Mystery: Good Witch

Chapter 835 Entering the Mirror

Chapter 835 Entering the Mirror
After surfacing again, Angel tried to find the trace of the island at the angle where he entered the water just now, but except for Ariel who was approaching cautiously and the "Red-haired Girl" who was moving slowly under the control of Elaine, there was still only lingering thick fog and the sea as calm as a mirror.

Calm... like a mirror?
Angel caught a glimpse of inspiration. She first dived below the sea surface to eliminate any wrong options, and used her naked eyes protected by the extra sclera to observe the surrounding sea water. As expected, she saw that even the fish and corals did not exist, only a dead ocean.

Then, she returned to the sea, and her figure flashed and appeared next to a glass window at the back of the deck.

This is not a "mirror substitute" but a deeper level of skill in utilizing the "world in the mirror".

In just the short distance of 20 meters from the sea to the deck, Angel had already discovered something abnormal in the entire sea area:
Below the sea surface, there is no space for any "mirror world".

This was the key point that she had completely missed when she used the magic mirror to observe the situation inside the fog yesterday.

No wonder Wensa said that time, place and skills are all essential... If the witch looking for the "Fountain of Youth" was too cautious and did not enter this sea area at all, but only explored from the outside, she would not be able to discover the abnormality of this sea area anyway...

Angel thought about it, and his eyes gradually lit up.

She already knew the crux of the matter:

The island where the "Fountain of Youth" is located is hidden in a special "mirror world", and this space can only be entered by special methods, rather than freely entering and exiting like the "Despair" witches who travel freely through ordinary mirror passages.

After realizing this, the only thing Angel has to do is to find the key to enter the "special mirror world".

During the trip to Trier in June, she had seen how to use a specific silver mirror to enter a special mirror world, so she was naturally familiar with it. However, there was no silver mirror as a key here, and the information provided by Wensa and Tia did not mention this at all. Instead, they talked about "witch's skills" and "ways that only witches know" and other key points...

If they meant the "world in the mirror", this is indeed a skill that only demigod witches know, but there is no mirror that can be entered below the sea surface... Could it be that the real "mirror" is this windless sea area?
"Elaine, stop blowing the wind!"

Angel shouted, causing the red-haired girl who was standing by the rudder, stirring the sky with a slightly excited look and creating a strong wind, to stop with some regret.

The man-made wind and waves around gradually subsided, and the three-masted sailing ship gradually stopped gliding under the resistance of the sea water, floating quietly on the mirror-like sea surface. The surrounding fog once again shrouded the deck, and the depressed emotions were transmitted among the sailors.

The same depressed and dull mood also appeared in Angel's heart. She looked at the calm sea around her and found that although there was no wind here and no marine life to disturb the sea water, tiny waves still rose from everywhere from time to time, and irregular water ripples continued to generate, merge and disappear. In her "sensing" of the mirror, it seemed that every single area of ​​this sea could serve as a "mirror", but they could not be connected into one piece, and people could not pass through.

And I suspect that even if I could capture a mirror that was large enough for me to pass through alone, I would only enter an ordinary mirror world above the sea, not the special mirror world that hides the "Fountain of Youth"... Angel pondered, and Wenza's slightly playful and sarcastic reminder reappeared in his mind.

Time, place, and the witch's skills are all essential... I am now in the foggy sea, and I have confirmed that I need to use the "mirror world" skills. The only thing left is time?

"Elaine, what time is it?"

She looked at Elaine, who had stopped controlling the strong wind and was boredly picking up the huge ruby ​​in the "Rose Necklace" and observing it from various angles, and asked.

The latter took out his pocket watch and glanced at it, then replied, “It’s already afternoon in Bayam, but it should be noon here.”

Is noon... a special time? Or, like some legend, will this mirror world "open" at midnight?
Angel was thinking when the ruby ​​in Elaine's hand emitted a dazzling light, causing her to look at it.

That was the dazzling light reflected from the gem by the suddenly strong sunlight.

She looked up at the sky with an understanding, and found that the dark clouds that had been covering the fog had dissipated at some point. The midday sun shone on the sea, and even the fog dispersed a little.



Various thoughts jumped in Angel's mind, and quickly formed a strange idea. She came to the side of the ship and looked down, and found that with the strong sunlight, the reflection of the "Redhead Girl" in the sea water became clearer, and the fog around it gradually dissipated. Not far from the reflection of the ship, a huge but hazy shadow appeared, like some kind of mirage.

That is the island in the mirror world.

It turns out that the "time" that Wensa was referring to is the moment when the clouds dissipate and the sun shines!

Angel suppressed her excitement and immediately tried to enter this special mirror world, but the sea water around her was still calm, but not completely calm. The tiny waves and ripples made it impossible for them to serve as a real mirror and open the door to another world.

Unless... the water surface stops completely and the sea water freezes completely!

"Ariel, come up!"

Angel shouted loudly, and before the mermaid below who was still soaking in the water could react, several invisible spider silks extended out and tied her up tightly. She scooped up the "lazy fish" like catching a sea fish and threw it into her exclusive wooden barrel of sea water. Water splashed on the deck, and several sailors who were close were splashed by the sea water from Ariel's fish tail.

All of a sudden, they felt a biting cold, as if they had come from the sunny summer into the freezing winter.

Extremely cold air continued to pour out from Angel's body, bypassing the sailors on the deck and spreading to the surrounding seawater. The humid sea mist immediately condensed into water droplets, which turned into snowflakes before falling into the sea, slowly falling on the frozen sea surface. Under the full control of the witch "Despair", thick frost formed on the sea surface hundreds of meters around the "Redhead" in less than a minute. The thick fog in the air precipitated into white snowflakes, and quickly merged with the ice surface to form a crystal clear ice layer, presenting a dreamlike scene under the sun, making all the sailors ignore the coldness on their bodies and cling to the side of the ship to marvel.

Snow in July was a scene they had never seen at sea. Such a legend only existed in the polar sea far south of the southern continent.

But Angel had no time to appreciate such a beautiful scenery. All her energy was focused on smoothing the temporary ice surface. Snowflakes formed by the humid sea fog kept falling on the ice around the ship, filling the uneven surface of the ice until it could reflect the scorching sun above, the ships on the sea, and the reflection of the "island" that appeared again at some point.

At the moment when all real and illusory scenes appeared on the ice surface at the same time, Angel sensed this new "mirror".

Without hesitation, she used it as the entrance to the "mirror world" and activated this "key" that only a witch could create.

The crystal clear ice surface immediately turned dark and gloomy, with layers of space emerging inside, as if leading to some unknown world.

The "Red-haired Girl" that was originally fixed in the middle of the ice also broke free and slowly sank below the sea surface, first the hull, then the deck, and finally the mast and the bright sails.

At the moment the top of the mast "entered" the ice, all the sailors felt dizzy and lost the direction of gravity, as if they were floating in the air and in free fall.


The first one to scream was the frightened mermaid Ariel. Her sharp voice pierced everyone's eardrums, making people feel violent and want to pick up the weapons beside them to smash and chop all objects!
Angel was not affected by the noise. She looked up and watched the mirror made of ice moving away until it became an invisible dot, and the "Red-haired Girl" kept falling, as if falling into an endless abyss. The surroundings were similar to other "mirror worlds", but there was no "passage" for people to pass through, only illusory gray mist.

The next second, the darkness retreated and the light returned.

The feeling of falling felt by everyone disappeared in an instant, and the "Redhead Girl" appeared in the sparkling sea. The sun was still unobstructed overhead, and the thick fog around it retreated to several miles away, surrounding the sea area like a towering wall of fog, forming an "eye of the storm" of the same size as the sea area shrouded in fog before.

"It's as calm as the eye of a typhoon..."

Elaine murmured, looking around the deck and suddenly froze.

In front of her, a huge island was within reach.


"So, Miss Angelica went to look for the Fountain of Youth and is not in Backlund?"

In a cafe in the Cherwood area adjacent to the East District, Sherman, who was slightly disguised to hide her face, and Triss, who was wearing a wide-brimmed hat and a black veil to cover her face, were enjoying coffee and exquisite snacks as afternoon tea for the two ladies.

Holding a cat tongue biscuit in her mouth, Sherman asked in a low voice, with her head slightly tilted to one side, looking innocent and cute.

“Of course. Maybe when you see her next time, she will already be Sequence 3,” Triss chuckled and replied mysteriously, “Also, I taught you these moves to use on Viscount Stratford. Don’t act innocent in front of me.”

She flicked a piece of cookie crumbs with her fingertips and hit Sherman's forehead accurately, causing the latter to put away his fake smile.

Then, the smile shifted to her own face.

Sequence 3... I just digested the Sequence 7 potion, and the gap between me and her is even greater than the gap between an ordinary person and me... Sherman's eyes flickered, and he suddenly asked:
"That 'Red Glove' should have seen my face yesterday. If the church issues a warrant, will it affect our plan to deal with Stratford?"

"Of course I would. That's why I told you to be more cautious. It seems like you didn't listen at all... If I hadn't been nearby at the time, you would have been captured and taken to that Chanis Gate, living with the Sealed Object." Triss picked up a croissant, frowned, sniffed it, and put it back on the plate. She said helplessly, "Fortunately, your Miss Angelica should know that guy, so I wrote a letter to tell her about this and let her deal with it."

"Miss Angelica knows the 'Red Glove'?"

Sherman asked back with his eyes wide open.

The disheveled, messy-haired man in the windbreaker and his bohemian smile seemed to reappear in front of her eyes.

Would the "Golden Queen" know such a person?

"Yes, I met him once in Tingen City a year ago. At that time, he didn't wear the red gloves yet. He was just an ordinary night watcher, as reckless as you, and even more stupid... At that time, your Miss Angelica was also a night watcher, not even a 'witch'..."

Triss muttered, her eyes unfocused and lost in memories.

"At that time, at that time..." Her tone suddenly changed, as if she had thought of something bad, "I stabbed her man... I don't know if she will hate me..."

As she spoke, she looked at Sherman, and Sherman looked at her, and they looked at each other.

(End of this chapter)

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