Mystery: Good Witch

Chapter 804 Establishing Hints

Chapter 804 Establishing Hints
How should you respond if your identity is directly exposed by the other party?
Before being "invited" by Audrey to this salon, Angel had thought about this problem many times, and even discussed it with the psychology expert Miss Justice, and made several plans.

Therefore, when Hvin Rambis directly said the word "Pleasure Witch", she was not nervous at all, and even felt like laughing.

Of course, the reason was not what was expected, but that the other party's conclusion was extremely wrong.

"You, you are?"

She asked back with some tongue gaping, her eyes subconsciously looking at the door behind her that she had closed. Strands of invisible silk threads spread out at a much slower speed than usual, forming a spider web throughout the room, gradually spreading towards the old man in the center of the room.

"Don't be nervous, Miss Theresa. I am Audrey's friend, and you are also Audrey's friend. This is just a conversation between friends."

Noticing her obvious fear and resistance, and even her willingness to fight, Hewen chuckled again and sat back on the sofa first, indicating that he had no fighting intention. He pointed to another sofa next to him and said:

"Sit down, let's talk."

The kind old man's words had a convincing charm, just like a professor teaching students earnestly at a university. Angel nodded involuntarily, and his hostility was obviously reduced.

She glanced at the closed door again, then slowly walked towards the sofa, sat down on the comfortable fabric couch, and relaxed in the soft cushions and armrests.

But at this moment, another Angel, who was detached from himself and whose perspective seemed to be floating in the air, was watching his actions coldly and immediately realized that something was wrong.

Because I already knew that the other party was a demigod, even if he had no hostility, I should not have been so relaxed in following his orders. I must have had the most basic vigilance in my heart. It was impossible for me to trust him so easily, sit down calmly, and regard the person I met for the first time as a "friend" while the other party was trying to change the concept.

He had been using "psychological suggestion" on me since I entered the room... Angel understood something, but was surprised to find that he, blessed by Mr. Fool's angel, did not experience the same scene as Audrey, floating in the sea of ​​consciousness and above the island of the mind.

That is the unique perspective of the "audience", and I can only slightly perceive the inconsistency in behavior and thoughts, and resist based on another transcendent self?

Angel's mind was full of thoughts, but his body responded appropriately. He looked at Hvin Rambis cautiously and said with emotion:

"Are you Professor Rambis of Backlund University? I saw your interview in the newspaper. I didn't expect you to be Audrey's friend... But I don't quite understand what you just said about 'joy'. What does that mean?"

This is consistent with the subconscious defense mentality of a Beyonder whose identity has been exposed.

Hearing this, Hewin lifted his right leg and placed it on his left leg, leaned back, relaxed on the sofa, and said slowly:
"University professor is just my cover identity, just like Hampres is a furniture dealer and Alucard is a jewelry designer... In fact, we, like Audrey, belong to an organization called the 'Psychological Alchemist Society'. We are the same group, focusing on academic research and the exploration of ancient sites near Backlund.

"As your good friend, Audrey hopes that you will join us, so we brought you here... Of course, your identity as a Beyonder was not revealed by her, but we inferred it based on your experience in Intis. See, this is the interesting thing about psychology. It can obtain all the information about a person before meeting him/her through his/her various behavioral trajectories."

I see. You are just an ordinary member of the Psychological Alchemy Society who wants to know the identity of Audrey's friend, and I am exposed as a Beyonder, a "Pleasure Witch" because of my life experience in Intis for several years...

Angel sneered in her heart. If Intis's experience had not been completely fabricated by her, and if she had not known that he was a "spectator" demigod and led the work of the entire Backlund "Psychological Alchemy Society", she would have almost believed him.

Of course, it wasn't because of how sophisticated Hwin's words were, or how much evidence his wording had, but when he spoke, Angel felt a faint force invading her thoughts, soothing hostility, building trust, and making her involuntarily want to believe the person in front of her.

If it weren’t for Mr. Fool’s blessing, I would have taken his words seriously at first, thinking that he was just a “psychologist” similar to Audrey, or even that it was my fault that his identity was exposed…

Even if it was for a Beyonder of the same sequence, even if the other party was originally hostile, "psychological suggestion" could produce such an effect. I wonder if this ability would work in battle... She evaluated the other party's Beyonder ability and shook her head.

"Intis's matter is a thing of the past. I just want to live a good life in Backlund now... Mr. Rambis, what is your purpose in exposing my identity?"

She appropriately showed a hint of vigilance, rather than completely giving up resistance at the other party's suggestion.

After all, the sequence and identity of the Beyonder were information that could affect and endanger the life of the hypnotized person. Even if they were hypnotized, they would subconsciously resist, and even cause the hypnosis to fail. Moreover, Angel believed that Hewen was only doing some shallow guidance at this time, not deep hypnosis. If he did not resist at all, it would be too much and make people suspicious.

As expected, Herwin nodded slightly without any surprise and explained:

"Don't worry. We are not official Beyonders and have no intention of clearing out all the witches in this city like they did. But as Audrey's friend, I must be responsible for her safety, which naturally includes understanding the intentions of those around her... You should have heard that after the disaster last year, Backlund has cleared out all members of the 'Witch Cult', right? Why did you leave Trier and come back here?"

At the same time, his left hand on his knee moved slightly. It seemed that he just changed the posture, but Angel, who had the "blessing", felt that the desire to talk in his heart suddenly became stronger, and he regarded the person in front of him as a suitable conversation partner.

"Of course I know this. In fact, this is the reason why I returned to Backlund. Only here can I avoid the 'Witch Cult' and stay away from their hunt for me."

She "honestly" told him her reasons, and her expression was a little sad, as if she was recalling her past life. "Manhunt? Did you betray the witch sect?"

Herwin asked with great interest.

"No, I just don't want to stay here any longer. They are hostile to witches of female origin and assign me all kinds of difficult tasks that are hard to complete. It's obvious that they want me to die in the missions... I hid my identity and fled Trier just to start over in this city where no one knows me..."

Angel replied in a low voice.

This was not completely fictitious, but a "third identity" she constructed by slightly modifying Laura's own experiences, and it was also the identity information she had arranged before returning to Backlund.

"Oh, they do like to do this. From a psychological point of view, it's called emotional transference. Maybe it has something to do with their own experiences."

Herwin said with a chuckle, obviously familiar with the behavior of the "Witch Cult", but he did not support it either.

He changed the subject and asked tentatively:
"You seem to be getting close to Dwayne Dantes recently," he glanced at Angel's left hand on his thigh, and said meaningfully, "What kind of person is he?"

How come everyone noticed my engagement ring? Is it because I was too ostentatious... Angel deliberately muttered to himself so that Hvin Rambis could hear him, and said:

"He is a typical Loen gentleman, humorous, witty, and polite. Although his age is not suitable for me, his wealth, experience, and physical condition can make up for it. Marrying him will be beneficial to both of our development in Backlund... In addition, he should be a Beyonder, but his sequence is not high. It may be the potion he took when he was adventuring in the southern continent in the early years. He did not elaborate, and I did not ask."

Angel carefully revealed some unimportant information, especially the fact that Klein was a Beyonder. This should have been discovered when he went to the southern continent to sell arms, and he couldn't hide it from Hvin Rambis. If he, as his fiancé, didn't even know this, it would arouse suspicion.

From the perspective of interests, it is also in line with the thinking of the "witches".

Hwin nodded slightly, as if he was satisfied with the answer in his mind. Then, he looked at Angel with his wise blue eyes and asked again:
"What about women? I mean women like Audrey. How do you feel about them? Compared to men, you prefer young women who are weak and can show a certain initiative."

His next sentence was a statement... Angel was stunned, feeling that this sentence was like a thought from deep within his heart, filling his mind, as if he had always thought so.

This is "psychological suggestion" and "implanting ideas"!
Angel, who was above his own mind, reacted immediately. Without giving it time to think, he could only manipulate his body to show the appropriate reaction.

She smiled slightly, a blush appeared on her face, and lowered her head and replied:

"Yes, I prefer them rather than following the worldly idea of ​​finding a suitable man to spend my life with."

"Haha, I'm glad to hear your true thoughts." Hvin Rambis put down his legs, leaned forward slightly, and said in a serious tone, "As Audrey's friend, every time she attends an academic salon here, you will ask her to bring you along. Unless you meet me, you won't have any memory of our conversations. You will only keep our conversations in your subconscious mind."

He paused and added:
"You are troubled by your engagement to Dwayne Dantes, and you will postpone your marriage for various reasons. On the contrary, you will have a stronger liking for women, especially those of noble status. This is due to your experience in Trier and your own inclinations."

As he stated it as if announcing a fact, Angel could feel that corresponding thoughts indeed emerged in her mind. If there was not another self looking down on everything, these thoughts would probably replace her original thinking to a certain extent and become her new "norms".

"Yes, Mr. Rambis."

She replied in a brisk tone.

"It's getting late, you should go back to the salon."

Hvin Rambis nodded with satisfaction, glanced at the clock, and reminded him.

Angel obediently stood up from the sofa, turned and walked towards the closed door, as if she had forgotten that there was an old man in the room whom she respected, and had also forgotten the conversation just now.

At the door, Audrey, who had just said goodbye to Hampres and came out of another room, happened to pass by. When she saw Angel, she smiled naturally.

The latter's deep purple eyes lit up, and he took the initiative to greet Audrey and hugged her in the face of her surprise. Unlike the usual polite kiss on the cheek, this action was particularly intimate, which made her happy but also a little confused.

In the living room, Rambis, who was watching everything with a smile, did not notice that Angel's eyes in his blind spot had turned cold.

(End of this chapter)

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