Mystery: Good Witch

Chapter 794 Death of Demigod

Chapter 794 Death of Demigod
In the northwest suburbs of Backlund, in the woods near the Macht family's Elk Manor.

Insects, mice, and birds continuously appeared from the mud, bushes, and behind tree trunks, quickly approaching an ancient tree whose bark had been blown off and whose trunk had been broken. Most of them lost their abilities along the way, or had their spiritual threads directly stolen, dying twisted in the corners. However, there were always some that were lucky enough to escape the successive "thefts", opening their mouths, large or small, and making low "bang" sounds.

As the ventriloquist-like onomatopoeia continued to sound, air cannons were fired one after another, hitting the tree trunk that was already overwhelmed.


With a sharp, hysterical roar, the last few insects with transparent segments struggled to crawl out of the holes in the tree, twisting and squirming. Many three-dimensional patterns floated on their bodies, causing the "secret doll" who saw them to quickly lose its ability and its life.

But there are only a limited number of annelids, while there are almost unlimited creatures around that can be used as secret dolls!
The rats and worms continued to approach, launching simple but powerful air cannons, using the most extreme firepower to suppress the surviving translucent worms, causing them to twist, deform, and disappear.

After several rounds of bombardment, the "thief" demigod, who had lost control and split into many worms that looked somewhat like the "worm of time", finally stopped moving. The only sound left in the woods was the rustling of leaves in the breeze.

A moment later, Raphael, tall and holding a rapier, walked out from behind a thick tree and cautiously approached the center of the battlefield that was almost razed to the ground. One of his leather shoes was missing, and his white socks were browned by the mud. The gate to the underworld between his forehead was wide open, revealing a cold deathly aura. Behind him was Enuni, a dark-skinned servant from the southern continent. This "winner" held the "Death Knell" revolver in one hand, helping his master to bear the possible negative effects, and held up his trousers without a belt with the other hand. Finally, there was Klein, who was wearing a tuxedo with an open collar, revealing his neck and collarbone, and his appearance had changed into that of Gehrman Sparrow.

He should be dead... I didn't expect a crazy demigod to be so difficult to deal with, stealing abilities and clothes. And my guess was right, the mythical creature form of the "thief" demigod was actually a bunch of worms... Klein sighed, preparing to let "Hell Admiral" Raphael get closer to explore the way, and then he would pick up the extracted extraordinary characteristics.

At this moment, a burning sensation coming from the inner pocket of his tuxedo made Klein stop. While directing the secret doll to continue investigating the situation of the "Thief" demigod, he took out a folding mirror with sharp edges and a somewhat exaggerated shape from the bag.

After opening the metal cover protecting the mirror, Klein discovered that the dark red sticky substance on the mirror had evaporated. The mirror surface then became dark, and a face with long black hair and an unimpressive appearance gradually emerged.


Klein breathed a sigh of relief.

No matter who appears on the other side of the mirror, the only person who can communicate with him using mirror communication is the person who made this magic mirror.

"Well, it's me...are you in Elk Manor now?"

The greetings with some noise coming from inside the magic mirror reminded Klein of the old-fashioned walkie-talkies that he could only see on TV.

Will there be interference in occult communications?
Klein was a little confused, but soon discovered that the background behind Angel was the distinctive twin bell towers of St. Samuel's Church. He guessed that it might be caused by the seal inside the church to defend against foreign enemies.

"I noticed that your Stand had disappeared, and I thought you had arrived at the Elk Manor and started a fight with the thieving demigod, so I rushed here immediately. As a result, I ran into it, which was on the verge of losing control and gradually transforming from a mouse into an incomplete mythical creature. I could only eliminate this threat that might endanger the servants in the manor... Fortunately, you are fine."

Klein used the marionette's vision to search the battlefield, looking for bugs with translucent segments, while holding the magic mirror, he continued to explain the course of his battle.

On the carriage leaving Macht's house, he found that the mirror double left by Angel disappeared, and realized that something was wrong. He jumped out of the car without hesitation, asked the coachman to go home first, and pretended to return to the ball. In fact, he took the secret doll and went to the suburbs with the "teleportation" ability of the creeping hungry grazing.

Congressman Macht's Elk Manor was not far from the North District and could be reached by "teleporting" only once. However, when the man and two puppets landed, they found that the manor was quiet late at night and there was no fierce fighting scene as they had imagined.

At this moment, Klein realized that Angel had not arrived at the manor, but had probably met with an accident on the way.

"I wanted to divine your location, but was blocked by the 'Secret Holy Symbol'. Fortunately, Hazel's location and speed can be determined by divination. Based on the time when your double was broken, I can judge your approximate location... Is it the Tussock River?"

Klein spoke quickly but logically. Seeing Angel nod, he smiled:

"However, when I was about to leave the manor, the 'thief' demigod that parasitized and controlled a mouse suddenly attacked me... Perhaps it was close to losing control, and its confused mind subconsciously regarded me as an enemy. I could only lure it out of the manor and kill it in the deserted woods, so that it would not target ordinary people here after I left.

"As for the outcome of the battle, I can only say that a guy who has fallen into madness and doesn't even have the instinct to escape cannot defeat a 'trickster' who has a secret puppet and is ready for battle."

As he spoke, Klein turned his gaze toward the razed forest. When he got close enough, he could clearly see all the spiritual lines around him. Apart from the neatly arranged secret dolls, there were no other spiritual creatures.

"That's good," Angel in the mirror breathed a sigh of relief and smiled brightly, "I did encounter some accidents on the road, but the problem has been solved. I'll tell you the details later... You'd better leave the manor as soon as possible. If my guess is correct, there may be other 'Amons' searching for the 'thief' demigod."


The pride in Klein's victory over the demigod and the joy of knowing that Angel was not injured disappeared instantly. All that was left was a numb scalp as if it was struck by an electric current, slightly dilated pupils, and countless thoughts rushing through his mind.

The Blasphemer Amon is also looking for this Thief Demigod?
After forcing himself to calm down, Klein immediately understood what Angel meant.

The other Amons... It seemed that the trouble she encountered was caused by one of Amon's "clones", and she had already dealt with him. During the battle, she got the information that the other clones were searching for the thief demigod... The changes in the demigod that was on the verge of losing control might have attracted the attention of the "Angel King", causing Him to send Backlund's clones to gather here and try to appease the demigod, or... parasitize it, absorb it and become a member of Amon?
Klein felt that this idea was extremely terrifying, but it also inexplicably fit the style of the legendary "blasphemer."

He still remembered that after he was promoted to "Trickster", he returned to Backlund in high spirits, thinking that he could initially confront the Angel King who was looking for him and the trace of "The Fool".

Of course, at that time, Klein believed that his divine power after being promoted to a demigod could hide the special nature of the gray mist on his body, and it would not be so easy for Amon to discover it. He did not think that he, a Sequence 4, could really fight head-on with a Sequence 1 Angel King, even if it was His clone.

Therefore, there is only one thing to do now...

Quickly following his inner thoughts, Klein did not bother to continue communicating with Angel. He asked Raphael, who was closer to the original location of the ancient tree, to ignite the dead leaves on the ground with a single finger. He flashed to the center of the battlefield with flames, looking for the Beyonder characteristics or remains of the dead "Thief" demigod. Enuni returned to his side. The other insects and animals that were still used as temporary puppets moved dead branches or tree barks to gather around, ignited them in various strange postures, and remained motionless in the gradually rising flames, gradually dying.

The whole scene looked like a weird mass suicide of animals.

Klein shook out a paper figure and used it to replace all the mystical connections of the secret dolls. He then burned it to ashes, completing the preliminary anti-divination.

Of course, after leaving this place, he would definitely go to the gray fog and use that mysterious power to "disinfect" himself.

He didn't want to be like "Sun" Derrick, wandering around like Amon with a translucent body, a pointed hat on his head, and a monocle on his right eye, but knowing nothing!
After doing all this, Klein looked at Raphael, the former admiral of Hell and current bodyguard of the wealthy, and looked forward to his final discovery.

If you haven't found it yet, leave immediately, otherwise...

Suddenly, a dark figure walked out of the bushes out of the corner of his eye. He was in his early twenties, with black hair and black eyes. He was wearing a black vest, black trousers, black leather shoes, and a black soft hat, almost blending into the night.

"Tsk tsk, being forced into this state by a 'weird wizard' who doesn't even have a half-mysterious doll..."

A smiling voice reached Klein's ears, but he had no time to care about what the other party said. His eyes quickly locked onto the right eye of the figure.

There was a single crystal eyeglass there.

Amon! The Amon that Angel mentioned is looking for the demigod "thief"!

Without any hesitation, Raphael, with a rapier on his waist, returned to Klein's side in the flames and put his arm around his shoulder, while Enuni, who was closer, did the same.

Under the interested gaze of Amon, who was dressed in monotonous clothes, Klein and the puppets quickly became transparent and entered the spirit world and disappeared.

"Heh, the 'weird wizard' of the Black Night family... He seemed to know me too, and he ran away without hesitation..."

Amon pressed his glasses on his eye sockets and said with a smile.

A translucent insect with twelve segments flew back from where Klein had just stood and burrowed into his chest.

"What a pity! In two seconds, I can start to parasitize him and understand his purpose... But he should be here to solve the troubles here just like the witch... But they all know me, which is a bit unusual. Could it be..."

Muttering to himself, Amon looked up at the half crimson moon in the sky, then cast his gaze towards the center of the woods which had been devastated by the air cannon.

"How pitiful, you can only parasitize on half-dead animals, and you don't even have the strength to break away from the host... Are you a descendant of Jacob?"

He asked in a flat tone.

"Yes, know, know my ancestors?"

Suddenly, a faint answer came from the shallow pit where soil, bark and wood chips were piled up, with confusion, hesitation, and excitement like grasping at a life-saving straw.

“Of course I know. To be honest, I’ve even seen some of them.” Amon laughed again, stepping on the dead branches and leaves, slowly approaching with a rustling sound, his tone full of teasing, “Instead of waiting for death in this broken body, why don’t I teach you a method that can allow you to immediately restore your strength, have a healthy body, and even be promoted to a higher sequence… Hmm, maybe you can even become the King of Angels and reach the pinnacle of life?”

As far as Amon's eyes could see, a snake with only half of its body left and blood still oozing from the severed end was struggling to raise its neck, as if it did not believe that the other party had such a "method".

But it soon began to twist in fear, speaking in human language with an extremely terrified tone:
"You are, Amon the Blasphemer!"

It recalled the secret legends of its family, and its snake body began to twist madly. But soon, with an angry roar, the demigod "Thief", who had already consumed most of his spiritual power in the mad battle with his body and was on the verge of death in Klein's attack, stopped struggling and slowly collapsed to the ground.

"What a pity! If you had used your last bit of strength to escape the moment you saw me, you might have had a chance. But you became interested in my words and had a glimmer of hope, so you gave up struggling... Hehe, you've been parasitic in the bodies of mice and insects for too long, are you almost losing even your most basic rationality?"

Amon did not stop until he was close to the half snake's body and his toes almost touched it.

"Unfortunately, the remaining descendants of Jacob have dispersed into small families that have no contact with each other to avoid our pursuit, so the heritage has long been lost, and the magic potion does not contain the corresponding knowledge... Who is so hateful to delete the information that should be obtained for promotion?

"Ah, it's me."

With a light laugh, Amon watched the tiny dots of light fly out from the snake's body and fall into his own body. He immediately took off the monocle on his right eye, wiped it with a piece of black silk, and continued to talk to himself:
"You should go back to Backlund first. I saw something interesting in Flora Jacob's fate."

The bushes around him swayed, leaves moved, the grass rustled, and as Amon put his glasses back on, the woods around him became silent again.

(End of this chapter)

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