Mystery: Good Witch

Chapter 823: Information from the Witch Cult's High Level Officials

Chapter 823: Information from the Witch Cult's High Level Officials

Angel's first feeling about the witch's words was not curiosity, but astonishment.

It was like someone delivering a pillow to her just as she dozed off, bringing back some not-so-nice memories.

For example, the various coincidences that happened in Tingen City, the "0-08" Alesuhod's pen, or the "fantasy angel" Adam that he met before he was promoted to demigod...

After pondering for a moment, she asked back with an unchanged expression:

"This is indeed the information I want to know, but where did you get this from? I don't believe that an ordinary member of the 'Witch Cult' can know such important information."

Contrary to her expectations, Tia showed a puzzled look on her face. She tilted her head slightly, her eyes reflecting a curious light in the candlelight in the room, and replied:

"This is not confidential information. My superiors occasionally mention this to me during conversations. I also got a lot of useful information when I took the initiative to chat with other witches... This may be related to my study in a church school. I am more enthusiastic about collecting these clues and information."

"A church school?"

Angel had a guess.

"Yes, I was born in Lenburg. I studied at the school of the 'God of Knowledge and Wisdom' Church when I was very young. Of course, my grades were not very good, so I left later... It was because of that experience that I did not agree with the sect's ideas after becoming an 'Assassin'. It was okay when I was a low-sequence, and my superiors allowed us to have a certain degree of autonomy, but after I was promoted to a 'Witch', they planned to arrange my future life...

"So, I found an opportunity to steal my blood back, left Feynaport, returned to Azshara, and sought refuge in the Church of Knowledge. Of course, I also became the target of the 'Witch Cult'..."

Tia finished saying all this in one breath, and turned her head towards William a little uneasily, as if secretly observing his expression.

But Angel verified his guess through Tia's answer.

As expected, the Church of the God of Knowledge and Wisdom played a special role in this matter. At least, they took the initiative to accept a defected member of the Witch Cult and sent her out of the northern continent to the sea where the Witch Cult was weaker. They even did not rule out some conspiracy theories, such as Tia joining the cult and becoming a Beyonder, which was all part of their plan...

Before this, I had only come into contact with a few extraordinary people from the Church of Knowledge or related to them, such as "Eye of Wisdom" Isengard Stanton, "Vice Admiral Iceberg" Edwina Edwards... Well, there was also "Strongest Hunter" Anderson Hood who was kicked out of the church school because of his poor academic performance. This shows that the Church of Knowledge is open to all kinds of people and will accept "talents" from all walks of life. It does not prove that they have any conspiracy...

Thinking of this, a hazy, dim light flashed in her right eye, making her purple pupil almost black. Using her eye as a mirror, she performed a simple magic mirror divination and confirmed that Tia was not lying.

Or, she didn't think she was lying.

Seeing Tia looking at him uneasily again, Angel chuckled and used a little "charm" to appease the little witch who escaped from the "Witch Sect", and then continued to ask:

"Aren't you worried that I'm also a member of the 'Witch Cult'? After all, 'Vice Admiral of Disease' Tracy is one of them, so it's not surprising to have a new pirate king... Is this related to the 'information' you know?"

Regardless of whether it was a conspiracy of the Church of Knowledge, she could make a preliminary judgment on the truth of the information through divination, so she did not dwell too much on the other party's identity, but went straight to the point.

"No, the information I got didn't include you... But the bishop who sent me away from Renburg said that if I couldn't get rid of the sect's pursuit after coming to Bayam, I could try to contact a few famous pirates, such as you, such as 'Vice Admiral Iceberg' or 'Admiral of the Star'. Therefore, I don't think you are related to the 'Witch Cult'."

Tia said, and then glanced at William beside her and added:

"Of course, this is not the reason why Carl and I met. In fact, when I was still an 'Assassin', I met him during a mission and learned that he was a crew member of the 'Golden Dream'. So this time I wanted to use him to contact 'Vice Admiral Iceberg', but I didn't expect that he had left the pirate admiral's command and became your boatswain."

Actually, it was Elaine’s boatswain… Angel did not correct this question, but continued to ask:

"What about the information you know?"

As if because Angel no longer asked about her origins, Tia let out a light breath, her body relaxed, and she tilted her head slightly, recalling and saying:
"The administrator of the Witch Cult in Feynaport Kingdom is called the Golden Witch. Although I don't know her name and rank, she must have reached the level of a demigod or above. This is because my superior, a Pleasure Witch, feels like seeing an evil spirit every time she mentions her code name...

"It is said that there are thirteen witches with similar color codes. They jointly manage the affairs of the sect in various places. Apart from being directly responsible to the leader, there is no superior-subordinate relationship among them..."


Angel interrupted Tia's narration and asked back. "Yes, she used the code name 'Gray'. Other than that, I didn't get any other information." Tia nodded in response, glanced at Angel, and continued:

"In addition, the 'Witch Cult' seems to be very interested in a place in Lunburg. The bishop who rescued me said that the witches have been sending Mid-Sequence Beyonders like me there, hoping to find something they are interested in... He said that the place is called the 'Exiled City' Morola..."

"Did he mention the 'man in the mirror' problem?"

Angel interrupted Tia again, which was not polite, but as the superior and the one asking the question, it was her right.

"The man in the mirror?"

Tia asked back with a confused look on her face. Angel also performed a magic mirror divination and found that the other party did not lie or conceal anything.

It seems that the "Mirror Man" infiltrated Lenburg and tried to find a certain important item that was different from the Witch Cult's goal? No, it is also possible that Tia did not get this important information, but she actually knew the nicknames of the Witch Cult's high-level officials. This was news that I didn't learn even after sneaking into the cult in Backlund. Even "Lady Despair" Panatia didn't reveal a single thing, so how could Tia get it in a casual chat?
Angel's mind was full of thoughts, and after a moment he signaled the witch in front of him to continue.

"…Finally, before I fled the sect, I stole my blood from my superiors and got an internal document that recorded the exact location of the legendary 'Fountain of Youth'. I heard that pirates and adventurers were interested in it, so I wrote it down and planned to use it as a condition in exchange for some promise to protect me."

Having said that, Tia looked at Angel cautiously, hinting at something.

Is this a negotiation? I can still get everything if I kill you and then communicate with you... Hmm, she is looking for Edwina, Cattleya or me, maybe because we have a relatively good reputation, and are notorious pirates like Admiral Hell and Admiral Blood who are bloodthirsty and ignore the rules?

Angel muttered and nodded:

"We will take you away from Bayam to prevent you from being found by the Mandated Punishers or the Witch Cult, but this voyage is limited to this time... After that, I can send you to Backlund. The Witch Cult members there have suffered heavy losses under the attack of the official Beyonders, so it is safer than Bayam."

"Can I...stay on your ship? I don't want to go back to the Northern Continent. They won't let me go."

"My ghost ship is not accepting new members for the time being."

“This one will do, too!”

Tia said a little anxiously.

Well, according to the divination results, Tia did not lie. Regardless of whether there was some "arrangement" involved, her escape from the Witch Cult was a fact, and I had already provoked them, so I don't have to worry about provoking them again... Angel thought for a moment, smiled, pointed to the sea chart on the table, and said:
"That depends on whether you can demonstrate the corresponding value."

After getting Angel's promise, Tia's body under the cloak visibly relaxed. She came to the table, picked up a pen, and did not immediately point out the location of the "Fountain of Youth". Instead, she used tools to draw a map with the help of several small islands in the Misty Sea and the coastlines of the north and south continents.

As expected of someone from the Church of the God of Knowledge and Wisdom... Angel muttered in his heart, watching Tia draw a few auxiliary lines pointing to a sea area on the east side of the Misty Sea, near the equator, and then drew a circle there.

"It's right here. The information says that this island is usually covered by storms and fog and cannot be found by any means. Even if you see the island with your naked eyes, you will miss it like a mirage. Only by using a special method that only witches understand can you enter the real island and find the 'Fountain of Youth'."

Tia said as she pointed out the specific location.

Angel's eyes stayed on the circled sea area, and compared it with the cross that Black Cat Vinsa had drawn on his expensive map hanging painting. He found that the two were in the same position, which confirmed the correctness of the information provided by Tia.

This distance, at the speed of the "Redhead Girl", would take about half a month one way, which can be considered a long journey.

Fortunately, she had originally planned to prepare the three-masted sailing ship for the location given by Vinsa. There was enough food, fresh water and wine, so she didn't have to worry about the long journey.

With this in mind, Angel looked out the porthole of the captain's room. He happened to hear Elaine's roar and the sound of the sailors shouting and pulling the sail ropes. The "red-haired girl" under him swayed slightly and broke free from the restraints of the dock. He wanted to leave Bayam in the night and set off directly to the Misty Sea before the "Manufactured Punisher" came to the door.

"Well, Miss 'Witch', welcome to the 'Redhead'."

She turned around, looked at the anxious Tia, and said with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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