Mystery: Good Witch

Chapter 829 The Origin of the Siren

Chapter 829 The Origin of the Siren

In the legends of the five seas, mermaids have another more mysterious name: siren.

When Angel had just left the Northern Continent and started traveling on the sea with Klein, he met a child who mistook him for a mermaid because of his beauty and mystery.

Now, looking at the real siren wrapped in layers of fishing nets, she couldn't help but sigh that it was understandable that Donna and Denton on the White Agate had mistaken them for her.

This... mermaid, which can only be called a "strip" for now, is tightly wrapped in a fine-mesh fishing net. It is naked, with a bulging chest, but the skin from the neck to the tail, which is half fish tail and half human leg, is covered with gradually thickening scales, which appear blue-green in the sunset, like a uniquely designed evening dress.

Compared with the tail with fish characteristics, the head of the siren is almost the same as that of a human, and it is a relatively beautiful young woman. The face has the youthful and lively aura of an underage girl, with eyes closed, light eyebrows tightly furrowed, and shiny golden long hair stuck to the scaly skin on the shoulders and back under the wetness of the sea water.

But under the sunlight and in the dry air, the seawater covering the mermaid's body is evaporating rapidly. Her forked tail is constantly transforming into human legs, and her scales are gradually disappearing under the skin. She is caught between "human" and "supernatural creature", making it difficult to tell which side she belongs to.

Just like the ones of her kind I saw in the ruins of the God War… Angel muttered, looking at the surrounding sailors again, waiting for an explanation.

Soon, through their chattering, Angel learned the whole story of how the Siren was captured.

At sea, many ships that do not have urgent missions will drop trawls while sailing to catch some passing fish, process them, and use them as a major source of fresh food.

After all, not every ship has the carrying capacity of a steamship to carry enough food for all the passengers and crew on board. Moreover, after staying at sea for a long time, everyone will always need some fresh meat instead of salted and dried meat.

Today, as usual, the sailors cast their nets and waited for the fish to automatically enter the nets. Soon, they found that one side of the trawl had become too heavy. This was not uncommon in their minds, as the trawls often caught some waste such as planks and wine barrels. Therefore, they did not care as long as it did not affect the normal voyage.

It was not until dusk, when the sailors unpacked the trawl and counted their catch, that they discovered there was a beautiful mermaid trapped in the net, not the marine garbage they had imagined.

"She even ate all the fish in the fishing net. We caught at least 20 kilograms of sea fish on the other side!" A sailor said indignantly, looking at the mermaid lying on the deck with some fear and curiosity. "We were discussing how to deal with her, and then you came."

"I heard that the meat of merfolk is very tender. Since she ate our catch, why don't we eat her?"

A young sailor suggested eagerly.

"Idiot, that's a murloc, and this is a siren, they are two completely different creatures... I've seen murlocs, they have fish heads and gills, they are pure monsters, completely different from her!"

another older sailor scolded.

"Indeed, I have tasted the cheek meat of a merman, which is a delicacy that can be eaten raw. But the one caught here is a mermaid, a legendary sea monster that can sing and communicate with humans..." Angel nodded in agreement and looked at Elaine who was thinking on the side. "Captain Elaine, you decide how to deal with her."

Although he gave the decision to the captain of the "Redhead", Angel believed that the smart "conspirator" could understand what he had just said and what he meant.

"William, take your men to prepare a large wooden barrel, fill it with sea water, and put the sleeping beauty in it first. When she wakes up, try to communicate with her and find out how the sirens that haunt the Sonia Sea came to the vicinity of the Zhongcheng Island thousands of miles away... Although there won't be much fish for dinner tonight, you can open an extra barrel of wine. Everyone can drink as much as they want except those on night shift."

Elaine looked around and gave a quick order.

The unexpected surprise made the sailors cheer, and except for a few unlucky ones on duty, everyone else quickly forgot the existence of the Siren.

Angel nodded with satisfaction and watched the mermaid in the net bag being put into the huge wooden barrel filled with sea water.

With the nourishment of moisture, the scales on her body quickly regained their gorgeous blue color. Her tail also changed a little, turning into a huge fish tail again. Her tightly furrowed brows relaxed, and her head covered with golden hair tilted on the edge of the barrel, and she fell asleep lazily.

Angel declined to join the sailors' dinner with extra alcohol. After the crew left, he took out a magic mirror, stood beside the barrel, and polished the mirror in the gradually dimming sunset.

She wanted to try to divine the origin of this mermaid.

When Klein sought the opportunity to be promoted to "Master of Secret Dolls" and asked Arrodes for clues about mermaids, this seal that could answer most questions and had a high divination ability once answered: There are no such creatures in places where human footprints can reach. In addition to a small number of mermaids raised by the Church of the Goddess of Night, there are only a few wild ones in the depths of the Sonia Sea.

Of course, the experiences of the two also confirmed this. It was not until they went deep into the ruins of the God War that they found some wild sirens in that mysterious sea area where reality and illusion overlapped and possessed various uncontrollable powers. They helped Klein complete the promotion ceremony.

But at this moment, far away at the other end of the Storm Sea, close to the Misty Sea on the west side, a lone mermaid actually appeared?
Filled with spirituality, Angel successfully asked the goddess as usual, and made the surface of the magic mirror in her hand appear a quiet black. Then, a silent scene appeared in front of her. It was a scene in a dimly lit prayer room, in a huge pool, with countless sirens sticking their heads out of the water, bowing their heads and praying devoutly.

It was a scene in the safe harbor of the island where the Sirens said goodbye to the bishop in his black clergy robes and swam towards the deep sea.

It was a picture of a mermaid with long platinum hair floating in the water, a relaxed demeanor and agile movements, following the tribe to hunt sea fish.

Then, the surface of the magic mirror returned to being smooth, reflecting the sky which was half dim yellow and half dark blue.

It seems that this siren is not wild, but from one of the groups raised by the church?

Angel looked at the beautiful mermaid still sleeping in the barrel in surprise and fell into deep thought.

"According to the information Arrodes once provided, the Church of the Goddess of Night has raised mermaids in the Tranquility Church in Winter County of Loen Kingdom, also known as the Holy Church, and the Sleeping Church on Dainos Island in the Sonia Sea. The first image predicted by the magic mirror is obviously the latter...

"In the second scene, the sirens bid farewell to the bishop and leave the island to enter the deep sea. Does this mean that the Dormition Church will release these sirens who have become believers of the goddess back into the sea and let them live freely... But according to Klein's speculation, the church should have been monitoring their mermaids to block the promotion process of the 'Master of Secret Puppetry' and control this path controlled by the Secret Order and Intis officials... The act of releasing the mermaids is contrary to this intention, but it is also possible that the church has other monitoring methods, and these mermaids are just bait in public...

"The last scene is a scene of them hunting in the sea... When we went to the ruins of the war between gods, Frank Lee of the Future said that most of the rumors on the sea were false. The sirens did not use their singing to seduce the crew members and feed on humans. Instead, they hunted fish to fill their stomachs. Most of the crew members died of drowning... This scene confirmed his words."

After analyzing the divination scene, Angel had a certain understanding of the origin of this mermaid, and even felt a little closer to her.

After all, she also believes in the Goddess of Night.

"But the most important question is not clear... The divination image proves that she has her own tribe, and sirens are social creatures and generally do not appear alone. However, she came to the sea thousands of kilometers away from Dainos Island... Could it be that she was captured, transported here, and then escaped from the human ship?"

Angel muttered to herself and decided to use another method to confirm her guess. She took out a semicircular silver piece covered with various symbols and logos from her pocket.

It was a "dream" spell, and its effect was similar to the "nightmare" ability to enter dreams.

She half leaned on the mast, activated the spell, actively allowed her spirit to embrace the power emanating from the spell, and then entered the dream of the sleeping siren.

The empty deck beside her, the setting sun looming in the distance and half of the sky burning red were surrounded by endless sea water. Angel seemed to be in the deep sea where she couldn't see her fingers, but she could sense everything around her. She understood that she had come to the beautiful dream that the mermaid was currently experiencing.

Looking around, she soon found the mermaid with long platinum-blond hair, who was floating in the endless sea. Big and small sea fish were swimming slowly beside her. She would grab one from time to time, open her pale pink lips, revealing her sharp, white and shiny teeth like wolf fangs, and gnaw on the raw fish roughly.

This... Was her dream about a feast of raw meat? How long had she been hungry? Or was she a greedy mermaid... Angel felt a little hungry after seeing this, and quickly controlled her dream, incorporating a trace of negative emotions, allowing the mermaid to enter the scene that impressed her the most.

This should be the moment when she separated from her tribe and came to the edge of the Misty Sea alone.

Sure enough, as the surrounding scene gradually dimmed and then became bright, Angel and the mermaid with long golden hair appeared beside a reef. There was endless sea all around them, and dark clouds were gathering rapidly above their heads. In a blink of an eye, heavy rain fell, and the waves surged, almost submerging the reef where the two were.

Angel knew that this was not the real scene at that time, but the manifestation of the Siren's panic in the dream. If he used this scene as a clue to find the real location, he would find nothing.

A moment later, several sirens with the same gorgeous faces, beautiful scales and huge fish tails floated to the surface of the sea. They shouted towards Angel with sharp tones, which did not sound like the beautiful singing voices Angel had ever heard.

As soon as the blonde mermaid jumped into the water and came to the side of her tribesmen, the sea water beneath them suddenly boiled, surging out crimson waves.

That was blood, blood so thick that it seemed impossible to dissolve!

Angel was half confused and half alert, but knowing it was just a dream, she did not make any move. She just watched the sirens writhing in the blood and communicating with each other in tones that she could not understand, which seemed to express some emotions.

It doesn't sound like a normal language, maybe it's the roar of some animals... But since they can understand the goddess' teachings, they should be able to use at least one human language... Angel frowned, and was about to carefully distinguish the conversation between the sirens, when he suddenly found that a slender and seemingly young siren was grabbed by a huge force, and was instantly dragged from the surface of the sea into the sea and disappeared.

The other sirens fled in all directions like frightened quails. Among them, the one with bright red hair, mature and sexy face was swimming towards Angel, but was dragged into the sea by the same force, and the struggling sea water almost splashed on her face.

This time she saw clearly that the one who caught the mermaid was another mermaid lurking in the sea!
(End of this chapter)

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