Mystery: Good Witch

Chapter 85 The Missing Corpse

Chapter 85 The Missing Corpse

"You have a very close cooperation with the Enmat Port police?"

The injured right hand was already wrapped with a bandage. Angel couldn't help but asked as he looked at the traces of blood gradually oozing from the white gauze.

The doctor who helped her treat the wound just now was a doctor brought by the police. The doctor strictly followed the principle of "don't look at what shouldn't be seen, and don't ask what shouldn't be asked", and left in a hurry after treating the wound carefully.

More than a dozen other policemen also left the warehouse before, and went to clean up the mess under the command of Andrew, who contacted the police force.

They skillfully cleaned up the scene, and took the warehouse guards, who were sent to sleep by the "Nightmare" and awakened by the intruding police, with their hands behind their backs, and took them away from the scene. More than 20 ragged, yellow and emaciated prospective slaves were also rescued from the ground.

They were locked in the warehouse for a long time, and they had already lost hope of escaping from birth. Now they can see the sun, blown by the sea breeze at night, and some of them even cried out in public.

Looking at the "results" of his hard work, Angel felt that the wound on his hand didn't hurt so much anymore.

"As you can see, we are extremely short of manpower, and there are too many floating population and unruly Beyonders in Enmat Port. This kind of slightly larger operation requires the support of nighthawks from multiple cities. If you don't Working closely with the local police, almost nothing can be done."

"It's not just us, the 'Mechanical Heart' is also the same. Of course, the Church of the Storm is more powerful in Enmat Port. They have more people than us, and they even have spare time to send them to the sea."

Clement was affected by the side effect of "Gaze of the Goddess" at this time, and his face looked tired, but he still sat on the edge of the steps of the police carriage and looked at the busy policemen.

Hearing Angel's question, he turned his head to explain.

The Church of Storms believes in the "Lord of Storms", and their influence in coastal cities is even stronger...

Angel recalled the knowledge of occultism and nodded to express his understanding.

"After they clean up the scene, we still need to go back and retrieve the Extraordinary items left by the two Extraordinary, especially the Sequence 6 'Rose Bishop', Mr. C. He belongs to the Extraordinary of the Middle Sequence, and he is still more dangerous. In this way, once the leftover items are touched by ordinary people, it will easily lead to secondary disasters, and Tomac’s magical items must be recovered and returned to the "Mechanical Heart" people..."

Clement yawned, and his tiredness became more and more obvious, which also showed that his injury was not as light as it seemed before taking the "Gaze of the Goddess", and he might need to receive ritual magic treatment as soon as possible when he returned.

Angel suddenly remembered that he still had Thomas's pocket watch and was about to hand it to Clement when he caught sight of Andrew walking over in a hurry.

At this time, he had changed into the police inspector's costume and was wearing a police cap. He was much more mature than the disguise he had seen before, but the panic on his face destroyed Angel's new impression of him.

"Captain, something is wrong..."

In the middle of speaking, Andrew realized that there were still policemen around, and immediately lowered his voice.

"The former member of the 'Mechanical Heart' you mentioned, his body is gone!"


Back in the warehouse cellar, the faint smell of blood reappeared in Angel's nose.

Due to the presence of crosses and upside-down male statues erected by the "Aurora Society" on the wall, this cellar prohibits ordinary police from entering. At this time, except for Angel, Clement and Andrew by the door, the cellar with the collapsed ceiling in the center There are no other living beings inside.

Thomas's happy corpse, which was lying not far from the door, had disappeared without a trace, leaving only a pool of blood much larger than before.

Frowning and approaching the pool of blood, Clement squatted down, stretched out his hand and wiped a few places, and then carefully examined his fingertips.

"There is some fresh blood, but there is a clot in the middle, which flows out of the body after death..."

Angel was also at a loss. She could confirm that Tomacs, who had been pierced through the heart twice in a row and had a meal of "thirsty blood", could not have survived, but apart from the resurrection of the corpse and leaving on his own, there was no way to explain the situation in front of him. everything.

Could it be that another person stole his body while the Nighthawks left and before the police entered the warehouse?

and many more……

Angel suddenly woke up, and she ran towards the rubble pile in the center of the cellar.

Clement also noticed something, stood up, and followed behind her.

"Andrew, come and help, move these pieces of rubble away!"

He came to the charred pieces of meat left by Mr. "Rose Bishop" Mr. C. These "cokes" were still obediently lying in place. The team came to help.

Relying on the identity of the wounded, Angel was also supervising the work like Clement. After Andrew moved a few pieces of gravel away, she came forward and looked for Mr. C's body with the help of dark vision.


Under the stone, there were only red and black blood stains smeared on the ground.

About two-thirds of "Mr. C" is gone.

"Hmph, 'Rose Bishop'..."

Different from the confident cold snort in the battle, Clement's expression was extremely unkind at this time.

"This guy was blown into a piece of meat, and he was still alive after being completely burned. His vitality is really tenacious. I guess he waited for the battle to end and after we left, he secretly swallowed Tomac's body that had just died, and recovered some of his physical strength. left through the exit left by the collapsed ceiling."

For a Sequence 6, even if the front door of the warehouse is blocked by the police, he still has various ways to get out of here...

Angel looked at the gap in the ceiling and the rows of open ventilation windows above the warehouse, and guessed the escape route of this Mr. C.

"What about divination? Can you use divination to find him like the way 'Mechanical Heart' captured Tomac?"

Angel thought that the "Mechanical Heart" had used some kind of sealed item to find Tomac's hiding place before, although in the end it was in vain.

"It's very difficult. The flesh and blood magic of 'Bishop Rose' can change its appearance, even hide in other people's bodies, avoid most of the search methods, and then break out of the body at the right time. When they use these methods to hide themselves , Even if you do divination, you will get some plausible answers."

It is really a bloody and terrifying extraordinary ability. It seems that this path is mainly some skills that use flesh and blood...

Angel looked at the bloodstains and human tissues all over the floor in the cellar, recalled Mr. C's self-mutilation fighting style, and somewhat understood why the "Aurora Society" was classified as a cult organization.

"Furthermore, divination for the believers of this secret organization is very risky. Just now Rupert just glanced at the statue they sacrificed with his spirit vision, and almost lost control. Divination requires closer contact with the target through the spirit world, and the danger is far greater. here."

Clement sighed, and seemed to give up the idea of ​​continuing to track Mr. C.

"We can only report this matter to the Holy Church and ask them to send 'Red Gloves' to track them down. These people are old opponents of the 'Aurora Order' and are familiar with their hiding methods."

Angel also felt rather sorry that such a Extraordinary who sacrificed to evil gods and was proficient in flesh and blood magic escaped from birth, and he didn't know how many tragedies would be caused to hurt innocent people.

But at that time, Tomacs was secretly attacking, and then the cellar was blown up, which made her too tired to deal with it, and she had no time to check Mr. C's status. She did not expect that the "Rose Bishop" with tenacious vitality escaped like this.

"What about Thomas? Is he missing or dead?"

Andrew also asked from the side. He excitedly came down to inspect the team's battle results, but he didn't expect that the bodies of the two Extraordinary disappeared, which made him very disappointed.

"We can only report the disappearance to the 'Mechanical Heart'. We have no evidence of killing him. It doesn't make sense to report him as dead. Mr. C should have taken that magical item..."

Angel felt short of breath.

She touched her pocket subconsciously. In the bullet box, the pocket watch seemed to become hot.

(End of this chapter)

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