Mystery: Good Witch

Chapter 852 I knew it!

Chapter 852 I knew it!

After the transaction and commission are completed, the Tarot Club will come to another fixed link: information exchange.

Angel shared his experience of going to the "Fountain of Youth", omitting the situation of the "Red-haired Lady" and the details of killing the evil wizard Sophia. He focused on describing the process of entering there using the frozen sea as a mirror, and the mirror world that was large enough to accommodate the entire island and the surrounding waters.

She was not worried about revealing the secret of the "Fountain of Youth". First, the location was far away from the normal route and surrounded by fog. It had some anti-divination measures that even Arrodes could not see through. It also required the Desperate Witch who could control the "mirror world" as a key. It was also necessary to find the right time and reverse the reality and the mirror to enter that special mirror world. All these conditions made it almost impossible for people who did not get detailed information to gain anything.

Of course, she did not reveal the ritual of the "Ancient Scholar" in order not to affect Klein's subsequent promotion. She only described Sophia as a guardian who had an agreement with the "Witch Sect."

But even so, the experience of fighting against the "Trickster" who brought the "Black Knight", the "Despair" witch and the "Winner" secret doll made everyone begin to re-evaluate the fighting ability of the "Queen".

"So, the legend of the 'Fountain of Youth' is true?" Audrey, who was beside Angel, had a different focus from the others and asked in confusion, "Then what about the other maritime legends? 'Ghost Empire', 'Laurel', 'News', 'Solomon's Legacy', and 'Key of Death', are they true?"

No one has found them for hundreds or thousands of years. This noble girl is too naive... Emlyn, the "Moon" opposite her, laughed subconsciously in his mind, but then he realized: Since the "Fountain of Youth" has appeared, maybe the other treasures will be the same?

Without waiting for Angel to answer, Klein, the "world" at the end of the long table, chuckled in a hoarse voice and said:

"The 'Key of Death' is indeed real, but it is meaningless now... the treasure inside it has a home."

And it belongs to a true God... Angel added in his mind, looking at the others who were more or less in a state of shock, with their eyes wandering, obviously recalling clues to other legendary treasures, eager to join the team to explore them.

Of course, except for Mr. "Sun", who has never seen the sea.

After everyone wandered for a while in the treasures worth millions of pounds on the "Laurel" and the ghost ship that looked like a city on the "Ghost Empire", the "Hanged Man" frowned, looked at Angel cautiously, and asked:

"Is 'Fountain of Youth' related to the name of the sequence 'Immortal'? Does it really mean that one will not age?"

The others quickly restrained their expressions and looked at Angel, expecting her, the only "Sequence 3" in the Tarot Club, to respond so that they could understand a little bit of the power at this level.

"Compared to other paths, Sequence 3 witches do have a great advantage in age. If nothing unexpected happens, it will be no problem for them to live for a thousand years..." Angel hesitated for a moment, but still gave an answer, "Moreover, an 'immortal' witch can be resurrected after death, and there is no limit to the number of times."

Compared to the "longevity" that is inevitable as the sequence increases, the ability to be resurrected is what completely stunned the other Tarot Club members.

But compared to others, Leonard has different thoughts.

"I knew it, I knew it. She must have used her 'immortality' ability to revive. I even helped her carry the coffin. Klein's sister almost fainted from crying... Oh, and she also took away the church's pension!"

His eyes widened and he roared inwardly, wishing he could leave Mr. Fool’s kingdom surrounded by the crimson light right now, return to reality, wake the old man up, and have a good discussion about who was right and who was wrong.

Of course, even Audrey, who was a spectator, didn't see Leonard's rich inner drama, let alone Angel, who had his own intentions. The latter waited for a moment, and after everyone had digested this matter, he continued:

"Also, compared to Despair, the range of diseases released by Immortality is much larger, almost covering an entire metropolis and surrounding areas. If you encounter them, flee far away immediately and notify the Orthodox Church. Do not try to find the 'source of the plague'."

She revealed the horror of her sequence just to remind other Tarot Club members of the danger of the "immortal" witches. After all, besides herself, there are at least thirteen "immortal" or "disaster" witches in the "Witch Sect", any of whom can create a plague that destroys the city at any time.

"Is it the same as 'The Backlund Smog'?"

The "magician" Fors, who had been watching others speak and made Angel almost think she was asleep, suddenly asked.

"It's much more serious than that. Perhaps it can only be compared to the great plague that spread throughout Loen more than ten years ago and killed nearly a million people... That plague was most likely caused by a witch."

Angel answered immediately, leaving Fors, Audrey, Xio and other members who lived in Backlund stunned. Given their age, they all experienced the plague that swept across the country and even affected neighboring countries when they were children. Whether it was the poor East District or the West District and Queens District where the nobles lived, bodies could be seen on the roadside every day. It was said that dozens of families in many surrounding villages died overnight, and it was not discovered until half a month later. The rats had already become a disaster...

Angel himself also inherited some memories from Cole Granger. He and Lily Granger's mother died in that plague. Cole also suffered some sequelae from the disease. It was not until he took the "Assassin" potion and transformed his body that he got better.

This made her mind involuntarily recall the contents of the ritual for advancing to Sequence 2 "Disaster" witch, as recorded on the "Witch" card:

Create a disaster that affects an entire conceptual "complete area", it can be a natural disaster or a disaster, and take the magic potion when it reaches its peak. The more people affected and the more they dominate the area, the better the effect.

If Angel's guess was true, and the plague more than ten years ago was indeed created by a certain "immortal" witch when she was promoted, then the concept of "complete region" must be at least as extensive as the Backlund region or Ahowa County and Eastchester County. In order to ensure the success rate, the witch may have allowed the plague to spread across the country so that she could be promoted in the best condition.

That's millions of people... Thinking of this, Angel felt a little chilled. On the one hand, it was because of the witches' indifference to human life, and on the other hand, he might also face such a choice:
Do you want to step on the corpses of countless innocent people on your way to becoming an angel?
As she fell silent, everyone else fell silent, silently digesting the information they had just received, digging into the history in their minds, trying to discern whether the several major plagues in the Fifth Epoch were all related to the "Witch Cult".

It was not until Miss Judgment, who rarely spoke in meetings, coughed lightly, drawing everyone's attention to herself, that she straightened up with all her strength, half of her body emerged from the edge of the bronze table, and said:

"I got some information that the 'Aurora Society' that was expelled from Backlund due to the involvement in the Great Smog has recently planned to return to this city. If you have any relevant clues, please provide them to me. I will, um, reward you as appropriate."

At the end, Hugh Dilcha, who was short of money as she was saving to exchange for the "Judge" trait, lowered her voice, causing the "magician" Fors beside her to look away.

Fortunately, no one noticed, or if they noticed, they didn't care about the change in her tone, and instead started discussing the "Aurora Society", especially Angel. She had killed two Aurora Society messengers in succession, and had a "Rose Necklace" that was suspected to be formed by the extraordinary characteristics of an Aurora Society saint. Naturally, she was very concerned about the movements of this evil sect.

Unfortunately, due to the lack of other information, everyone discussed for a long time but got no results. Angel did know that the "Hermit" Cattleya knew "Ms. D", but unfortunately this beautiful but impulsive messenger of God had become Angel's magical item, and she didn't even dare to say that she was "very familiar" with her.

"Compared to the elusive Aurora Society, I have some definite news here," the Hanged Man chuckled and said after the discussion came to an end, "A fleet of the Feysac Empire went south via Sonia Island and headed for the Gargas Islands. They don't have many ships, but they are all elite troops. I suspect there are Beyonders from the Church of the God of War among them."

"Suppress the rebellion."

Cattleya, the "Hermit" who had also collected similar information, took over the conversation and spoke in an affirmative tone.

Angel immediately thought of the destination where he was selling arms, the "White City" Nass, which was built of white rocks, the capital of the Gargas Islands and one of the main colonies of Feysac.

It seems that the local resistance forces that have obtained the arms have already started to take action... Selling weapons to them may cause greater casualties, but if the resistance is successful, even if it makes some achievements, it can also improve the lives of the colonized people to a certain extent. Unfortunately, unlike the natives of the Rorsted Islands, they believe in the "Sea God" and are actually concerned by Mr. Fool. They do not know how to preserve their strength and take things slowly...

Angel was thinking, occasionally intervening in the conversation between the two sea members, and waited until the party was over.


As the crimson light faded, Leonard Mitchell reappeared in his own living room, half lying on the soft and comfortable sofa.

He jumped up suddenly, looked around, and said quickly and in a low voice with an excitement that could not be concealed:
"Old man, old man!"

"What important information have you obtained?"

The old voice immediately appeared in his ears.

"Very important," Leonard raised the corners of his mouth, and stood up a little straighter. "You always thought that my colleague, Angel Granger, couldn't have been a High-Sequence Beyonder before joining the Nighthawks... But today she admitted it!"

"She is the 'ageless' witch!"

(End of this chapter)

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