Mystery: Good Witch

Chapter 850 What conditions should I agree to?

Chapter 850 What conditions should I agree to?

Throwing down the documents in his hand, Leonard Mitchell raised his feet and placed them indecently on the coffee table. He leaned back and buried himself in the sofa, closing his eyes helplessly.

After losing track of the "witch" four days ago, he has not been able to find any trace of her again. Even the "2" level seal he applied for divination was useless, demonstrating the other party's sophisticated anti-divination measures.

Should I go to the Steam Church to borrow the magic mirror that can make people unable to raise their heads for the rest of their lives... He muttered, recalling the red face of "God's Singer" Ace Snake who was speechless in front of the three major churches, and decisively gave up this idea.

"Old man, what do you think about this?"

He asked in a low voice.

"I told you, the one who rescued her that day was also a witch. Although her sequence is not high, she has a dangerous aura. I suggest you hand the case over to someone else and don't get any deeper into it."

The old voice in his head replied.

"Even you feel it's dangerous..."

Leonard sighed again and decided to listen to the old man this time.

Moreover, according to the thinking of some people within the church, this serial killer actually killed "guilty people". Even if the Night Watchmen caught them, they would be sent to the police station for processing. This relentless attitude was largely due to Leonard's own persistence.

"Maybe I should really just let it go?"

He pondered and looked at the documents on the table unwillingly. He stood up and paced around the living room for a few times. Seeing that the wall clock pointed to three o'clock in the afternoon, he sat back on the sofa and gently closed his eyes.

The next moment, his eyelids seemed to be pierced by a crimson light, completely submerging him, while his spirit body continued to rise and came to the somewhat familiar palace with twenty-two high-backed chairs.


"Good afternoon, Mr. Fool, and everyone."

Following Audrey's energetic greeting, everyone in the Tarot Club stood up and saluted The Fool at the head of the long table, beginning today's meeting.

To the surprise of Klein the Fool, Emlyn the Moon actually submitted two pages of Russell's diary this week, which was different from his usual lazy style.

You know, even the "hermit" Cattleya who had the "mysterious queen" behind her hadn't submitted a new diary for a while. As for the "queen" who had been with him almost all the time, he had never expected her to...

With anticipation in his heart, Klein looked at the parchment in front of him.

These diaries were probably copied several times, so that the order was a little messed up. He had read almost all of the first page, and the only new content was the emperor's feelings about the customs of Intis and his dissatisfaction with the hygiene when he first arrived.

No wonder he devoted his life to improving the sanitary environment of this society. Now we have flush toilets and modern sewers in major cities, all thanks to this pioneer... Klein muttered and looked at the second page. His eyes suddenly froze as he scanned the evaluation of those noble ladies two hundred years ago.

He saw some important keywords.

“February 15th is the day I traveled through time again. Every time this day comes, I will secretly celebrate for myself. At first, it was because I had lived through another year in this chaotic and strange world, but later, it was just for commemoration.

"Most of the mausoleum has been built. They have mobilized craftsmen and started construction on a large scale under various pretexts to conceal their tracks. Of course, the gods should know about this, and they have acquiesced to it, perhaps because they think that a newly born god will become their 'comrade-in-arms'... Of course, even if it is to stabilize my own anchor, I must stand with them, but I always have to consider my own way out.

"Nine mausoleums? This number sounds like a lot, but it would be meaningless if they were all exposed. That's why I built one of them in a secret place... My early actions were not a secret, and it would be easy for someone with ulterior motives to find the location of the last mausoleum. So, I will build another secret mausoleum, which is beyond the requirements of the ceremony and beyond anyone's imagination!

"Of course, this does not violate the requirements of the ritual. In fact, if adding more mausoleums was useful, the previous 'Black Emperor' would have done it long ago. But who stipulated that one of the ten mausoleums cannot be a fake?"

The diary ended here, but Klein fell into a long period of contemplation.

He naturally knew what the "mausoleum" mentioned by Russell was: in his later years, this traverser who jumped from "Generalist" Sequence 2 to "Secret Voyeur" Sequence 1 was unable to collect other characteristics and "uniqueness", so he could only turn his attention to the pinnacle of the "Lawyer" path, the "Black Emperor", and the nine mausoleums were a necessary condition for the promotion ceremony.

But from the content of this diary, it can be seen that although the Seven Gods acquiesced to his deification and even expected it, Roselle obviously did not trust them. After hiding a mausoleum in a "secret place", he tried to build another mausoleum to confuse people or gods who might take action against him and prevent him from becoming a god.

Judging from the results, Roselle's suspicion was actually very correct. During the deification ceremony, he was assassinated by the Sauron family, other former royal families, and the Church of the Eternal Sun, and his eight mausoleums were also destroyed.

But if his plan came true, one of them might be fake. Then there are two more tombs of the "Black Emperor" in this world, and the "Mysterious Queen" is looking for them... Klein was also a little emotional for a moment. He was not sure whether this senior time traveler who helped him a lot was still alive, and whether there was still hope for him to return.

But he hoped there was.

Putting down the diary, he looked at Emlyn the Moon and asked in a low, ethereal voice:
"What is your request?"

In fact, this question was a little too "active" for him, but fewer and fewer people have contributed diaries recently, so Klein decided to motivate everyone in this way.

Unexpectedly, Emlyn just bowed and saluted, and replied in a calm tone:
"This is what I should do."

After saying that, he looked around at the others, seeming a little proud. No, you will dampen their enthusiasm... But it is indeed something that the self-proud "blood race" would do... Klein was silent for a moment, knocked on the table and said:

"You guys go ahead."

Angel immediately looked at the "star" at the end of the male side and requested to communicate with him privately.

After the Fool gestured, she spoke:

"Were you in the East End trying to catch a 'witch' last Friday?"

Since the two of them already knew each other, Angel's tone was quite casual. Leonard didn't say anything polite, but nodded with doubt and answered:
"Yes, she is the serial killer I mentioned. After performing a sacrificial ritual imitating the Aurora Society, I almost caught her, but at the last minute another witch appeared and rescued her."

As he spoke, he frowned and asked uncertainly:

"You know her?"

"More than knowing her, she is one of my Minor Arcana, the Queen of Pentacles," Angel replied with a chuckle, causing Leonard to open his eyes wide behind the gray mist. "I have been keeping an eye on her behavior. She has only killed those who deserved it, and has never attacked ordinary people. I hope you can stop investigating and hunting her down, and find a way to cover it up within the church. As compensation, I can agree to one condition of yours."

This... why does it sound like a power-for-money transaction? Moreover, Angel proposed to recruit "small players" only half a month ago, and now she has done it. Would she act without authorization? Secretly glancing at Mr. Fool, Leonard nodded and agreed without much hesitation.

After all, he was ready to give up investigating the case under the old man's persuasion, so it was a good opportunity to do him a favor, and...

"What do the conditions you mentioned include?"

The corners of his mouth suddenly rose, and he asked back in a frivolous tone, and he suddenly felt like he had returned to Tingen and returned to the carefree life of a night watchman.

But the next second, Leonard felt a chill in his body, as if he was being stared at by something terrifying. He immediately gave up the subsequent teasing and continued seriously:
"I mean, can you make the advanced spell you mentioned last time? I can provide the 'worm of time' as the material."

This was equivalent to a "manufacturing fee" of 3000 pounds, but for Angel it was a deal at no cost, so she agreed immediately and decided to make the deal after the party.

It was only then that Leonard felt the chill that he didn't know where it came from disappear. He subconsciously looked at World Klein who was sitting alone at the end of the long table, but found that he was motionless with his head lowered. It was obvious that he was still under the effect of Mr. Fool's shielding of his vision and hearing.

Strange, was it an illusion, or was it that I felt guilty about teasing Angel, so I stopped myself at the last moment... No, maybe it was because she was the "immortal" witch, which made me feel a sense of crisis!

Until the end of the private conversation, Leonard was still convincing himself in his mind.

But Angel's idea was simpler. After resolving the issue of Sherman being a wanted criminal, she looked at the others and found that no one was ready to bring up a deal, so she said:

“Selling some recently acquired Beyonder traits, including one ‘Winner’, one ‘Desperate Witch’, and one Sequence 4 ‘Trickster’.”

This was her harvest from exploring the "Fountain of Youth". The remaining "reapers" were to be left to Elaine, while the others were still in the "Rose Necklace". Although they might be innocent victims, Angel could only wait until the other extraordinary beings were "herded" before he would have a chance to liberate these trapped souls... and sell their extraordinary characteristics at a reasonable price.

Everyone is familiar with the "Winner" because she has appeared in the Tarot Club's transactions. The "Despair" Witch is also known to everyone because of the heavy smog. In addition, she is pointed out to be a Sequence 4 "Weird Mage". Two of the three characteristics for sale actually belong to the "Demigod"!

Except for World Klein, all the Tarot Club members fell into a state of obvious dullness. Their brains could not imagine what it meant for the characteristics of two demigods to be placed on the bronze table, and these were "recently acquired" characteristics. This meant...

Only the Hermit Cattleya had a stiff expression on her face. Her eyes from under her glasses secretly turned to the Queen who was sitting in the same row with her. After a moment, she asked cautiously:
"Excuse me, did you sell these extraordinary properties yourself, or on behalf of someone else?"

She even used honorifics.

"It's all mine."

Angel answered calmly. She knew why the other party asked this question, so she didn't hide it.

"So, you have completed the promotion and become Sequence 3?"

Beside her, Audrey the Justice straightened her back, turned her head to look at Angel, and asked in a delighted tone.

This tone quickly reminded the other members who were either suspicious or fearful that the "Queen" was also "one of their own" and the higher the ranking, the more advantageous it was for them.

The atmosphere on the field returned to normal.

Last time, after they knew that I was participating in the Pirate Conference and fighting against the "God Evil", it was Audrey who adjusted the atmosphere through words so that I would not be too embarrassed... Angel's mouth corners slightly raised, and he answered softly:

"That's right.

"I am already an 'ageless' witch."

(End of this chapter)

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