Mystery: Good Witch

Chapter 79 Port Area

Chapter 79 Port Area

"2-031", the Hand of Proclamation, is one of the two Level 2 Sealed Artifacts owned by the Nighthawks team in Enmat Harbor, which means it is dangerous and needs to be used with caution and moderation.

It looks like an old leather glove that fits on the left hand. The material is elastic and can be stretched moderately. It can be used comfortably by adults of normal size.

After wearing "2-031", the first sentence you say after snapping your fingers with this hand will become a "prohibition" centered on the user and effective within a radius of 30 meters.The effect can last for about 1 minute. If used continuously within the duration, the new "ban" will directly replace the old one, and cannot take effect at the same time.

After the "prohibition" takes effect, not only will everyone within the scope be affected, but even the users themselves need to abide by the rules of this "prohibition".Therefore, it is impossible to use "2-031" to announce some commands that even the user cannot do by himself, such as "stop breathing" and "stop beating the heart".

Through many experiments, the Nighthawks concluded some safe and effective "prohibitions", such as "no jumping" and "no use of gunpowder weapons". The more detailed the order and the smaller the scope, the stronger the effect.

Through a reasonable "ban", the combat effectiveness of other people within the range can be greatly restricted, the user's own advantages can be highlighted, and opponents of the same sequence can be easily suppressed in battle.Unfortunately, the effect of "2-031" on Beyonders above Sequence 5 will be greatly weakened, and it will have no effect on Beyonders with high sequences.

As a sealed item with powerful effects and limited use, its negative effects are also very strong.

As long as the user puts on the "Hand of Proclamation", they will fall into a state of overinflated self-confidence, and every time they use its extraordinary ability, this unreasonable self-confidence will be enhanced. Once it is used for more than 3 times in a short period of time Once again, even the attempt to persuade the user to remove the "Hand of Proclamation" will fail, because he will think that he is omnipotent and can completely dominate the Sealed Artifact, and thus refuses to stop using it.

In a state of extreme self-confidence, users tend to be impulsive and reckless in battle, or use the "Hand of Proclamation" to issue some prohibitions that they can't even do, which will kill themselves or even their companions in a short time.

"So this sealed item is to be used by Rupert Norman. The 'prohibition' is strictly limited to two. If he falls into a state of excess self-confidence, affects the battle, or poses a threat to us, I will be responsible for it. The sealed item is snatched."

After introducing the effects of the sealed item "2-031" in detail, Clement whispered.

At this moment, Angel, Clement, and Rupert were talking in low voices in a carriage. They were worried that the special carriage with the badge of the East Chester County Police Department would reveal the identities of the Nighthawks, causing the target Be alert, they are riding in a hired carriage that was recruited at random.

The crimson moon hanging outside the window shines on the earth. There are not many pedestrians on the streets that look extremely coquettish under the red moonlight. The flat stone roads are replaced by gravel roads that are easy to drain. The carriages are getting closer and closer to the port area.

Ten minutes after Clement finished assigning the task, the Nighthawks who were ready split up into three groups, each going to their target location.In order to prevent telegrams or some kind of occult communication between the three locations, the three groups of nighthawks will start their operations at 10:9 p.m.

Angel also used the preparation time to return to the room, and brought the two revolvers that he brought to Enmat Port, the dagger needed for close combat, as well as all the hunting bullets and "Phantom Phosphorus Eruption" with him for use in battle.

In the previous battle with the wanted Tomac, she discovered that the "Phantom Phosphorus Eruption" combined with the black flame enhanced attack of "Thirsty Blood" can achieve a large-scale killing effect, so when the demon hunter equipped with "Thirsty Blood" Among the bullets, there was a "Phantom Phosphorus Eruption" mixed in, and the bullets loaded into the fast loader were also configured in the same way, four hunting bullets and one special bullet.

It's a pity that there is no time to make a new "Storm Gathering", otherwise the high-power ammunition and the boost of "Thirsty Blood" will inevitably have stronger damage capabilities.

Rupert Norman, who was sitting opposite Angel, was also sorting out the weapons and ammunition he was carrying. As the "Midnight Poet" who also had the ability to fight in hand-to-hand combat, his weapon was not only a large-caliber revolver, but also a 30-centimeter long Metal short stick, when Clement heard that he assigned "2-031" to himself, the action at hand stopped.

He looked up at this "Nightmare". The latter held a copper revolver in his right hand and a leather glove in his left hand. The unworn "Hand of Proclamation" did not show any dangerous aura, as if it was just An old glove that can be seen everywhere.

"Give it to me to use?"

He asked hesitantly.

Sensing Rupert's doubts, Clement explained:
"If I use '2-031' for too long and lose control of my emotions, who of you can quickly take the gloves off my hands? You know, users with over-inflated self-confidence will not keep their hands when they resist."

The two Sequence 8s nodded shyly, expressing that they understood what he meant.

Seeing that Rupert had no objection to the user of the sealed item, Clement turned his attention to Angel again.

"When you were in Tingen City, you should have been familiar with the fighting styles of 'Nightmare' and 'Midnight Poet', but we still don't know you, the extraordinary ability and fighting style of 'Assassin', please try to simplify introduce."

In order not to hinder each other or be interfered by the "Hand of Proclamation" during the battle, Angel did not hide his "Assassin" extraordinary ability. Developed the "Phantom Phosphorus Eruption" that can deal with invisible enemies.

As for her promotion to "Instigator" today, she didn't inform her teammates because it didn't involve combat issues and she couldn't find a reasonable reason.

"Is this the bullet you shot the 'Mechanical Heart' defector?"

Holding a "Phantom Phosphorus Eruption" bullet engraved with charms on its surface, Clement asked with a smile.

The news spread really fast enough... It seems that the three Extraordinary organizations of the three churches in Enmat harbor have very close exchanges in secret, and I am afraid that they often cooperate...

Angel thought about it, nodded and replied: "That's right, but this kind of bullet itself has no lethality. It needs to cooperate with my revolver to have a cauterizing effect. When I use it, I will pay attention to avoiding you, and you should also be careful of the glow floating in the air." Powder, if it’s golden yellow, it’s not lethal, but don’t touch the black flame.”

"Black Flame..." Clement murmured and repeated, then nodded to express his understanding.


In order not to attract attention from the sound of the wheels and the howling of the horses, the hired carriage stopped in a small alley less than 16 meters away from the No. 200 warehouse.

Even if there are large searchlights that can gather gas lights, it is very dangerous to leave the port at night. The busy and noisy port area during the day is silent at this time, only some homeless wanderers and wandering sailors are left , The transportation workers have all returned to their residences, and they have enough energy to prepare for the next day's work.

After watching the hired carriage leave, Angel and Rupert followed Clement to leave the alley, bypassed a low building, and came to the street of the No. 16 warehouse gate, facing the gate was a row of two-storey townhouses. Some of the small buildings are used as shops, and some are used for temporary storage of goods.

At this time, there was not a single person in the whole street, and the gas lamps would not be wasted in such a place. Only the light from the moon overhead shone equally on every inch of the land.

Seeing the three people approaching, a short figure appeared on the roof. He first looked around for a while, then climbed back to the ground with agility by climbing the drainage pipe, and walked in front of Clement with silent steps.

Although there was only moonlight shining in front of the warehouse, Angel, who had dark vision, could still see the other person's appearance clearly. He was a man in his early 20s, wearing a dockworker's costume and a round cap that were obviously used for camouflage.

"Captain, why are you here? It's not time for shift change yet?"

He glanced at Angel and Rupert, then asked the captain.

"The action is ahead of schedule, and the three of us are in charge of the warehouse at the port."

Clement said straight to the point, successfully turning the other party's joyful expression of seeing his teammates into a serious one.

"Now report the situation, the target has not left the warehouse, right?"

"Yes, since I started monitoring in the morning, I haven't seen him leave the warehouse, even the guards with guns. Now that the workers are all off work, the warehouse has no back door, so they must still be inside."

The man in the round hat reported in a low voice.

"Very good, this is the best situation, the night is quiet, there are no innocent people, only the enemy." Clement nodded with satisfaction, "Andrew, you go to the police station in the port area now, find the sheriff on duty, and call A police team is coming, the same team we usually work with, armed. But don't rush into the warehouse, don't come in to support when you hear the gunshots, wait until the fighting is over."

"If someone you don't know comes out, shoot directly; if there is no movement for a long time, wait for the support of other teams. The task of the police is to guard the surroundings, not to participate in the battle between extraordinary people."

The man in the round hat, Andrew, received the order and nodded solemnly to express his understanding.

"Okay, hurry up, let's wait here until it's time to act, and then go straight into the warehouse."

Clement waved his hand, signaling Andrew to leave as soon as possible.

Andrew nimbly sneaked into the gap between the townhouses, and left the warehouse area from the street behind. The police station at the port is nearly 1 kilometer away, and it would take about 10 minutes to get there even by running.

Hearing the slight footsteps going away, Clement took out his brass revolver, broke off the hammer, and took out his pocket watch with the other hand to check the time. It happened to be the agreed time of action by the three groups of people. .

He looked left and right at the two people who were following him, saw that they had also drawn out their weapons and were ready to fight, so he ordered:


(End of this chapter)

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