Mystery: Good Witch

Chapter 826: Minor Arcana

Chapter 826: Minor Arcana

Noticing that the situation on the field had quietly changed, the other Tarot Club members sitting around the long bronze table began to evaluate the feasibility of the proposal put forward by the "Queen".

Leonard, the "Star", had just joined the party and was not prepared to express his opinion, but when he saw Angel and Klein speak one after another and quickly overwhelm the opposing "Hanged Man", he also made his own decision in his heart.

But this means that I have to develop my own power within the Goddess Church, under the noses of the Archbishop, the Senior Deacon and the "Red Gloves" team? Wouldn't this be a bit... He muttered, and suddenly his eyes lit up.

By the way, I can let the old man take a "Minor Arcana" card. Doesn't He always think that Mr. Fool is an old friend? This method may allow Him to get closer to his friends... But letting an angel become his "Minor Arcana" feels even crazier than developing power within the church...

Leonard's mind kept flashing with some unreliable thoughts. He secretly looked at the other members, especially Miss "Judgment", who joined the Tarot Club with him and was obviously younger than the average age of the others. He found that the latter seemed to have an empty mind and was not thinking about this question at all. He had some guesses in his heart.

She seemed very close to Miss Magician, so she must have been "absorbed" by her. I'm afraid she doesn't have many subordinates who can be developed...

Thinking about it this way, he felt that his situation was not that bad.

The "Moon" Emlyn beside him had similar thoughts. He also heard some hidden information from Mr. "World"'s words. Thinking about his future as the "savior" of the vampires, he also agreed with the "Queen's" suggestion.

If you want to become an earl, or even a duke, and solve the crisis of the vampires, how can you do it without your own helpers!
Although he hadn't decided who to recruit or how to expand the power under the "Moon", it was always right to stand on the side that would obviously win at the Tarot Club...

After making up his mind, he couldn't wait to speak:

"I also agree with Miss Queen's proposal."

As he spoke, he turned towards the Hanged Man, bowed without apology, and said:
"I'm sorry, but I think her proposal is very suitable for the situation we are facing now."

The Hanged Man Alger nodded silently without replying.

Opposite the two, "Justice" Audrey did not rush to express her opinion, but observed the developments on the field and came to a number of conclusions as a "spectator".

There is no doubt that Miss "Queen" had planned this long ago. It was not a sudden decision as she said because this discussion involved the possible war in the Kingdom of Loen... With Miss Christine Theresa's personality, she may have already started to develop subordinates. Now she is just trying to incorporate them into the formal "Minor Arcana" system... And Mr. "World"'s attitude of supporting the "Queen" is too obvious. He does not consider the possibility of being seen through by us... Well, judging by the way he acts, maybe he really doesn't care...

Audrey muttered to herself, recalling the several extraordinary people she had met. She was surprised to find that half of them had been pulled into the Tarot Club by her and became official members. As for the remaining half, Viscount Glint was the kind of person who valued life and enjoyment more than the extraordinary path. Not to mention becoming a "Minor Arcana", perhaps he was not even willing to take the risk of further promotion.

The only choice seemed to be Susie. I didn't expect that the only person I could develop was a dog... She thought with some sadness. When the meeting place fell into silence again, she found a clever opportunity to speak and expressed her opinion:

"I think that under the premise of ensuring safety and secrecy, we can develop our own team, and in certain joint operations, we can also share what we have and use our own 'small cards' to accomplish things that a single member and his forces cannot do."

In this way, including the "Stars" who have not yet expressed their views but will stand with the "Queen" and "World" based on their identities, the number of members supporting the proposal has reached half, and the "Hanged Man" who initially opposed it seems to have given up, and the situation on the field has become very clear.

After a moment, Hermit Cattleya, Magician Fors, and Judge Xio also expressed their support for the Queen. Although Sun did not think he could develop any power in Silver City, he always followed the crowd and did not raise any objections.

Everyone turned their eyes to Mr. Fool at the head of the long table, waiting for His final decision.

Without the support of this person, any proposal, even if passed unanimously, will be meaningless.

Mr. Fool’s wish is the whole meaning of our lives.

In the eerie silence, the Fool, whose body was shrouded in gray mist and only a hazy figure was visible, chuckled and said in a low voice:

“This should be the first ‘resolution’ that all members of the Tarot Club participated in. You did not seek my help or judgment, but discussed and solved the problem on your own. I am very pleased.

"Regarding the Queen's suggestion, since you have already made the decision, I will not interfere... But currently each person can only have three Minor Arcana cards. After passing the assessment and reporting to me, they will be allowed to recite my name and seek my help."

Klein made these additions mainly to prevent pirate generals like The Hermit from instantly raising an entire team and occupying almost all the small cards. The assessment and permission system can also exclude some small cards that may not meet the needs of the Tarot Club, or even those with ulterior motives, from knowing the existence of The Fool, thereby protecting themselves and the Tarot Club to the greatest extent.

The others immediately understood Mr. Fool’s meaning. They all stood up, bowed to Him, and answered in unison:

"According to your wishes."

"Well, let's stop here for today."

Klein replied with a smile on his face, watching the members with different thoughts disappear in the crimson light one by one, leaving only himself and the "world" sitting opposite him.

“So, which card should I give to Danitz… Oh, by the way, after Sharon completes the ritual and advances to Sequence 4, should I introduce her to the existence of The Fool? She and Maric have also collaborated with The Fool’s Follower, that is, myself, many times…” Rubbing his hands on The Fool’s seat, Klein materialized a complete deck of tarot cards and looked at them in deep thought.


The crimson in front of his eyes faded away, and Angel returned to the only single room on the "Redhead Girl".

Finally, her tense spirit relaxed. She removed the spiritual wall, put away the magic mirror that was arranged into a maze to prevent prying and intrusion, rested for a while in the slightly shaking cabin, used the various mirrors everywhere to sense the positions of other people, and then walked towards the lounge where the boatswain William was.

This burly "lucky guy" who for some reason always wore a black leather tricorn hat was drawing a nautical chart and recording the location of the sailboat in the logbook to avoid getting lost in the deep sea. Upon seeing his captain's boss coming, he hurriedly put down his pen and paper and greeted him somewhat stiffly.

"You don't have to be so polite. I will be staying on this ship for most of the next half month." Angel chuckled. His appearance and smile, not covered by the "hypocrisy" ring, stunned the burly man in front of him. "I found you to ask about the witch Tia who temporarily joined us."

Without waiting for the boatswain William to reply, she continued:

"Regarding your encounter with her last night and the attack by the Gnosis Society, do you think there was any deliberate guidance or arrangement?"

This sharp question instantly brought William back to his senses. He looked away, lowered his head and thought for a moment before answering:

"I don't think so. I was buying various medicines needed for going out to sea at a folk herbal medicine store near the Red Theater, and I happened to meet Tia who was buying fish scale powder. I didn't recognize her as a witch, but she recognized me and took the initiative to greet me. She also asked me if the 'Golden Dream' was in Bayam... At this time, a member of the 'Genius Society' attacked us."

William recounted in clear and orderly manner how they were lucky enough to avoid the first wave of attacks from the "magician" and attracted the attention of a team of "mandated punishers". When the two sides were engaged in a melee, relying on their familiarity with the city's terrain, they fled to the dock with Tia and eventually fell into Angel's mirror trap.

Angel interrupted the other party from time to time, asked for details, and confirmed through divination, and finally came to the same conclusion as William.

At least Tia herself didn't know what "arrangements" had been made for her.

This does not rule out the possibility of "0-08" or even Adam's behind-the-scenes arrangement. It is impossible for me to detect this level of interference with my divination, and I cannot even detect any abnormalities... Angel muttered, no longer bothering about Tia's origins, and instead asked the boatswain William to keep a close eye on the witch during this period of time, at least to prevent her from committing certain destructive acts on the ship.

As long as a Sequence 7 witch is determined, it is not difficult for her to kill a few key sailors, destroy the rudder or sails, and cause the entire "Redhead Girl" to be lost in the deep sea.

“Then I will have to pull you all into the mirror world one by one and send you back to Bayam.”

She gave William one last word of advice, left the boatswain's office, and went to the captain's room at the stern of the ship. She handed a "magic mirror" with a connection strengthened by blood to Elaine for safekeeping, to be used to locate the isolated ship on the sea.

Otherwise, once she left through the mirror world, it would be extremely difficult for her to return to this constantly moving sailboat.

It wasn't that she couldn't locate the mirrors on the ship that she had entered and exited and had mystical connections, but searching for these mirrors in the vast ocean would be like looking for a needle in a haystack, and the magic mirror that strengthened the connection through blood was like a lighthouse on the sea. Even if she was far away in Backlund, she could sense it at any time.

That's why she gave this important mirror to Elaine instead of just hanging it somewhere on the ship.

To Angel, the entire ship of "Redheads" is not as important as her "Queen of Wands".

After explaining everything, she turned into pieces of constantly dissipating mirror fragments in front of Elaine, left the real world in a very fantastic way, dived into the mirror, and flew to a place with a large number of locations that was extremely clear in the mirror world.

That was Backlund where Klein was.


At the same time, in the living room of 7 Pinster Street, the stiff body of "Star" Leonard Mitchell became soft again, and the gray fog and bronze long table that were in front of him a second ago turned into his own wooden coffee table and a cup of coffee that had long gone cold.

"Are you back from the meeting?" A slightly older, but more energetic voice immediately rang in his mind, "Any new news?"

After being silent for a few days and digesting the characteristics left by Amon's clone, this angel from the Fourth Epoch became more talkative and proactive, which made Leonard both relieved and worried. He always felt that something was about to change.

"They think the kingdom's upper echelons are planning a local war that could break out within half a year..."

After telling Pales Zoroast in his body the news that the Tarot Club had obtained, Leonard asked:

"Old man, have you ever considered... joining the organization founded by Mr. Fool and becoming a member of it?"

(End of this chapter)

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