Mystery: Good Witch

Chapter 821: Panic of Arrodes

Chapter 821: Panic of Arrodes


Seeing the name, Angel looked around suspiciously, his eyes flickering constantly, observing every corner through the various mirrors and glass in the building, looking for the shadow of the crystal monocle.

Fortunately, apart from Ribak who was wearing glasses and carefully calculating accounts in the butler's office, and the plain decorative glasses given by a noble lady and placed on the table in her study, Angel did not see anything that would remind her of bad memories.

"I think they're all gone."

With a sigh of relief, Angel solemnly answered Arrodes' question, then frowned and asked back:

"Why are you so concerned about the clone of the 'blasphemer'... He sneaked into the Steam Church and found you?"

She suddenly remembered that in Klein's retelling of the battle with Amon's clone, Amon, who took the initiative to come to the door and parasitized the "winner" Enuni, mentioned that he had tried to touch this magic mirror and asked Klein about his "specialness", which seemed to have caused a great psychological trauma to Arrodes.

As expected, as soon as Angel finished his words, the whole study was lit up with a dazzling silver-white light. A bolt of lightning appeared out of nowhere and landed on the desk, accurately hitting Angel's pair of plain glasses, shattering them into pieces. The mirror surface was charred, the metal was molten, and even a burning shallow pit appeared on the table.

"Wait, Arrodes, you can't hurt others!"

Angel hurriedly stopped the crazy magic mirror and put out the flames with cold air. He looked towards the housekeeper's office on the second floor and saw that Riback was still wearing glasses and staring at the account book. He did not turn into a ball of charcoal or fall to the ground and twitch. Only then did he feel relieved.

"I'm sorry, dear mistress. I thought I saw that abominable guy again..."

The silvery white electric light faded, and dim words gradually emerged on the full-length mirror. From these letters of varying sizes and twisted strokes, Angel could glimpse the heart of the poor magic mirror, which had post-traumatic stress disorder due to Amon and his glasses.

After further questioning, she confirmed that the Amon clone who met with Klein did not lie. He did sneak into the Steam Cathedral where Arrodes was kept and found this poor magic mirror that was not strictly protected because it was only a "Level 2" seal. He kept activating it, stealing its thoughts, deceiving the rules to ask questions repeatedly, or forcing thoughts that did not belong to it to it in an attempt to obtain Klein's secrets.

"So, did you say it?"

After calming down the poor mirror, Angel asked curiously.

"Absolutely not! No matter how much he tortures me, I won't tell anyone!"

Words composed of fist-sized letters appeared on the full-length mirror, almost filling up the entire mirror surface. However, a line of small words appeared in the remaining space below:
"But the Amons are experts in deception and decryption. I'm not sure if he got any clues from my perfunctory answer."

Just from your attitude of not giving up even at the cost of your life, Amon should be able to get a lot of useful information. Fortunately, these clues were intercepted and not obtained by their real bodies... Angel muttered. Seeing the words on the mirror constantly shaking, Arrodes seemed to be falling into that frenzy again, so he quickly changed the question:
"Do you know the specific information about the 'Fountain of Youth'? I mean the one that allows witches to advance to Sequence 3, not the fountain that grants immortality as rumored."

With a swish, all the information related to Amon disappeared from the mirror, and lines of regular-sized, neatly written Rune text gradually emerged:

"Dear mistress, the two 'Fountains of Youth' you mentioned are actually the same. They both point to an island deep in the Misty Sea, but I cannot see the specific location. It has anti-divination power derived from the witch's power. Unless my main body leaves the Steam Church and goes to the Misty Sea, there is no way to lock it."

As soon as Angel finished reading the message, bright red words covered them:
"So, mistress, please take me away! Take me away from Backlund, anywhere is fine! Or you can ask the great master to help me leave the Steam Church! That guy said he will come back!"

Exclamation marks filled the entire mirror, and the red halo added a touch of weirdness to the study in the afternoon.

It's over, it seems that Arrodes has gone crazy... Angel looked at these glaring red words in silence, and no longer trusted its previous answer. After all, in its current state, it is entirely possible that it deliberately concealed the secret of the "Fountain of Youth" in order to let Angel or Klein rescue it from the Steam Church.

"Arrodes, don't worry," Angel thought for a moment and said soothingly, "Backlund's Amon clones have been dealt with by us. Not a single one is left. This is information confirmed by... the Goddess."

She did not reveal the role played by Pales Zoroast in this, in order to avoid a possibility: Arrodes had been parasitized by Amon, and the one who was talking to her at this time was not the magic mirror itself, but a certain Amon.

Fortunately, Arrodes didn't notice it. Only one word and a big question mark appeared on the full-length mirror:


"Of course, but I don't recommend you to leave the Steam Church at this time, because Amon's clones may return to this city. Compared with the unknown outside world, the inside of the church is a safer place. And... you can try to show the dangers of a seal higher than '2' level, such as randomly shocking the mechanical heart that asks questions, showing hostility towards other seals, so that they can upgrade you to a '1' level seal, lock you deeper underground, and take strict custody measures.

"This is not only for internal use, but also for external use. Even if Amon gathers a demigod-level clone, he won't be able to easily contact you."

Angel smiled, showing both the "charm" of a witch and the eloquence of an instigator.

"You're right! Tonight, the Mechanical Heart deacon who often asks me questions will come again to ask questions. I will punish him severely!"

Arrodes seemed to have come to his senses. The words that appeared on the mirror showed joyful strokes, and the two exclamation marks were like silver-white lightning, which made Angel a little frightened. It couldn't be talking about the guy named Ikanser. I hope he has gained enough resistance to electricity after years of electric shocks... Angel muttered, and suddenly found that the mirror in front of him had returned to normal. Arrodes, who was temporarily staying on it, had left, and even forgot that Angel still owed it a question.

This magic mirror probably won't be able to communicate normally in the short term... I need to remind Klein that it would be best if he could comfort Arrodes as well, lest it suffer permanent trauma... Well, I need to ask him to put away all the glasses in the house in advance, especially the single-lens ones, to avoid unnecessary losses.

After putting away the glasses that were destroyed by Arrodes, Angel sighed softly, took one last look at his study, then went into the mirror world and left Backlund.


Due to the time difference and latitude, when Angel arrived at Bayam in the Rorsted Islands, the "City of Generosity" had already entered dusk. The golden sunlight enveloped the urban area, giving this strip-shaped city along the coastline an expensive color.

Oh, it goes well with the "Golden Queen"...

Angel chuckled, and did not immediately go to the "Redhead" which was docked at the port. Instead, he first went to the "Sea and Fire" bar on Pelican Street and entered the small room on the second floor belonging to "Lucky Nick".

Dominic, with short black hair, a shirt and vest, and his collar unbuttoned, was sitting on a bench, leisurely waiting for business to come. A girl with long brown hair and a floral dress was sitting in the corner, playing tarot divination by herself.

Neither of them noticed the figure reflected on the glass window behind them.

Hmm, is that Sonya? She was promoted to "clown" a few months ago, and she is still doing divination anytime and anywhere. It seems that the habit of "acting" is hard to change... I just don't know what to pay attention to when acting as a "clown".

Angel observed for a moment, walked out of the mirror world, and deliberately made some noise.

It was Sonya who turned around first. Her eyes lingered on Angel's undisguised face. She was shocked at the man's beauty at first, then she was stunned for a moment, a hint of fear in her eyes.

"It's on the wanted poster..."

"Hush, Sonya, don't be nervous. She's someone you know... Have you forgotten? You met her in Backlund. She saved your life. Although she was disguised at that time... and her appearance has changed a lot now."

Dominic also turned around and instantly recognized Angel, and quickly stopped the girl from exclaiming.

But his eyes lingered on Angel for a long time, until the latter snorted in dissatisfaction, then he came back to his senses, invited Angel to sit down, and used his eyes to instruct Sonya to lock the door, and said uncomfortably:
"I didn't expect that exactly one year after I first saw you, you've already become a demigod, own a ghost ship, and... well, a bounty of 45 pounds."

The bounty mentioned by Hugh Dilcha in the last "trial" has finally been made public. Now my "worth" is second only to Nast, the King of the Five Seas, and Bernadette, the mysterious queen, and I am ranked third among the pirate kings... Hearing this amount, Angel himself was a little tempted.

"You can try to earn this reward," she said calmly, causing Dominic to look away awkwardly, then glance back secretly, "What is the current situation in the Rorsted Archipelago?"

"The rebels seem to have a wise leader. They are acting more methodically than before. They are not attacking the heavily guarded Bayam, nor are they attacking civilians. Instead, they are destroying railways and roads, cutting submarine telegraph cables, and causing trouble for the local colonial forces..."

Dominic once again broke away from Angel's beauty, used the action of drinking coffee to conceal the changes in his emotions and body, and briefly introduced the local situation.

"Therefore, Bayam's garrison did not conduct an extreme sweep of the entire island as before, but instead focused on the pirates near the waterway leading to the northern continent, and fought naval battles with pirates who wanted to make a final profit. Recently, the freight rates for goods shipped to Loen have doubled."

This might be related to the fact that the "Poseidon" that the local resistance army originally believed in had become Mr. Fool... Angel nodded in understanding, and was quite satisfied with what Dominic said about the "increase in freight rates."

She took the opportunity to inquire about the prices of various local specialty fruits, spices, and fish, and found that these products, which were originally intended for the Northern Continent, were difficult to sell due to the increase in freight costs, and the prices had dropped a lot compared to before. So she used Dominic's channels to order some, and planned to have the "Redhead Girl" transport them to Pritz Harbor, and then use the Tussock River to go north to Backlund to add bricks and tiles to her canning factory.

But before that, she had to take this ship to the Misty Sea to look for the trace of the "Fountain of Youth".

"The Fountain of Youth?" Sonya, who had her brown hair tied up behind her head and was unconsciously flipping a few tarot cards between her fingers, asked curiously, "Isn't it east of the Sonia Sea? Recently, a group of adventurers set out to look for it."

"Those are all rumors spread by the Undead King, a trick to trick adventurers and pirates into going to that sea area to rob pirates. Don't be fooled."

Angel replied with a smile, reaching out his hand to grab the girl's soft hair, but the girl dodged it with a nimble move.

Angel's face froze.

A dark light flashed through the glass window behind Sonia, and a mirror double dressed exactly like Angel appeared and pressed down on the head of Sonia, who happened to be in front of her.

Feeling the warm and smooth touch on her palms, the "desperate" witch narrowed her eyes in satisfaction.

(End of this chapter)

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