Mystery: Good Witch

Chapter 815: The Talisman and the Witch

Chapter 815: The Talisman and the Witch

Carefully, he picked up a small insect with twelve transparent rings and placed it on the iron sheet soaked in his concentrated blood. He watched it slowly blend into the iron sheet, forming a vortex-shaped bulge on the iron sheet. Angel took a deep breath, picked up the carving knife, and carved the symbol of the power of "disaster" found in Bansy Port on it.

Since he had made this kind of spell many times in different sequences, Angel carved the complex pattern with ease. He used his spiritual power to draw out the dark red blood in the glass bottle drop by drop, filling the newly carved grooves, and waited for them to cool and solidify naturally.

This was almost identical to the "Disaster" spell she had originally made, as well as the upgraded version of "Disaster" she had created by concentrating the power in her blood under the guidance of Will Auceptin after advancing to Sequence 4. The biggest difference was that the substrate that carried these powers had undergone a fundamental change.

That is the "Time Worm" left by the incarnation of the "Time Angel" and "Blaster" Amon. It possesses the status of the King of Angels. Even if its extraordinary characteristics have been absorbed by Pallez Zoroast, leaving only a powerless worm body, it can still make my talisman undergo all kinds of strange changes... Angel pondered, using his spirituality instead of his fingers to turn over the talisman, allowing the dark red concentrated blood to fill the runes engraved on this side.

The power of the spell made with the "Time Worm" did not increase much. Angel guessed that the problem might be with herself. With her Sequence 4 ability, she could only mobilize a small part of the power of the "City of Disaster". The change in the base material would not increase it much.

But the new spell can make this power out of Angel's control. As long as the spirituality is strong enough to activate it, anyone can use the "Disaster", "Betrayal" and "Petrification" spells, just like the "Luck Stealer" made by Klein.

Watching the rune on the other side being filled and solidified by dark red liquid, Angel took the rune, which had turned dark red and had curled up insect shadows faintly visible on its surface, and placed it on the simple altar.

Afterwards, she entered a state of artificial sleepwalking through repeated self-suggestion, and then manipulated her body to bow her head and pray in the ancient Hermetic language:
"The queen feared by pirates, the master of the spirit ship, the nightmare of thousands of ships, the embodiment of pain and despair, the golden Angelica Thatch...

"I pray for your power, pray that you will bring the power of disaster upon this spell..."

As a Sequence 4, Angel does not have the ability to respond to this ritual, but if she limits herself to "praying to herself", the minimum limit for responding to the honorific name and granting power will be reduced from Sequence 3 to her current sequence. This is also the basis for the creation of the enhanced version of the "Disaster" spell.

As the "Secret Ceremony" took effect, she felt a part of her spirituality enter the talisman in front of her through prayer and "granting", causing the originally dark red iron sheet to float up on its own. The lines engraved on both sides were lit up one by one by the abundant power, filling the spiritual wall with a terrifying atmosphere of destruction and disaster.


With a slight sound, the talisman floating on the altar at the center of these forces seemed to be crushed by invisible hands and turned into fine dark red powder, floating in the air like dust.

But the change was fleeting, and they quickly reunited to form a translucent spell about half the size of a card, with rounded corners, elegant lines, and a purple appearance.

Through the candlelight next to it, you can see that inside it is a curled-up insect body with twelve segments connected head to tail, adding a touch of "abnormality" to its monotonous color.

The spirit returned to the body. Angel picked up the talisman that fell on the altar, removed the spiritual wall with satisfaction, and looked at the talisman that emitted the same color of light as her eyes in the sunlight outside the window.

On the table next to her, there were two other talismans of similar color but slightly different details. They were "Betrayal" and "Petrification", upgraded versions of the talisman based on the "Worm of Time".

Angel guessed that the "thief" ability represented by the "Time Worm", especially the "finding loophole" technique demonstrated by Amon, was the key to allowing these spells to be used by others.

This is essentially me stealing power from myself and integrating it into the spell, so that I can bypass the limitation that it can only be activated by me... Well, now I finally understand the pleasure of Amon's clone "stealing"... She muttered, stuffed the "Disaster" spell in her hand, the other two "Time Worms" along with the written letter into the envelope, and then summoned the headless messenger Renette Tinicole.

As the spirit throbbed, in Angel's spiritual vision, the spiritual creature with two heads in each hand, wearing a complicated black dress, and nothing above the neck, descended from the ceiling to the ground, and four pairs of scarlet eyes wandered back and forth on the table, the envelope, and Angel.

"Please deliver this letter to the controller of the Queen Anne's Revenge. You have been there before, so you should be able to locate her, right?"

Angel handed over the envelope and a pure Loen gold coin and said with a smile.

“Yes…” “I can sense it…” “It’s in the spirit world…” “The location…”

That's good... Angel muttered, stuffing the gold coins into one of Renette's mouths and the envelope into the other.

The content of the letter was very simple. Angel only mentioned that she had dealt with Amon's clones with the help of the power of the mark left by Anne, so she had a share of the "trophies". She also took the initiative to make one of the "Time Worms" into a finished talisman, making it easier for the other party to judge whether to do the same with the remaining two.

Of course, Angel believed that as an angel, Anne might have a more reasonable use for the "Time Worm", at least Bernadette Gustave should know a lot about it.

Finally, she tactfully mentioned the issue of charging the "Mark" in the letter.

Mutual help, this is mutual help... She soothed her little conscience and sent away Renette Tinicole, whose eyes kept lingering on other "Time Worms" and talismans, as if she wanted to say something.

Humph, she still owes me 10,000 gold coins. She probably doesn't dare to, no, she's too embarrassed to ask for anything else...

Muttering quietly, Angel gathered up the remaining materials and spells, left the study, and returned to his bedroom to catch up on some sleep, only to find that the housekeeper, Kayla, was already waiting at his bedroom door.

"Miss, Ms. Laura Swan has arrived. As you instructed before, I have arranged her in the reception room on the east side of the second floor." Seeing her employer coming, Kayla bowed slightly and said.

"Okay, I'll be there right away."

Angel nodded, went back to the bedroom to change into a dress suitable for meeting guests, and went to the living room to meet the "joy" witch who had not visited for a while.

This meeting was not initiated by Laura, but Angel took the initiative to invite her. After all, she was about to go to the Misty Sea to find the legendary "Fountain of Youth". As a former member of the Witch Cult and her mother was the "Immortal Witch", Laura must have some knowledge of this legend...

"The Fountain of Youth?" The witch, with her long black hair tied up behind her head, revealing her delicate skin and elegantly curved neck, blinked and asked in confusion, "Isn't that one of the legends on the sea? I heard that throughout the Fifth Epoch, people have been trying to find this fountain that can prolong life and restore youth, but only the 'Undying King' succeeded in doing so."

"That guy is a liar... I saw with my own eyes that an exploration ship ran aground on the east side of the Sonia Sea, and the adventurers who were looking for the Fountain of Youth were killed. The news that deceived them was spread by the 'Undying King' Agaritu."

Angel said rather regretfully as he took a sip of his refreshing unsweetened coffee.

She thought she could get some information from Laura, but the other party was either determined to conceal it or really didn't know, leaving her with no idea.

"However, the Fountain of Youth should really exist," Laura's blue eyes turned and she changed her tone, "After all, my mother used the spring water there to reach the Immortal Realm."

"It's deep in the Sea of ​​Misty Things, isn't it?"

Angel asked immediately.

"I don't know about that. It's been more than a thousand years since she was promoted. I wasn't even born yet." Laura replied with a chuckle, as if she was not discussing her mother's age, but some gossip.

It seems that the "immortal" witch can indeed live for thousands of years, and even retains the appearance of her youth. In this sense, the "fountain of youth" is truly worthy of its name... Angel muttered, and when he saw that he could not get any other information, he changed the subject:

"You still seem to be 'happy'. Have you not considered advancing to the next level? You know the potion formula, but are you having trouble completing the advancement ceremony?"

When I came to Backlund ten months ago, I was just a "witch", but Laura was already "Joy". Now I am preparing the ingredients for Sequence 3 potions, and Laura is still "Joy". This is too... She complained in her heart and looked at Laura. She found that she was not worried about the obstacles to her promotion. She still had that faint smile on her face.

"I have already digested the potion at this stage, and I can advance at any time," she said with a melancholy tone, which was somewhat different from her expression, "but I can only stay at Sequence 6 in this life, because this is the only requirement my mother asked me to leave the witch sect. Unlike Tress, haha, that is Tracy, she is a male witch with good talent, and is the focus of my mother's training."

Female witches are not allowed to be promoted? This is consistent with the Witch Cult's consistent purpose, but what is the specific reason... Angel frowned and thought, but Laura did not wait for her to digest the news and continued to speak:
"Regarding the military movements that Vincent and I have been secretly investigating, it seems that they have not had any major operations recently, and human trafficking has long been stopped. They should have entered a certain 'winding down' stage. This means that things like the smog may happen again. If you and the people behind you want to stop it, you'd better do it as soon as possible."

She was pointing at the Orthodox Church behind me... Angel was thoughtful.

Led by the Sword of the Goddess, the Red Gloves were searching for the ruins in the outskirts of Backlund that Ince Zangwill remembered, but apart from digging up many ancient tombs from the Fourth Epoch, they had not gained anything real.

But speaking of the military, another question came to Angel's mind.

"Did you know that there are female demigods in the military? The kind that hold real power, but aren't official Beyonders?"

She lowered her voice and asked mysteriously.

"According to Vincent's information, there are eight demigods in the military, including two from the MI9, but there are no women among them..."

Laura recalled for a moment and spoke carefully.

But her eyes lit up immediately, and she added as if she had thought of something:

"There is a female demigod who rarely appears in public. She is a member of the royal family. She served in the army in her early years but has been retired for a long time. She is no longer among the military demigods."

That's why they contacted me through the Veterans Club... Angel nodded as if to confirm, and asked:

"who is she?"

"Her name is Georgina Augustus. She is the female noble with the largest fiefdom in the Kingdom of Loen. She is usually called Duchess Georgina."

(End of this chapter)

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