Mystery: Good Witch

Chapter 807 Hunter and Prey

Chapter 807 Hunter and Prey

Klein took a deep breath, his eyes slightly widened, and the images in his mind dissipated like fog.

He continued to stretch his limbs a few times, slowly turned around and left the balcony, asked his personal servant, "Winner" Enuni to draw the curtains, and then prayed to the "God of the Sea" facing the wall in the corner of the room, like a believer with a secret faith, and slowly walked into the bathroom.

All these actions were so natural, as if they were done every day, without showing any impatience or anxiety.

It wasn’t until he locked the bathroom door, walked four steps backward through the gray fog, arrived at the towering palace, and sat on the high-backed chair that belonged to the Fool that Klein breathed a sigh of relief and wiped the non-existent sweat from his forehead.

He conveniently summoned the "Scepter of Poseidon" from the pile of debris at the back, and with the help of Enuni's prayer, he brought the carriage that passed by his door and stopped at Senator Macht's house into his sight.

Hazel, who was not as beautiful as the witches and Miss Justice but was still a rare beautiful girl, got off the carriage, smiled, and walked briskly back home.

In the carriage behind her, the person lying on the cushion was not a gray mouse, but a young man with black hair and black eyes, black clothes and pants, and a black hat. He had a crystal monocle in his right eye and a smile on his face as he observed the Macht Mansion outside the window. It was none other than the "blasphemer" Amon whom Klein had met at the Elk Manor.

Amon's clone really found this street!
This did not surprise Klein. Rather, it seemed a bit slow for them to find this place today. It was so slow that Klein's original plan to lure Amon's clone with himself could not be implemented at all. In the end, he chose to use the "Parasite" gloves and Angel as bait, exposing her to danger.

Unexpectedly, when everyone was ready, he arrived at Boklund Street in another way... Klein stared at Amon, who was leisurely in the carriage, while thinking about his motive for coming here.

Too much information was revealed in his contact with Hazel's family and the "thief" demigod mouse. Those details that were thought to be insignificant now became clues for Amon's clones to track down the abnormality.

As for the leakage of this information, it must have originated from the gray mouse, from the "thief" demigod who was on the verge of madness that night and was overwhelmed by Klein's countless secret puppets.

And judging from Amon's current situation where he appears as a black-haired young man but is mistaken for a gray mouse by everyone, he undoubtedly stole the fate and identity of the demigod before his death, and even became Hazel's teacher and returned home with her.

Something worse than death would be that the person dies, his Beyonder characteristics are eaten away, and even his identity is transferred to someone else... Well, this seems to be what I did, except that Klein Moretti was really dead at the time...

I shouldn't have used Arrodes to scare the demigod, and threatened him with "a thief angel wandering nearby" to force him to leave here and go to the manor in the suburbs... Amon's clones will definitely be interested in the non-existent angel and start a carpet search on this street... Klein muttered, looking around, looking for other traces of Amons.

He didn't believe that only one clone of Amon came here.

But after a careful investigation, Klein frowned.

The coachman, the maid following Hazel, the other servants of the Macht family, even the passers-by on the street, the residents of other houses, even the horses pulling the carriage and the birds in the sky, were not parasitized and their "destiny was not stolen."

This is not right. According to Pales Zoroast, when you find an Amon, there may be thousands of Amons around... Because he knew that Angel rushed directly into the church of the Goddess of Night and knew that he was likely to be targeted by the church, so even if there were many suspicious points on Boklund Street, he only sent the bravest clone to investigate. If he died, he died, right?

Based on his own experience as a "trickster", Klein quickly came to this seemingly correct conclusion, but he did not trust his own judgment. Instead, he let the "world" appear at the other end of the long table, bowed his head and prayed, then divided the image into two parts and put in the crimson stars representing "Queen" Angel and "Star" Leonard.

"...Amon appeared at 39 Böklund Street, replacing the identity of the last 'thief' demigod, but there were no other clones around..."

The deep voice of "World" echoed in the palace and penetrated into the stars, but Klein no longer cared about it.

In the vision of this "sea god", Amon, who followed Hazel back home, had an unchanging smile on his face, his hands in his pockets, and his right eye with a monocle slightly narrowed.

Small translucent worms with twelve segments crawled out of his body, wriggling in all directions, and then disappeared.

This made Klein, who was above the gray fog, feel cold all over. He almost wanted to use his vision that had not yet dissipated to attract a powerful lightning bolt to kill Amon and his "Time Worm".

There was indeed only one avatar of this "blasphemer", but most of Amon's power in Backlund must have been concentrated in his body, so he could split into countless time worms to parasitize all the targets he saw!
This... I'm afraid I won't be able to wait until the "Wednesday or Thursday" scheduled by Will Auceptin. Is it that fate has gone wrong, or can Amon even deceive the "Snake of Fate"?

Without further hesitation, Klein quickly returned from the gray foggy space to his bathroom and then to his bedroom.

He didn't make any move. Raphael, the "Admiral of Hell" who was guarding the door, took a step, walked quickly downstairs, left from the back garden, and went into the nearest sewer. Enuni took over his job and waited outside the door, making the bedroom Klein's private space.

Then, this "weird wizard" began to organize his equipment, and took out the black gem-like Night Emblem that he had always carried with him, and held it in the palm of his hand.

He knew that once the "plague-like infection" was activated, Amon would be able to quickly obtain the information he needed from the servants and residents around him, and would know that "Dwayne Dantès" who lived at No. 160 was the biggest "anomaly" on this street!
This wouldn't take long, leaving Klein perhaps less than an hour.

It's not like he hadn't thought about leaving at this point, leaving behind everything that belonged to Dwayne Dantès. As long as he activated the "teleportation" and did a good job of counter-divination, using the faceless man's ability to change his identity, even if he returned to Backlund again, these Amons would never be able to discover his existence.

But the Macht family, other neighbors, and his servants would inevitably become Amon's targets. Anyway, all preparations were made, and Angel and Leonard were notified... He took a deep breath, made up his mind, squeezed the "crying hunger" in his hand, and touched his forehead with his ungloved hand, feeling his gradually rising body temperature.

At this moment, the contact between him and the "secret doll" Enuni outside the door was cut off.


"Amon appeared at 39 Böklund Street..."

A familiar voice came to his ears, and the figure of "World" Klein appeared in front of him. Angel immediately stopped what he was doing and listened carefully to the other party's words.

A moment later, the message conveyed by The Fool ended, and Angel walked out of the bedroom on the second floor of the ambush site, stopped at the window, and looked in the direction of Böklund Street in the distance.

A few hundred meters away, there is a clone of Amon hiding.

I didn't expect that after all the preparations I made here, Amon would appear on the street where Klein lived... Angel lamented that plans could not keep up with changes, but he immediately understood what was happening over there.

Unexpectedly, Amon's clone, which had been silent for a week, still found its way there. Did Klein ask Mr. Fool to convey the message to him to take action at his home and capture the Amon clone that appeared alone?
After thinking for a moment, Angel did not immediately enter the mirror world and go to Boklund Street. Instead, he first entered the spiritual vision, sensing the "seeds of disease" that he had already planted in the bodies of several targets, and slowly ignited them.

After completely digesting the "despair" potion, her "disease" was no longer limited to the infectious diseases spread directly around her. Instead, she could infect the target in advance through various means and detonate it when needed, just like the "Apostle of Desire" she had killed.

These non-fatal illnesses will serve as a connection between her and her teammates.

After finishing everything, Angel was ready to leave the house full of mirrors.

She did not go to the scene immediately because she was worried that the disturbance in the mirror world would attract the attention of Amon's clone. She had failed in this matter once before and would not make the same mistake again.

Therefore, this time, after Angel confirmed that Klein was still normal through "illness", he planned to take a carriage to Boklund Street and pretend that he was just a passerby.

This way, Amon shouldn't find me...

She thought, looking toward the window one last time.

A wild cat with yellow and white fur, which can be seen everywhere, was lying quietly at the window, staring at Angel with its vertical pupils narrowed.

Its right eye narrowed even more tightly, as if it was wearing an invisible monocle.

Angel's gaze froze instantly, and the mirror closest to her flashed a dim light, opening the passage to the mirror world. But after shaking her body, she did not immediately rush into the passage in the mirror, but stood there without moving.

Her thoughts were stolen again.

"Curious how we found you?"

The wild cat spoke in human language with a joking tone, just like Amon whom Angel met on the banks of the Tussock River late at night.

"There are lurking clones in every area of ​​the city. You should have only exposed the seal for a few seconds, but this was enough for them to confirm the approximate distance and direction. After that... it was just a simple calculation problem."

It was not the wild cat who took over the conversation, but another figure who pushed the door open.

He was wearing greasy work clothes and a black soft hat, like a worker who had mistakenly entered someone else's home. He had a broad forehead and sunken eye sockets, and was not wearing a crystal monocle.

"Oh, sorry, I forgot."

He smiled apologetically, fished out a monocle from his pocket, clipped it into his right eye socket, and bowed gracefully.

"Nice to meet you again, Miss Witch of the Kuroyaya family."

The worker Amon in front of him, the wild cat Amon beside him, and the Amons outside the doors and windows, whose voices seemed endless and even partially resonated, spoke in unison.

(End of this chapter)

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