear Miss Christine." Klein smiled again and shook his left hand, making the crystal sparkle under the light. "Coincidentally, Senator Macht has invited me to attend the dance party at his house tomorrow. Let's announce this to everyone at the place where Dawn and Christine danced for the first time."

The first time we danced together, I stepped on his foot because I was not familiar with the dance steps... Angel also remembered the "first encounter" between the two at the Backlund social scene that day. He smiled knowingly and nodded.
"That's indeed a good opportunity. When Senator Macht invited me a few days ago, I was still hesitant about whether to agree to attend. It seems that I have to prepare as soon as possible."

As long as the two of them showed up at the ball at the same time, the Backlund people, who were used to observing others carefully, would soon discover that they were wearing the same rings that vaguely looked like a pair, and the placement of the rings would tell it all, without Angel or Klein having to take the initiative to speak.

"It's a pity that the single nobles and wealthy men in Backlund will soon fall into despair. They missed the last chance to win the favor of Miss Christine. This is not a conspiracy for you to digest the potion, is it?"

After discussing everything, Klein suddenly laughed and said jokingly.

"Unfortunately, this part of the potion has been digested. However, I am about to be promoted through the Beyonder characteristic of 'Immortality', and can play the role of the remaining potions in the previous sequence that come with the characteristic in advance..."

"You mean 'joy'?"

Klein raised an eyebrow and moved closer to Angel's sofa.

"And of course there is 'pain'..."

With a chuckle, Angel half-lay on the sofa, lifted one leg, and let the hem of her skirt slowly slide down her thigh, revealing her fair skin, ankles and calves without any flaws.

With a sigh of relief that was half joyful and half hesitant, Klein slowly squatted down and his fingers touched the smooth, warm skin.

The joyful and painful "performance" began.


"Your Excellency, Archbishop, what do you want to see me about?"

In Anthony Stevenson's office in the basement of St. Samuel's Church, Leonard Mitchell, dressed in a formal suit and wearing bright red gloves, bowed his head respectfully and asked the old man in front of him, who had a warm expression but made him feel a little scared for no reason.

The latter smiled and nodded, not caring much about etiquette and said:

"After going to the southern continent to handle the mission of the Spirit Cult and making contributions in the process of tracking down defectors, you can now apply for the magic potion of the 'Spirit Witch'."

Leonard was delighted, remembering the tacit understanding between the "Fool" and the "Church" that Pales mentioned. He confirmed that the Archbishop did not pursue the fact that he secretly conspired with Klein to bypass the Goddess Church to deal with Ince Zangwill. Then he asked with a puzzled look on his face:

"But my 'Requiem' potion has not been fully digested yet."

It had been less than three months since he was promoted to Sequence 6. Even though he knew how to act, he was busy with the "Red Gloves" mission and had no time to digest the potion in his body while traveling around the country. At this point, he was still some distance away from being able to be promoted safely.

"That's exactly why I'm looking for you. Sost's team has to follow Krestey to complete other tasks. I'm selecting you separately and assigning you some tasks to investigate suspected haunted incidents, so that you have enough opportunities to act."

This... is almost special treatment, because I participated in the battle against Ince Zangwill and was valued by the church. Or is it the same as the old man's analysis, because of Mr. Fool, the church not only does not pursue my problem, but also plans to train me into a "non-staff member" similar to the captain?
Looking at the archbishop with calm eyes and indifferent expression, Leonard had a lot of thoughts in his mind.

(End of this chapter)

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