Mystery: Good Witch

Chapter 818 Duchess Georgina

Chapter 818 Duchess Georgina
It feels like every demigod I've met in Backlund has recognized me as a witch, so why doesn't anyone suspect Miss Justice is a witch? If we don't consider her "charm" ability, her appearance is not much different from that of a high-ranking witch...

Angel muttered inwardly, sitting up slightly, his lips moving slightly, his eyes showing surprise and panic, and he was at a loss as to his identity being revealed. He kept looking at the windows, doors and other exits of the room, as if he was considering answering truthfully, covering up or just running away.

But what she was thinking about was the source of the other party's "intelligence".

After several contacts and private investigations in Trier, Sander from the Veterans Club should have known that I was a Beyonder, but he was not sure about my path and sequence... He might have judged that my sequence was not high, but it would be too arbitrary to directly conclude that I was a witch.

Herwin Rambis, the royal advisor and member of the jury of the "Psychological Alchemy Society", mistook me for the "Pleasure" witch because of my misleading information. He is the most likely source of the information. But if Georgina Augustus knows Rambis, she can easily let this "manipulator" meet with me and take whatever he wants under the power of suggestion. There is no need to arrange such a troublesome midnight meeting...

Or maybe she has her own information channel? This is nothing for a duke, not to mention that she has military connections, and it would be easy for MI9 to go to Trier and find the clues I left behind to verify my fake identity... Angel thought, and his expression changed again, from suspicion and struggle to calmness, as if he had given up the struggle.

Then, she asked back in a charming and gentle voice:
"How did you figure it out?"

At the same time, her sitting posture also changed slightly. She bent slightly, revealing a large area of ​​white on her neck and collarbone above the dress. Her arms were pressed against both sides of her body to increase her sense of security, highlighting the curve of her chest, exuding a seductive temperament that made it difficult to look away.

But all this did not exceed the limits of a "joy" witch, and at the same time left room for the other party to imagine becoming a "pain" witch.

For Extraordinary people of the same sequence, this level of charm might be something they could barely endure on the surface, like the man with the golden mask who brought her to the manor, with desire gradually rising in their hearts. However, for a demigod, it was just a slightly clumsy performance.

"Based on your performance after coming to Backlund, and Sander's evaluation of you... Of course, after meeting you, I confirmed my guess."

As expected, Georgina was unmoved. She just watched Angel's "performance" with interest with her blue eyes. After a moment, she chuckled and replied in a voice with a hint of oppression.

"Okay, stop what you're doing. I won't do anything to you."

The sense of majesty instantly filled the entire reception room. Angel pretended to resist for a moment, then immediately lowered his head.

If you plan to do anything to me, you will not be facing "Pleasure Witch Christine", but "Golden Queen Angelica"... But now I can confirm that she used the demigod ability of the "Arbitrator" path to confirm that I am a Beyonder, and with the help of Sander's evaluation and my appearance and performance, she deduced that I am roughly a witch at the level of "Pleasure"...

As a practitioner of order, this demigod “Arbitrator” saw that I was a Beyonder, but he obviously didn’t realize that I was in the same “position” as her. Anti-divination, the secret holy emblem, and the blessing of Mr. Fool’s angel should be in effect at the same time… Angel muttered silently, stopped “charming”, sat up straight again, took a deep breath, and showed a bright smile on his face again, but it did not have any special magic power. He nodded and said:

"I am indeed a 'joyful' witch, but I am not a member of the 'witch sect', and I will never do anything that is detrimental to the kingdom. In fact, if you know everything about my time in Trier, you should know that I escaped from there."

"Heh, this is why I'm here to see you. If you are indeed a member of the Witch Cult, the one who showed up at your door would not be a carriage, but a group of military Beyonders."

Georgina chuckled, and the sense of oppression in her eyes disappeared, revealing the softness and dignity of a mature woman. Against the backdrop of the black evening dress that fit her skin tightly, she even had a hint of charm.

It was hard to believe that this duchess was of the same generation as the king and was already over fifty years old. She should have been promoted to a demigod a long time ago, and because of the effects of potions and divinity, she had maintained her physical functions and appearance at the peak. Therefore, she retired twenty years ago and disappeared from the public eye. Otherwise, if she stood out now, she would be mistaken for her daughter...

Angel suddenly thought of the many nobles in the kingdom who seldom participated in social activities at a young age and even handed over their seats in the House of Lords to their younger generations. He suspected that some of them had become demigods like Georgina and had voluntarily faded out of the public eye.

As for what Georgina said, it also confirmed Angel's guess that she did not belong to the royal faction that cooperated with the "Witch Sect".

"So, Your Excellency the Duke, what exactly do you want me to do?" With thoughts running through his mind, Angel asked cautiously, showing the curiosity that one should have after barely confirming his personal safety.

And she didn't think that the Duchess called her here just to confirm the identity of the "witch".

Georgina did not answer immediately, but reached out to pour herself a cup of black tea. Her natural and skillful movements made Angel realize that this Duchess was not someone who lived a life of luxury and needed servants to do everything for her.

Amid the lingering aroma, she answered:

"First, it was me who arranged for Sandel to ask you to go to the Gargas Islands to sell arms. You are very efficient and effective, and Sandel praised you highly, which aroused my interest. Secondly, among the people who handle overseas affairs, you are the only woman. Of course, among Beyonders, gender is not the main factor that determines strength, but these two reasons combined made me decide to meet you once."

This reason was not very sufficient. Compared with the Duke's wealth of millions of pounds, a business of ten thousand pounds was not important. Even if it involved the rebellion of Feysac's overseas colonies and supporting local rebels and pirates, an agent like Sander would be enough... Angel pondered and waited for the other party's subsequent words.

"In addition, we also want to develop a deeper level of cooperation with you, which means that you will belong to the Loen military system, receive the military's protection, and receive preferential treatment in many matters... Of course, what you have to pay is your loyalty and the relationships that belong to you in Intis and Bayam."

Seeing her silence, Georgina Augustus added.

They... This means that this demigod represents not only himself, but also a faction of the royal family or the military. Could this be related to the "internal disagreement in the royal family" mentioned by Laura? In addition, the conditions she proposed seem very generous, but she directly points to the network behind me, that is, the smuggling network of the Solon family. Is it to connect with the former royal family of Intis, the Solon family, or does she have other ideas...

"Which part do you mean?"

Angel asked back carefully.

"Everything, including your connections in Trier, the channels owned by the Soren family, and... the 'Redhead'."

The Redhead!
Angel suddenly realized that in order to ensure safety, the other party must have tracked this not-so-big trade throughout the whole process. She was not surprised to know that the part at sea was completed by Elaine and the "Red-haired Girl", but this ship was only a small cargo ship that was built and launched just half a year ago, and its crew members were not famous. The only reason why it caught the Duchess's attention was probably the influence of a certain rumor at sea.

That is Angelica Thatch, the "Red-haired Girl" who belongs to one of the recently rising kings of the sea, the "Golden Queen", who owns a ghost battleship left over from the Fourth Epoch.

The purpose of Georgina Augustus and the royal family members and military forces behind her is actually to contact the "Golden Queen"?
It makes sense for a duchess to contact me for the sake of a ghost ship that may have angelic power and its temporary owner. Other things like the relationship with Trier and the channels of the Soran family are probably just excuses to cover up the truth... Angel immediately figured it out, and subconsciously compared his current appearance with the "Angelica Sage" on the wanted poster. He found that the changes in his hairstyle, hair color, and eye distance, as well as some actions and expressions that he deliberately changed in Backland for three months, made the two people who clearly had purple eyes look only four or five points alike. In addition, the portrait on the wanted poster itself was distorted, making it difficult for people to recognize them.

Of course, Georgina was probably targeting the Queen Anne's Revenge, and Angelica was just a byproduct. This ghost ship built by the Quaternary Trunsost Empire with the extraordinary characteristics of the "Balancer" as its core has attracted the attention of countless forces since it left the uninhabited desert island and appeared in front of the world. Nast, the "King of the Five Seas", wanted to use it to find and occupy the "Ghost Empire", the military and the church wanted to find it, conquer it, or at least reclaim the angel's characteristics. Now, Georgina and the royal family she represents seem to have also set their sights on it.

"I understand, Your Excellency the Duke," Angel answered first, calming the other party down, and then continued to ask, "It seems that I have no right to refuse, and this is indeed beneficial to my development in Backlund... So what should I do?"

In fact, she had expected this in her heart, but when she saw Georgina taking out paper and pen as if she was well prepared and writing something quickly on the coffee table between them, feeling the pressure that kept emerging from the tip of the pen and the golden light that burst out, she still felt absurd.

Half a year after signing the contracts with the "Balancer" and the "Queen Anne's Revenge", he had to sign a contract with mystical power with another demigod called the "Arbitrator" because of this ghost ship.

(End of this chapter)

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